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Lech Wałęsa's empty fridge?

polonius  54 | 420  
23 Dec 2012 /  #1
In an interview with Wprost.pl Lech Wałęsa said: 'My wife's book should not have appeared. I have enough problems without adding new ones. Of course, I am in favour of truth and equality but not all of a sudden after 50 years of marriage. I had grown unaccustomed to making tea or slicing bread. Now I've got no choice. On the one hand, one should be happy because that's a great career. But from a martial standpoint I have no cause for joy. For 50 years I had peace, I was more important. Now my wife is more important. I come home and the fridge is empty, because my wife is off to a book-signing... Now I have a writer in the house and I have to be careful what I say.'

Book my wife should not arise. I'm all for truth and equality , but suddenly, after 50 years of marriage ! Lost the habit to make tea, cut bread. And now I have no choice - Lech Walesa says in an interview with Michal Majewski and Paul Heads.

jon357  72 | 23528  
23 Dec 2012 /  #2
He can afford domestic help. I suspect he has someone, in which case if his fridge is empty he should have words with him/her.
Marysienka  1 | 195  
23 Dec 2012 /  #3
Well probably his wife used to do it and talking to help was her job too.
Also what he says proves his wife's point.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
23 Dec 2012 /  #4
I come home and the fridge is empty, because my wife is off to a book-signing

There is always McDonalds.
jon357  72 | 23528  
23 Dec 2012 /  #5
If you don't get fed at home, you go for a McDonald's, as Bill Clinton said.

Anyway, it seems that President Wałęsa isn't quite as much of a 'new man' as his look-a-like version who used to push the shopping trolley in the adverts for MarcPol.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
23 Dec 2012 /  #6
If you don't get fed at home, you go for a McDonald's, as Bill Clinton said.

Do they have a cigar lounge in the McD's there in PL?
pawian  226 | 27587  
24 Dec 2012 /  #7
I come home and the fridge is empty, because my wife is off to a book-signing...

He`s a fekking male chauvinist. His wife was right when she nearly dropped him.
kcharlie  2 | 165  
24 Dec 2012 /  #8
Oh, gosh, I can't take the guy seriously after I heard an interview with him on Radio ZET some time in November with him gabbing on about something along the lines of how Polish people have too many freedoms and how these must be sacrificed for the sake of security. It might as well have been Jaruzelski speaking. What is that guy on?
MoOli  9 | 479  
24 Dec 2012 /  #9
Do they have a cigar lounge in the McD's there in PL?

Yeah! and they do sell orignal cubans with decent ring size and complimentary Armenian XO cognac:D

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