But you can't deny that workers working in private sector are doing it to keep their job and for their company to succeed, if they fail they get booted.
Workers get booted when they fail, when their bosses fail, when banks fail. They get booted no matter what. When banks and big corporations fail they get "bailouts". When workers want bailouts (health care, education, fairness) it's called "socialism" and "nanny state".
It's all just playing with people minds and emotions, but the slogans are meaningless. Every now and then, as societies, we pay with our own money for the circus called "elections" and as a result we buy the right to argue which of the candidates, none of whom has any real power whatsoever, is a better choice to be screwed by. Meanwhile, the real players keep on robing us.
Poland is being talked into laying down and letting foreigners rip it apart, or else it will be called nationalistic. The US and UK have had nationalistic economies for a couple centuries and they did alright and that's called democracy and freedom. They want to free all other countries from their natural resources. Actually, Americans go even as far as considering all World's resources as theirs. Only that, by some geographical fluke, these resources happen to be within the borders of other countries.
Poland tried openness once before. As a consequence it was fvcked for over 123 years, The period was called Partitions.