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New cross war in Warsaw

Stu  12 | 515  
5 Aug 2010 /  #181
I doubt that very much

It's preposterous! What gives you the God given right to doubt the fact that I go to church once every so often. Want proof, huh ...? You're an awful person! It IS people like you that give religion a bad name!
Ironside  50 | 12959  
5 Aug 2010 /  #182
You overlook the fact that the person who said "Violence is bad but there is no way you can protest against this abnormality without violence." was a member of the government at the time of making that statement.

Doesn't matter what that person was saying - democratic state cannot be govern by some tit for tat but sane rules !Otherwise what a difference ?

hat goes around comes around and given that rightwing nutters were quite happy for the state to use violence when they were in charge (see for example Wierzejski's comments about the police beating people with batons) and now it's time for the bigots to get a taste of their own medicine.

When actually have they used that force ?

Hey posters - are you mad?
Its not about religion even if religious symbols are displayed!

Those who doesn't understand that, are idiots !
inappropriate language removed
pgtx  29 | 3094  
5 Aug 2010 /  #183
Those who doesn't understand it are idiots !

calm down...
5 Aug 2010 /  #184
When actually have they used that force ?

Poznan gay pride springs to mind.

Doesn't matter what that person was saying - democratic state cannot be govern by some tit for tat but sane rules !Otherwise what a difference ?

The difference is that these rightwing nutters clearly need to learn that what they call for is unacceptable. The only way that they will learn that is from being on the receiving end of it.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Aug 2010 /  #185
It's hard not to agree with Ironside. This is definitely NOT about religion, although religious symbols and elements (prayers, hymns, etc.) are present. This is about people who feel alienated in their own country and do not believe the ruling powers that be represent them. The ruling PO is often referred to in the world media as a 'centre-rigth pro-business party', but most Poles are not in business for themelves. This is the age-old dichotomy between a ruling class and the common man. It used to be a tiny red bourgeoisie, now it's a tiny group of middle-class upstarts and assorted nouveaux riches. Like the reds before them, they are interested mainly in promoting their own elitist interests and lifestyles at the expense of the rest of the country. That, at least, is the impression one gets when reading what the cross defenders and their sympathisers have to say. You won't find that side of the story in Gazeta Wybiórcza.
6 Aug 2010 /  #186
This is about people who feel alienated in their own country and do not believe the ruling powers that be represent them.

No, it is about a minority which is only too happy to impose its views and beliefs on others any time it has the chance to do so (c.f. for example the way that the Polish education ministry was run under the previous government or the way in which businesses were banned from opening on days special to that minority). These people need to learn that in an ideal world everybody does as they would be done by but in the real world people are more often done by as they did.
6 Aug 2010 /  #187
You're an awful person!

I forgive you as a Christian :)

What gives you the God given right to doubt the fact that I go to church once every so often.

I live, so I doubt.

This is definitely NOT about religion, although religious symbols and elements

I agree. It's about not being ignored.

No, it is about a minority which is only too happy to impose its views and beliefs on others any time it has the chance to do so

No, that's what you wish it to be. And babcias are not minority; consider results of last presidential election - almost 50/50

*bonus, just for you dear Harry, so you may tell me how biased and backward am I :)*

No, it is about gay minority which is only too happy to impose its views and beliefs on others any time it has the chance to do so

Ironside  50 | 12959  
6 Aug 2010 /  #188
Poznan gay pride springs to mind.

Well, I thought that police were protecting parade !

The difference is that these rightwing nutters clearly need to learn that what they call for is unacceptable. The only way that they will learn that is from being on the receiving end of it.

Well, this way they will learn - when in power use all means at disposal to force your will regardless believes and convictions of others.

inappropriate language removed

I disagree - it was appropriate language to describe act of some poster here !
masturbate as inappropriate language ?
Richfilth  6 | 415  
6 Aug 2010 /  #189
I'm wondering what happened to this morning's posts (including my own.) Where they mod-edited? Did this discussion finally go too far?
sobieski  106 | 2111  
6 Aug 2010 /  #190
I am just waiting until they start to distribute among the cross aliens the latest copy of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion".
Kazikowski  17 | 101  
7 Aug 2010 /  #191
Funny thing...

If Jesus was to come back to Earth, the last thing he would want to see is a Big Cross.
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Aug 2010 /  #192
It's like going up to Jackie Onassis wearing a rifle pendant....

how many times are posters going to repeat this ?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Aug 2010 /  #193
Exactly! They haven't read what came before. 7 pages on this topic? Let people hang their crosses in their homes and not pay so much attention to issues such as a cross in public.
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Aug 2010 /  #194
how many times are posters going to repeat this ?

As many times as it takes to get the point across.

Exactly! They haven't read what came before. 7 pages on this topic? Let people hang their crosses in their homes and not pay so much attention to issues such as a cross in public.

It's just a ridiculous concept, sky fairies and whatnot.
jonni  16 | 2475  
7 Aug 2010 /  #195
how many times are posters going to repeat this ?

Probably as long as the 'obroncow krzyza' supporters keep repeating the same weak arguments.

As for the moherowe berety, they probably would have hated Jesus if they'd met him in the flesh. We only know a little about the historical Jesus, but written sources are as sure as anything can be from 2000 years' distance that he was a political radical, of low social status, a heavy drinker and physically very unattractive.
Richfilth  6 | 415  
7 Aug 2010 /  #196
he was a political radical, of low social status, a heavy drinker and physically very unattractive.

Are you suggesting Kazik is the new messiah?
Ironside  50 | 12959  
8 Aug 2010 /  #197
political radical, of low social status, a heavy drinker and physically very unattractive.

I'm sure you knew Him well, Jude.
mafketis  38 | 11178  
8 Aug 2010 /  #198
This is about people who feel alienated in their own country and do not believe the ruling powers that be represent them.

Granted, there is a large group of people who that describes neatly and we don't really have a name for them as a group (mohery, PiS voters come close but ...)

They're also a more interesting and varied group than outside sympathisers like Polonius3 or critics (most of the Polish media establishment) realize. A few things to remember:

- While they're genuinely unhappy, they're mostly unable to articulate any particular changes or alternate states of affairs that would make them happier. They're almost entirely reactive. The current cross war is more of the same. Find something someone in power is doing and oppose it. Why? (crickets chirping)

- They're full of contradicitons. Many of them support PiS (the party most into demonizing the PRL years) but will turn around and say how much better things were back in the commie times. They seem unaware that this is a contradiction too.

- It's hard to predict which way they'll jump on any issue which means they have no single leader. I remember how their reactions to the Wielgus affair weren't what anyone really expected (they saw it as the government meddling in church affairs and they. didn't. like. it.)
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
8 Aug 2010 /  #199
Poland is a Christian country...Object to crosses?...Then object to the glorification of Oswerciem as a continuing 'religious' symbol of the new false religion of 'holocaustianity'.
dbfulano  3 | 4  
8 Aug 2010 /  #200
A polish friend of mine created the below Facebook group which suggests that surely "the presidential palace has no business remaining behind that cross. (the palace has to go!)"

NIE dla pałacu za Krzyżem Smoleńskim

Dla tych, co nie zgadzają się, by za Krzyżem Smoleńskim na Krakowskim Przedmieściu stał Pałac Prezydencki.

it's all over facebook, too, a few people chanting with strong opinions. but mild compared to other things you can find in Poland, ... or the U.S.!

frd  7 | 1379  
8 Aug 2010 /  #201
get the point across.


I like how in some little city students set up a cross in front of the local PIS headquarters just in front of the door, take that shiteheads none shell pass
Richfilth  6 | 415  
8 Aug 2010 /  #202
This is about people who feel alienated in their own country and do not believe the ruling powers that be represent them.

This is a big feature of almost any nation in the world. However, being in a democracy demands that you occasionally swallow the bitter pill because the majority want something you don't. It also means that you don't stamp your foot and cry like a little child when you don't get what you want.

I understand the older generation's feelings of alienation, but violent protest is never a solution; you'd have thought the last 200 years would have taught Poles that.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Aug 2010 /  #203
The 8 million who voted for Kacyznski are not all older generation. The cross itself was emplaced by boys scouts and girl guides, hardly OAPs. This is not about age but general atmosphere, attitudes and values.
mafketis  38 | 11178  
8 Aug 2010 /  #204
The cross itself was emplaced by boys scouts and girl guides,

And the smae kind of boy scouts came under attack when they tried to move it to a more appropriate place.

Like so much of Kaczynski politics this is about confrontation for the sake of confrontation.
Kazikowski  17 | 101  
8 Aug 2010 /  #205
how many times are posters going to repeat this ?

Lol I didn't even realize someone mentioned this before. I admit I skipped a few pages, because the topic is stale and repetitive and isn't going anywhere. I figure some (maybe most) people agree with this.

he was a political radical, of low social status, a heavy drinker and physically very unattractive.

Are you suggesting Kazik is the new messiah?

Yo not cool!
9 Aug 2010 /  #206
If Jesus was to come back to Earth, the last thing he would want to see is a Big Cross.

It's like going up to Jackie Onassis wearing a rifle pendant....

I hate to nit-pick but neither of you, in your hasty trashing mission, mentioned that it's not your original thought. You quoted late American comedian Bill Hicks.
Ironside  50 | 12959  
9 Aug 2010 /  #207
American comedian Bill Hicks.

they deem to bear honorary title of Billy-Hilly !
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
9 Aug 2010 /  #208
sobieski wrote:

Why is the government so cowardly. And the city?
Why do they allow the whole country to be duped by a bunch of religious fanatics?

one has to wonder how big that "bunch" actually is, because it most certainly extends farther than the few thousand crazies protesting outside.
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Aug 2010 /  #209
You quoted late American comedian Bill Hicks.

Thank you for clarification, I thought that we were both just being witty by attempting to pass Hicks' jokes as our own due to our lack of creativity. Thanks for clearing that up.

Anyway, those delusional people need help. Shouldn't the public health care system be doing something to help these people that believe in sky fairies?
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
9 Aug 2010 /  #210
convex wrote:

Shouldn't the public health care system be doing something to help these people that believe in sky fairies?

well, if one believes in the dead jewish zombie, sky is certainly the limit.

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