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Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?!

Leszek Rzejak  - | 5  
15 Apr 2010 /  #151
Prists, like Dziwisz or Rydzyk, from Maryia Redio. It is their policy togeather with Jaroslaw Kaczynski. The young generation is against.

plg  17 | 262  
15 Apr 2010 /  #152
Does anyone know at what time the funeral is?

Will krakow ground to a halt?

Will public transport still be operational?

Im actually in krakow that weekend for a short break and was just wondering wjat it will be like?

pgtx  29 | 3094  
15 Apr 2010 /  #153
Does anyone know at what time the funeral is?

2 pm?

Will krakow ground to a halt?

Will public transport still be operational?

Im actually in krakow that weekend for a short break and was just wondering wjat it will be like?

good luck with getting around...
it's gonna be crazy there...
Filios1  8 | 1336  
15 Apr 2010 /  #154
Now, when such a mediocrity (as Kaczynski

No, my idiot friend. YOU are the mediocre element.

What have you done in your lifetime?
bolek  6 | 330  
15 Apr 2010 /  #155
Wawel is where Polish kings, queens and heroes are laid to their rest and I find the decision wholly inappropriate

Your thinking is narrow and misguided, Spiritus you ommited to say that the Polish President died whilst President and in the line of duty, he was a President and a hero the majority of people, you comments are just seen meant to stir up trouble, leave it alone and show respect for a elected President, thank you.
plk123  8 | 4119  
15 Apr 2010 /  #156
well, i as a krakowianka, disagree... and does that change anything? no...

yes, fly back pronto and be a human shield against this travesty. :D :P :D


thnx. :D
convex  20 | 3928  
15 Apr 2010 /  #157
No, my idiot friend. YOU are the mediocre element.

What have you done in your lifetime?

Wow, you're at it again. Instead of stepping up and explaining why your national hero, one of the greatest Poles ever, should be laid to rest at Wawel, you go attacking other people.

he was a President and a hero the majority of people

He was the President, and respected for the position be the majority of Poles. but...hero? Only to PiS voters, and it seems there are fewer of those with every election...
Olga  1 | 330  
15 Apr 2010 /  #158
Don't mean to intrude on your intimate conversations, Filios and convex, but Kaczynski did die a martyr to the cause of bringing Katyn to light. There are more important things for Poles to be fighting over right now other than where he gets buried. This is a petty distraction from the real issues at hand, namely investigation and getting to the bottom of this--no stone unturned.
convex  20 | 3928  
15 Apr 2010 /  #159
Kaczynski did die a martyr to the cause of bringing Katyn to light. There are more important things for Poles to be fighting over right now other than where he gets buried.

That was a side effect of a Tupelov flying into the ground, he wasn't a martyr. A martyr is killed for their belief. If Vaclav Havel got hit by a bus going to a theater in Prague, he wouldn't be considered a martyr.

The problem with burial is that it's really hard to get them out once they get in. But honestly, it's done. I don't think he should be there, but that's just me and a majority of non PiS voting Poles.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Apr 2010 /  #160
It is a bizarre choice, right enough! They were even talking about moving Piłsudski's grave. What kind of nonsense is that?
OP spiritus  69 | 643  
15 Apr 2010 /  #161
Wawel is where Polish kings, queens and heroes are laid to their rest and I find the decision wholly inappropriate

Your thinking is narrow and misguided, Spiritus you ommited to say that the Polish President died whilst President and in the line of duty, he was a President and a hero the majority of people, you comments are just seen meant to stir up trouble, leave it alone and show respect for a elected President, thank you.

Come on Bolek. I respect your opinion because you're entitled to have one AND to express it so please also respect mine.

My "thinking" is simply different to yours, that doesn't make it "narrow and misguided". The President may well have been a "hero" to some of the country but your generalisations are inaccurate as the country is not united in that belief.

Saying the President died whilst in the line of duty is a little dramatic I think. He wasn't the only person to die in that plane crash and the nature of someone's death shouldn't be a criteria for being buried at Wawel. As another poster very eloquently put it, "would LK still be buried at Wawel if he died if a heart attack" ?

I am not trying to stir up trouble, in fact, you're doing that by putting words into my mouth.
plk123  8 | 4119  
15 Apr 2010 /  #162
but Kaczynski did die a martyr to the cause of bringing Katyn to light.

no he didn't.. he died because the pilot committed a fatal error.. has nothing to do with katyn.

The problem with burial is that it's really hard to get them out once they get in. But honestly, it's done. I don't think he should be there, but that's just me and a majority of non PiS voting Poles.

exatly. :(
bolek  6 | 330  
15 Apr 2010 /  #163
Saying the President died whilst in the line of duty is a little dramatic I think. He wasn't the only person to die in that plane crash and the nature of someone's death shouldn't be a criteria for being buried at Wawel. As another poster very eloquently put it, "would LK still be buried at Wawel if he died if a heart attack" ?

The fact remains that the President was killed whilst performing his duties as President, he was democratically elected by the majority of people and died a loved leader, Wawel is a place where people are buried who supported their country in a traditional catholic faith for a better Poland, Kaczynski will go down as a great political leader who wanted a true independent Poland, not a Russian or US State.

I'd rather see Lech Walesa be buried there (when he's dead of course) as at least he was a Polish and international icon in his day.

What sort of nonsense is this, it shows how poles have been corrupted in there thinking, it may emerge one day that this man just feathered his own nest, looked after his own interest and his old communist mates, come on spiritus you can do better than this!

Don't insult the spirit of Wawel, it is a sacred place.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Apr 2010 /  #164
It was not in the line of duty so directly, bolek. It was Tusk that met with Putin and then again 3 days later. HE was the one that engaged in dialogue with him.

Wawel is just being used in a symbolic way. On merit, LK should not be there.
bolek  6 | 330  
15 Apr 2010 /  #165
Don't want to stretch the friendship, but the President attended and spoke on behalf of the Polish people. You may want to explain who LK should not be buried in Wawel? The fact remains that he was President and died in the line of his duty full stop, no saying otherwise. You blokes are so biased that you can't see past the goal posts. Just read a few history books and you might think different.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Apr 2010 /  #166
No, ba! Of course he spoke for Poland, that was his role. However, what does that have to do with the popular allegation of him overturning the decision of the pilot?

Also, since when has being racist and homophobic been fair? Sorry, I took offence at many of his comments and he was out of line.
bolek  6 | 330  
15 Apr 2010 /  #167
No, ba! Of course he spoke for Poland, that was his role. However, what does that have to do with the popular allegation of him overturning the decision of the pilot?

new to me, your joining the bandwagon of people trying to create doubt and suspicion about what occurred in this tragic moment.

Also, since when has being racist and homophobic been fair? Sorry, I took offence at many of his comments and he was out of line.

Lol, once again you read too many newspapers and listen to people who have no idea what there talking about.. Its taken me a long time to realise that what you read in the newspapers and see in the media is not gospel truth, maybe 30% is half accurate the rest is rubbish, its a wonder you have not picked this up?
BevK  11 | 248  
15 Apr 2010 /  #168
@Filios1 - maybe if you want people to take your comments seriously you might be less egregious in your responses. There's more than one way to be disrespectful at this time (and before you call me a nothing, I fully intend to be cremated and add the nitrogen in my ashes to some plants somewhere. It doesn't matter if I am a nobody, sorry to spoil your fun).

I've heard people express sorrow at the loss of Maria Kaczynska, of many people on board and the general loss of life. I've heard disbelief at the fact this happened 70 years to the day after Katyn. What I have not heard one single person here in Warsaw say is that they think Kaczynski deserves to be buried at Wawel. I'm making sure to keep a very open ear (and mind) for this comment but I am not expecting it any time soon, if ever.

Especially if there is further evidence that the pilot was hectored into landing, as there is a known track record of.
Olga  1 | 330  
15 Apr 2010 /  #169
he died because the pilot committed a fatal error

You know this for a FACT or only from rumors?
15 Apr 2010 /  #170
Wow, you're at it again. Instead of stepping up and explaining why your national hero, one of the greatest Poles ever, should be laid to rest at Wawel, you go attacking other people.

Sad isn't it? Nearly as pathetic as how he runs crying to the mods as soon as anybody gives him abuse back.

By the way, you are being ironic when you describe DuckBoy as "one of the greatest Poles ever", aren't you? The bloke was a complete and utter [word I can't use to describe Filious because he'll scream, stamp his little foot and make the mods again listen to his crying].
OP spiritus  69 | 643  
15 Apr 2010 /  #171
Don't insult the spirit of Wawel, it is a sacred place.

I wasn't and besides it's a little late for that now methinks.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
15 Apr 2010 /  #172
However, what does that have to do with the popular allegation of him overturning the decision of the pilot?

Allegation being the key word... Let's wait for the facts.

Also, since when has being racist and homophobic been fair? Sorry, I took offence at many of his comments and he was out of line.

Poland for the Polish? Hundreds of years of Polish tradition being threatened by an influx of foreigners and a sea change of attitudes brought on by a Liberal wave from the west? Keep in mind, homosexuality is frowned upon by the Catholic Church.

Just a thought...
plg  17 | 262  
15 Apr 2010 /  #173
ok i will not have a problem getting around krakow on sunday now

ale jaja

volcanic ash eh? who would have thought...................:))
OP spiritus  69 | 643  
15 Apr 2010 /  #174
Don't insult the spirit of Wawel, it is a sacred place.

Stop jumping up and down and just accept that your opinion and views are not held universally.

When you say the President was elected by the majority of the people do you mean the the majority of the people who actually bothered to vote or do you mean the "majority of the electorate". To be pedantic, if it's the former then the President wasn't elected by the majority of the people-he just got more votes than the other candidate.

If the President didn't want a US state then why was he so receptive to having the US missile shield based on Polish soil ?

I wouldn't normally rise to the bait but I'm on my lunch break and can't think of anything better to do.
Stu  12 | 515  
15 Apr 2010 /  #175
It will be quiet on LK's funeral ... GB, IE, Scandinavian airspace is already closed. NL will close from 1900 today. B's will be progressively closed from 1430 today. And I've read that the north of D is also affected. It's unknown how long the closure will last but looking at the prevailing winds in the coming days, it doesn't look good.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Apr 2010 /  #176
Bolek, let me hammer home a truth to you. I haven't read a newspaper in a VERY long time and I most certainly don't believe the crap that they put out when told to me by other people. In fact, I have been telling my students to reserve judgments as, simply put, they weren't there. Papers can say this and that but, at the end of the day, only those in the plane knew what was happening for sure.

I'm very much with you on that point, Bolek.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Apr 2010 /  #177
No, Miłosz was buried at another site reserved for prominent people, the Church at Skałka. There were protests against this because Miłosz had gone on record saying he was not a Pole but a Lithuanian, accepted a high-ranking Lithuanian decoration but not a Polish one and even said he was ashamed to be Polish. He once wrote (apparently to ingratiate himself with influential American Jewry) that: "Polish is the language of cowards, (Gestapo) informers and szmalcownicy."

Whatever the case, Miłosz was ultimately buried at Skałka and Michnik triumphed and said the hate-mongers who had raised a row over his coffin had lost. Now the same Michnik and his crowd, aided by Wajda, have disrupted the solemnity of national mourning to quibble over the presidential couple's place of eternal rest. That has incited other grumblers in the land of "liberum veto" to crawl out of the woodwork, make a fuss, stage noisy protests and act like "dumb Polacks".
gregy741  5 | 1226  
15 Apr 2010 /  #178
In response to the question-YES He deserved in wawel-for personal dignity,for unquestionable patriotism,for high moral standards,for sens of justice,bravery,for he always fought for what he belived.listning what others leaders say about him:

and to the PO electoral (liberals,sodomits) your donald tusk is a showman a clown like blair and sarkozy.no charisma no principals.
Lech Kaczynski-small body-big heart
convex  20 | 3928  
15 Apr 2010 /  #179
It will be quiet on LK's funeral ... GB, IE, Scandinavian airspace is already closed. NL will close from 1900 today. B's will be progressively closed from 1430 today. And I've read that the north of D is also affected. It's unknown how long the closure will last but looking at the prevailing winds in the coming days, it doesn't look good.

Huge ash clouds, a gaggle of heads of state... Lets see if I can get to Germany on Sunday...

and to the PO electoral (liberals,sodomits)

Please, we're sodomites, not sodomits. We're touchy about that.
Stu  12 | 515  
15 Apr 2010 /  #180
listning what others leaders say about him:

Come on ... how stupid do you think we are? Here you come with a quote from Saakashvili, just after he died. Everybody will say good things about a prominent leader just after he dies. That's obvious, isn't it?

Secondly, I can find you favourable quotes on YouTube about a whole range of people, also people who are dubious to say the least. So it is hardly convincing, I am sorry.


So ... here is the proof you are ranting and no one should take you seriously.

Lets see if I can get to Germany on Sunday...

I was scheduled to fly to Wroclaw tomorrow at 1430, but I am afraid I can shake it ... :(

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