So what changed in the 9-year interim period, BB?
They got the proof at last Seanie.
The BND was at work all the time but these hate preacher know that they are under observation and are suspicious of any possible informer. They know the basic law and know exactly what to avoid saying out loud, they are very cautious.
It was hard work and needed awhile.
A cross divides poeople these days
Many people stay for a cross. Because it has a meaning form them.
There you have your best reason for a secular state....if there isn't a hundred percent pro-cross majority but a rift is going across the country it does nothing but weaken the state, furthering disruption, unrest, aggravations, fights along the country till to segregation, clashes, civil war, the history is full of so don't need that.
Those who need a cross in their lives should have the right to do their private rooms...those who don't likewise.