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New cross war in Warsaw

11 Aug 2010 /  #331
Are Church of England allow abotrion when a women(girl) is underaged and have a baby not being raped? (I mean all 14 who got pregnant)

Talk about taking an extreme position

well its not the baby fault that its father was a raper... I agree its a huge ethical problem whether a baby (future baby) should bear the consequence of rape vs mother's trauma...
milky  13 | 1656  
11 Aug 2010 /  #332
The cross metaphorically represent a tug of war in Polish society between modernism and catholicism. Thats why a decision cant be made. The pro-cross guy on Polish news last night called the anti-cross people "Jews". This guy is a member in my view of the Polish Taliban, A frankenstein element of society created by the church and the brain-damage of the Soviet past. The reason for the silence in Polish politics is because there is no real political divide, only a moral one. The two main parties are right wing one free-market the other catholic.

When the Poles finish this fight against invisible enemies the IMF and Tusk will have sold the the entire country through privatization and all they(the Polish people) will have left is a cross and hoarse throats.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Aug 2010 /  #333
The case concerned a 14-year old and the Church of England were happy to grant it given the stress she was under and the complete violation of her privacy. She neither wanted nor planned for the baby and that moron from America's far right was not sympathetic to that argument. He saw it in absolute terms that it was a new life, regardless of the feelings of the 'mother'.

The thread might have been deleted by now but there was a lot of hard discussion on it. Search around, it was quite a laugh to see how extreme he was.
11 Aug 2010 /  #334
modernism and catholicism

no. no between modernism. Catholic Church and most of Catholics don't support this weir group of some fanatics. Secular state is also not a trait of modernism.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Aug 2010 /  #335
True! They are like a splinter group that thrives on ruthless opportunism. Me? I can take it or leave it. The cross is not offensive there at all but a fitting memorial would be better.
milky  13 | 1656  
11 Aug 2010 /  #336
well the extreme element that are opposed to modernism are these fanatics. You miss my point. These Taliban represent a undiluted view of a large section of religious society.

Its metaphorical,it has nothing to do with a lump of wood.
11 Aug 2010 /  #337
The case concerned a 14-year old and the Church of England were happy to grant it given the stress she was under and the complete violation of her privacy. She neither wanted nor planned for the baby and that moron from America's far right was not sympathetic to that argument. He saw it in absolute terms that it was a new life, regardless of the feelings of the 'mother'.

I feel sorry for that girl but even if I have been raped I would bore a baby and give it to adoption. It's my view I don't judge those raped or underage girls because I understand the horror they must live with... but I rather would not abort the pragnence... its not baby fault.

represent a undiluted view of a large section of religious society

how do you know that?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Aug 2010 /  #338
It's not the baby's fault, that's true. Still, it just depends where you position yourself on the spectrum. Do you think that a life is formed from conception or after it has reached sentience etc etc?
milky  13 | 1656  
11 Aug 2010 /  #339
everything is on a continuum, these guys are just the lunatic fringe of something mainstream.When we fought this battle in Ireland very recently it was a bunch of loons called Youth Defense that ran around the place with crucifixes and futus in jar.
11 Aug 2010 /  #340

dictionary please! :)

these guys are just the lunatic fringe of something mainstream.

you'd be surised that ppl catholic oriented have diverse political views and are pretty mad that some group give them a bad face. Extrimists bore extrimists on the other side. So as tou see no one is happy from that situation... only idiots...
milky  13 | 1656  
11 Aug 2010 /  #341
I mean fetus
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
11 Aug 2010 /  #342
Its metaphorical

that I would agree with.
11 Aug 2010 /  #343
I mean fetus

you don't have to be a loon to be against abortion.
milky  13 | 1656  
11 Aug 2010 /  #344
Thats true.
But anyway my point is that if two enemies are having a game of tug of war,it doesn't matter if you are for or against the rope.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Aug 2010 /  #345
Sentience occurs about 22-24 weeks into the pregnancy. It is connected with awareness and receptiveness to pain so you might be interested in it, Zeti.
mafketis  38 | 11179  
11 Aug 2010 /  #346
I feel sorry for that girl but even if I have been raped I would bore a baby and give it to adoption. It's my view I don't judge those raped or underage girls because I understand the horror they must live with... but I rather would not abort the pragnence... its not baby fault.

So you're in favor of rewarding rapists with the privilege of reproducing?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Aug 2010 /  #347
She didn't say that, mafketis. She said that the baby, being a life form (or life to be, more), should be put up for adoption. The rapist would be punished accordingly and the 'mother' wouldn't have to raise an unwanted kid.
11 Aug 2010 /  #348
So you're in favor of rewarding rapists with the privilege of reproducing?

raping is not written in genes... and what a reward it can be?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Aug 2010 /  #349
For some it can be a perverse pleasure. Sth we will never understand.

Anyway, back to the topic. Have you crossed yourself today, Zeti? ;) ;) I hate the fact that people are profitting from this side show. It's garbage!

To all, Please keep in mind that off topic posts will be removed.
Thank you.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Aug 2010 /  #350
I've just seen the cross a couple of hours ago. And....blimey. I watched some granny push a small 11-12 year old boy because he dared to argue with them - and the hatred in their eyes is absolutely incredible. There's even an old, confused man holding a rosary there - to say that they're being manipulated is a gross understatement.

The sad thing is that there's endless tourists mocking the whole thing.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
11 Aug 2010 /  #351
that's embarrassing....
Ironside  50 | 12962  
11 Aug 2010 /  #352
Government is to blame
11 Aug 2010 /  #353
that's embarrassing....

Oh, too bad I can't see it on my own eyes...
milky  13 | 1656  
11 Aug 2010 /  #354
Its metaphorical

Like i said its a metaphorical Tug of War between the modern and the conservative. These over the top cross worshippers are the Taliban.

But anyway my point is that if two enemies are having a game of tug of war,it doesn't matter if you are for or against the rope.

Sorry to repeat but it went of topic when i joined.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Aug 2010 /  #355
that's embarrassing....

It's worse than embarrassing, to be honest. There's some good heated arguments going on - and this is fair enough, but to watch the hatred in the eyes of some of the "defenders" is appalling.

We won't say anything about the dreadful English-language sign they have up ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Aug 2010 /  #356
I saw one action where a guy kicked another guy off of a pole. TVN has edited the violence as Kommie wants to paint a calm picture. This is absurd and he shouldn't be allowed to have that done. It's a bit like Israel and their finely selected cuts when they went onto the MM in international waters.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
11 Aug 2010 /  #357
I saw one action where a guy kicked another guy off of a pole.

cmon Seanus... we all know that it wasn't on tv, but you were just there... nothing to be ashamed of...lol
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Aug 2010 /  #358
Nah, not this time :) Violence over such an issue is petty. There doesn't need to be such division in society.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
11 Aug 2010 /  #359
I saw one action where a guy kicked another guy off of a pole. TVN has edited the violence as Kommie wants to paint a calm picture. This is absurd and he shouldn't be allowed to have that done. It's a bit like Israel and their finely selected cuts when they went onto the MM in international waters.

There is no need for that. It has to be easy to cordon off this part of Krakowskie. Water cannons and police dogs as backup and get on with the job. It just takes some guts.
Zed  - | 195  
11 Aug 2010 /  #360
Best tourist attraction in town... Can't remember last time I had visited Krakowskie Przedm. so often before this happened. Let's have another facebook gathering to mock and cheer the fanatics!!! :-)

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