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New Polish Light Tank - Anders

Trevek  25 | 1699  
30 Nov 2010 /  #31
Of course, the big question is, whether these tanks can cope with the roads in Warmia-Mazury, Suwalki and Polska B.

If these regions are marshy and mellowy than Leopards won't be able to maneuver properly, maybe, even to move.

It's not the off-road I'm thinking of... it's the crappy "roads" themselves, I'm thinking of.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
30 Nov 2010 /  #32
Most of Polish roads too can't take the kind of tonnage that a Leopard2A6 or a Challenger 2 has. When choosing a self-propelled artillery unit, the Polish Army chose the British AS90 Braveheart on a Polish chasis instead of the heavy German Panzerhaubitze 2000.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
30 Nov 2010 /  #33
Most of Polish roads too can't take the kind of tonnage

No, I was wondering whether the tank could survive the roads (just had to get my car suspension fixed during a service and it doubled the cost... I'm bitter and twisted at the moment!)
Maybe  12 | 409  
30 Nov 2010 /  #34
I'm bitter and twisted at the moment!

A bit like your suspension ;)
Trevek  25 | 1699  
30 Nov 2010 /  #35
Indeed (although hopefully fixed by now!)
Nathan  18 | 1349  
1 Dec 2010 /  #36
No, I was wondering whether the tank could survive the roads (just had to get my car suspension fixed during a service and it doubled the cost... I'm bitter and twisted at the moment!)

That's exactly why a "Flying tank" is what Poland needs. I think this was the reason it was invented - to avoid roads ;) That's why we have them too :)
George8600  10 | 630  
29 Jan 2011 /  #37
That's the light tank that will probably replace 1200 old Polish BWPs...

Trust me, they're better off copying the rest of the EU and using the German or USA tanks.... Leopard for the win.
Crow  154 | 9563  
29 Jan 2011 /  #38
New Polish Light Tank - Anders

why name Anders? that`s not Slavic name. Not even particularly Polish

how could one in eventual conflict boost moral in Polish troops... ``Anderses coming! Anderses coming!`` ?? is that non-Slavic name some NATO/EU standard? i don`t wish to see Serbia in those conglomerates if it means to be less Slavic

light tank

as a Tank in technical sense, for a Tank, its ok Tank
southern  73 | 7059  
29 Jan 2011 /  #39
why name Anders? that`s not Slavic name.

You think a tank called Mladic would be more proper?
convex  20 | 3928  
29 Jan 2011 /  #40
why name Anders? that`s not Slavic name. Not even particularly Polish

Because it's the name of a Polish hero which everyone in the military knows.
southern  73 | 7059  
29 Jan 2011 /  #41
They could at least name the tank Zawisza Czarny.
Velund  1 | 493  
29 Jan 2011 /  #42
I don't know, Rommel used tanks effectively in N. Africa, that's pretty wide open.

Look at year... And think what changed in anti-tank weapons since...

Without air superiority, tanks for defense will be worthless (See Iraq circa Jan 1991, or more recently, Georgia, Aug 2008).

Concerning georgia - quite a number of georgian armoured vehicles that was taken by russian army was simply abandoned by crew, fueled and loaded with ammo. So, there was not so much entusiasm on georgian soldiers side to fight and die for Saakashvili stupidity. Not very good example here.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
29 Jan 2011 /  #43
Tanks are a wasting of money. I do not think the Wehrmacht is going to invade Poland shortly. (Although Nazi flying saucers may have downed the midget plane). The Russians...Give me a reason why? To conquer the FSO factories in Warsaw? To take over Manafaktura in £ódż ?

Of course they look good on Army Day. The midget loved to parade in one of them. It keeps the Polish armaments industry happy. But besides of that ?
Boz  - | 23  
29 Jan 2011 /  #44
Considering the geography of our country (that it's mainly flat lowlands

Weren't there Nuke Mines for just such vehicles-just a few short years ago,when you were the 'Enemy'???
Crow  154 | 9563  
31 Jan 2011 /  #45
They could at least name the tank Zawisza Czarny.

`Zawisza` would be nice. All Poles would love it, Serbs included.

Because it's the name of a Polish hero which everyone in the military knows.

they never heard for `Zawisha`?
convex  20 | 3928  
31 Jan 2011 /  #46
they never heard for `Zawisha`?

Not quite I follow you. The tank was named after a Polish hero of late, not a hero of times long past. Someone that was alive in recent history, and did quite a bit for contemporary Poland. You take issue with that? ...odd.
Crow  154 | 9563  
31 Jan 2011 /  #47

what would happen with Poles and Poland if all Poles starts to give foreign names to their Polish children??? name of `Andres` for tank is wrong message. In today`s world all counts, all is important in psychological battle for survivor of ethos
Ironside  50 | 12959  
31 Jan 2011 /  #48
Cavalry Torq on nowadays battlefield is unit of military helicopters !
convex  20 | 3928  
31 Jan 2011 /  #49
what would happen with Poles and Poland if all Poles starts to give foreign names to their Polish children???

If they're all heroic like Anders, then Poland won't have too many problems in the future.
Crow  154 | 9563  
31 Jan 2011 /  #50
my respect to Anders and please, don`t take me wrong. People of Serbia has same problem as Poles. We are also under strong foreign influence.

Problem began when parents of that Anders gave (maybe it was not big deal to them, maybe it was just modern at that time) foreign name to their child. Then, child lived for the glory of Poland and eventually died for the glory of Poland. Suddenly, in some other time, some new generations of Poles found that one Anders lived for Poland. Now, that name Andres becoming popular name and spread. If `Andres` spread then, why not some other foreign name, and some more other foreign names.

and, those Poles with foreign names live for Poland. Just, one day, those Poles with foreign names, may conclude, judging by their names, that essence of Poland isn`t Slavic and that actually, Poles belong to some other civilization.... and, they may found out that all glory by people with foreign names actually represent glory of some other civilization, not glory of Slavic Poland. Then,... final end, people of Poland begin to realize that belong to Germanic world.

and all that started after one Polish parent wanted to show how is he kind and open and gave foreign name to his child. Are we Slavs that naive, in this mortal combat that is this world?
convex  20 | 3928  
31 Jan 2011 /  #51
Poles aren't that stupid Crow. Gen. Anders first name was Wladyslaw btw...
Crow  154 | 9563  
31 Jan 2011 /  #52
Gen. Anders first name was Wladyslaw btw...

thank you for letting me know that.

let brat Wladyslaw rest in peace.

i am sure, it would be glad to him if that tank got name `Wladyslaw`.

Poles aren't that stupid Crow.

its not about stupidity. Its their good and naive soul. and plus they are fascinated by powerful neighbors. Evil may fascinate and bribe best of us

and, of course. Russians betrayed them few times and we Serbians too often were preoccupy by our own problems.
NorthPolish  1 | 16  
2 Feb 2011 /  #53
Its great, but only one question ?
Can fight the German ones ? if Anders can do it, its perfect :)
2 Feb 2011 /  #54
what would happen with Poles and Poland if all Poles starts to give foreign names to their Polish children???

As has been discussed here in the past, Polish parents are legally forbidden from giving their children foreign names: so if they want to name their kids after a famous mass murderer, they can't choose Slobodan or Ratko or Radovan.

thank you for letting me know that.

Perhaps you might like to consider learning the basic facts about things before you mouth off about them? Might not make yourself look stupid on such a regular basis.

Although given the way that you still try to deny that Serbs committed genocide, clearly you care nothing about facts or looking stupid.
Olaf  6 | 955  
2 Feb 2011 /  #55
Naming a tank Anders sounds like a very good idea, general Anders was one of the greatest generals in Poland.
George8600  10 | 630  
2 Feb 2011 /  #56
Are Germans the only ones giving their armor animal names???

I believe so, I mean China and Japan gave some of their tanks Dragon names which are technically animals, but that's more cultural. Either way, German tanks are some of the best in my opinion. I wish they would re-introduce a modern-advanced version of the Tiger.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
2 Feb 2011 /  #57
German tank names...

TIGER... PANTHER... LEOPARD... LYNX... others named after other kinds of animals and insects...

Wespe ( wasp ) Hornisse , Elephant .
sascha  1 | 824  
2 Feb 2011 /  #58
Any objections? Why? Germans are very rational and practical people. Abilities of the armor and the animal which is "sponsor" supposedly have some similarities. So why not?

Maybe it has even some psychological effect... ;-)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
2 Feb 2011 /  #59

I like that kind of naming...preferable to names of politicians..

*wonders if the world will ever see another Tiger strolling around...a Tiger III?*
wildrover  98 | 4430  
2 Feb 2011 /  #60
Not forgeting the Maus ( mouse ) of course which was the biggest tank to be built during the war....

The huge monster never saw action though , it was blown up to prevent capture by the Russians....

The Russians put it back together using parts from another one , and some spare parts , the only example of this huge tank is now in the Kubinka tank museum near Moscow...

mmm a Tiger 111 , why not , but i think no modern tank could have the superior advantage the old Tiger 11 had in world war 2....

Vastly outnumbered , underpowered , with a few mechanical faults , it nevertheless scared the hell out of anyone that came up against it....

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