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Kaczyński presents alternative to PO thievery

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Sep 2012 /  #1
On Sunday, PiS chief Jarosław Kaczyński launched a poltical project intended as an alternative to the present Tusk regime. It will includde: a 10-year-plan to combat unemployment which would create 1.2 million new jobs in 10 years, esp. in towns of under 50,000 and in depressed rural areas; a housing fund into which would be channelled one-half of the taxes from housing construction;… 50% tax write-off for each additional child. Child allowances would begin at conception, and there should be discounts on textbooks. A family coupon for poorest families would provide up to 300 zł towards nursery and preschool costs; the elderly coulod chosoe between OFE and ZUS, the 60 and 65 retirement age would be rerstored but people could work until 67 if they wanted to. The National Health Fund would be liqudiated, and the 8+4 format in education would be restored; a full curriculum in history, Polish and religion would be restored and school doctors would be reinstated. The culture ministry should .return to a policy of promoting our national heritage in the best sense of the word rather than financing controversial projects. Banks and chain-retailers should be taxed. There should be stiffer openalties for violent crime and corruption including confiscation of property..

This is a foretaste of what is in store once the corrupt Tusk clique lands on the trash heap of history. And that's never too early.
jon357  72 | 23529  
2 Sep 2012 /  #2
All fantasy since he isn't going to ever be elected again, not since the unmitigated fiasco last time when he got in without a being voted for and was thrown out as soon as the voters got a chance, before even completing half a term. I testing though ow he proposes to fund all that? From increased tax on retailers and banks? No. That one doesn't work. On confiscated property from criminals? A non starter!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Sep 2012 /  #3
Where's the investment coming from? The State doesn't have the means to provide 1.2 million jobs in small towns and depressed rural areas. The money can only come from Polska A - who are sick to death of subsidising these areas through KRUS and other things as it stands.

a housing fund into which would be channelled one-half of the taxes from housing construction

Why? Housing isn't terribly expensive compared to salaries. And with taxes on construction, what do you think is going to happen? That's right - less construction.

50% tax write-off for each additional child.

Where's the money coming from? Such policies will only anger the tax-paying electorate, especially the childless. They're not going to support any measures which punish them for being childless - and these people are the ones who have the power to decide elections.

Child allowances would begin at conception, and there should be discounts on textbooks.

Again - all totally unfunded. Discounts for textbooks can only be achieved in two ways - the imposition of set text books (thus harming the publishing industry) or by robbing other areas of the desperately underfunded Education budget.

A family coupon for poorest families would provide up to 300 zł towards nursery and preschool costs

But it's totally illogical - the poorest families aren't working, so why do they need nurseries?

the elderly coulod chosoe between OFE and ZUS

Not going to happen. There's not enough money in ZUS to give people the choice of opting out.

the 60 and 65 retirement age would be rerstored but people could work until 67 if they wanted to.

A total disaster - the population is aging and ZUS doesn't have enough in the pot to pay out pensions at that age. So - people might get to retire earlier, but they'd face the choice of a low pension or higher (which already stand at 39%) contributions.

The National Health Fund would be liqudiated

What would it be replaced with?

and the 8+4 format in education would be restored

A populist move which bears no relation to reality - 6+3+3 is shown to have raised standards. And again - where's the money coming from? The education ministry is poor enough as it is.

a full curriculum in history, Polish and religion would be restored and school doctors would be reinstated.

School doctors? Where's the money coming from? Schools need facilities and equipment, not random rubbish doctors who couldn't make it in proper medicine.

The culture ministry should .return to a policy of promoting our national heritage in the best sense of the word rather than financing controversial projects.

So more POLSKA POLSKA rubbish that no-one wants to see.

Banks and chain-retailers should be taxed.

They're taxed already. Higher taxes means higher prices for consumers, which means higher taxes to pay for increased benefits to them.

There should be stiffer openalties for violent crime and corruption including confiscation of property..

Perhaps about the only reasonable thing in the whole thing.

This is a foretaste of what is in store once the corrupt Tusk clique lands on the trash heap of history.

Except it won't happen. Poles are taxed enough - and simply won't vote in a hideously socialist Government that will be forced to dramatically increase taxation to pay for all of this.

testing though ow he proposes to fund all that?

Indeed, how will all of this be funded? Proposals are one thing, but it needs to be funded.

I've just read his proposals, and some of them are a complete disaster for business.

For instance, Kaczynski proposes that every single business in Poland will be subject to VAT. That's almost certainly going to drive small businesspeople underground - they won't be able to compete if they have to suddenly slap on 23% on top of their existing prices.

And his proposals to abolish the Matura are - well - insane.

Funnily enough, it seems that Polonius quoted directly from Gazeta Wyborcza, but left out some bits.
jon357  72 | 23529  
2 Sep 2012 /  #4
Out of interest, what bits were left out?
boletus  30 | 1356  
2 Sep 2012 /  #5
A populist move which bears no relation to reality - 6+3+3 is shown to have raised standards.

Yes, and as I always stress - it really does not matter what system is in place; what matters is the proper implementation and not the frequent changes. Out of interest - the first reform took place in II Republic in 1932 and it was introduced by minister Janusz Jędrzejewicz (future prime minister):

The structure: basic education with 3 options: 4 years | 6 qualifying to gymnasium | 7 + gymnasium 4 (small matura) + general lyceum 2 | vocational lyceum 2 | pedagogical lyceum 3 (big matura)
How many revolutions we have had since then?
sobieski  106 | 2111  
2 Sep 2012 /  #6
Polska A - who are sick to death of subsidising these areas through KRUS and other things as it stands

But KRUS stands for Polska B.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
2 Sep 2012 /  #7
On Sunday, PiS chief Jarosław Kaczyński launched a poltical project intended as an alternative to the present Tusk regime.

Populistic nonsense to attract votes of plebs... good thing is that in case of victory he will quickly forget about it, just like he did in 2005-2007.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
2 Sep 2012 /  #8
I want to reflect the Polska B / gp / duck crowd on Warsaw. I do not expect the polonia crowd to understand the following though.
PIS here in Warsaw is spinning a big story about how the construction of the second metro line will be delayed for maybe a year (so they state) and the fact that the Wisłostrady tunnels are closed for months to come. And this is supposed to be the mistake of our City President HKW.

Of course they forget to mention that the first duck decided to build these tunnels (on one of the most fragile geological fragments in the city), and later Marcinkiewicz, another pis crony - whisked away to a plum job in London and with a penchant for young secretaries - moved the Powiśle station to a location under the tunnels.
jon357  72 | 23529  
2 Sep 2012 /  #9
whisked away to a plum job in London and with a penchant for young secretaries - moved the Powiśle station to a location under the tunnels.

And of course that whole affair of the stations was a typically murky PiS action and one of several.

Fortunately they haven't got a cat in hell's chance of being elected either openly or through the back door like last time so it's very unlikely we'll see them get the chance to do any damage.
pawian  226 | 27561  
2 Sep 2012 /  #10
The current Prime Minister called Kaczyński`s speech playing opposition instead of serious proposals. He announced that by Wednesday experts will have calculated how much money Kaczyński will need to fulfill his social promises, but suggested it will be tens of billions zlotys. It means increasing the public debt even more than it is now.

Shortly speaking, nothing special. Waste of time. We call it bicie piany - beating the foam.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
2 Sep 2012 /  #11
Yes but Polska B, uneducated, uninformed (the only information they get is in church from their reactionary priest) will vote for him whatever he tells
boletus  30 | 1356  
2 Sep 2012 /  #12
Shortly speaking, nothing special. Waste of time. We call it bicie piany - beating the foam.

"I'd rather see Mr. Kaczynski playing with a calculator than with matches" - Tusk
sobieski  106 | 2111  
2 Sep 2012 /  #13
Somebody until recently had no bank account and did not know what e-mail was....
pawian  226 | 27561  
2 Sep 2012 /  #14
"I'd rather see Mr. Kaczynski playing with a calculator than with matches" - Tusk

Me too. Or wait, even better it would be to see him doing shopping........ Funnier!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Sep 2012 /  #15
Nobody ever said that tricky Don's rhetoric was not glib, slick, smooth and slippery. In fact, he could probably talk a dog out of a kiełbasa factory.
pawian  226 | 27561  
2 Sep 2012 /  #16
glib, slick, smooth and slippery.

Nice synonyms. Thanks, reminds me of my uni days when I had to know as many as possible to pass the Practical English exam. Golden times - I was young, idealistic, had my first woman, etc etc.

Thank you very much, indeed, Polonius.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Sep 2012 /  #17
The Poles have one word for it: ŚLISKI! Tricky Don is the only person around who can enter a revolving door behind you and come out

ahead of you.onl
boletus  30 | 1356  
3 Sep 2012 /  #18
"We need to draw lessons from the experiences of 2005-2007. This is why whatever we are going to propose to Poles I would call the IV Republic minus Ziobro" - Adam Hofman
sobieski  106 | 2111  
3 Sep 2012 /  #19
Me too. Or wait, even better it would be to see him doing shopping........ Funnier!

That would be very funny indeed. The guy does not know what a bank account is, or e-mail...Watching him "shopping" last year on TV was hilarious.

Hmmm...The IV RP minus "laptop" Ziobro...Meaning the time he was in PIS, spying on everybody sane in Poland...that was not good? Very curious :)
pawian  226 | 27561  
3 Sep 2012 /  #20
The Poles have one word for it: ŚLISKI! Tricky Don

Sorry, no. Such a term isn`t used in media or private conversations.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
3 Sep 2012 /  #21
It shows his cultural/social level. I asked my wife about this and she tried to hit me with a very big spoon.
Nazis are still found on every level of society, though the Pol-Am twits are a special breed I see
boletus  30 | 1356  
3 Sep 2012 /  #22
Sorry, no. Such a term isn`t used in media or private conversations.

That's right. The term is TEFLON. :-)

Now, here are some fragments of the Tomasz Lis blog: Między mielonym a mielonką, which I translated for you:

Listening to the voices of the opposition and the anti-Tusk journalism, it's easy to conclude that there exists a panacea on our "non-existing state". If the state does not exist under the rules of Tusk, then the state will reappear after Tusk disappears. If such diagnosis is correct, then Tusk indeed needs to chased out. However there is no indication that chasing Tusk out is a means to a goal for the opposition and its allies, including Rydzyk and Duda. No, it is the goal in itself. The only one; self-subsisting.

Contrary to what many write, Donald Tusk is not made of teflon. Aleksander Kwasniewski is right when he says that "Tusk's charm has faded". The premier is not in the control of the state apparatus, he is not able to determine the priorities and to convince the public to them, and the number of failures and omissions of the current team is growing. However, a single parliamentary debate is enough for Tusk's shares to raise, rather than to drop to the bottom. Why? Because the viewers, the voters, are finding with their own eyes and ears that there is something much worse than our state - it's the opposition.

Our opposition wants to condemn Tusk to exile. However it is not able to decide on what charges. Is it for the incompetence, clumsiness, carelessness, irresponsibility, or for the suppression of civil liberties, freedom of expression, the rights of the opposition and a dangerous alliance with Putin and Merkel at the same time. It is about time to decide on the charges: because either we have Tusk the tyran, or the state does not work. Either there is no pilot flying our airplane, or we have the kidnapper and usurper flying with us. Either, or.

pawian  226 | 27561  
3 Sep 2012 /  #23
though the Pol-Am twits are a special breed I see

Please, be tolerant. They only got lost in life, that`s all. We are helping them come back to reality.

That's right. The term is TEFLON. :-)

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Sep 2012 /  #24
"This is why whatever we are going to propose to Poles I would call the IV Republic minus Ziobro" - Adam Hofman

And yet again, they show their almost total lack of understanding of public relations. The whole "IV Republic" stuff is so exceptionally offputting for voters!
strzyga  2 | 990  
4 Sep 2012 /  #25
First I expect him to build the 3 000 000 apartments he promised when coming into the office in 2005.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Sep 2012 /  #26
The only thing wrong with the IV RP was the timing. It should have been done by the mid-90s. The esence of IV RP was to clean up the coimmie gangster scum, eliminiate the PRL-rooted old boy cliques and start building on bedrock,. not on a trash heap. But by 2005 the scum had deeply wormed their way into the system: past and present special services, crooked bnuisness, gangster underworld, corrupt politicians and acquiescent media like Michnik and his ilk.

Had Wałęsa not staged his 1992 parliamentary coup and the teczki were gone through and sorted out, we might have had 2-3 years of chaos and then thinss would have probably settled down. Other countries did precisely that. Gauck was rewarded with the presidency, whilst Wałęsa is known for his cover-up. That ill-conceived coup has been behind the entire fracas that has marked the following decades of III RP. All the time, energy and money wasted on the Pis-PO wrestling match, the sideswiping, backbiting and commotion which diverted the poltiical stage from the coutnry's real problems.

To the foaming-at-the-mouth critics of IV RP, do you really believe corruption and non-transparnet behind-the-scenes dealings should be ignored or swept under the rug. Or should they be tackled head on? PiS tried to do that by then it was too late.

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