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Polish man tries to sell British mother into white slave trade

6 Aug 2017 /  #1
There have been repeated stories about arabs trying to drug Polish women and then sell them into the white slave trade as sex toys. Stories, but no facts.

However, we now have the vile example of a man drugging, kidnapping and trying to sell as a white slave a British woman. The criminal in question is a Polish man.

British model has been left traumatised after she was drugged and kidnapped in Milan while her captor sought to "auction" her on the internet if her agent did not pay $300,000 (£230,000), Italian police said Saturday.
Lukasz Pawel Herba, 30, a Polish national from Szczecin who lives in the UK, was arrested by police and charged with the attack.
"You are being released with a warning. You are certainly aware of your value on human slavery market. A mistake was made by capturing you," the document said in English.


I hope that British women understand that this was just one utterly vile man and that the vast majority of Polish men are very decent blokes.
mafketis  38 | 11142  
6 Aug 2017 /  #2
There have been repeated stories about arabs trying to drug Polish women and then sell them into the white slave trade as sex toys

Urban legends from the 1970s and 80s.... now rich Gulf arabs just hire prostitutes off of instagram, cheaper and safer for all concerned don't you know anything?
OP Harry  
6 Aug 2017 /  #3
Urban legends from the 1970s and 80s.

Yes, but ones still retold. For example the tragic death of Magdalena Zuk has been recast as an example of wicken arabs trying to kidnap and sell a Polish woman.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Aug 2017 /  #4
Disgusting story. The tendency of Poles to get involved in human trafficking is quite disturbing, isn't it?

Harry, maybe you'll remember, but isn't Poland one of Europe's hotspots for human trafficking and slavery?
Crow  154 | 9535  
6 Aug 2017 /  #5
One more Polish life destroyed in malformed Britain.

What we see here is infected mind of this poor Polish man. He is infected by life in western Europe, where life of human being means nothing, especially lives of Poles and Slavs in general. He is in fact victim of totally twisted society and, wrongly of course, in his mind, he pledged to issue its own revenge by starting to use British woman as object of slavery. He couldn`t accept only Slavs to be objects of slavery.
mafketis  38 | 11142  
6 Aug 2017 /  #6
For example the tragic death of Magdalena Zuk has been recast as an example of wicken arabs

Well I would certainly advise any young western woman against travelling on her own to Egypt.... the cultural attitudes to women are pretty much incompatible with their welfare.

jon357  72 | 23483  
6 Aug 2017 /  #7
He is infected by life in western Europe, where life of human being means nothing, especially lives of Poles and Slavs in general

The rest of the gang are Russian and Serbian.
Crow  154 | 9535  
6 Aug 2017 /  #8
We are all infected by sickness of western Europe. We need more Slavic spirit and more loyalty to Svetovid and ancestors.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
6 Aug 2017 /  #9
The criminal in question is a Polish man.

Sheer Polonophobic masturbation material for the ASBO OP and his merry band of fellow ASBO followers.

And how can this alleged criminal be Polish when the OP and his cohorts are on record stating repeatingly that anyone born or living outside of Poland cannot be regarded as being Polish?

In any event the sanctimonious hypocrisy on display by the British OP should come as no surprise to anyone. While the OP is taking obvious delight in casting the spotlight on criminal allegations made against ONE purported Pole, hiding in the shadows is the OP's own shameful British heritage when it comes to the matter of slavery. Slavery existed in Britain and its empire for centuries and still does today. The Doomsday Book recorded that 10% of the population in the British Isles back then were slaves and it took an act of Parliament centuries later to formally end it (at least on paper but not in practice). Today there are still tens of thousands of victims of modern slavery suffering in Britain today. Reports of Poles being abused by the British for their labor have been commonplace over the years.

Britain's stinking history is one which will always carry the blackest stigma when it comes to disregarding human life. As time passes the true horror of it comes more and more in stark relief. Why, just today a story was published of early English settlers cannibalizing a woman:

"...starving English settlers feasted on rats and even other HUMANS...The ancient human skull of a young female revealed she had been likely been eaten by her fellow settlers..."

jon357  72 | 23483  
6 Aug 2017 /  #10
We are all infected by sickness of western Europe

I doubt your 'sickness' has such symptoms as operating a 'kidnapping gang' who advertise on the Dark Web..
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
6 Aug 2017 /  #11
shameful British heritage when it comes to the matter of slavery. Slavery

A terrible thing, cities like Liverpol and Bristol were built with the money gained from slavery, even today there are those calling for reparations
Bieganski  17 | 888  
6 Aug 2017 /  #12
even today there are those calling for reparations

All the stolen wealth enjoyed by Britain in the past right through the present was a result of extracting it through the sweat, blood, tears, screams of agony, and final gasps of breath from the millions upon millions of humans enslaved and worked to death by the British.

Britain needs to fess up and cough up.

Reparations NOW!
jon357  72 | 23483  
6 Aug 2017 /  #13
cities like

This relates to a current kidnapping ring how?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
6 Aug 2017 /  #14
It's always good to understand past history when debating a current issue , there may or may not be comparisons or common motivations money etc, to commit such a horrid crime, It's interesting that kidnapping was a legal trade in Britain not so long ago, there may be people who are reading this article who are not aware of this fact.
jon357  72 | 23483  
6 Aug 2017 /  #15
there may or may not be

In this case, a very big not.

"He claimed he was working on behalf of the "Black Death Group", an organisation which operates in the deep web for illegal traffics, police said." - this looks like a cross border issue.

trade in Britain not so long ago,

Yes, the first country to ban it and enforce that ban.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
6 Aug 2017 /  #16

Absolutely. Anytime the British try to take the position of acting morally superior to others then first and foremost their history and current conduct need to be known for context.

With that said the British are never in a position to lecture others especially Poles about anything. Britain's human rights record over the centuries would make even North Korea look like a charity-run family friendly theme park.

Even Britain's military which enforced its conquest and enslavement around the world were themselves slaves with the notorious kidnapping practice called press-ganging.

British slavery was openly practiced for centuries (domestically and internationally) and done so at the state level.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
6 Aug 2017 /  #17
It's quite amazing he doesn't look like a gypsy, very unusual.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
6 Aug 2017 /  #18
this looks like a cross border issue.

So was taking kidnapped slaves out of Africa and shipping the to America, many descendants of slaves still live in the ex British colony of Jamaica

Yes, the first country to ban it and enforce that ban.

Oh yes that was abolition of the slave trade act 1807

But as late as 1837 British troops were mudering slaves in Jamaica.

God bless Samuel Sharpe a true fighter for freedom.


Kidnap is a terrible thing usualy conducted for financial gain, even great nations such as Britain have dabbled with it.
jon357  72 | 23483  
6 Aug 2017 /  #19
Here's some more about the British kidnap victim and the kidnapper:
"It's unclear whether the sole suspect arrested by Saturday, Lukasz Pawel Herba, 30, is connected to that original group or just used their name in order to frighten the victim and impress investigators.

"We don't know if the accused is linked to an organization or created his own version of Black Death," Bucossi said.

A Black Death promotional leaflet connected to Herba shows a drawing of doctors from the mid-1300s wearing hook-nosed "plague masks," that were wrongly believed at the time to protect against the foul air thought to carry the disease."

Bieganski  17 | 888  
6 Aug 2017 /  #20
Here is a depiction from the time of an African woman being humiliated and flogged to death aboard the British slave ship Recovery:

No one should ever believe this was an isolated case.

Britain has never come to terms with its state sanctioned crimes against humanity. Until it does the British can never be rehabilitated.
jon357  72 | 23483  
6 Aug 2017 /  #21
A bit more about the kidnapper:
"Lukasz Pawel Herba, 30, a Polish national from Szczecin who lives in the UK, was arrested by police and charged with the attack.

Police said he had confessed to the kidnapping, which investigators described as an elaborate plot that involved months of planning."
Bieganski  17 | 888  
6 Aug 2017 /  #22
No surprise for the Polonphobes to be calling a criminal Polish when on any other day their thought policing would be describing him as an EU national and British resident.
jon357  72 | 23483  
6 Aug 2017 /  #23
"She was then injected with horse tranquilliser ketamine and photographed naked before being stuffed in the case and driven 120 miles to a farmhouse near Turin.

She was kept handcuffed to a wooden chest of drawers inside a rented house for a week."

Looks like the young woman in question had a horrible time in Italy. I expect she'll be due compensation, however the mental scars will take a lot of time to heal. If this Herba person is found guilty, he'll be in an Italian jail for decades.
OP Harry  
6 Aug 2017 /  #24
Lukasz Pawel Herba, 30, a Polish national from Szczecin

How long will it be before we read claims that that isn't a Polish name and so the vile piece of work in question can't possibly be Polish. Perhaps one of the usual suspects would like to claim that he's descended from one of the very few German families who weren't removed from the area as part of the post-war ethnic cleansing which Poland benefitted from.

It's very interesting the way that the people who claim to be Polish can't just say "This utterly wrong and unacceptable and we need to look at ways to make sure this never happens again." and instead start trying to excuse the creep who belongs to the nation they identify as by talking about crimes other people committed centuries ago. British people long ago dealt with the part of the British nation in slavery and moved on with lessons learned; it seems that some Poles (and some 'Poles') are incapable of learning lessons and respond to things which some Poles do which are clearly completely wrong with 'what about what other people did tens of generations ago?'. While it's entirely understandable that people who hate the present which they have to live in retreat into a past which didn't exist in the form they want it to have existed, the danger is that when lessons about the past are not learned, the mistakes from the past are repeated over and over again.

Harry, maybe you'll remember, but isn't Poland one of Europe's hotspots for human trafficking and slavery?

Poland has more people living under conditions of modern slavery than any other country in the EU. I seem to remember it's something horrifying like 0.4% of the population. As I said above, lessons from the past have clearly not been learned and the result is that far too many Polish people think that slavery is acceptable.
mafketis  38 | 11142  
6 Aug 2017 /  #25
Poland has more people living under conditions of modern slavery than any other country in the EU

Specifics or it's bvllsh1t
OP Harry  
6 Aug 2017 /  #26


My memory was wrong, the estimate is 0.48%, so closer to 0.5% than 0.4%.
mafketis  38 | 11142  
6 Aug 2017 /  #27
My memory was wrong, the estimate

Oh, I remember that thing, thee methodology is essentially to make wild guesses and assume every single person some.... sectors of the economy are being held in slave like conditions. Hardly credible.
jon357  72 | 23483  
6 Aug 2017 /  #28
A bit more on the case:
"According to Italian police Herba, 30, a Polish citizen based in Britain, obtained a false Polish passport under the name Daniel Zawada through the internet in May and used it to rent the two properties in Italy. He is also alleged to have acquired two balaclavas and a Bitcoin device on the web. The car used in the crime was purchased in Poland last month."

OP Harry  
6 Aug 2017 /  #29
obtained a false Polish passport under the name Daniel Zawada through the internet

I wonder why he stuck to a Polish passport and a Polish name when getting a fake passport.
jon357  72 | 23483  
6 Aug 2017 /  #30
I wonder why he stuck to a Polish passport and a Polish name when getting a fake passport.

Probably a strong accent and limited language skills in, say, French. Easier to lie if questioned.

Either that, or he's got a contact who specifically provides them.

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