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Kiszczak burial without state or military honours

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Nov 2015 /  #1
PAP has reported the Defence Ministry announcing that Czesław Kiszczak would not be alloted a plot in Powązki Military Cemetery nor would he be buried with any military honours. No ministry or other officials will attend funeral. But it wouldn't surprise anyone if the Miller, Czarzasty and Urban gang and soem of theri flunkies turn up. Aside from them and the Michnikites, who regard the red butcher as a "man of honour", Mr Martial Law has been described by most Polish media as "pure evil" (samo zło).
6 Nov 2015 /  #2
Defence Ministry announcing that Czesław Kiszczak would not be alloted a plot in Powązki Military Cemetery nor would he be buried with any military honours.

Why is this in the news section? Given the identity of those in charge of the Defence Ministry and their craving for vengeance for all misdeeds, real and imagined, apart from their own, this is as much news as headlines such as 'Pope is a Catholic' and 'Some bears relieve themselves in the woods'.
6 Nov 2015 /  #3
This is big news to anyone who is Polish, just a pity they didnt do the same thing with the traitor Jaruzelski.
jon357  72 | 22979  
6 Nov 2015 /  #4
A measure of civilisation is how a country treats its former leaders, whether guilty of something or not.
6 Nov 2015 /  #5
Jon "A measure of civilisation"

These civilised comminists came to my parents village one night, they killed the policemen , the doctors , they forced my family onto cattle trucks to starve and die in siberia.

Maybe we should dig up some remains of hitler or Pol Pot give them a state funeral
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Nov 2015 /  #6
traitor Jaruzelski

Anyone who has followed his nefarious career knows how blood-stained Soviet puppet General Jabberwocky whom Michnikites regard as a "man of hionour", used every trick in the book to evade getting what was coming to him. On alleged grounds of health his trial was repeatedly delayed although he was healthy enough to be seen attending various functions at the same time. At one stage he decided to change lawyers, meaning another long delay for the new defence councillor to acquaint himself with thousands of pages of case documents. And so it went down to the bitter end when the Grim Reaper saved him being put on trial.
jon357  72 | 22979  
6 Nov 2015 /  #7
In your opinion Po3.

I remember the disgraceful display at Bronislaw Geremek's funeral when moherowe berety tried to disrupt it by waving placards (always placards, these people) saying words to the effect of "we thank you god for ridding us of him".

We should hope there's no more similar disgraceful displays at General Kiszczak's funeral.

It has to be said, Po3, that your comments display the typical small-mindedness and spiritual meanness of such people.
6 Nov 2015 /  #8
In your opinion Po3.

Its my opinion too, I'm glad Poland embraces small minded patriots like myself
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Nov 2015 /  #9
disgraceful display

Spoken like a true Michnikite spewing hatred towards the devoted, dedicated, loyal and pious mothers and grandmothers of the nation. You undoubtedly share the Michnikite view that Jar and Kiszcz were "men of honour".

Maybe to you Italians were barbarians because they hung "civilised" Mussolini and his ***** from meat hooks. Extreme evil spawns a response in kind.

I presume you plan to attend poor ol' Czesław's funeral. If so, you'll surrely run into other "patriots" such as Miller, Czarzasty and Urban, maybe even your idol Adam Szechter himself.
jon357  72 | 22979  
6 Nov 2015 /  #10
spewing hatred

pious mothers

your idol Adam Szechter

There you go again. The hatred of some individuals knows no bounds. Denying a General his military funeral is just one example.

Maybe to you Italians were barbarians because they hung "civilised" Mussolini and his ***** from meat hooks

Unlike you, I don't consider Mussolini (or Franco) particularly civilised but yes, hanging people

from meat hooks

is certainly barbaric and I think most people would agree with me there.

Evidently you think denying a General a military funeral and hanging

***** from meat hooks

to be somehow praiseworthy.

True colours?
6 Nov 2015 /  #11
General Idi Amin was also denied a military funeral, I wonder why!!
Ktos  15 | 432  
6 Nov 2015 /  #12
I am surprised that Kiszczak is buried anywhere but this is good news nevertheless, finally, some tiny justice.
jon357  72 | 22979  
6 Nov 2015 /  #13
General Idi Amin was also denied a military funeral, I wonder why!!

A particularly weak comparison. You may be aware (though I doubt it) that he died in a country where they don't exist.
Ktos  15 | 432  
6 Nov 2015 /  #14
Its my opinion too, I'm glad Poland embraces small minded patriots like myself

Yep, but some people on this forum don't want Poland to be patriotic, they would like to see it completely disntegrated and divided with chaos all around. Enemies of Poland hate Polish patriotism, are scared of united and stronger Poland; the more they complain here the better is Polish patriotism operating, great to hear some enemies of Poland complaining about Its patriotism, Poland is finally waking up.
6 Nov 2015 /  #15
Yep they buried dem big daddy Idi in saudi, no one gets a grave marker there. me been to school me also worked in middle east longy time.

Back on topic Sane patriotic polish citizens will never support a state funeral for any ex communist leader.

Only liberal leftist loony fifth columnists try and justify and glorify the deeds of the old soviet communist puppets.

I grew up with them lot in the uk, always trying to poke the socialist worker newspaper down my throat every time i went shopping.
jon357  72 | 22979  
6 Nov 2015 /  #16
They do get numerical grave markers.

As you may have noticed by the discussion in Polish language media, there are various opinions on General Kiszczak's funeral. Just a shame that you define patriotism in your own way and so not like a diversity of opinion.
milky  13 | 1656  
6 Nov 2015 /  #17
Enemies of Poland hate Polish patriotism, are scared of united and stronger Poland; the more they complain here the better is Polish patriotism operating, great to hear some enemies of Poland complaining about Its patriotism, Poland is finally waking up.

Hitler couldn't have put it better.

finally, some tiny justice.

I thought you were a fan of the old communist times?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Nov 2015 /  #18
Denying a General his military funeral

And they should bus in at state expense all the widows, parents, children, siblings and grandchildren of the people he had murdered in Gdańsk 1970 and martial-law Poland to attend his burial. That would be record attendance.

They could all reverently file past his grave and leave a flower or memorial wreath thereupon.
6 Nov 2015 /  #19
Diversity is an experiment that has failed, look at the uk germany, france, finland (im bored of typing now), poland is very polish (As you may have gathered if you live here) , don't take my comments as being in anyway racist, poland has its own unique culture, religion and history, Poland is and hopefully will always be very Polish. All are welcome who embrace and respect Poland.
milky  13 | 1656  
6 Nov 2015 /  #20
the devoted, dedicated, loyal and pious mothers and grandmothers of the nation.

Mohair neighbours in Ireland.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Nov 2015 /  #21
I wonder if one could make a sitcom taking the p*ss out of clannish atheist Jews such as Urban and Michnik? You know the excrement would hit the ventilator to put it mildly.

Why? Because in PC-land everybody is equal, but some are more equal than others. Orwell predicted it all.
milky  13 | 1656  
6 Nov 2015 /  #22
Orwell predicted it all.

A fan of Orwell? A leftist and an atheist?
6 Nov 2015 /  #23
" Because in PC-land everybody is equal, but some are more equal than others. Orwell predicted it all."

Animal farm is a good read, the movie is pretty good too.

Sadly under communism many poles had to live under the rule of those more equal, I don't think the leftist libtard loonies will be allowed back anytime soon.

Don't get why people would want to honour the burial of the little piglets , only trolls i guess.
milky  13 | 1656  
6 Nov 2015 /  #24
Sadly under communism many poles had to live under the rule of those more equal, I don't think the leftist libtard loonies will be allowed back anytime soon.

For much of his adult life, Orwell was a card-carrying member of Britain's Independent Labour Party, but like his views on religion, he didn't accept it without major reservations and often disagreed with the party's approach to the details of social governance.9

Perhaps what would most sum up Orwell's sociopolitical views is his commentary on his writing, of which he said:

Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written directly or indirectly against totalitarianism and for Democratic Socialism as I understand it.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Nov 2015 /  #25
against totalitarianis

And Orwell was amongst those bamboozled by Spain's so-called "Republicans" and fought on the wrong side of the civil war but soon realised their leaders were little more than thinly disguised Stalinists out to Sovietise the Iberian Peninsula and the rest of Europe if they could. Fortunately Orwell saw through them unlike some "useful idiots" who to this day claim that the Soviet side were the "good guys".
6 Nov 2015 /  #26
Milky I agree it was great piece of work from a Democratic Socialist, Hitler gave us the VW beatle, and the Autobhan, both also very good.
milky  13 | 1656  
6 Nov 2015 /  #27
their leaders were little more than thinly disguised Stalinists

The Russians hijacked the dissent. Still at the same game today with RT news.
jon357  72 | 22979  
6 Nov 2015 /  #28
That's the nature of totalitarianism, and yes, it's rubbed off on Poland, though most of the bad stuff on the opposite end of the political spectrum nowadays. Hence the way Kiszczak's family have been treated.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Nov 2015 /  #29
Kiszczak's family have been treated

If you know something about them being mistreated, do let us know. You have failed to indicate whether you'll be joining the Schechter-Urban clique to weep (boo-hoo) and place flowers on the grave of yoru favourite "man of honour".

Maybe the Wybiórcza gang can have flags flown at half-mast across the country.

A fan of Orwell?

As someone has pointed, out even Hitler left us the VW and Autobahn. Even a reformed leftist can occasionally see the light, as Orwell did.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
6 Nov 2015 /  #30
Given the identity of those in charge of the Defence Ministry and their craving for vengeance for all misdeeds, real and imagined, apart from their own, this is as much news as headlines such as 'Pope is a Catholic' and 'Some bears relieve themselves in the woods'.

A measure of civilisation is how a country treats its former leaders

Come on ! Give Kopacz/Siemoniak a break !

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