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Polish magazine causes outrage with cover showing white woman being sexually attacked by 'migrants'

jon357  72 | 23361  
18 Feb 2016 /  #31

You very much referred to Ghandi. You introduced him to the thread to try and make a point that didn't work, due to your lack of perspective. Trying to suggest that he was unpopular among British when in fact he was hugely admired.

So how does the salt stolen from India taste?

How would I know or for that matter care. You might perhaps reflect that in your country, aborigines were being routinely murdered until relatively recently.

the actual video evidence black and white where Mexican harassed Polish woman and Polish men ran to help her

Rubbish. The film was shown on TV here and show nothing of the sort. It shows a particularly violent racist attack by thugs from villages who had been drinking on the beach.

Part of (most pertinently to this thread) the insecurity that the less intelligent and less cosmopolitan I. Society where skin colour and nationality are concerned - hence the crude publicity stunt by the contemptible 'w sieci' fanzine, a publication that most people here had never heard of until this week.



The same nutty nonsense from an ignorant inadequate.
polishinvestor  1 | 341  
18 Feb 2016 /  #32
These are real problems for the likes of the UK, Germany and other desirable points of destination for the refugees and immigrants. Poland is 99% white and mostly catholic so the majority is always looking towards other races, particular those of collour, with distrust at the very least. And those looking for a new home fully recognise the state of affairs in Poland and the vast majority coming in are likely to quickly move on to western europe. The important thing is to avoid unnecessary conflict with the EU, to continue to receive investment funds from them. You only have to look at the crisis generated in Greece or Cyprus to see how getting on the wrong side of the EU works out. Its a game that needs to be played with a cool head. Poland has much to offer the EU, central location, a hardworking relatively cheap workforce etc but it cannot be seen calling the shots. But with a smart approach you can let someone think they made a decision, while all the while you made it for them.

Poland needs to take the necessary precautions but look through this problem, as its going to be very quickly transferred elsewhere.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
18 Feb 2016 /  #33
Twitter users have compared the images with fascist propaganda in Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy, which used images of women being attacked by Jewish and North African men.

Yes, the entire minority of feeble minded justice warriors of Twitter.
nothanks  - | 626  
18 Feb 2016 /  #34
"Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy, which used images of women being attacked by Jewish and North African men."

1) Women were not attacked by Bolsheviks?
2) So North African men continue to be the biggest problem?
mafketis  38 | 11137  
19 Feb 2016 /  #35
Twitter users have compared the images with fascist propaganda in Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy, which used images of women being attacked by Jewish and North African men.

Well how could Cologne be described if not north African men targetting and sexually assaulting European women?

How can Rotherham be described except as Muslim men targetting and sexually exploiting non-muslim young women?

The cover is effective because a large section of the population is paralyzed by cognitive dissonance and/or fear of being labelled racist.

Poles, by and large, can look at Hungary's handling of the migrants and Germany's and compare where was the better New Year's Eve? Budapest or Cologne?

European progressives are choosing to ignore important facts.
nothanks  - | 626  
19 Feb 2016 /  #36
Mafketis, not sure what the end game is. Imprisoning (ie Scottish Man this week for anti-refugee posts) all opposing viewpoints? This will blow over and the new migrants will out perform the failed migrants before them? Projections of million more migrants coming in the near future are incorrect?

Maybe they are banking on Polish expats returning from the West and over time forcing social and political change? I notice the contrary occuring: "Never let Poland resemble London, Paris etc"

Sidenote: youtube "Metro Moscow Paris" by uploader Tikolt. Shocking what Western Europe has devolved into. Just as shocking: how are Poles not seeing whose side we should be on
mafketis  38 | 11137  
19 Feb 2016 /  #37
not sure what the end game is

A lot of people who've paid a lot of attention to this issue (unlike those who rely on the mainstream media alone) think the likely answer is: To roll back the welfare state*. The idea is: overburden it till it collapses in a way that most people will be afraid to criticize (and put them in jail if they do criticize).

I'm also halfway convinced that the violence against native women that the migrants are bringing with them is also welcomed by the EU elite. Here the probable idea is to whittle down the labor force. Automation is set to eliminate millions and millions of jobs in the next decade or two and global capital does not need much of a workforce. By making public spaces less safe for women they're encouraging them to stay home and not pursue careers (anecdotal evidence indicates that women in migrant-rich areas are already curtailing their public activities).

*this is tied up with ideas like 'the end of the nation state' a policy that western governments are pursuing while not talking about it.
nothanks  - | 626  
19 Feb 2016 /  #38
I certainly believe in that. USA would love to assist in destroying the welfare system in Europe. Almost over-night the rhetoric in American politics went from "We should strive to duplicate what Sweden is doing - to - we do not want to be Sweden". There are so many angles USA has and will continue benefit from, it is difficult to focus in on just one.

Your 2nd paragraph is very interesting. Something I will look into.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
19 Feb 2016 /  #39
USA would love to assist in destroying the welfare system in Europe

This has nothing to do with the US (though the same processes are happening there). This is entirely on the initiative of the European elite. Look into authors like Phillip Bobbit and Zygmunt Baumann.

Your 2nd paragraph is very interesting. Something I will look into.

Look into "nudge" theory. The idea is that governments don't try to convince people of their policies but rather create conditions that lead people "on their own" to do what the government wants.


And as to automation, this is the scariest video ever...


mods: please do not move this comment to random, it's entirely germaine to the larger topic (what's up with the migrants and how should Poland react)
19 Feb 2016 /  #40
Perhaps the Australian papers didn't report those

The guy is in Moscow time, if you hadn't noticed. He's no more Australian or Polish than I am.
OP Harry  
22 Feb 2016 /  #41
Fairly amusing to visit wsieci.pl right now.

Apparently it's been down for three days after certain people objected to the "Nazi anti Muslim hate propaganda" the magazine thought it would be a good idea to publish: thenews.pl/1/9/Artykul/241734,wSieci-website-hacked-over-controversial-cover
gumishu  15 | 6227  
22 Feb 2016 /  #42
Fairly amusing to visit wsieci.pl right now.

you are amused by illegal activities Harry - who would've thought
smurf  38 | 1940  
22 Feb 2016 /  #43
It's a grey area though isn't it?
I think Polish law can only come down hard ot DDoS attacks if they're aimed at govt-concerned websites; national defence, transport, state authorities etc.

And that's only if the attack originates from within Poland, these guys are behind 100s of VPNs and willl be impossible to catch and even if they are caught their home country is unlikely to extradite them to Poland for hacking a sh!tty neo-fascit rag like w Sieci
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
22 Feb 2016 /  #44
Polish people are terrified of an Islamic invasion like in Belgium, Germany, etc. They do not believe that the migrants will assimilate and they do not want to pay to support families where there's like 10 people to one household and only 1 or 2 breadwinners, if that.

Quite frankly, I am happy Poland has this attitude. What is happening in Europe is an invasion. It brings tears to my eyes when I see beautiful cities I have visited like Cologne, Vienna, London, Paris, etc. full of ghettos. Even Churches are being told to remove crosses so as not to offend the Muslim migrants... it is sad. 100% Cultural and religious suicide.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
22 Feb 2016 /  #45
Polish people are terrified of an Islamic invasion like in Belgium, Germany, etc. They do not believe that the migrants will assimilate

The majority in Belgium or Germany are terrified as well and don't believe in a successful assimilation either. The migrants are forced upon them by their ruling politicial caste.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
22 Feb 2016 /  #46
after certain people objected to the "Nazi anti Muslim hate propaganda" the magazine thought it would be a good idea to publish

Isn't that just the SJW* way - don't engage with uncomfortable ideas - try to shut down public dialogue. Not a good idea. Shutting down dialogue does not stop ideas, it just drives them underground where they grow more dangerous.

*Social Justice Warrior - self-righteous pricks who want to boss around other people in the name of .... some damm thing or other.
Ktos  15 | 432  
23 Feb 2016 /  #47
Quite frankly, I am happy Poland has this attitude.

Jews also push for their rights all the time, they are a problem as well, and yet every year hundreds of them receive Polish citizenship with no trouble at all.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Feb 2016 /  #48
Shutting down dialogue does not stop ideas

Indeed! Ignoring the true nature of the RT/KOD establishment, derailing any dialogue on the subject or trying to drown it out with spurious, high-decibel "pro-demcoracy" rhetoric will not stop people wondering and asking.
jon357  72 | 23361  
23 Feb 2016 /  #49
Apparently it's been down for three days

Nobody read that trash anyway
Wulkan  - | 3136  
23 Feb 2016 /  #50
Plenty of people who want to know the truth that is being hidden by left wing governments, we know you're not one of them.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
24 Feb 2016 /  #51
Jews also push for their rights all the time, they are a problem as well, and yet every year hundreds of them receive Polish citizenship with no trouble at all.

That is a BIG issue that does not go reported... hmmm... wonder why? Perhaps it is because 4/5 top media outlets are owned by Zionists - the exception being Rupert Murdoch who is as pro-Israel as any of the others.. Even though the community of Jews is rather small in Poland (I believe around 20k or so) many do hold the top spots in media and government. There are lots who have changed their names to more Polish sounding ones:


I am not anti-Semitic. I am 100% for a two state solution as I do believe the Jews and the Palestinians deserve a homeland just as the Poles deserved one after WW1. (Hopefully, the Kurds get one too after this whole mess in Iraq and Syria although I feel the US will once again betray them). In fact, my girlfriend was brought up as an Orthodox Jew. She even has a hardcore Jewish name (Shoshana). The issue that bugs me is the Israel-Palestine conflict. There are so many UN violations that Israel and the IDF has committed it is ridiculous. Any other country would've had sanctions by now. The demolishing of Palestinian homes in the West Bank, the indiscriminate bombing in Gaza that murders scores of women and children, the English journalist who was run over by an IDF bulldozer because she protesting the demolishing of a home, the total apartheid of the West Bank where Palestinians are not allowed to go on certain streets and zones, the fact that Israelis can carry weapons but Palestinians can not, the shooting of teenagers because they threw a rock at a tank, the total blockade of Gaza by land, air, and sea then complaining when they dig tunels - which yes are sometimes used for attacks but generally used to bring in goods like construction materials which are greatly lacking, the total disregard of UN resolutions preventing Israel from building settlements, I mean I can on and on... It is a case of an abused child becoming an abuser... I digress though as this is polish forums and not palestine israel forums..

Plenty of people who want to know the truth that is being hidden by left wing governments, we know you're not one of them.

Europe has been invaded and it is pretty much over for Belgium and Germany perhaps for Austria, Sweden, Holland and Denmark as well - we'll have to see. Unfortunately the government refuses to publish real statistics because they are concerned it will offend the migrants. Sweden does not publish the race of a criminal (although it seems like for whites this is often an exception), Germany converts old churches to shelters and asks that churches do not display Christian iconography, schools ask that girls do not wear skirts anymore, over 100 people in dortmund (one of which was my aunt) lost their job because the government took over a 4-star hotel and converted it into a migrant shelter - my aunt worked there for over 10 years and lost her job overnight while these people get to live in 4 star accommodations with pools, spas, hair salons, etc. for FREE and now she has to struggle to pay her bills, in Holland nearly half of students in elementary school are Muslim, in France Sweden and Belgium and increasingly now in Germany there are no-go zones where even the police, fire, and EMTs are too scared to go into - these areas are notorious for breeding terrorists and harboring arms and drug dealers. The mastermind of the attack in Paris came from one of these no-go zones in Belgium. Countless seniors and people who rely on their pensions are being forcibly removed from their homes by the government so that their apartments can be GIVEN to migrants. It is sickening what is happening. Greece and Italy asked for help in securing their borders - since no one offered to help them they said screw it and let them pass through since they knew few of these migrants actually wanted to stay in Greece or Italy where God forbid they'd actually have to work and assimilate instead of getting a handout.

It bothers me that Israel tells the Europeans to be multicultural - allow more in, be decent human beings help the migrants! Yet Israel does not allow them in and is doing everything it possibly can to acquire the Palestinian territories and make the lives of those already living there a total hell. Furthermore, the Arab countries aren't letting any of these migrants in. Do you know how many refugees Saudi Arabia let in? Less than 12! Turkey and Lebanon are the only two countries actually caring for their Muslim brothers and sisters although their resources are stretched and the state can only provide so much that is why these people chose to go to the socialist liberal welfare states of Sweden and Germany as their first choice. One of the few outlets that reports on all these issue is actually a Russian state network - RT.

Atleast there is hope namely in Australia who is not letting in migrants and of course the Visegard 4 - of which Poland is a member.

I don't have a problem with people moving to look for a better life. My family and myself are an example - we left Communist Poland with perhaps $400 and 2 suitcases to make the American dream. We went from being dirt poor, not knowing the language, living in a roach infested apartment complex where nearly everyone was on SNAP and welfare and just stayed at home getting drunk and high all day to learning the language, working and saving followed by more working and saving followed by yet more working and saving till we are now able to live comfortably, have a large home in an expensive suburb, have nice cars and belongings but most importantly are happy and healthy and proud of our accomplishments. Unfortunately, the vast majority of these migrants will not assimiliate, they will just demand money and free housing. Many will not learn the language and refuse to become part of the society. Even worse, a significant percentage will attempt to change the society and laws and impose Sharia. There are 'Sharia' groups in nearly every western European country now - Sharia for UK, Sharia for Belgium, Sharia for Germany, etc. Some of the mosques are KNOWN to be terrorist recruiting centers and many of the mosque leaders openly preach the destruction of democracy and support for terrorist groups. This is not of course every migrant but at least 50% fall into the category of economic refugees looking for a handout. It is a FACT that most aren't even from Syria - even the liberal media acknowledges that. I've met plenty of Turks in Germany who are hard working family oriented good people. Those are the kind we want in Europe. Unfortunately, we are getting the very bottom of the barrel.

Poland the Visegard 4 must resist this invasion at all costs! Do not believe that this modern wave of multiculturalism is a good thing.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Feb 2016 /  #52
I am not anti-Semitic.

There are lots who have changed their names to more Polish sounding ones:

Perhaps it is because 4/5 top media outlets are owned by Zionists

Sorry, but you're a typical anti-Semite.

As for why some of them took Polish names - if everyone decided that Poles were scum, you'd change your name as well.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
24 Feb 2016 /  #53
@Adrian: have you ever lived in (Western) Europe? I doubt it otherwise you would not buy any BS from Fox News, CNN or other populists! Telling people that in Europe there are "no-go" zones is a lie and an invention from American populists. The proof: evey time they issue lies and other BS, they have to apologize to embassies of countries concerned because said embassies complain (and they are right) and of course they have NEVER been able to submit lists with EXACT locations. They just say in country x or country y there are "no go" zones but where exactly?????

Of course, in every country in Western Europe(and elsewhere), there are bad neighborhoods (like in any town in the world) mostly inhabited by immigrants or immigrants's kids BUT the police (and sometimes army in some countries) DO intervene and are constantly present (= police stations opened all the time). Saying the opposite shows that you do not know anything about reality. A bad neighborhood does NOT make it a "no-go" zone. I can assure you that Moleenbeck is also a "normal town" but your American media "forgot" to show it ;).

What PERSONAL experience do you have? I suppose NONE so please have the intelligence of not talking about what you don't know of.

Like Goebbels (sorry, not my guru) said "a lie repeated thousands of times does not make it to be true".

Well, I'm going to be contradicted by Americans and others who have NEVER had any PERSONAL experience but it fits me because I know that they are not serious.

Please stop buying any s]]t from medias. The only way to learn about things is through personal experience
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Feb 2016 /  #54
Couldn't agree more, InPolska.

The American media is notorious for twisting stuff. I'd feel far safer walking through any European city late at night than walking through places such as Highland, Detroit or East St. Louis during the day.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
24 Feb 2016 /  #55
@Delph: most of American media are nauseating with all their lies re Europe (and elsewhere). You'll notice that every time they tell some BS about another country, the embassy of said country complains and the American media have to apologize.

Their invention of "no go" zones in Europe is of course pure BS and they have NEVER been able to give exact locations. Of course there are bad neighborhoods (no bad neighborhoods in the US ??? ;););) ) but they are NOT "no-go" zones.

The problem is that most Americans never travel, don't know other languages so they rely on what their media tell them to believe.

PS: of course, any European town is safer than the US!

Back on topic - this discussion should be about Poland
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
24 Feb 2016 /  #56
And this is about Poland because Polish people are terrified that they are going to be the next country that has to deal with a flood of migrant Muslims. They are scared their women will be raped like in Germany, hence the cover of the magazine, that churches will have to remove crosses, that they will have to foot the bill for the families with 1 working adult and perhaps 1-4 wives and enough kids for a basketball team where the man has little to no skills of value, and then these people are going to be marching down the streets of Warsaw and Krakow demanding Sharia and more money and benefits.

So hopefully, Poland and it's government along with the Visegard 4 will be wise enough to understand what is happening to the West of them.

Also, Poland currently has a rather significant Muslim population in the East like around Bialystok. These are the old Tatars but they are fully assimilated - they work, they respect the prevailing Catholic customs of Poland, they don't try to impose Sharia, they don't rely on welfare and hand outs, and they don't rape Polish women.

In Poland there are already a few mosques in Warsaw and 1 in Wroclaw (my city). The population is rather small but they are assimilated and they get along well with the other Poles. The Poles are scared of the migrants who claim to be from 'Syria' and will create a situation like that in Belgium or Germany.

And yes, I have seen what has happened in Germany with my own eyes. My own Aunt lost her job of over 10 years working at a hotel because one day the government appropriated it and gave it to the migrants to live in for FREE. So here she is working so she can support her daughter, living in a small apartment in the old style blocks, and suddenly she goes to work one morning just to find out not only that she lost her job but that the migrants will live in a 4 star hotel for FREE and have access to the pool, the spa, and all the other amenities. They get free lodging in relative luxury, free food, a small cash stipend, access to a nice swimming pool and then during the day groups of men chant Sharia for Germany and look for women to rape. Wouldn't that upset you? While they're doing all that my aunt now has to figure out how to get a job right away so that the electricity isn't turned off, the daughter has everything she needs for school, and she doesn't get kicked out of her place for not paying rent. My aunt should just tan her skin, buy some brown contacts, put on a burqa, and pretend to be from Syria - then all her troubles would go away.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
24 Feb 2016 /  #57
Yes, I agree, Adrian, but there are NO "no go" zones since police is present and even people like me can go too. It is for sure a problem and it is so all over (in Polish towns too bad neighborhoods). What i'm arguing about is that they are NOT NO go zones.

Ps: French authorities are concerned about solving problem

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