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New cross war in Warsaw

Ironside  50 | 12964  
11 Aug 2010 /  #361
the fanatics!!! :-)

12 Aug 2010 /  #362
From gazeta.pl:

Rano na Pałacu Prezydenckim zamontowano pamiątkową tablicę. O godzinie 11. uroczyście ją odsłonięto. "Obrońcy krzyża" są zbulwersowani powieszeniem tablicy. Pojawiły się okrzyki: "Żydzi", "Hańba", "My jesteśmy Polakami", "Wy geje i lesbijki!". Chcą godnego upamiętnienia ofiar katastrofy. Będą zbierać pieniądze na pomnik.

HAHA. LOL! A statue!
Oh, what will you say now you PF cross defenders?

I;m actually curious what (or who) the statute will show? ;D
convex  20 | 3928  
12 Aug 2010 /  #364
The case concerned a 14-year old and the Church of England were happy to grant it given the stress she was under and the complete violation of her privacy. She neither wanted nor planned for the baby and that moron from America's far right was not sympathetic to that argument. He saw it in absolute terms that it was a new life, regardless of the feelings of the 'mother'.

Either it is, or it isn't. If a child comes into being at conception, she killed an innocent child. Easy. Personally, I'd like to see legal abortions until the 20th trimester. Gives you enough time to really think if you want to keep it or not. I'm sure that one trip on a plane would probably cause to bring the loud little thing to the abortion clinic...

Like i said its a metaphorical Tug of War between the modern and the conservative. These over the top cross worshippers are the Taliban.

Seanus  15 | 19666  
12 Aug 2010 /  #365
As I said to Zeti in a PM, it is a child to be and we should protect it. That's just biological process and, though it doesn't have personhood (a legal construct) at conception, it needs to be guided to that stage. We can't just skip to the 23rd week when sentience comes into play. There is a very definite progression and a couple that made a conscious and fully-thought-through decision to have a kid should pay heed to stare decisis.

Oh, yes, the cross. I dislike the fact that all manner of undesirables seeped through the cracks and came out of hibernation. They are not true Christians at all. As said above, they are the Taliban that use religion as an excuse yet DO NOT represent the word of the Gospel.
12 Aug 2010 /  #366
So...the cross war is over now?

no. they want a statue now...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
12 Aug 2010 /  #367
And would they guard this statue with the City Guard (Straż Mieska)? LOL

You know, the lovely frog statue in Katowice's main street went missing. Oh, and some Auschwitz material too. Business is business, I guess ;)
Olaf  6 | 955  
12 Aug 2010 /  #368
the fanatics!!! :-)


You meant idiots? I'd rather agree on a less insulting but accurate term: fundamentalist, or talib. Polish talib (deliberately without capital letter as to distinguish between the Afghanistan's ones and Polish ones)

pgtx  29 | 3094  
13 Aug 2010 /  #369
the piece of slab they put on the wall of the palace isn't enough... i told you so, a statue of Kaczynski sized like the one of Sam Houston would make people happy....lol

so when the cross will be gone?
sobieski  106 | 2111  
13 Aug 2010 /  #370
The cross will be gone when the government gets it act together. It only needs 15 minutes of decisive action. The cross loonies are now telling that the Polish episcopate are traitors.

Nice evolution :)

Oh, yes, the cross. I dislike the fact that all manner of undesirables seeped through the cracks and came out of hibernation. They are not true Christians at all. As said above, they are the Taliban that use religion as an excuse yet DO NOT represent the word of the Gospel.

They represent a sizeable part of Polish catholicism = PIS electorate.
13 Aug 2010 /  #371
They represent a sizeable part of Polish catholicism = PIS electorate.

you so wrong if you think that all polish catholics are PiS electorate. Ppl please stop generalisation or I start to call you a victims of media PR manipulations. There is a mix of ppl supporting every political party.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
13 Aug 2010 /  #372
All the cross loonies are voting PIS.
I did not say all Polish catholics are voting PIS - but the fanatic "Polska B" kind for sure are.

What surprises me is the absence of Rydzyk here. You would think that if anybody would represent the loonies in would be him. Although compared to them he is slowly moving to the centre I would say :). Or perhaps he is on holidays?
George8600  10 | 630  
13 Aug 2010 /  #373
the police had to use tear gas to stop the mohairs from kicking fcuk out of a priest. Got to love good old Catholic Christian values!

Wasn't it the priest who was getting bear up? ....
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Aug 2010 /  #374
All the cross loonies are voting PIS.

And it seems that under the surface, PiS are starting to realise that Kaczynski is going to lead them to electoral humiliation if he carries on like this. Look at Rzeczpospolita - they're criticising PiS quite openly for Kaczynski's strategy of appeasing the cross loonies.

Certainly, PiS's association with these idiots is only going to hurt them come the next elections - and it seems more than ever, a PO/SLD government could happen and collude to keep PiS (or at least, Kaczynski) out of power for years.

What surprises me is the absence of Rydzyk here.

I wondered the same thing - could it be that he's been warned to keep out of it by the top dogs? I know people were suggesting that he could break away from the Catholic church and take the cross loonies with him - but he seems to be rather suspiciously quiet about it all.

Either way, with the church unable to assert control over these "Catholics" - there's now a serious problem.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Aug 2010 /  #375
It shouldn't be a matter for politicians yet they are sticking their snouts in. The tragedy didn't really hurt Tusk or Kommie, quite the opposite! The people need a referendum over this as to whether to put up a statue or other fitting tribute.
mafketis  38 | 11179  
14 Aug 2010 /  #376
The people need a referendum over this as to whether to put up a statue or other fitting tribute.

Why? That would cost a lot of money and the result is basically foregone. All the opinion polls I've seen (not many, but ...) show a solid 70% in favor of moving the cross.

Much better for the government's plan to be carried out so that it can be used as an issue in the next election (bring the cross back to the Palace!).

And while there are some sincere people among the cross 'defenders' the majority of them have already made it clear that basically nothing will satisfy them except for a giant statue, the original cross and plaque claiming Kaczynski as an innocent victim of Tuskian agression.

Jaroslaw should be ashamed for using the corpse of his brother as a political tool. There, I said it.
RysiekK  6 | 38  
14 Aug 2010 /  #377
Did anyone see the lastest concerning the cross? Opinions...
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
14 Aug 2010 /  #378
Jaroslaw should be ashamed for using the corpse of his brother as a political tool. There, I said it.

fair enough, but remember when people were surprised during the elections that he ha snot used it sooner? It was very predictable that he would, it was just a matter of time.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
14 Aug 2010 /  #379
Jaroslaw should be ashamed for using the corpse of his brother as a political tool. There, I said it.

This is something all Polska A knows since ages. The breathtaking arrogance of putting LK between the kings and true heroes of Poland (not that all royalty belonged to the category of true heroes, they never do in any country).

Anybody who wants to win elections over his dead brother...disgusting.

Walked today on K.P. Looks like BOR forced things apparently and finally.
OK tomorrow is Army Day and so K.P. has to be cordoned off anyway for the festivities. But this morning the police finally moved in, arrested part of the cross loonies (one women had an arrest warrant on her since a long time) on request of BOR.

The area is empty of cross loonies now. In the afternoon city workmen with Kaerchers were cleaning up the mess.
They forgot to bring a good sharp axe though.
This afternoon I heard the last joke. Seems King Zygmuny will loose his observation point. He will be replaced by a duck.
15 Aug 2010 /  #380
And it seems that under the surface, PiS are starting to realise that Kaczynski is going to lead them to electoral humiliation if he carries on like this. .

I think you are off the mark there, PO is playing into PIS's hand, although they are also benefitting themselves because while everyone is consumed with talk of crosses and statues they are forcing through changes like VAT increase with absolutely no demonstrations. Poles are just like any other nation they vote with their pockets.
15 Aug 2010 /  #381
PO is playing into PIS's hand, although they are also benefitting themselves because while everyone is consumed with talk of crosses and statues they are forcing through changes like VAT increase with absolutely no demonstrations.

That's what I was saying 3 days ago (hello) in my post #323

As I keep reading about it, I believe it's temat zastępczy to avert focus from proposal of rising taxes. From the beginning this whole "drama" seem silly.

15 Aug 2010 /  #382
Ok, Seanus didn't send to all you these regards from me so I'm posting it on my own:


My score is 210 ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Aug 2010 /  #383
LOL, I'd be surprised if it was a not-for-profit organisation that created that game ;) ;)
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
15 Aug 2010 /  #384
Ok, Seanus didn't send to all you these regards from me so I'm posting it on my own:

i got my name on the board...for a second..... 180
Ironside  50 | 12964  
15 Aug 2010 /  #385
My score is 210 ;)

yes play computers games while one more time the country is tricked - wtf
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Aug 2010 /  #386
Tricked from within this time ;) ;)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Aug 2010 /  #387
I think you are off the mark there, PO is playing into PIS's hand, although they are also benefitting themselves because while everyone is consumed with talk of crosses and statues they are forcing through changes like VAT increase with absolutely no demonstrations. Poles are just like any other nation they vote with their pockets.

No-one is going to care less about a tiny increase in VAT. Income tax/ZUS increases would cause trouble, but really - no-one is going to pay much attention to such a small increase in VAT. Even look at the UK - the rise from 17.5% to 20% hasn't really attracted much attention. Anyway, most people accept the VAT rise to try and pay some debts off - it's really not that much of an issue.

It looks very much at the minute as if PiS are losing some of their moustache support to the SLD - which is entirely predictable and not surprising at all.

Jaroslaw Kaczynski is showing absolutely no sign of reigning in these idiots - and he's going to lead the party to electoral ruin. Many of the moderate PiS voters are being turned off by his politics now - heck, even Rzeczpospolita is turning on them now. PiS may survive, but Kaczynski is all but finished as long as PO don't do anything exceptionally stupid.
Ironside  50 | 12964  
15 Aug 2010 /  #388
Jaroslaw Kaczynski is showing absolutely no sign of reigning in these idiots

why should he ?He is an opposition not government and that is exactly the issue the government should deal with.....and the oppositions duty and long democratic tradition is to score on the government blunders.

That what Kaczynski is doing and as a politician he is quite moderate, unfortunately in Poland mass-media (bought over) are playing the government propaganda tune - that he is somehow responsible for cross-purpose demonstrators.

What more idiots are buying it!

However I'm interested in your case delph as you are not writing as an foreigner but as native who has chosen his side!

I-S( why people are idiots? maybe because its easer?)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Aug 2010 /  #389
why should he ?He is an opposition not government and that is exactly the issue the government should deal with.....and the oppositions duty and long democratic tradition is to score on the government blunders.

He should because it's political suicide to support the cross demonstrators. I know quite a few moderate-PiS voters who sway between PiS and PO - and they're very much upset with Kaczynski not putting a stop to this when he could. The opinion polls seem to be saying the same thing - that people do not support his lurch to the right and that they preferred his "human face" opposition.

It's a shame for PiS as a party - because Kaczynski's human face was very electable and appealling to younger people and women. But by opposing in a hysterical, EVIL COMMUNIST way (and his statement today confirms this) - he's doing himself and PiS no favours whatsoever. The fact that now even the church has came out and said "stop it, you idiots" and yet he still won't tell his supporters to stop tells me everything - that he's lost the plot.

PiS as a caring, human, Catholic-socialist party is very electable in Poland. But Jarek Kaczynski's party of "EVIL COMMUNISTS, CONSPIRACY, JEWISH, CROSS" is unelectable. And why he chooses to appease those idiots rather than appealing to the people that got him the election result is entirely beyond me :/
Ironside  50 | 12964  
15 Aug 2010 /  #390
his supporters

well, if they are his supporters and this is a big if....
And secondly if someone says that he is supporting you, doesn't mean that you can order him about!

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