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Mysterious death of Magdalena Żuk on holiday in Egypt

WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
26 May 2017 /  #1
I had a look to see if this has already been posted and couldn't find anything. If it has then feel free to point me to the thread and close this.

I am just wondering if A) people have heard about this story? It was quite big in the Polish media recently.

and B) What your thoughts are on her death and whether you think it is suspicious or she killed herself.

For those who have not heard about it, the woman named Magdalena Żuk, who was 27, went to Egypt on holiday on her own, after her boyfriend who was supposed to go with her, told her he was unable to go due to visa issues. A few days in to what was supposed to be a 5-day trip, she was dead.

Some believe something happened to her over there that caused her to go 'crazy' and be put in a hospital, where she ended up killing herself. Others think she was killed.

The situation, despite being announced as a suicide by officials in Egypt, certainly sounds very suspicious, mainly as she supposedly had no mental issues before this trip. She was supposed to be shown around by a tour guide in Egypt and then suddenly supposedly went mad and had to be put in a hospital.

Many people believe the tour guide and other Egyptian men gang raped her and then killed her when the boyfriend's friend was supposed to travel to Egypt to pick her up after he felt she was behaving strangely when talking to him and pleaded for him to get her out of Egypt.

There are also other suspicions that the boyfriend might have been in on something more sinister too.

Of course we don't know that for sure and she could have simply committed suicide after having some sort of nervous breakdown, but it's difficult to believe. It's possible she did kill herself, but why? Was she just insane or was whatever was being done to her over there too much to bare that she wanted to end her life? Or was she pushed out of the window she supposedly jumped out of herself?

A recent Independent article seems sure there was no foul play and all these theories on her death are fake news, while other articles and people who are looking in to it suggest there might have been and that if she was behaving strangely, it is possible she was given a drug that caused her to behave the way she did and disorient her.

There are plenty of articles on her if you type her name in to the search engine. Here are two video clips. One shows her being restrained in hospital and the other I believe is the last video phone conversation she had with her boyfriend, where she appears to be frightened to say much too him as the Egyptian guide is right by her.


Wulkan  - | 3136  
26 May 2017 /  #2
Expect well known Gazeta Wybiórcza readers to come here and state that she was just "crazy" and that's why she committed suicide.
jon357  72 | 23482  
27 May 2017 /  #3
Very silly conspiracy theories. No mystery, no nothing.

"Sexual conspiracy theories and fake news have spread like wildfire in the case of Magdalena Zuk, a Polish woman who died on holiday in Egypt last month. Despite two autopsies confirming there was no foul play, the ridiculously far-fetched coverage - including an 'investigation' by a fake TV detective - shows no signs of abating. It is a parable for our times that could prove devastating to Egyptian tourism, not to mention Zuk's loved ones."


The tabloids have no shame. No shame, no ethics and whip up a story when the matter is just sad and straightforward.
jon357  72 | 23482  
27 May 2017 /  #4
Due to her increasingly erratic behaviour, she wasn't allowed to board the plane, and was taken to a private hospital

No mystery at all. Just a sad story of a person with deep-seated problems on holiday alone.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
27 May 2017 /  #5
Very silly conspiracy theories. No mystery, no nothing.

Yeah, sure.

Egypt is lawless and corrupt and is not safe for Poles or others from Western democracies.

Just look at another young EU citizen Giulio Regeni who was savagely tortured and murdered in Egypt only last year. His family, friends, and even the Italian government are still demanding answers from Egypt which has been stonewalling the entire time.

You are only defending the Arab Republic of Egypt because of its Islamic majority.
jon357  72 | 23482  
27 May 2017 /  #6
not safe for Poles

Thousands of Poles go there yearly and go back there too and feel safe, and that tragically crazy woman's death was not a mystery.

Just a sad story, Bieggers, a story blighted by pathetic conspiracy theories which you seem happy to perpetuate.

Have you ever been to Egypt? Or Poland?

Thought not.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
27 May 2017 /  #7
come here and state that she was just "crazy"

and that tragically crazy woman's death

Told ya :-) The sad part of it is that Magdalena's family clearly stated that the low quality media and their pond life readers repeating fake stories about Magda's mental health issues greatly increase their pain, the psychopaths have no empathy for anyone despite the fact that they are non-important minority it is still sad that we have people like that in our society.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
27 May 2017 /  #8
and that tragically crazy woman's death was not a mystery.

well.i dunno.lets for for me it strange,why this guy resident took responsibility of caring for extremely mentally ill person ,for 3 days.guy has no qualification,no competency ,no authorised.and i dunno if thats even legal.

i was working in social care for years in Britain. and in order to work with vulnerable people ,we needed very precise criminal check.and have training.

we talking about person who had serious mental health problem. ts all too strange.
take her behaviour and suicide attempts for example. those people would simply drag her away from the roof and put her back in her room,with no police and other authorities being informed.note,that in all those instances of her aggressive and suicidal behaviour,not once any authorities were informed,or allow to be involved.nobody called police.calling police ,thats standard procedure ffs.

or this hospital for example.how can hospital refuse to accept patient,saying that they dont have specialists to deal with that problem?in that case they shoud put her in ambulance and drive to hospital that have facilities to deal with it ,instead they left her outside with some few strange guys

i dunno,maybe its different culture or something,but behaviour of those who are involved in her case is very strange and doesnt make sense.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
27 May 2017 /  #9
Expect well known Gazeta Wybiórcza readers to come here and state that she was just "crazy" and that's why she committed suicide.

Yeah, I did expect it.

It's interesting that Jon has looked at the article from the Independent, quoted a part of it, and now 'he knows' that nothing suspicious happened.

We think it's suspicious but he must be more intelligent than us and knows for sure there was no foul play, because a writer in the Independent has told him so.

This young woman had mental issues and then suddenly went insane in Egypt. Suspicious? Nah - it must be the air over there, it does that to some people - makes them want to kill themselves.

"It is a parable for our times that could prove devastating to Egyptian tourism, not to mention Zuk's loved ones."

My favourite part though, of the Independent article, was the tactic above, also used after the tragic plane crash in 2010 - that the media reporting this as suspicious must be devastating to the families. Err, no, a large amount of them actually thought it was suspicious too and wanted it to be investigated further.

I'm pretty sure Magdalena's family don't think she went crazy in Egypt and committed suicide - they probably think there was more to it. If they're mad at any media, it's the media that tries to tell the public she was crazy, not the media who believe she might have been killed.
jon357  72 | 23482  
27 May 2017 /  #10
It's interesting that Jon has looked at the article from the Independent

That would be this week's, the most in-depth published in English and largely about the damage that tabloids and internet conspiracy theorists here in Poland have done by perpetuating tasteless myths. The Independent article is one of the few dignified accounts published about this whole sad affair.

and committed suicide

She died of injuries sustained after jumping out of a window after being restrained by nurses. In the UK a coroner would probably give an Open Verdict.

Disgraceful that you posted this and perpetuated the tittle-tattle, prolonged the hurt. The OP clearly has no shame.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
27 May 2017 /  #11
The Independent piece is written by a young man with just over 100 followers on twitter, where he states that he is merely giving his opinion on how tabloids have jumped on this and made up stories.

Of course, he doesn't just say that, because he says autopsies confirmed that there was no foul play. No they didn't. They confirmed she was not strangled or physically killed, but no toxicology was done, which would suggest she might have been given something and I'm not sure if it is not too late for that now.

I have no shame wanting to discuss a recent death many people still have serious doubts about? Really?
jon357  72 | 23482  
27 May 2017 /  #12
young man with just over 100 followers on twitter,

That's the first (and hopefully the last) time I've seen the merit of a broadsheet journalist judged by the number of twitter followers they have. Most people don't even use twitter.

how tabloids have jumped on this and made up stories.

Yes, they have.

a recent death many people still have serious doubts about

No, there are no 'serious doubts'. Just unworthy tittle tattle that prolongs the hurt over a young person's tragic (though not in any way mysterious or unexplained) death.

Shame on you.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
27 May 2017 /  #13
No, there are no 'serious doubts'. Just unworthy tittle tattle that prolongs the hurt over a young person's tragic (though not in any way mysterious or unexplained) death.

huh? young, healthy and happy girl get crazy overnight and kill herself is nothing mysterious?
..i was looking to find any psychiatrist opinion on this case,and to find out if there is any mental disease that can trigger suddenly,without any reason.

from what i know,schizophrenia or depression develop gradually,with many signs.she didnt have any mental problems before.
so its either Post traumatic or maybe physical brain damage due to overheat.but then again,she arrived at night,and got checked in hotel at 1 o'clock.

and got "crazy" following next morning.so it cant be overheat.
to me it looks like drugs,and then post traumatic or drug related paranoia.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
27 May 2017 /  #14
tragically crazy woman'

if she did have a mental health problem, you shouldn't be referring to her as 'tragically crazy' should you? She should be described as a 'person with a mental health problem'. I would have thought you would know this Jon.

The thing is with mental health problems is that they do come on in the early 20s, and travelling to a strange hot country could indeed be just the thing to bring it on. This is what happened to my brother, only it was Tenerife.

I mean, gregy , with hindsight you are right, he had been behaving strangely in the months leading to his 'breakdown' but this had been ignored/minimised by his family, who thought that a nice sunny holiday would be just the thing for him....
jon357  72 | 23482  
27 May 2017 /  #15
The thing is with mental health problems is that they do come on in the early 20s,

Indeed. And now her death (and any underlying mental health issues that contributed to the sad situation) are being exploited for all it's worth by tabloids, TV 'pundits' and the worst sort of internet conspiracy woo theorist.

Things like this are far more common than people think - ask any holiday rep. Unfortunately the fake tv detective Rutkowski (he who kidnapped the child in Norway) saw an opportunity for publicity.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
27 May 2017 /  #16
Jon thanks for reminding me why I've never much liked English people [generally speaking]. You think you're the most sensible intelligent human beings in the the world, when actually, you're the most shameful lying cowards known to man and then accuse others of being shameful, to protect yourselves.

It's shameful that you have been spreading nonsense and regurgitating trash from Poland-hating newspapers and it's also shameful that you keep lying about the 'hurt of this young person' when it was her family who wanted this to be investigated because they didn't believe the Egyptian's explanation and knew their daughter was not crazy.
jon357  72 | 23482  
27 May 2017 /  #17
trash from Poland-hating newspaper

A respected broadsheet?

her family who wanted this to be investigated because they didn't believe the Egyptian's explanation

They're in the nadir of grief, and obviously very unwilling to accept the very simple fact that their daughter's death was a straightforward but tragic matter. And a fake tv 'detective' saw his chance for airtime.

And you're prolonguing that grief. Shame on you.

I've never much liked English people

You are one yourself.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
27 May 2017 /  #18
very simple fact that their daughter's death was a straightforward but tragic matter

no.in best scenario,assuming that she did have mental healt breakdown,her death was result of massive gross neglection and almost criminal mishandling of situation by hotel stuff and this resident.

you dont fkin attempt to handle severe mental health patient for 3 days ,who had several attempts on her own life.unless ,you are qualified and authorised doctor.

she wasnt eating nothing for 3 days..they only stressed poor girl and added to her suffering.
all those fuks had to do is call police and let them handle the rest..and they failed to do this,the only logic and obvious thing ,which is very suspicious.

police doctor would asses her state and then drive her to proper hospital.instead,some few fok knows who? guys,been driving her around for 3 days,fok knows why and where
jon357  72 | 23482  
27 May 2017 /  #19
massive gross neglection and almost criminal mishandling of situation by hotel stuff and this resident.

Well Greggs, she would probably have received more reliable healthcare had she opted for a different type of holiday, paid more and gone to Benidorm or Brighton. Not a remote resort in a developing country.

.unless ,you are qualified and authorised doctor.

police doctor would asses her state and then drive her to proper hospital

As you know, she was driven several hundred miles to the nearest specialist hospital.

Stop wallowing in her family's grief.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
27 May 2017 /  #20
Well Greggs, she would probably have received more reliable healthcare

more reliable health care? we talking here about few random guys who took care of her for 3 days..and hotel that failed to report several suicide attempts to authorities and instead kicked her out ,living her in desert on mercy of few strangers.

As you know, she was driven several hundred miles to the nearest specialist hospital.

when? after few days of her trying to kill herself and after she jumped from window?she should be there on the very first day
jon357  72 | 23482  
27 May 2017 /  #21
we talking here about few random guys....hotel that failed to report several suicide attempts to authorities

No we aren't. Yes, they did.

fter few days of her trying to kill herself

The reason she was taken from the resort's small clinic to the nearest specialist hospital, several hundred miles away.

Stop wallowing in her family's grief.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
27 May 2017 /  #22
A respected broadsheet?

Hah, love it.

They're in the nadir of grief, and obviously very unwilling to accept the very simple fact that their daughter's death was a straightforward but tragic matter.

How do you know that it was a straight forward and tragic matter? Were you part of the investigation? Or are you just choosing to believe what some media tell you?

And you're prolonguing that grief. Shame on you.

Yeah because her family is most probably reading Polishforums. If they were, you would be the one prolonging their grief, for accusing their daughter of being a nutcase who committed suicide, not me.

You are one yourself.

I suppose part of me is, and so I know them/us very well. I don't like that 1/4 of me that is British by the way, it's my worst side.
jon357  72 | 23482  
27 May 2017 /  #23
who committed suicide,

There you go again. Looked like you failed to understand post 10.

Were you part of the investigation?

Were you? Let somehow you decided to make a thread here in order spout conspiracy woo online about the poor woman's death. Have an opinion about Maddie McCann as well, do you? Shame on you.

I don't like that 1/4 of me that is British by the way, it's my worst side.

Self-haters gonna self-hate.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
27 May 2017 /  #24
You're quite funny for a retired old English man with not much else to do these days but criticise on the internet.

So me starting a discussion on this is shameful is it? Unlike you, who claims to know what happened, I am simply saying this is suspicious and starting up a debate on the incident.

Also don't give me that bullcrap about how having on opinion on this or Maddie McCann is shameful. These are both massive pieces of news. They still bring up Maddie McCann now for crying out loud, 10 years after she disappeared, that's how big it is. You really expect no one to have any opinion on this?

Self-haters gonna self-hate.

That sounds like something the hip youngsters would say these days, not an angry old man like you Jon.
jon357  72 | 23482  
27 May 2017 /  #25
So me starting a discussion on this is shameful is it?

Yes, it is shameful. You are perpetuating distasteful conspiracy theories.

You really expect no one to have any opinion on this?

Some opinions are best kept to oneself - like your conspiracy theories about that woman who, like so many young people, died on holiday.

No mystery, no grey areas, just a human tragedy.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
28 May 2017 /  #26
You are one yourself.

Hmm, THATis a racist thing to say and very backward. He can self indentify himself can he not? At least that how it works in Poland.

Her case is suspicious at best. A young attractive female in Egypt. Claiming that Egyptian 'culture' or barbarity played no part in her demise before investigators finished their job is the worst case of obscurantism I have seen for a while.
28 May 2017 /  #27
What medication was she on?

Also remember that mental illness at a young age is not especially rare.
28 May 2017 /  #28

Thousands of British die while on holiday abroad each year.

Her case is suspicious at best. A young attractive female in Egypt.

Why is it suspicious, rather than cheap titillation?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
28 May 2017 /  #29
Why is it suspicious,

because she was a young lone woman in an country with a very different culture and might have been raped.
I think that is what people are suggesting, isnt it?
gregy741  5 | 1226  
28 May 2017 /  #30
Why is it suspicious, rather than cheap titillation?

well,she said herself ,she was raped by those people for starter. behaviour of her resident and hotel staff members is strange at best

What medication was she on?

that the thing..she wasn't on any medication as far as we know..according to her family and friends,she haven't had any metal health problems before

all is speculation at this point,until toxicology and other tests are completed

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