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Lech Kaczyński statue in Warsaw?

hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
22 Feb 2011 /  #61
careful consideration

I don't see how they can be carefully considered seeing as you choose to block nearly all sources of information, You can listen to the media and deploy your inbuilt crap detactor at the same time can't you?

pro-Polish agenda

In my experience people who pretend to be the biggest patriots, tend to be the first to turn tail when patriotism really counts. And in Poland I find that a lot of people who cloak themselves in patriotism, usually are individuals with a lot of personal deficiencies and who use patriotism to cover those up.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
22 Feb 2011 /  #62
Pro-Polish like in the idea that each country has her interests. Governments are there to be protector and guardian of country interests.

I don't see how they can be carefully considered seeing as you choose to block nearly all sources of information,

Well, the interned is still a good source of information, knowledge of languages helps too:)

You can listen to the media and deploy your inbuilt crap detactor at the same time can't you?

Not if almost all media, play the same tune all day around, week after week, its called propaganda and brainwashing. Some call it- a physiological war. Why would government wage a war against opposition, even assuming that the opposition is no good??
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
22 Feb 2011 /  #63
You still haven't answered the above question.

Attempt to make Poland an independent or at last less dependent political entity, for example: Going against Franco-German axis project's of the Baltic pipeline to Russia.

So how does the PIS stance differ from PO on this issue? And is this your only point of difference?

In-debt Poland by a next billion dollars?

You do realize that if PIS had its way Poland would be more in debt don't you. And you do realize that it is PO who wants to reduce the number MPs and not PIS, and you do realize that PIS voted against a reduction in party funding by the taxpayer?

Can you name one differences between SLD and PIS on their respective approach to economic matters?

Are you a socialist?

Good qualification for a secretary for a finance minister, does he have anything to say in those four languages which cannot say in one?

Its about the promotion of Poland internationality, in an EU meeting of finance ministers who do you think will be the most able to get their point across, somebody who relies on interprets or somebody who speaks your language?

Hey ! I'm not PiS and I don't even like that party that much - I vote on them because I have no choice, other party's are worse.

So you want mind if they happen to have absolute morons running the show, provided they agree with?

His self-promoting book about his exploration of Afghanistan in 80s, he forgotten to mention his work for certain intelligence agency.

Whilst you mentioned that you don't listen to the news, I am quite surprised, I wasn't aware that you are a fan of conspiracy theories.

Better than a man who cannot sack nobody because is only a puppet on the strings! :)

I see so you would prefer a Putin type, as opposed to someone who governs according to the norms of cabinet government on the basis of primus inter pares, and abides by the collective decision making process. Surely that is more in accordance with Poland's political traditions, no?

And no you are wrong, he has sacked people before, like the former justice minister and quite few undersecretaries, for instance the undersecretary for transport. The difference is that he does not sack on the basis of a personal vendetta.

And tell me, do you think it is wise entrusting the country to a man who by his own admission wasn't thinking straight during the presidential election because he was on drugs? How do you thing international leaders will treat a man like that, do you thing Poland's standing in the world will rise?
Ironside  50 | 12916  
22 Feb 2011 /  #64
You still haven't answered the above question.

What would be a purpose of that exercise ?
Its old tactick :) You sir didn't answer all my question either, nor addressed point I have made!

So how does the PIS stance differ from PO on this issue? And is this your only point of difference?

No, but I don't see a point as I don't want to convince you. As I have a better things to do than PF!

You see, discussion with most Poles about politics is pointless because for most of them political choices are matter of heart not mind. In other words they make decisions based on feelings, and heavy propaganda explore it without mercy.

You do realize that if PIS had its way Poland would be more in debt don't you.


do realize that PIS voted against a reduction in party funding by the taxpayer?

Never said that I agree with them 100%!

And you do realize that it is PO who wants to reduce the number MPs and not PIS, and you do realize that PIS voted against a reduction in party funding by the taxpayer?

When in next millennium ?

Can you name one differences between SLD and PIS on their respective approach to economic matters?

Yeah! SLD like PO would sell out all there is to sell, PiS is a more moderate!

Are you a socialist?

I don't go by a labels! So honestly I don't know, I guess it depends on definition !At last I don't think so!

Its about the promotion of Poland internationality, in an EU meeting of finance ministers who do you think will be the most able to get their point across, somebody who relies on interprets or somebody who speaks your language?

What point it would be ?

So you want mind if they happen to have absolute morons running the show, provided they agree with?

No idea what are you talking about!Sorry!

I wasn't aware that you are a fan of conspiracy theories.

Again you lost me? Are you saying that there no conspiracy's, or conspirators, or maybe still there no intelligence agency's ?
Maybe you mean that I'm wrong about said minister working for a certain intelligence agency? Well, maybe I'm wrong but than again maybe I'm not, would you like to prove that you are right?

How do you thing international leaders will treat a man like that, do you thing Poland's standing in the world will rise?

Cannot fall much lower that for sure !

he has sacked people before

What about Klich?

I see so you would prefer a Putin type,

I like politician to take personal responsibility for thing they say and do! I mean real responsibility they should answer before a court! A Collective responsibility sound a bit socialist, don't you think ?:)
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 Feb 2011 /  #65
My friend whilst your knowledge of history is very good, your knowledge of politics is deeply lacking. And I find it really troubling that you guide your politics on the basis of your heart and not your mind. So I am not going to try to convince you by force of reason anymore, but make one last appeal to your heart:

I beg of you for god's sake give Poland a chance, and if you can't bring yourself to vote for PO, then please vote for PJN, or not not vote at all. I cannot abide by the thought that PIS could govern again and Kaczynski could potentially be Poland's PM again. from one patriot to another, please listen.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
24 Feb 2011 /  #66
My friend whilst your knowledge of history is very good,

I know that, thank you anyway,

your knowledge of politics is deeply lacking.

In what way?

really troubling that you guide your politics on the basis of your heart and not your mind.

I use both!

So I am not going to try to convince you by force of reason anymore,

What reason? Asking question about issues which look and I stress look on the surface good for PO, and on the other ignoring those facts which could be not that good for PO?

I cannot abide by the thought that PIS could govern again and Kaczynski could potentially be Poland's PM again.

You Sir, if you are serious, are holding deep prejudice against PiS by which you have proven to me that you are not a rational citizen but emotional citizen or an opportunist.

Therefore, force is not with you, and Reason, you are using to justify your prejudice.

Lets finish that discussion, is fruitless!

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