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Komorowski for complex-ridden Poles?

23 May 2010 /  #31
In their view, Poland must shed its own identity, ape everything in the West and under the guise of privatisation sell off its few remaining assets to foreign capitalists.

Those who vote on PO are trying to prevent the shame that PiS done internationally during the years 2005-2007. I'd vote on PO if they hadn't chose Komorowski who is just awful!

The election is simply about left wing / right wing politics

Wow! Left wing? Where's the left wing? I don't see any...
23 May 2010 /  #32
Those who vote on PO are trying to prevent the shame that PiS done internationally during the years 2005-2007.

We are talking about presidential elections here.

if they hadn't chose

Wow - a brand new tense! Is that the kind of grammar that PO voters are using
internationally? If so, then you should stop "to prevent the shame" :-)

Wow! Left wing? Where's the left wing? I don't see any...

You better ask where's the right wing (PR and UPR are marginal parties and PiS,
PO, SLD or PSL are all socialists - some of them Catholic-socialist, some of them atheist
socialists, but socialists nonetheless.)
23 May 2010 /  #33
Wow - a brand new tense! Is that the kind of grammar, PO voters are using internationally?
If so, then you should stop "to prevent the shame" :-)

Excuse me, should be "chosen".

To be accurate I dont support PO. I just see PO the only chance to stop PiS. Just that. If PiS wasn't exist , PO wasn't exist either.

You better ask where's the right wing (PR and UPR are marginal parties and PiS,
PO, SLD or PSL are all socialists - some of them Catholic-socialist, some of them atheist
socialists, but socialists nonetheless.)

Yes you're, but they all call themselves right wing parties
Seanus  15 | 19668  
23 May 2010 /  #34
What will Komorowski bring to the table in a concrete sense?

5 specifics, preferably from resident Poles, but from anyone. Thanks!

A lot of jibber-jabber APU but nothing specific. Who is this man to you guys and what can he do that LK didn't or couldn't?
23 May 2010 /  #35
they all call themselves right wing parties

Oh, right - they all call themselves right wing parties, so it has to be true ;)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
23 May 2010 /  #36
Judge by actions/deeds and not by words/labels!!

Politics and religion are the two biggest circus shows out there.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 May 2010 /  #37
Forum Krzyż

Sounds like like real group delusion.
I do not put any credibility into these figures. Who did they poll. A few older women in berets who split about 50/50 between Kaczynski and Jurkek.
23 May 2010 /  #38
Who did they poll. A few older women in berets

Wrong again.

Most of the Forum Krzyż users are in the 18-35 age group and I'd say that the proportion
of men to women, on that forum, is about 60:40.

who split about 50/50 between Kaczynski and Jurkek.

Korwin-Mikke got respectable 21.4%.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 May 2010 /  #39
Who is this man to you guys and what can he do that LK didn't or couldn't?

well some common sense for a start, lets face it doesn't take much to be an improvement on Kaczynski.

In practical terms nothing, but that is OK, because he is not running for PM but for President.
frd  7 | 1379  
23 May 2010 /  #40
Oh, right

Torq I remember him talking on the radio ( I think it was rmf.fm ) it was after the Smolensk plane crash, he was talking that "finally hopefully now politics will understand / or choose the way of a peaceful negotiations and peaceful politics and that he is lobbing for gentleman's dialogue. And I'd like to recall to Mr Marek Jurek how he called people who had a different point of view they he had "murderers" (I'm talking about him calling people who were attanding pro abortion match).

And no I don't want to talk about abortion there. He said that so he has no right to suddenly preach people how to talk with others when he is showing off such boorish behaviour.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
23 May 2010 /  #41
HC, you will no doubt be aware of the attacks on LK, that he wasn't worthy of his place in Wawel.

Straight question as, no disrespect, you didn't answer the one I set above. What could he do that could cement his rightful place in Wawel?

So, in practical terms, he has no role? He is a puppet? Putin, though demonic at times, has really helped immeasurably in representing Russian interests. Does Komorowski even know what Poles want?
23 May 2010 /  #42
Marek Jurek how he called people who had a different point of view they he had "murderers" (I'm talking about him calling people who were attanding pro abortion match).

Well, if they promote "abortion" (murder of unborn children, in other words) then they
may not be murderers themselves but they are supporting the murder of the weakest,
defenceless members of our society, so he wasn't THAT FAR from the truth.

He said that so he has no right to suddenly preach people how to talk with others when he is showing off such boorish behaviour.

That's the worst you have on Jurek, Frd? Wow - I am SO voting for him :)
frd  7 | 1379  
23 May 2010 /  #43
well I though you gonna say something along these lines. It's just the recent thing I remember about him, I'd have to google the other stuff, I'm not gonna bother - this thread doesn't deserve to include this charlatan in the conversation.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
23 May 2010 /  #44
I just get peeved at know-all people who can't come up with anything better. If LK's faults were glaringly obvious, why can't people freely suggest how Kommy will advance the cause of Poland? I'm still waiting, please give me 5 solid reasons to vote for the man.
frd  7 | 1379  
23 May 2010 /  #45
to vote for the man.

You're not voting for the man in the election you're voting for the party.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
23 May 2010 /  #46
Well that's just plain daft! PO were voted in by a strong majority. PiS got only 27% if I remember.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 May 2010 /  #47
Does Komorowski even know what Poles want?

The man has some stature, he was involved in the anti communist movement when younger. He is reasonably articulate and he will not interfere with the government's program, and yes you obviously cannot discount the fact that he is from the same party as the PM, but that is OK.

As to what he has to do to get into Wawel, quite honestly I think that the role of President is so limited in scope, that even if he wanted to do something endearing he simply can't as the role does not allow it.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
23 May 2010 /  #48
When he was younger, yes. And NOW?

And what does he articulate, frd?

He signs the statutes, frd, he is automatically part of the process under the Polish Constitution.

Then why were so many Poles critical of LK? He was a Polish President for Pete's sake. It's not his fault that some don't ascribe much value to that position.

So, Komorowski is who again as I saw some adjectives that could describe many people? I don't see any personality emerging from the smoke.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 May 2010 /  #49
Lk had a remarkable gift for offending many people, and he was a bit of an embarrassment on the international scene. He used the presidency in a partisan manner for partisan purposes, and the president is supposed to be a unifying figure, he was a divisive one.

Yes Komorowski is not Captain Charisma, but on a personal level that does not really bother me. He reminds of a type of Harold Macmillan figure, languid and unflappable, I Like that in a politician.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
23 May 2010 /  #50
And what can he bring to the table? Where would he like to see Poland on the international stage?
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 May 2010 /  #51
He reminds of a type of Harold Macmillan figure, languid and unflappable, I Like that in a politician. Without the remarkable war record of course.

He is conciliatory, he would like to see Poland engaged on the International scene, to borrow a phrase he would like to see Poland to be at the heart of Europe not on the edges.

HM at his best:
Seanus  15 | 19668  
23 May 2010 /  #52
LK didn't want Poland at the heart of Europe?
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 May 2010 /  #53
If he did, he didn't go about the right way in getting it any closer.

Remember that idiotic slogan about the number of Polish MP's in the EU?

'.....something or death.'

That's what you hear in some of those Muslim countries, it should not come from a country like Poland. I know it might have sounded glib in Polish, but it just did not translate that well, to say the least. It also played into German prejudices-(unt ya ve told you so, these easterners zay are vat you call unt a bit barbaric ya) even though hello, you stared the bloody war so you are not fooling anyone:)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
23 May 2010 /  #54
Seeing as we are in a climate of openness with regards to Katyń etc, maybe Komorowski could enlighten us on £ambinowice!? It has been largely untouched by the annals of history.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 May 2010 /  #55

Please explain, i have never heard of it before. OK, I think i have actually heard of the story before, I think Sikorski talks about that aspect of things in his book: Full circle.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
23 May 2010 /  #56
I'll wait and see if a resident Pole steps forward. If not, I'll let you in on it. You know, Katyń was mentioned so I thought I might stay on track. Komorowski has his chance.
23 May 2010 /  #57
Remember that idiotic slogan about the number of Polish MP's in the EU?

'.....something or death.'

That's what you hear in some of those Muslim countries, it should not come from a country like Poland.

Oh, yes - 'Nice (treaty) or death!" ("Nicea albo smierć!")

It's funny that you attribute this slogan to Kaczyński.
In fact, it was said by Jan Maria-Rokita - Platforma Obywatelska MP at that time.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 May 2010 /  #58
Yes I have just googled it, Sikorski does talk about that side of the story in his book: full circle.

This is what google says: After the Soviet takeover of the area, on March 17, 1945 the Red Army took the camp over and continued to operate it, this time the institution housed German prisoners of war.

A transit camp, run by the Ministry of Internal Security and commanded by Czesław Gęborski (later put on trial for crimes against humanity for his actions in the camp), was also created nearby, serving as an internment, labor and resettlement camp for German Silesians,[2] as a "verification" point for Silesians,[2] as well as a camp for former veterans of the Anders' Polish II Corps, whom the new communist authorities of Poland saw as dangerous. Out of 8000[3] internees, it is estimated that between 1000 and 1,500 German civilians died in the camp,[2][3][4] mostly by typhus and maltreatment[2] from camp officials.

Oh, yes - 'Nice (treaty) or death!" ("Nicea albo smierć!")

It's funny that you attribute this slogan to Kaczyński.
In fact, it was said by Jan Maria-Rokita - Platforma Obywatelska MP at that time.

My mistake, although i think that Kaczynski did borrow the term as well.

As for Jan Maria-Rokita, what a nut job!
23 May 2010 /  #59
I like to call him Jan Maria-Lufthansa-Rokita :)
frd  7 | 1379  
23 May 2010 /  #60
And what does he articulate, frd?

I'm talking about the politics, both of these man represent interest and beliefs of their parties. Kaczynski won't be different from his brother on that matter - and if I may recall - Lech said that he will block every bill created by PO's gov. In my opinion they are not to be though of as nations representatives per se, but rather as arms and elbows of their parties.

Besides both of these man are similar in appearance, the way they talk. It's really hard to judge Komorowski nowadays because he has 3 roles to play - Marshal, President, and the candidate. I'm not very fond of him but at the same time I wholeheartedly hate JK. So as I said in earlier posts it's a matter of lesser evil. Beside I would really like to see Komorowski without the pressure he's under.

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