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2ND MIRACLE OF THE VISTULA: youth mysteriously appear out of nowhere!

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Jul 2017 /  #1
One of the significant features of the "ulica i zagranica" protests was its demographics. The crowds trotted out by KOD, PO, Petru et al since November 2015 were dominated by the 50-60+ age-group. They have included PO activists and clerks, celebrities, PRL-ersa OAPs, ex-PZPR types, SB and LWP widows as well as others pushed away from the trough of privilege by the will of the Polish nation. Young people were conspicuously absent, and surveys showed that in the 18-24 age-group PiS could count on as much as 60% support.

Now, in the middle of summer vacation, like mushrooms after the rain, groups of young people have quite suddenly and suspiciously appeared out of nowhere, sprouting up amongst the rant & chant brigade. As if pulled out of a magician's hat! Considering the suddenness and timing (ahead of Duda's signature), it is a most peculiar, push-button-like development indeed. It might even be called THE SECOND MIRACLE OF THE VISTULA! Or maybe there's a more rational explanation. NGOs bankrolled by Soros have been known ot provide "incentives" to demonstrators promoting what their sponsor regarded as the "proper" cause. One thing is certain, many a young Pole could use an extra 100-200 złots in the middle of summer vacation.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
22 Jul 2017 /  #2
If you'll check through pics in different media young people were a tiny minority regardless of the opposition's effort lol
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Jul 2017 /  #3
young people were a tiny minority regardless of the opposition's effort lol

Yes, but the footage shown on TVN and Polsat over the passt two days has shown lots of young people in the crowd. Considering the source (two commercial PiS-bashing stations ) it could of course well be a propaganda ruse, for instance using footsage from some other occasion. But Satruday's Babilon women's talk show commented on "how wonderful it is that the young people have finally made their move." What do you think?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Jul 2017 /  #4
young people were a tiny minority

This from Radio Wocław:
Tysiące ludzi protestowało wczoraj na ulicach polskich miast przeciwko reformie sądownictwa. Domagano się od prezydenta by zawetował wszystkie trzy ustawy wprowadzające zmiany w Sądach. Wśród demonstrantów, po raz pierwszy, pojawiło się tak dużo młodych ludzi podkreślała w Rozmowie Dnia Radia Wrocław politolog doktor Joanna Kozierska.

The key sentence: "For the first time there were so many young people amongst the demonstrators," emphasised poltical scientist Dr Joanna Kozierska in Radio Wrocław's Chat of the Day.
cms  9 | 1253  
22 Jul 2017 /  #5
One reason that both Trump and Corbyn caused shocks is that they got their vote out - in Trumps case in places like Flint and Steubenville and in Corbyn's the young. In the U.K. It was a clear message that they were tired of grabbing, senile careerists and would make themselves heard. Maybe the same thing in Poland now.

Of course it's long two weeks ago that PIS managed to round up a few hundred bus loads of supporters from deepest Lubelskie to watch Trump - they could repeat that now if their varicose veins can stand this heat.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
22 Jul 2017 /  #6
Might one be so bold as well as ignorant to inquire what was the 1st Miracle ON the Vistula?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Jul 2017 /  #7
young people

This from Gdańsk: "Protesting citizens of various ages gathered in front of the Gdańsk cour building, but the noticeable thing was the large attendance by young people. Mainly young people without well-knwon names people spoke. By their hairstyles and clothes one could see that a new generation attached to Western standards of public affairs and not desiring Poland to become like Belarus, were maturing to active participation in Poland's poltical life."

"Przed gdańskim sądem zebrali się protestujący obywatele w różnym wieku, ale uwagę zwracała wysoka frekwencja młodych. Przemawiali też głównie ludzie młodzi, bez znanych nazwisk. Po fryzurach i ubraniach łatwo było zorientować się, że do czynnego udziału w życiu politycznym Polski dojrzewa nowe pokolenie, które przywiązane jest do zachodnich standardów życia publicznego i nie chce, by Polska upodabniała się do Białorusi.

Wrocław, now Gdańsk?! It looks to be an organised campaign. Either young people are being bussed in and/or given incentives to take part and rejuvenate the PR image of the protesters who up till now resembeld an OAP gathering.
mafketis  38 | 11132  
22 Jul 2017 /  #8
Either young people are being bussed in

I'm around young people all the time and they really can't stand JK (there might be a couple who like him, but the opinion of the majority keeps them quiet). They're a bit more positive about Szydło and a few others.The only politician they dislike more is Macierewicz, say the world 'Smolensk' around them and listen to them groan.
gumishu  15 | 6227  
22 Jul 2017 /  #9
By their hairstyles and clothes one could see that a new generation attached to Western standards of public affairs and not desiring Poland to become like Belarus

I believe this is spontaneous - still those people mostly don't know what they are protesting against
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Jul 2017 /  #10
they really can't stand JK

It's not about likes or dislikes but about what looks ot be a surprisng new development. One could imagien soem coincidence in Wrocław -- a big group of young people left theri excursion coaches, saw a hubbub nearby and went to check it out. A TVN cameraman filmed them creating the impression that young people had suddenly joined the fray. But when the same thin usddenyl occurred in Gdańsk, could that laso be a coincidencde? Wouldn't you say it looks liek an organsed campaign? Not everyone equates PiS with JK but mainly with the campaign pledges being adamantly implemented one by one.
jon357  72 | 23361  
22 Jul 2017 /  #11
Basically, the Polish Spring.

provide "incentives" to demonstrators promoting


I'm around young people all the time and they really can't stand JK

True. Though worth mentioning that many of the Poles taking part in the Polish pro-democracy movement are in the 28-42 demographic, generally well educated and not normally given to take part in demonstrations.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Jul 2017 /  #12
many of the Poles taking part

What % do you estimate? Why do more than 60% of 18-24 yr olds support PiS?


Soros can do no wrong, eh?
Sparks11  - | 333  
22 Jul 2017 /  #13
i think i saw george himself standng on the corner of jerozolimskie and nowy swiat handing out stowki. not to mention the jews and the gays coercing people to join the chanting then join them later for some money lending and sodomy. the conspirators are everywhere...
jon357  72 | 23361  
22 Jul 2017 /  #14
That's nothing, Sparks. I saw Karl Marx, the Chief Rabbi of Brooklyn, Bernie Sanders, Hilary Clinton, Caitlyn Jenner, Jeremy Corbyn and Tinky Winky from the teletubbies standing there with clipboards asking the golden Polish youth how many ISIS members they can accommodate in their spare bedrooms.
Sparks11  - | 333  
22 Jul 2017 /  #15
oh my! i'm glad there are such watchful pf members to keep an eye on things... it's getting crazy here in warsaw
cms  9 | 1253  
22 Jul 2017 /  #16
What a whack job theory. How do you think that millions of zloty could be moved into Poland at one days notice without moving the forex markets in favor of the PLN (in fact they have moved the other way as investors start to get nervous about legal process and dispute resolution - after all a court controlled by the govt means Polish govt bonds are overnight a lot less safe).

And then how could that be distributed to tens of thousands of people all over the country ?

Fact is this - if you are under 33 you do not even remember communism, let alone care about scores being settled from those days. You probably realise that the cause of Smolensk was Lech persuading the pilot to land in heavy fog. You are worried about the eccentric actions of a govt that cobbles together vital legislation at a few days notice, without consulting any experts and then springs it on parliament late in the evening ?

PiS played a smart hand in 2015 - appealing to young Mums and aspirational families - the scales are falling from their eyes now that they see the two people they voted for, Szydlo and Duda, are far from the power centre.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Jul 2017 /  #17
Wrocław, now Gdańsk?!

Now Warsaw. All of a sudden a group calling themselves Młodzi 2017 have appeared out of nowhere and made theri début by picketing Kaczyński's home. Pure coincidence? Or is there the whiff of big money going round tracebale to a certian sinister multi-billionaire speculator who makes his money and gets his thrills by banrkupting countries and bringing down governments?
Sparks11  - | 333  
23 Jul 2017 /  #18
or maybe some young people got together in 2017 and...you know....
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Jul 2017 /  #19
some young people got together in 2017

Yeah, after nearly 2 yrears of non-involvement in the PO's anti-PiS crusade, all of a sudden, within two days in Wrocław, Gdańsk and Warsaw... Purely spontaneous?
Sparks11  - | 333  
23 Jul 2017 /  #20
loads went to the czarny protest and some kod stuff. since when dont young people like to protest? they see that this is turning in to a big "thing" so they jump on board.
jon357  72 | 23361  
23 Jul 2017 /  #21
Pure coincidence?

Absolutely not. It's a response to the current events in Poland, that are inspiring people who've never protested against anything, never gone on a demo, never stuck their heads above the parapet, to come out and say "enough".

Or is there the whiff of big money

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Jul 2017 /  #22

Of course not. Soros is on the way to the poor house (ROFL). And even if he still had all that money. he woudl never use it to influence a market, bankrupt a country or the Bank of England, topple a government or promote some political movment in various foreign countries (ROFL)!!!!
jon357  72 | 23361  
23 Jul 2017 /  #23
Even the PiS politician who stupidly alleged outside influence has now retracted her allegation and apologised. She pretended it was due to a 'mistranslation'.

Stop spreading fake news. Nobody believes you.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Jul 2017 /  #24
Nobody believes you

Nobody believes a Soros brown-noser. BTW are you saying that no instructions on how to overthrow the Polish government are being currently ciruclated by Kramek and Broniatowski? That Wałęsa has not called for the arrest of 15,000 people?

Totsal denial like Wałęsa denying irrefutable evidence that he was a paid SB informer.
jon357  72 | 23361  
23 Jul 2017 /  #25
Cobblers, Po. Much as you dislike it, there will be plenty of opinions expressed publicly that you hate.

At least the PiS politician apologised for her lies.
cms  9 | 1253  
23 Jul 2017 /  #26
Funnily enough I think the personal animus against Walesa is one reason why young people are more engaged this time. He is probably the one name they are vaguely aware of from their childhoods and still much admired. Many ordinary people were disgusted by the whistling at him during Trump's visit.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Jul 2017 /  #27

Wałęsa -- the man who stopped de-communisation in 1992 allowing the vicitmisers to live out their days in undeserved luxury on fatcat pensions while their victims languished in poverty. Thanks to Wałęsa, the Polish nation will never know who beat, killed and jailed their ancestors in teh service of the Evil Soviet Empire,

Way to go, Lech!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Jul 2017 /  #28

One wonders when lower-case will apologise for his unending, tasteless PiS-bashing?
mafketis  38 | 11132  
23 Jul 2017 /  #29
when lower-case will apologise for his unending, tasteless PiS-bashing?

After the coup, he'll make YOU apologize to HIM!! Just messing with you, I don't know anything about the coup coming up on Tuesd....... just never mind (looks innocently at the ceiling and whistles a melancholy tune....)
gumishu  15 | 6227  
23 Jul 2017 /  #30

I will use Wałęsa's own words - "Once a traitor, always a traitor"

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