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New cross war in Warsaw

Ironside  50 | 12959  
9 Aug 2010 /  #211
Anyway, those delusional people need help.

I'm sure you need help. Come clear and tell me - what your problem?

Its not about religion and this fact cannot be missed, so your continuous poking at religious believes is obsessive and cannot be sign of health.

Is your soul craving for a spiritual life but your poisoned mind deny it to you?
Let all be well - relax and let the poison to eat itself out!

I-S (healer)
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Aug 2010 /  #212
Its not about religion and this fact cannot be missed, so your continuous poking at religious believes is obsessive and cannot be sign of health.

Of course it's not about religion. It is however about a group of people with fairly homogeneous beliefs trying to use a symbol of their religion as a political weapon.

Regarding your later comment, I think that people that believe in fairy tales to the point that they create legislation based on them is a dangerous thing.
9 Aug 2010 /  #213
It's like going up to Jackie Onassis wearing a rifle pendant....

Have you seen what Jesus thinks about that?
9 Aug 2010 /  #214
This thread should be closed: it deteriorated into offensive Christian bashing.
Olaf  6 | 955  
9 Aug 2010 /  #215
What - this picture? Come on, how do you know it's even fake? Some people tend to believe all sorts of stories.
Ironside  50 | 12959  
9 Aug 2010 /  #216
Regarding your later comment, I think that people that believe in fairy tales to the point that they create legislation based on them is a dangerous thing.

All your human right and equality and in result democracy and freedom was a direct result of - these people you speak of in contempt - created legislation.
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Aug 2010 /  #217
it deteriorated into offensive Christian bashing.

Sorry to have hurt your feelings there. Some of us believe that the majority of the criminals out there causing problems are delusional religious hooligans.

All your human right and equality and in result democracy and freedom was a direct result of - these people you speak of in contempt - created legislation.

That's an incredible claim.
9 Aug 2010 /  #218
offensive Christian bashing.

People who try and force their religion down other people's throats shouldn't be surprised when those people react by taking the pis out of that religion.
Ironside  50 | 12959  
9 Aug 2010 /  #219
That's an incredible claim.

is not a claim is fact!
Where from do you think come individualism, believe that every human has a right as a human being?
What about equality? Where is that conception from ? All people are equal in the eyes of God.
Do you really believed till now that it was creation of humanism ?

Protection of non-combatants, hospitals, universities, charity, work as a honourable and worthy pastime - not necessity good for a lowlifes and slaves.
All above because of Christian values and believes!
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
9 Aug 2010 /  #220
Ironside wrote:

Protection of non-combatants, hospitals, universities, charity, work as a honourable and worthy pastime - not necessity good for a lowlifes and slaves.
All above because of Christian values and believes!

is not a claim is fact!
Where from do you think come individualism, believe that every human has a right as a human being?
What about equality? Where is that conception from ? All people are equal in the eyes of God.
Do you really believed till now that it was creation of humanism ?

if i could get away with saying anything on this forum, i'd say something different to you Ironside, but because I have to watch my tongue, i'll simply say that what you have just written is not only incredibly condescending, but insulting, not only to non-believers, but to people who believe in other faiths.

when people think that what makes someone a good person today is all due to Christianity and Christian values........man, I'm speechless. I can't believe how ridiculous you are Ironside. People like you genuinely frighten me.

get a F@#%ing grip, man.
Ironside  50 | 12959  
9 Aug 2010 /  #221
when people think that what makes someone a good person today is all due to Christianity and Christian values........man, I'm speechless. I can't believe how ridiculous you are Ironside. People like you genuinely frighten me.

Where from do you think are all the basic ideas of human rights come from in the western civilization? Which evolved trough the ages? From the Lincoln emancipation act?From French revolution ?

Frankly Fuzzy, I should be frighten by enormous ignorance you display.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
9 Aug 2010 /  #222
Where from do you think come individualism, believe that every human has a right as a human being?
What about equality? Where is that conception from ? All people are equal in the eyes of God.
Do you really believed till now that it was creation of humanism ?

That's why pagans and non-christians were burned on stakes or beheaded for centuries....

Germanic pagans had women equality 3000 years back already whereas the Christians burned wise women as witches on stakes, hid them for life in monasteries and allowed women to vote only around 100 years back...

The Germanic law was not written on paper but more fair than anything the Christians came up with...and so on.

Please....who do you want to kid?
Ironside  50 | 12959  
9 Aug 2010 /  #223
The Germanic law was not written on paper but more fair than anything the Christians came up with...and so on.

Yes, I sure they were equal !
In fact all Germanic people were equal, tall blond and they farts smelled of Channel nr5 !
Why, when nowadays we are talking about equality and human right what pop in mind is Germanic law contribution!
on the serious note - BB don't be ridiculous we are talking about civilization here not some tribal rules, we can talk about Indians and their freedom and quality suppressed Germanic tribes.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
9 Aug 2010 /  #224
BB don't be ridiculous we are talking about civilization here not some tribal rules, we can talk about Indians and their freedom and quality suppressed Germanic tribes.

Well...Christianity is no condition to civilization...often enough quite the contrary.( To many people tortured, opressed and massacred in the name of Christ to believe in that mantra anymore.)

But then...you will live to see it as Christianity vanishes into insignificance during our life times but civilization goes on!

Ironside  50 | 12959  
9 Aug 2010 /  #225
.( To many people tortured, opressed and massacred in the name of Christ to believe in that mantra anymore.)

so what ? many more in the name of abstract ideologues!
whatever pretexts were used you cannot blame the religion with clear indication you shall not kill!
Well, religion (this or that ) is pre-inquisitive to build proper civilization.
People have spiritual need as well and you cannot cut it off -regardless what spiritual needs they have
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
9 Aug 2010 /  #226
People have spiritual need as well and you cannot cut it off -regardless what spiritual needs they have

The european Pagans were a highly spiritual people...they lived in unity with their environment, their beliefs, their gods, their customs grew with them over millennia, it fit them like a glove...Christianity on the other hand was imported and violently spread from a desert far away, from a people of un-european mindset....needed here like a wart on the ass!

Europe would had been better without!
mafketis  38 | 11178  
9 Aug 2010 /  #227
Christianity vanishes into insignificance during our life times but civilization goes on!

Be very careful about what you wish for....
pgtx  29 | 3094  
9 Aug 2010 /  #229
Btw is someone going for the protest this night?

are you...?
Richfilth  6 | 415  
9 Aug 2010 /  #230
Is there another protest tonight? For whom? Cross-supporters, or cross-removers?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
9 Aug 2010 /  #231
Cross-supporters, or cross-removers?

they wanna remove the cross by force...
9 Aug 2010 /  #232
Is there another protest tonight? For whom? Cross-supporters, or cross-removers?


are you...?

No, I live in Lodz. But maybe I'd go if I were in Warsaw.
jonni  16 | 2475  
9 Aug 2010 /  #233
Btw is someone going for the protest this night?

I just got the following message sent to me:

Dziś megaimprezka pod krzyżem - Pałac Prezydencki, Krakowskie Przedmieście- Wstęp wolny- start 23.00. Wpadnijcie ze zniczami:PPPPPP

Tempting, just to see what happens - shame I'm too far away in a place totally moherowy beret-free.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
9 Aug 2010 /  #234
wasn't Nazi the same opinion ?

Yeah...that's why the Wehrmacht marched with the blessing of the priests and with "Gott mit uns" on their belt buckles...so anti-christ!

That is tradition and what wrong with it?

Who started that "tradition" and why?
Why became the christian church what the Taliban are today? Did Jesus teach that?

Anyhow...that's moot now as the church lost their monopoly, their power...those who need the structure of a hierarchic church to keep onto their spirituality should do so. But please leave the rest of us alone.
Ironside  50 | 12959  
9 Aug 2010 /  #235
Yeah...that's why the Wehrmacht marched with the blessing of the priests and with "Gott mit uns" on their belt buckles...so anti-christ!?

you mean to say that you don't know that ?

But please leave the rest of us alone.

hey who is hunting you?:)

Who started that "tradition" and why?

Who?Why? What do you care? I will not bother you.

Why became the christian church what the Taliban are today?

:D :DDD watch out for priests with youtu.be/0mh0yn_nLmc
jeden  - | 226  
9 Aug 2010 /  #236
But please leave the rest of us alone.

According to statistic "the rest " in Poland is about 3%.

The Germanic law was not written on paper but more fair than anything the Christians came up with...and so on.

bulshit, German law was poor and un fair ( example: marriage started when it was consumed) when the man raped girl she automatically was her wife. It was impossible in Roman LAW and Canonic law.

That's why pagans and non-christians were burned on stakes or beheaded for centuries....

That`s why christians were burned on stakes or beheaded or killed on arenas for centuries....
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
9 Aug 2010 /  #237
According to statistic "the rest " in Poland is about 3%.

Yeah...I hope paganism takes up steam in Poland too! :)
It's hard after 2000 years of brainwashing but 50 years back nobody would had believed
that an overwhelming majority of Germans would become so indifferent to anything churchich as they are today.
So don't give up hope! :)

bulshit, German law was poor and un fair ( example: marriage started when it was consumed) when the man raped girl she automatically was her wife. It was impossible in Roman LAW and Canonic law.

Crap...at least the germanic woman had a say in her marriage, could choose her husband and wasn't just a convenient bed warmer without any rights, forced to hide her face!

That`s why christians were burned on stakes or beheaded or killed on arenas for centuries....

Oh that's where the "enlightened" Christians got their ideas from...
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
9 Aug 2010 /  #238
Why so many Jews and mockers of Christ on this forum?...Is this a reflection of modern Polish society or merely an Internet aberration?...If this is Poland's future, as they say, 'fughettaboutit'.

Actually, Jews I can understand because of what the rabbis teach...But the others?
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Aug 2010 /  #239
Is this a reflection of modern Polish society

Yes, and enjoy the US.
9 Aug 2010 /  #240
Is this a reflection of modern Polish society or merely an Internet aberration?

Yes its a reflection of modern polish society. You know what's most funny? That loads of Catholics are ashamed of ppl like you.

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