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Polish Mom claims daughter got pregnant from swimming in pool!

JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
11 Jul 2009 /  #32
The alimony from whomever's sperm was floating about in that pool (gonna have to change the biology books and the sex education system now cos ladies and gentlemen we have a brand new way of reproduction) will be, let me say this in Polish because it sounds so much better, tylko kroplą w morzu potrzeb dla takich ludzi jak pani Kwiatkowska i jej puszczalska córeczka. People like that need either someone to educate them properly or, and this is my favourite, a public lashing to punish their stupidity and the shame they bring upon other Polish people. Isn't it funny how when thick people come up with something they find an absolutely genius idea, they expect everyone else to lap it up just like that... Nie mierz wszystkich swoją własną miarką.
terri  1 | 1661  
11 Jul 2009 /  #33
When the case comes to court, I wonder what the hotel's defence will be?
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
11 Jul 2009 /  #34
do they actually have a case there, cos i'd expect the courts to laugh in their face for coming up with bull*hit like that
Cardno85  31 | 971  
11 Jul 2009 /  #35
I really hope that the court throws it out and the judge says, "you mother, you are a tool...and you daughter *shakes head and tuts* you trollop"
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
11 Jul 2009 /  #36
i wouldn't be surprised if that girl was pregnant with a Polish boy and made up a story about the pool, cos i am prepared to believe the mother when she says she never left her daughter out of her sight on their holiday. just gotta wait and see what colour the baby will be!
polishmeknob  5 | 154  
11 Jul 2009 /  #37
Wow, that sperm must have been super strong to survive in such a hostile environment and then the girl's hooha.
Does the mom know that it take like 100,000,000 sperm and usually several tries to make a girl pregnant?
That girl was probably banging the bellhop or something.
SRK85  - | 72  
12 Jul 2009 /  #38
can't get pregnant when the girl's on top. gravity.


HAHA someone has seen knocked up. But seriously 13 wtf either someone jizzed hardcore in the pool or she has been sleeping around.
plk123  8 | 4119  
12 Jul 2009 /  #39
there is no OR about it.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
13 Jul 2009 /  #40
people, please, wear condoms while swimming in public pools...
z_darius  14 | 3960  
13 Jul 2009 /  #41
damn sperm whales!
kitty_the_kat  - | 30  
14 Jul 2009 /  #42
Abstinence is not 100%! ;)

Seriously though, this sounds like the basis for a bad "Polack joke" =P
Crow  154 | 9561  
14 Jul 2009 /  #43
Polish Mom claims daughter got pregnant from swimming in pool!

naive man
Arien  2 | 710  
14 Jul 2009 /  #44
Kwiatkowska said her daughter did not meet any boys while she was in Egypt.

Hey, after reading all of this, I wish women wouldn't meet me!


Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Jul 2009 /  #45
This case was surely thrown out really quickly. What an absurd claim!
14 Jul 2009 /  #46
Well, if I were the Hotel Owner I would admit to it and say that the Polish Woman is right and that her daughter did get pregnant whilst swimming in his pool. :)

Why ? Well think of it. How much do people spend on IVF etc a small fortune in many cases with a low success rate in some couples. Therefore, the owner stands to make a fortune doesn't he? He could rent out the pool for a couple to use <with only one lot of sperm in the pool> and also, could rent it out if people require sperm donors. :)

If it doesn't work for other people he could go back and sue the Polish woman for telling lies.

Haha :)
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
14 Jul 2009 /  #47
Haha :)

hahaha funny Lir!! He could really make a fortune!
Filios1  8 | 1336  
14 Jul 2009 /  #48
naive man

Story would be much more believable if the girl was albanian, and the swimming pool was run by Serbs or any other Slavs.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Jul 2009 /  #49
Poland hardly went against Albania, Filios. Still, Slavs are not the most welcome people there.

Italian semen, sorry, seamen are welcome there.
OP pawian  226 | 27561  
14 Jul 2009 /  #50
I can see that some people here display a great lack of credulity. No one believes the story? You are strange.......
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Jul 2009 /  #51
Polish Mom claims daughter got pregnant from swimming in pool!

That is why men should wear condoms while swimming in pools.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Jul 2009 /  #52
Were you the guy that left his jizz floating around, pawian? ;) ;)

The Irish always wear 2 condoms in the swimming pool. You know, to be sure to be sure ;)
plk123  8 | 4119  
14 Jul 2009 /  #53
^^^ dude, those things go on your head, the upper one.. sheesh those irish and scots. :D :D
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Jul 2009 /  #54
They wear caps too ;)
14 Jul 2009 /  #55
hahaha funny Lir!!

Thanks :)

He could really make a fortune!

Just think of the publicity such a court action would give. You could bottle the water from the swimming pool and sell it across the World. It could even be classed as an elixir.

I can think of a 101 ways to market this <for a price of course >

OP pawian  226 | 27561  
14 Jul 2009 /  #56
I suppose Scots never leave anything in the pool. They always collect everything. Such a nice custom. :):):):):)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Jul 2009 /  #57
Only our positive vibes, pawian ;)
southern  73 | 7059  
15 Jul 2009 /  #58
Imagine a girl getting perfect skin after swimming in the pool.
Crow  154 | 9561  
15 Jul 2009 /  #59
girl was albanian

you know that black woman likes to have sex with whites?
rock  - | 428  
15 Jul 2009 /  #60
people, please, wear condoms while swimming in public pools...

woman too :)

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