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Michał Kamiński - referred to not by name on the UK Leaders Debate but ...

Varsovian  91 | 634  
23 Apr 2010 /  #1
Yep Clegg, the Liberal leader (stinking rich thanks to a Russian investment bank grandfather), attacked Michał Kamiński of PiS, a Conservative party ally in Euope, though he omitted his name.

Why did he omit his mane? Perhaps because he would have been sued? Or was it perhaps because others had earlier accused Kamiński of anti-semitism and then had to shut up as a whole bunch of prominent Jews came to his defence?

Must be another of those conspiracy things ...

David Miliband, who remarkably got overpromoted to be the Foreign Secretary, has previously said how "physically sickened" he was by current Polish anti-semitism. On a completely unrelated subject, his grandfather left Poland around 1919, heading west and is referred to as Belgian. David M.'s father, Samuel, became a well-known Commie. His grandfather's brother took Polish independence as a sign to head east, and his family became leading Commies and had a great time all the way through Stalinism and beyond.

There are some lovely people around in politics.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
23 Apr 2010 /  #2
Yesterday just after the pre-election debate I started the thread:

Is Prawo i Sprawiedliwość a bunch of nutters?

In which I wrote:

The Conservatives are now allied with eastern European parties. Nick Clegg, leader of the Liberal Democrats, described the Conservatives’ allies, eastern European parties as:

a bunch of nutters, anti-Semites , people who deny climate change exists, homophobes
OP Varsovian  91 | 634  
23 Apr 2010 /  #3
I wanted to narrow it down to exactly who he was meaning, to show how behind the times Brits are.

I wanted to avoid the climate debate - v. sterile
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 Apr 2010 /  #4
David Miliband, who remarkably got overpromoted to be the Foreign Secretary, has previously said how "physically sickened" he was by current Polish anti-semitism.

Disgusting hypocrites, only a few days ago he was eulogizing what a great man the president was, whilst making such scandalous accusations against his party, BUT WAIT THAT IS NOT EVEN THE BOTTOM OF THE BARREL. Read THIS!


Absolutely unbelievable, how can this Labour lowlife get away with this? why isn't he done for defamation! i wish somebody would make a big issue out of this preferably somebody who lives in the constituency, disrupt his every meeting and confront him with his lie! If i lived in the country i would be relentless hounding him right up to polling day, I've tried contacting his office but the scum is ignoring me, he uses his mother as a secretary.

This is a warning to everyone, if you are Polish do not vote Labour, they have a track record of baiting Poles. If you look at their history they instigated the unionists to prevent military supplies being shipped to Poland during the Bolshevik war. They prevented the Poles from marching during the Victory Day, never vote Labour!
DannyJ  - | 129  
23 Apr 2010 /  #5
David Miliband

Next Labour leader as from the end of May this year
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 Apr 2010 /  #6
They will have to lose for that to happen. At the moment, I hope I am wrong but that doesn't seem likely.
Benjaminpm  2 | 8  
23 Apr 2010 /  #7
Are you sure he said 'Eastern European Countries' ?? I must have missed that bit
DannyJ  - | 129  
23 Apr 2010 /  #8
They will have to lose for that to happen. At the moment, I hope I am wrong but that doesn't seem likely.

Miliband wants them to lose, then he makes his move
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 Apr 2010 /  #9
He had an opportunity of ousting Brown earlier, but the guy is a coward with no real life experience, remember the banana incident?
DannyJ  - | 129  
23 Apr 2010 /  #10
I don,t even like the guy,, I can just see the waiting game he,s playing to be leader.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
23 Apr 2010 /  #11
Check what the Independent wrote on the subject:

I do not claim that he said: 'the Conservatives are now allied with eastern European parties'
But who are they allied with then?

As to the actual words he said:
How on Earth does it help anyone... David Cameron, to join together in the European Union with a bunch of nutters, anti-Semites , people who deny climate change exists, homophobes
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 Apr 2010 /  #12
As to the actual words he said:
How on Earth does it help anyone… David Cameron, to join together in the European Union with a bunch of nutters, anti-Semites , people who deny climate change exists, homophobes

Did you read the comments made by the Labour candidate in the Cambridge Union debate I've posted above, (its on video you can listen to him saying it)? Complete lies, I wonder if he did that out of ignorance or maliciousness.

So just in case anybody who comes across this post don't vote for Daniel Zeichner, he is a Liar and a racist!
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
23 Apr 2010 /  #13
Labour candidate in the Cambridge Union debate I've posted above

Yes, I did.

BTW, the speech is very interesting; convincing, I'd say.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 Apr 2010 /  #14
convincing, I'd say.

Maybe his manner, but the guy has been caught red handed. There is so much misinformation about that speech that i wouldn't know were to begin.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
23 Apr 2010 /  #15
Yes, that 'nazi salute' was a bit buffoonish.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 Apr 2010 /  #16
Not only that, but his mixing of countries. He took the supposed actions of a Latvian party and attributed them to a Polish political party. If i were a candidate, that publicly said that the Labour party are a bunch of child abusers, I wonder what would the reaction be like.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
23 Apr 2010 /  #17
Mr Zeichner sad:

You don't go and have an alliance with Angela Merkel, you go and find some people in the Polish Law and Order Freedom Party - some people who think that the best thing to do on a Sunday morning is to go out and celebrate the achievements of the Waffen SS in the last war

Polish Law and Order

Latvian For Fatherland and Freedom - national conservative political party in Latvia

So he made one party out of two, just a mental shortcut of a kind, play for the ignorant public, that's quite normal for a politician. Both of the mentioned parties are in alliance with the British Conservatives, at least here he's right.
1jola  14 | 1875  
23 Apr 2010 /  #18
people who think that the best thing to do on a Sunday morning is to go out and celebrate the achievements of the Waffen SS in the last war

PiS should sue him if possible, or at least ridicule him for complete ignorance and lack of any class, Scraping the bottom of the political mud barrel, how desperate.

Any Poles ever get a chance to pie him in public, do so, then quote him so he gets a lesson.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 Apr 2010 /  #19
So he made one party out of two, just a mental shortcut of a kind, play for the ignorant public, that's quite normal for a politician. Both of the mentioned parties are in alliance with the British Conservatives, at least here he's right.

It is a carelessness born out of contempt, there is no way he would have made that comment about the US Republicans for instance, even if true!

I urge everyone to join the Daniel Zeichner should apologize facebook page. I would also advise if you feel like it, to contact him personally, he has his own website, Google his name. I have tried contacting him, but unfortunately he shields himself with his elderly mother

whenever i ring his office.

Any Poles ever get a chance to pie him in public, do so, then quote him so he gets a lesson.

AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
23 Apr 2010 /  #20
Any Poles ever get a chance to pie him in public, do so, then quote him so he gets a lesson.

Wait a moment! Better to ask first, if Mr Zeichner has any chance of becoming future PM?
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 Apr 2010 /  #21
No chance, though i love the idea, though who knows maybe Millaband?

So here is the appeal to all interested living in Cambridge or near by, do everyone a service by pieing Zeichner, and than proceeding to read his comment back at him, you will liven up the election i assure you.
jonni  16 | 2475  
23 Apr 2010 /  #22
Yep Clegg, the Liberal leader (stinking rich thanks to a Russian investment bank grandfather)

You forgot to mention that David (Thatcher's Ghost) Cameron's grandfather founded HSBC.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
24 Apr 2010 /  #23
founded HSBC.

I know he was involved with banking, but i don't think he actually founded the bank.
jonni  16 | 2475  
24 Apr 2010 /  #24
It was actually his great-great-grandfather, Sir Ewan Cameron, who was head of HSBC. He is, however, a direct descendant of King William IV who he resembles, as seen below.


A real man of the people ;-)
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
24 Apr 2010 /  #25
He is, however, a direct descendant of King William IV who he resembles, as seen below.

Yes i have heard about it, and taught exactly the same as you, he looks so much like him especially the chin.
jonni  16 | 2475  
24 Apr 2010 /  #26
But they dress differently. Much as I hate the Tories and hope they lose, Cameron does at least have something about him.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
24 Apr 2010 /  #27
Much as I hate the Tories and hope they lose

Why the fock would you want them to lose! the government is beyond contempt, see my previous posts about Labour. The name Labour cultivates my hatred, it gives me a reason to live, can't you see how absolutely base they are! Every morning i wake up, i think to myself thank God, today is another day i can hate Labour.
jonni  16 | 2475  
24 Apr 2010 /  #28
Well, one party fought for and won for us free compulsory schooling, a ban on child labour, health and safety at work regulations, a national minimum wage, sickness benefits, free healthcare, the right to divorce, equal pay for women and open access to university education. The other party fought against and tried to stop all of those.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
24 Apr 2010 /  #29
A real man of the people ;-)

Yes, he enjoyed spending their cash on social schemes.

The UK needs a Ron Paul.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
24 Apr 2010 /  #30
The name Labour cultivates my hatred, it gives me a reason to live, can't you see how absolutely base they are! Every morning i wake up, i think to myself thank God, today is another day i can hate Labour.

Have you ever considered professional help?


M-G (concerned)

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