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Lech Walesa vs Immigration: Brits humiliated him at London Heathrow Airport

Paulina  17 | 4465  
15 Oct 2013 /  #61
Basically, it looks like he enjoys comfortable travelling and yells if he doesn't get the free treatment.

Could be, but I suspect he wouldn't make such a fuss about it if he was simply informed beforehand that there won't be any "VIP pass" for him or whatever.

On a similar note, I notice that Hilary Clinton's limo got a parking fine in London today. I wonder if she'll pay it...

Why wouldn't she?

I've read your post a couple of times and I didn't understand what you wanted from me and how did it matter what it was called.

I'm writing "a VIP pass" in this thread all the time. A British newspaper used it too, so I guess it must be correct.

As for "przejście VIP-owskie" - it was just a quoted sentence by Wałęsa from the article.
That's how Wałęsa called it.
I don't know what's the right expression in Polish for this.
You think it should be "przepustka VIP-owska"?

A better translation would be special treatment, or. VIP treatment,

In Polish or in English?

OK, jon357, I'm not a Nobel winning ex-President lol and I have absolutely no idea what the procedures are in such case.
Crow  154 | 9463  
15 Oct 2013 /  #62
It's the most significant event in 21st century history. We can soon expect an announcement that Poland will leave the EU, join the CIS and help Serbia to retake Kosovo. And all because of a customs official.

you can say that way.
OP grubas  12 | 1382  
15 Oct 2013 /  #63
From comments on Gazeta Wyborcza:
author: qurczak111

"A więc wojna!

Nie będzie angol pluł nam w twarz
ni w majtach nam buszował
orężny stanie hufiec nasz
Lech będzie nam wodzował."

I want to share this comment as I find it very funny.It's in Polish but I am sure that PF members who are residents of Poland know Polish.

Translate it please or it will be moved.
Paulina  17 | 4465  
15 Oct 2013 /  #64
"Then war it is!

No English shall spit in our faces
nor rummage in our panties
a mighty regiment of ours shall stand
and Lech will be our chieftain."

(or sth of this kind lol)


Thank you very much my little helpful pixie :) Lenka
OP grubas  12 | 1382  
15 Oct 2013 /  #65
Then war it is!

It's a reference to Józef Beck's speech from 1939 and this is what makes this "poem" funny in my opinion.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
15 Oct 2013 /  #66
That's why your mothers were right when they told you to always wear clean underwear.

I never had a problem at Heathrow, perhaps it's my winning smile :)
I was treated distrustfully at Domodedovo but still, it was short of rudeness

"Nie będzie angol pluł nam w twarz"
Not just Britains but also anyone else.
jon357  72 | 23361  
15 Oct 2013 /  #67
Why wouldn't she?

Quite a big issue about parking charges and the US embassy right now.

A British newspaper used it too, so I guess it must be correct

You guess wrong.

I'm not a Nobel winning ex-President lol and I have absolutely no idea what the procedures are in such case.

His office do. Lol.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
15 Oct 2013 /  #68
Nie będzie Angol pluł nam w twarz
ni w majtach nam buszował
orężny stanie hufiec nasz
Lech będzie nam wodzował

And how do you like this one:

The Limey won't spit in Lech's face,
Nor let him go with socks to race
His mob will rise in his defence,
The man of hope will jump the fence.
jon357  72 | 23361  
15 Oct 2013 /  #69
If he'd jumped the fence they'd probably have tasered him
Paulina  17 | 4465  
15 Oct 2013 /  #70
The man of hope will jump the fence.

Good one!

You guess wrong.

Okey, jon357, so what's the correct term used by native speakers of English? And why a British newspaper used the wrong one?

His office do. Lol.

Does he have an office, though?
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
15 Oct 2013 /  #71
If he'd jumped the fence they'd probably have tasered him

Take it easy.

The Limey won't spit in Lech's face, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rota_(poem)#Text
Nor let him go with socks to race - As he did with everyone but those intended
His mob will rise in his defence
The Man of Hope will jump the fence - As we all know he just jumped over the fence and the communism collapsed as the result of that;

Btw, The Man of Hope is the name of the latest film about him, the one which Walesa promoted in London.
bluesfan  - | 77  
15 Oct 2013 /  #72
No English shall... rummage in our panties


Oops sorrry, too late :P

In England this sport has already overtaken cricket in popularity xD

Don't shoot the messenger ;)
Paulina  17 | 4465  
15 Oct 2013 /  #73
It's good that you've decided to show your true colours, blue. I guess your lot always do, eventually.
bluesfan  - | 77  
16 Oct 2013 /  #74
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about Paulina.
I'm guessing by the 'your lot' comment that there's supposed to be an offensive blanket statement in your post somewhere :P

As I said before 'don't shoot the messenger'...

You should also remember that it takes two to tango - and no-one's complaining... ;)
peterweg  37 | 2305  
16 Oct 2013 /  #75
Quite a big issue about parking charges and the US embassy right now.

Its not new. The Americans have refused to pay parking fines and congestion charges for decades. The figures must be tens of millions of pounds,
Paulina  17 | 4465  
16 Oct 2013 /  #76
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about Paulina.

I guess you don't.

I'm guessing by the 'your lot' comment that there's supposed to be an offensive blanket statement in your post somewhere :P

Not really, there must be some gentlemen among the British... somewhere... I hope...

You should also remember that it takes two to tango - and no-one's complaining... ;)

True, but you see, only men feel the need to be primitive, retarded, rude and demeaning towards women about it.
I'm sure you're proud of yourself. You're so funny.
jon357  72 | 23361  
16 Oct 2013 /  #77
And why a British newspaper used the wrong one?

The same reason Polish newspapers get things wrong. In this case it rather looks like the person who did the Polish English translation was at fault, doesn't it.

Does he have an office, though?

Nile  1 | 154  
16 Oct 2013 /  #78
I read it all - yawn :)
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
16 Oct 2013 /  #79
It's a reference to Józef Beck's speech from 1939 and this is what makes this "poem" funny in my opinion.

You're wrong. The quoted words are not of Józef Beck but of Stefan Starzyński.

Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Józef Beck, 5th of May, 1939:

Pokój jest rzeczą cenną i pożądaną. Nasza generacja skrwawiona w wojnach na pewno na pokój zasługuje. Ale pokój, jak prawie wszystkie sprawy tego świata ma swoją cenę wysoką, ale wymierną. My w Polsce nie znamy pojęcia pokoju za wszelką cenę. Jest jedna tylko rzecz w życiu ludzi, narodów i państw, która jest bezcenna. Tą rzeczą jest honor.

Peace is a precious and desirable thing. Our generation, bloodied in wars, certainly deserves peace. But peace, like almost all things of this world, has its price, a high but measurable one. We in Poland do not know the concept of peace at any price. There is only one thing in the lives of men, nations and countries that is without price. That thing is honour.

President of Warsaw, 1st of September, 1939: - Stefan Starzyński:

Halo, halo. Tu Warszawa i wszystkie rozgłośnie Polskiego Radia. O godzinie 5.40 oddziały niemieckie przekroczyły polską granicę, łamiąc pakt o nieagresji. Zbombardowano szereg miast. Za chwilę usłyszą państwo komunikat specjalny - mówił spiker.

Po chwili do słuchaczy przemówił prezydent Warszawy Stefan Starzyński.
- A więc wojna. Z dniem dzisiejszym wszystkie sprawy i zagadnienia schodzą na plan dalszy. Całe nasze życie publiczne i prywatne przestawiamy na specjalne tory. Weszliśmy w okres wojny. Wysiłek całego narodu musi iść w jednym kierunku. Wszyscy jesteśmy żołnierzami. Musimy myśleć tylko o jednym: walka aż do zwycięstwa - powiedział Starzyński.

OP grubas  12 | 1382  
16 Oct 2013 /  #80
You're wrong.

Looks like I was indeed.
16 Oct 2013 /  #81
I am English and have great respect for Mr Walesca and the Polish people. I am embarrassed and apologise.
Ant63  13 | 410  
16 Oct 2013 /  #82
I wonder if you guys are able to provide arguments to prove your point without making jabs at Poles.

If you have travelled by aircraft to Poland and back, you would know exactly what I'm talking about. It's a shame you are not allowed to get your camera out or I'd video it. I'm just saying what I see as tactfully as possible. Stop being so blinkered.
OP grubas  12 | 1382  
16 Oct 2013 /  #83
If you have travelled by aircraft to Poland and back, you would know exactly what I'm talking about.

I have and I don't know what you are talking about.
23 Dec 2013 /  #84
Merged: Lech Walesa Criticises David Cameron on Immigration

theguardian.com/politics/2013/dec/23/david-cameron-immigration-le ch-walesa
szczecinianin  4 | 317  
23 Dec 2013 /  #85
Ranger  1 | 23  
2 Jan 2014 /  #86
Lech Walesa is not British. I wish Lech Walesa would focus on the problems that cause Poles to escape Poland. He caused a great deal of problems.

Him and his successor Kwasniewski sold Publicly owned companies to their crooked friends for pennies on the dollar. Jan Kulczyk and many others are rich due to the

scandalous deals they made with the commies that still run Poland. Britain should make sure Britain is British and a good place for the British to work, live and raise their families. Poland needs to make sure Poland is a prosperous place for the average Pole so that young average Poles can raise their children in Poland on a decent salary.

Poland has a highly motivated and educated work force. They need to be more politically involved in removing the people who are responsible for Poland's failures after 1992.

There is no excuse for Poland not being one of the richest countries in the EU.
smurf  38 | 1940  
2 Jan 2014 /  #87
Britain should make sure Britain is British and a good place for the British to work, live and raise their families

Flawed logic, Britain is an island, it has always attracted immigrants.

When exactly does a person become 'British'? When they are born there? When they live there for a few years?
Or must their roots stretch back generations?

Migrants coming to the UK since the year 2000 have been less likely to receive benefits or use social housing than people already living in the country, according to a study that argues the new arrivals have made a net contribution of £25bn to public finances.

Ranger  1 | 23  
2 Jan 2014 /  #88
Citizenship means much less today thanks to the globalists. I will not define what is "British". It must not exist. No nationality or ethnicity exists. They are social constructs.

At least that's what the majority is told by the media and liberal academia. Tell that to the disadvantaged non-European minorities. Many of them can clearly see who is "British" and who is not. Sure, the internationalist/globalist ideals that Britain (or any nation for that matter) has a drastic demographic change so that multinational corporations can have a cheaper workforce, new voting block to enact legislation that will favor the ruling elites, alienation of previous inhabitants, reduced unity/cohesion in order to divide and conquer, and countless of other reasons..... must be wonderful. Why is it forced upon the previous inhabitants if it is so wonderful?
smurf  38 | 1940  
2 Jan 2014 /  #89
Copying and pasting more than 100 words is not allowed

A completely pointless rule that simply needs to be changed.

from the same article:

From a global perspective, freer migration could bring huge economic gains. When workers from poor countries move to rich ones, they can make use of the advanced economies' superior capital, technologies, and institutions, making these economies much more productive. Economists calculate that removing immigration controls could more than double the size of the world economy. Even a small relaxation of immigration controls would yield disproportionately big gains.

They are social constructs.

Indeed they are, and the sooner the masses accept that the better.
Knowledge is power after all.
Ranger  1 | 23  
2 Jan 2014 /  #90
Indeed they are, and the sooner the masses accept that the better.
Knowledge is power after all.

Unfortunately you probably will get to see your utopia in the next few decades. It will be a disaster for Western Civilization.

Rand is a mouthpiece for the elites. Their ideas are as likely to achieve a paradise as those of Marx and Engels

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