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Polish magazine causes outrage with cover showing white woman being sexually attacked by 'migrants'

18 Feb 2016 /  #1
Just a word for those who haven't been following this particular PIS lover scandal: WSieci was established by the Karnowski brothers. The major shareholder in the magazine is Spółdzielczy Instytut Naukowy G. Bierecki. PIS senator G. Bierecki is corrupt: he merged SKOK credit unions into an unsupervised one under his control and then syphoned some the central SKOK's funds into companies he controls in Luxembourg. He was dropped by PIS before the elections but recently made head of the Senate Banking and Public Finance Commission (now that he can't do damage to their election chances). The court case about him taking the money was due to commence late last year but as soon as PiS won they changed the judge. Two weeks ago the newly apointed judge said, despite having done nothing, there was not enough evidence to proceed.

'wSieci' features the image of a white woman, draped with the European Union flag, screaming as she is being groped and assaulted by dark skinned male arms/

Twitter users have compared the images with fascist propaganda in Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy, which used images of women being attacked by Jewish and North African men.

G (undercover)  
18 Feb 2016 /  #2
Polish magazine causes outrage

So it's not sexual attacks or pressure of governments on the media to cover them up what causes "outrage" but actually talking about what is happening ? You EUnuchs are becoming so much out of touch with reality that you won't wake up until angry crowd tear you apart.
Levi  11 | 433  
18 Feb 2016 /  #3
Fortunatelly Poland is not inhabited by a bunch of political correct cucks like Britain, where man feel pleasure seeing their wifes and daughters be abused by "Poor Somalian Refugees"

The comparison with nazi propaganda is ridiculous. While the nazis portraid Jews raping woman without showing that in Reality, RIGHT NOW woman are being raped in germany and britain by Somalis/Afghanis/Sudaneses/Moroccan/Etc and the media does the opposite, and tries to hide it.

If British man like and get excited seeing their wifes being abused by africans, their problem.
But not in Poland.

You EUnuchs are becoming so much out of touch with reality that you won't wake up until angry crowd tear you apart.

EUnuchs. Very good term to define the cucks of west europe.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Feb 2016 /  #4
PIS senator G. Bierecki is corrupt: he merged SKOK credit unions into an unsupervised one under his control and then syphoned some the central SKOK's funds into companies he controls in Luxembourg.

Notice how the usual suspects completely ignored the point here - that yet again, the stench of corruption around PiS.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Feb 2016 /  #5
alking about what is happening

That's the PO/Michnikite style. In the the tape scandal they weren't concerned about how top PO politicians had compromised themselves by badmouthing their government colleagues at top-notch champagne and caviare repasts at the taxpayer's expense, but who did the recording. The PO have always done things a*se-backwards. Same with the Michnik camp. Trying to expose the truth is usually described as "rummaging about in people's biorgaphies" (grzebanie w życiorysach) or some such.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Feb 2016 /  #6
at top-notch champagne and caviare repasts at the taxpayer's expense

PiS recently held a 2 day convention at a luxurious countryside resort, paid for by the taxpayer. Likewise, PiS ran up a large bill when Kaczyński met Orban privately, also paid for by the taxpayer.
polishinvestor  1 | 341  
18 Feb 2016 /  #7
Poles will be Poles and not unlikely most CEE. Many in politics corrupt or if not, then at the very least looking to line their own pockets first. Whether its PO, PIS or any other. Thats the reality, expecting anything else in this country is naive. You take it as it is and work with it. The next government isnt likely to be whiter, but will be more pro EU, as thats where the money is.
jon357  72 | 23560  
18 Feb 2016 /  #8
white woman being sexually

It's a common theme; sexual insecurity by weak men.

PIS senator G. Bierecki is corrupt: he merged SKOK credit unions into an unsupervised one under his control and then syphoned some the central SKOK's funds into companies he controls in Luxembourg.

He was dropped by PIS before the elections but recently made head of the Senate Banking and Public Finance Commission (now that he can't do damage to their election chances).

The court case about him taking the money was due to commence late last year but as soon as PiS won they changed the judge

I think we'll be seeing a lot more of this.
G (undercover)  
18 Feb 2016 /  #9
The next government isnt likely to be whiter

In EUnuchistan ? It's going to be all brown soon transforming into the 3rd world.

but will be more pro EU

Dude, we are the current and future voters, I will be voting here for the next 5 decades at least, long after most of you EUnuchs kicks the bucket. Same goes for most of not so "pro-EU" posters here. "Pro-EU" folks in Poland are mainly old ones with slave mentality from Soviet times, they will die out. We will be electing next governments so you can imagine how "more pro EU" they will be :)))))))

Now stop the off-topic.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Feb 2016 /  #10
paid for by the taxpayer

Shameful and wasteful in such a poor country! I find it equally odious when I see a bishop or minister riding about in a BMW or Mercedes. Self-aggrandisement stinks!
jon357  72 | 23560  
18 Feb 2016 /  #11
"Pro-EU" folks in Poland are mainly old ones with slave mentality from Soviet times, they will die out.

Not exactly in touch with things over here, are you...

Toxic rubbish like w sieci is easy to ignore; most people here have never read it however it's important to be very discerning about reports in the more mainstream right-wing media. They love headlines (and the idea of white-skinned women being ravished by good-looking and slim Africans appeals to the insecurities of the masses) however the reality is very different.
Ktos  15 | 432  
18 Feb 2016 /  #12
Why is it that Jews are criticising Polish right wing just because it defends Poland? How come you don't dish out this rubbish onto the most radical right wing government in the world that of your Jewish brothers, the Israel?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Feb 2016 /  #13
Dude, we are the current and future voters, I will be voting here for the next 5 decades at least, long after most of you EUnuchs kicks the bucket.

And you'll still be utterly dependent on EU cash. Notice how the grand economic plan relies on the EU for 50% of the funding, which is a huge number.
Ktos  15 | 432  
18 Feb 2016 /  #14
[quote=delphiandomine]And you'll still be utterly dependent on EU cash. Notice how the grand economic plan relies on the EU for 50% of the funding, which is a huge number.

And what USA's grand economic plan? Make more wars and steal resources to finance its declining economy. Parasites are always looking to feed of someone else. Polish economic plan relies on 50% of EU funding? Ha ha, where did you get that from, Jew York Times?
OP Harry  
18 Feb 2016 /  #15
a bishop or minister riding about in a BMW or Mercedes.

How about a monk in a Maybach?

Talking of 'Father' Rydzyk (aka the monk who claimed at court he didn't have enough money to pay a 3,500 zl fine after being taken to court in a chauffeur-driven third of a million zloty Lexus), does anybody happen to know how Radio Maryja / TV Trwam is covering the migrant story?
Ktos  15 | 432  
18 Feb 2016 /  #16
'wSieci' features the image of a white woman, draped with the European Union flag, screaming as she is being groped and assaulted by dark skinned male arms/

Polish are not the only ones reporting rape of European women by migrants, recently in Germany reports of such assaults have been on the rise, here is a relevant article:

Everyone be ware of this old British troll who is always spewing anti-Polish sentiments here, his comments are always anti-Polish, have a look at his history of commenting.
Levi  11 | 433  
18 Feb 2016 /  #17
They love headlines (and the idea of white-skinned women being ravished by good-looking and slim Africans appeals to the insecurities of the masses)

Good Looking somalians?


Western european woman are being raped not because the somalian and sudanese refugees are good looking (otherwise it would be consensual, not rape), but rather because the western european men is a cuck. A weak. A political correct puss* uncapable of defend his family.

But Poles are not. And that is why you and the other turkish trolls complain so much about Poland.

Because In Poland, if you want to have fun abusing weak woman like your turkish fellows, you will be punched in the face.
polishinvestor  1 | 341  
18 Feb 2016 /  #18
Now stop the off-topic.

Read Harrys opening post. Thats the topic. Undercover requires some intelligence does it not. Time to change the username and better get back to the silownia.
jon357  72 | 23560  
18 Feb 2016 /  #19
Western european woman are being raped not because the somalian and sudanese refugees are good looking (otherwise it would be consensual, not rape), but rather because the western european men is a cuck. A weak. A political correct puss* uncapable of defend his family

That's rather silly, not least because you assume far too much about rape statistics without any reasoning other than your own insecurity and paranoia.

The important thing is this appalling magazine which seems to fit every definition of fascistic.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
18 Feb 2016 /  #20
" Because In Poland, if you want to have fun abusing weak woman like your turkish fellows, you will be punched in the face."

what utter bollox
Ktos  15 | 432  
18 Feb 2016 /  #21
Because In Poland, if you want to have fun abusing weak woman like your turkish fellows, you will be punched in the face.

Good point, it happened already few times, I remember an incident at the beach with Mexicans, a woman was pushed and hassled a bit by a Mexican passer by, a group of Polish rushed to the woman's help straight away. Recall that one?
OP Harry  
18 Feb 2016 /  #22
Recall that one?

No, because it never happened. The actual events were entirely different, as is confirmed by court verdicts. Perhaps the Australian papers didn't report those?
Ktos  15 | 432  
18 Feb 2016 /  #23
Harry! I am not referring to the times when British police bashed Indian Ghandi supporters, you confused events. I am referring to the actual video evidence black and white where Mexican harassed Polish woman and Polish men ran to help her. By the way, I watched British bash Indians over their heads with hard metal police buttons, even though it was filmed long time ago it can be heard how the skulls of Indian protesters are making a sound, the English gentlemen were however gentle on their knees - the wore knee guards. It was all about the Indian salt. So how does the salt stolen from India taste?
jon357  72 | 23560  
18 Feb 2016 /  #24
British police bashed Indian Ghandi supporters

That would be the same Ghandi who drew crowds of over a million people when he did his speaking tour of northern England.

No, because it never happened. The actual events were entirely different, as is confirmed by court verdicts. Perhaps the Australian papers didn't report those?

Exactly. A perfect example of how the ignorant see only what they want to see.

fancy horny, well-endowed African males

There you go again, confirming all stereotypes of the insecure. Plus a chance to think about that subject which your hundreds of posts on the matter here prove that it occupies so much of your thoughts.
mafketis  38 | 11214  
18 Feb 2016 /  #25
The problem is that those in favor of accepting millions of unvetted migrants from backward societies (hindered by primitive ideas about sexual segregation) are unwilling to publicly discuss the very real problems these unvetted migrants are causing - including Cologne (and many, many, many other examples of similar behavior that are easy to find for those following the migrant story).

This leaves the fringes to take up the slack.

Not discussing real problems in public does not make them go away - it drives them underground.

I don't blame this rag for sensationalizing the topic when none of the migrant supporters are willing to discuss the problems in public.
Ironside  50 | 13060  
18 Feb 2016 /  #26
That outrage illustrates very well that good intention are leading people astray turning then into bigoted paranoid mob that sniff racism and discrimination everywhere. Get a grip people.

Think, would be a picture of a group of white men molestation a woman of color induced the same amount of outrage or any reaction whatsoever? Rather not, there is something deeply wrong with youout raged people whoever your are.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
18 Feb 2016 /  #27
Polish magazine causes outrage

Among liberal progressives who in Poland don't matter so who cares.
jon357  72 | 23560  
18 Feb 2016 /  #28
Think, would be a picture of a group of white men molestation a woman of color induced the same amount of outrage or any reaction whatsoever?

I think it would, especially in a post-colonial society.

Inflammatory images ae inflammatory images. W sieci doesn't usually sell many copies and I'd bet that most people here have never heard of the magazine so the cover has doubtless earned them a few zlotych in sales.
Ironside  50 | 13060  
18 Feb 2016 /  #29
Inflammatory images ae inflammatory images

Images of something that actually happened are not inflammatory but factual. I tell you what is inflammatory and induces prejudices and racism in the people who do not know better - mixing together people coming from different cultures, with a completely different set of values and different social orders for some artificial reasons(ideological) or because of some ulterior motives.

Wseci is addressed to people with some interest in the public life, general knowledge and politics, those people are mostly educated people without criminal tendencies at last for the most part. I don't see how that picture could induce anybody to do something outside the law. Besides news of what had happened in the German cities are inflammatory enough.
Ktos  15 | 432  
18 Feb 2016 /  #30
That would be the same Ghandi who drew crowds of over a million people when he did his speaking tour of northern England.

Jon! I am not referring to the times when Ghandi drew crowds in England, you confused events. I am referring to the actual video evidence black and white where Mexican harassed Polish woman and Polish men ran to help her. By the way, I watched British bash Indians over their heads with hard metal police buttons, even though it was filmed long time ago it can be heard how the skulls of Indian protesters are making a sound, the English gentlemen were however gentle on their knees - the wore knee guards. It was all about the Indian salt. So how does the salt stolen from India taste?

See my point? Because your point in no point, poor attempt at defending your racist anti-Polish friend of Jews - he defends Jews, is it why you defend him in return? It would be biased if you did but seeing your desperate attempts it is obvious you are doing just that.

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