Apart from the religion, there is absolutely no difference between these nutballs and the Taliban.
enlighten me then ... tell me how these fundamentalistic catholics are any different. I can see quite a lot of similarities: egotistical, fanatic, fundamentalist, intolerant, hypocritical, undemocratic, shall I go on ... ?
Well, since you asked so nicely, I shall start with babcias not be famous for its use of suicide bombers and targeting unarmed civilians. I can mention babcias not forcing any woman to wear the burqa in public, not forbidding any woman neither to work nor to be educated after the age of eight. I don't see any babcias fighting satellite dishes, cinematography, music, alcohol, computers, television or statues. It would be hard to find any babcia advocating theft being punished by the amputation of a hand, rape and murder by public execution, and married adulterers being stoned to death.
As for hypocritical, you may want to google "bacha bazi” or the dancing boys of Afghanistan.