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2011 Netherlands discuss Polish deportation plan

guesswho  4 | 1272  
7 May 2011 /  #61
Stu has a point.

of course Stu has a point, he's one of the smartest posters on PF :-)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 May 2011 /  #62
That would seem to be the case :)

Anyway, I hope the Dutch parliament are just having a laugh as what they seem to be proposing is absurd!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
7 May 2011 /  #63
of course Stu has a point, he's one of the smartest posters on PF :-)

And he has a potatoe award.

The Netherlands would simply be acting under existing European Union law, something that dumb Polacks like yourself know nothing about.

An English teacher has spoken :))
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
7 May 2011 /  #64
Damn! Amathyst your new posts all sound bitter and very anti-Polish anti immigration. Poles don't grab a tire and swim across the English channel they were invited there by your government.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 May 2011 /  #65
True enough, PennBoy, but some locals don't need to like it. I'd love to see the reaction were many Polish MP's to flood our parliament and steal the jobs of politicians. Stuff them not knowing English, it'd be a laugh.

Deport British politicians and let them see how the person on the street feels.
Stu  12 | 515  
7 May 2011 /  #66
Dutch parliament

Sorry, Seanus ... but as you know there is a difference between the parliament and a lone minister in government.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 May 2011 /  #67
Warszawski have you got a link to the artical, please?

Great posts Bartolome and probably closer to the truth than either extreme.

Social welfare is for people who have been contributing and have lost their jobs but are actively seeking employment, not leeches or criminals.
OP poland_  
7 May 2011 /  #68
Warszawski have you got a link to the artical, please?

In provincial elections last month, Geert Wilders, the far-right anti-Islamic politician, accused Polish workers of crime, drunkenness and taking Dutch jobs. Even politicians from the Labour and Socialist parties have warned of a "tsunami" of east Europeans overwhelming Dutch social services.

Now Lukasz and Alicja fear that, like the Turkish and Moroccan migrants who came here in the 1970s and 1980s, the Poles have fallen victim to the Netherlands' love-hate relationship with immigrants.

"They decided to open the borders themselves, and now they want us to go home," says Lukasz. "It's absurd."

Until recently campaigns against east European immigrants were the exclusive province of Mr Wilders and his Party for Freedom (PVV). Since elections last year made the PVV the third-largest party, mainstream parties have taken up the issue. Earlier this month the rhetoric became government policy, when Henk Kamp, minister of social affairs from the governing Liberal party, announced plans to send back home east Europeans who had been unemployed for more than three months.

There are several other articles out there at the moment SeanBM, it is typical of the Dutch political parties, using immigrants as election fodder.

Ofcourse? What about the poor ukrainians who comes to Poland and works on the Polish fields for minumum wages?

Different scenario Davey, they are NOT EU nationals.

Sorry, Seanus ... but as you know there is a difference between the parliament and a lone minister in government.

Until recently campaigns against east European immigrants were the exclusive province of Mr Wilders and his Party for Freedom (PVV). Since elections last year made the PVV the third-largest party, mainstream parties have taken up the issue. Earlier this month the rhetoric became government policy, when Henk Kamp, minister of social affairs from the governing Liberal party, announced plans to send back home east Europeans who had been unemployed for more than three months.

Mr Kamp's plans have turned a domestic political issue into a European controversy.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 May 2011 /  #69
We are talking about people who are entitled under Dutch law to receive such assistance

Well that's that then.
If people work, contribute and it is the E.U. law, that's it, shouldn't be allowed.

I don't like that fella Geert, there seems to be always a rise of the far right during economic problems.

Just out of interest, how much have the Dutch government paid the banks for messing everything up?


The Dutch government set aside approximately 20 billion euros to help out its financial institutions.

And they go after people who claim benefits that they contributed towards.

Bankers need to be hung up by the goolies from the nearest lamppost, they are the true leeches of the state.
OP poland_  
7 May 2011 /  #70
If people work, contribute and it is the E.U. law, that's it, shouldn't be allowed.

I believe the law in the Netherlands states that if you have worked and payed your contributions for a period longer than 6 months, you become unemployed, you can avail of unemployment benefits.


Record numbers of Dutch leaving the Netherlands

The number of people who came to the Netherlands last year, has increased again to a new record, according to figures from the Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) which was published Wednesday, 9 February.

The number of immigrants amounted to 150,000, three thousand more than last year. This figure continues the trend of increase, which started in 2006, according to CBS.

Netherlands in particular, welcomes people from new and old members of the European Union.

In addition, last year more people left the Netherlands than one year earlier, for the first time after three years of decline.
CBS registered 118.000 emigrants, an increase of six thousand. Mainly Dutch people and people born in other countries of the European Union left the Netherlands.
The Netherlands had 16.7 million inhabitants on January 1st 2010, 80.000 people more than in 2009.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
7 May 2011 /  #71
Bankers need to be hung up by the goolies from the nearest lamppost, they are the true leeches of the state.

And government which let it happened.
ody is lone isl

In short, the Netherlands should have a right to boot out who ever the heck it feels like

Not if somebody was working and paying tax there. Either they should stop tax immigrant workers, at last partially, or else they should have right to benefits after ample time spend working there, sure misfits they can deport.Why they talk only about Poles? No other foreigners in N?

it's the other way round. German, Belgian and Dutch farmers are in a squeeze because of the flooding of milk by farmers from across the former Iron Curtain.

wrong stu ....milk could be cheaper because of middlemen practices often Dutch, German or Belgian, they paid peanuts to farmers from Poland for milk and they sold the same milk in those country's.

Some say that you are intelligent man, I don't see that. You should address those firms who benefited - and it wasn't polish firm, and not polish farmers.

Plus western farmers had been receiving benefits from their governments/EU, polish farmer only since 2004 and 1/3 of the pie given to western farmers. So, why don't you wise up Mr intelligence !

We are in the EU ... Poland as well ... like it or not. Open markets. If you don't like it, next time when you go to the polls, find yourself a party that wants to quit the EU and vote for them. But I guess that'll be a hell of a problem ... ;)

Sure, the same can be said to address your words, exactly the same!

he is just one of hundreds on my Island that has gone down this road...So dont think I give I fook about some Polish farmers

Well, I think it depends what kind of person you are, if you are wise and understands the world around you, by all means you should give a fook and feel for them the same way you feel about farmers on your Island.
Stu  12 | 515  
7 May 2011 /  #72
No other foreigners in N

Read sunshine, read ... I know it is difficult for you. I said before that they don't particularly target Poles at the moment but Bulgarians and Rumanians, who are still restricted from coming over to work in the Netherlands.

because of middlemen practices

You obviously don't know what you are talking about :D. The pot calling the kettle black?! A farmer sells his milk to a dairy factory (let's just say that the milk is sold to be drunk and not to make cheese, because then the price on the worldmarket comes into view). The dairy factory sells it to the supermarket and that's it. There is no such thing as middlemen practices.

Please guys, if there is something about another country you don't know the details about, just ask. And I or other people here will be happy to give you the answer. There is nothing wrong with not knowing anything about a subject ... there really isn't. But if you don't know anything about a country, or, like in this case, about how the "milk market" in a certain country works, just shut up, will you?!.

I will never say anything about Polish society, politics or whatever. Or Polish meat quality control. Or Poland's use of antibiotics in growing animals. Why? Cause I don't know anything about it, so it is wise for me to keep quiet. If I have a question, I will first ask my wife and if she doesn't know the answer I will look for information elsewhere, maybe even here.

Personal comments removed.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
8 May 2011 /  #73
I said before that they don't particularly target Poles at the moment but Bulgarians and Rumanians,

I wasn't talking to you and I don't give a squad what you said, your politician is a more reliable source.

You obviously don't know what you are talking about :D. The pot calling the kettle black?

No, Mr Intelligence of the week, you don't know what you are talking about, you should pay more attention what people are saying.
I did not comment on milk business in N, only responded to:

German, Belgian and Dutch farmers are in a squeeze because of the flooding of milk by farmers from across the former Iron Curtain.

I will make it simple for you to comprehend:
- milk imported to N benefits importers - more often then not them being Dutch, German or Belgian.
- farmers from across former IC are not to blame as your words suggested.
- additionally farmers in Poland are receiving 1/3 of funding received by farmers across former IC to the west.
When I listen to people like you, I think sometimes that you should be nuked.
You are so damn dumb. (sorry mods, I can explain if you wish, but the feeling is genuine, not used with intend to insult).
Stu  12 | 515  
8 May 2011 /  #74
Fvck you, IS ... you are lying as usual.

and they sold the same milk in those country's.

And what do you claim this means? Try to write some legible English for a change.

We are in the EU ... Poland as well ... like it or not. Open markets. If you don't like it, next time when you go to the polls, find yourself a party that wants to quit the EU and vote for them. But I guess that'll be a hell of a problem ... ;)

Sure, the same can be said to address your words, exactly the same!

And this? Still no explanation, nutthead.
OP poland_  
8 May 2011 /  #75
but as you know there is a difference between the parliament and a lone minister in government.

Dutch society’s impressive commitment to anti-racist norms in the 80’s and 90’s,influenced by revulsion against Nazi and apartheid regimes, is now pressured by an opposite trend: irritation with signs of cultural difference and foreign workers.

In addition, last year more people left the Netherlands than one year earlier, for the first time after three years of decline.
CBS registered 118.000 emigrants, an increase of six thousand. Mainly Dutch people and people born in other countries of the European Union left the Netherlands.

This new brand of Dutch racism is a well-intentioned, friendly apartheid: white, Christian, and fuelled by feelings of supremacy and superiority which are self evident, although they will be generally denied.

Denial, indeed, appears to be a built-in part of the mix. Both in the form of anti-semitism, and in the various forms of racism, patronising attitudes prevail. In this sense, the anti-racist norm on which we have seen in the past, is part of this denial: since racism is seen as barbaric, nobody – except for small fringe groups – will allow themselves to be called racist or anti-semitic for one moment.

I wonder whether this type of racism, that is present and denied at the same time, present and absent, present and pushed away, ignored, is specifically Dutch. Any reactions or thoughts you who read this might have on this point, would be very welcome.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
8 May 2011 /  #76
Fvck you, IS ... you are lying as usual.

Well, fvck you too....you are dumb and pompous as usual.

And what do you claim this means? Try to write some legible English for a change.

sorry, sometimes I think in Polish. I had in mind that milk form EE country's flooding Germany, Belgium and Dutch-land had been imported by Dutch, German and Belgian firms, and those firms benefited most.

And this? Still no explanation, nutthead.

Are those your words ? if so, and you don't like Polish workers and milk, you can

If you don't like it, next time when you go to the polls, find yourself a party that wants to quit the EU and vote for them.

simple? you .....dumpling.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
8 May 2011 /  #77
deporting Polish migrant workers who lost their job is another.

Its not like you loose your job on a friday and your on the bus home on a saturday though is it.

The four cases, all of which have either been taken to court or are pending, involve foreign workers. In one, 44 mainly Bulgarian women were cutting up marijuana plants for between €3 and €5 an hour. They were locked into a warehouse at night. In another case, Polish women worked up to 22 hours a day for a mushroom grower. Complaints about their treatment led to pay cuts.

You think these are above the board Netherlanders owned companies? Bless,you do realise mushroom probably doesnt mean the type most of us have on pizza's?
OP poland_  
8 May 2011 /  #78
you do realise mushroom probably doesnt mean the type most of us have on pizza's?

Since then actions took place at several office branches in Holland, Poland, Slovakia and Czech; and in Holland, a group of Polish workers, comrades from de Vrije Bond (AGA and ZAG) and the ZSP visited some workers "hotels". The campaign started when the company did not extend the contract of one of the workers who contacted AGA. Few other workers spoke out since then and claim their demands.

OTTO temporary agency is the biggest employer of workers from Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic in Holland. There is an OTTO office in Great Britain and the company claims to have representation also in Bulgaria. You can see the map with offices at OTTO's website.
Salaries, lack of payment for sick leave or vacation, living conditions and lack of minimum of space, a system of labour control and fines, are among the many problems the workers face.

The main shareholder of OTTO workforce is a Dutch national. OTTO Work Force owner Frank van Gool

Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
8 May 2011 /  #79
Where will your workers emigrate to then...

Send 'em to the USofA. Much preferred to Mexicano's.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
8 May 2011 /  #80
You got that sh.it right.. Plus Polish won't have 14 kids with spray paint in their hands while they're in diapers.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
8 May 2011 /  #81
The Dutch politicians in question are fundamentally racist by singling out east Europeans, if he just said Europeans or foreigners, I am sure nobody would take any issue. He is obviously playing to the racist element in Dutch society, the fact the he feels he has to specifically single out a certain part of Europe means that he is playing the race card.

It would like saying we are going to come up with a new law to target pedophiles (no objection), but try placing Dutch or west European before pedophiles, and see if you get the same reaction?

I think it it is present in every society, especially societies with a colonial past(not my judgment on colonialism).
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
8 May 2011 /  #82
Perhaps they are the group seen to represent the biggest threat to workers in Holland today... because at this point we are still talking about working migrants from another part of Europe... not first or second generation immigrants from Suriname or Morocco or wherever where the backlash upon their arrival is well and truly past its sell by date. They have integrated... The stats are still being compiled on the new comers...

It is the racist bandwagon that this argument is based on, but it is also that old colonial rhetoric... *we* don't want *them* because they are a threat to us...

What does it mean to be European anyway...? When times are good... everything. When times aren't so good... the divisions start creeping in.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
8 May 2011 /  #83
Hopefully that weird Mare Gaya dude doesn't show up now.
Ogien  5 | 237  
8 May 2011 /  #84
Is that the guy who said most of antisemitism in America is from Poles/Slavs lol?
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
8 May 2011 /  #85
He said a lot of goofy things about Pol Ams.. similar to that Delph clown. And he was always championing homos any chance he got. I don't really hate gays but I'm not going to march in the damn parades either. Just a strange dude in general.
Stu  12 | 515  
8 May 2011 /  #86
It was a hit in the Netherlands

Warszawski ... would you please stop talking about something you don't know anything about?! Please!!!!

It wasn't a hit!!

Don't believe me?! In the Top 40, more than TWO years ago, it was in the charts for 20 days, with a highest position of number28 on 09/02/2008.

Please ... you have been claiming all kinds of stuff, which are simply not true.

And why? Cause you don't know enough about the Netherlands. As I have been saying again and again: the reason why I don't comment about Polish society is because I don't know enough about it; I don't live there (yet) so it is wise for me to shut up and just listen.

I am sorry, warszawski, but you should do the same! You don't live here, you claim all kinds of stuff which for me are easily refutable and even for you if you had cared to check google for "top 40 bussie vol met Polen".

Now stop commenting on something you don't know enough about. Again ... it doesn't become you.

The main shareholder of OTTO workforce is a Dutch national. OTTO Work Force owner Frank van Gool

And what you conveniently forget to mention is that his wife is the other shareholder. And his wife is Polish. Want to see another office of OTTO workforce? Have a look in Wroclaw along the A4.

In other words ... a Polish woman exploiting her OWN country men and women.

Now ... warszawski ... stop being economical with the truth!!!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
8 May 2011 /  #87
Now stop commenting on

Get over your nationalism and admit your country's obviously growing problems with racism and discrimination.
Stu  12 | 515  
8 May 2011 /  #88
That's a good one coming from you!! Joke of the day!!

Another one who is completely clueless trying to comment about something he knows nothing about.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
8 May 2011 /  #89
I see you are not mature enough to discuss openly problems of your country.
8 May 2011 /  #90
Wrong. Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens. Feel free to learn from Stu's example.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / 2011 Netherlands discuss Polish deportation planArchived