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Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?!

king polkacanon  - | 57  
14 Apr 2010 /  #91
At least he was not buried in a mass grave in Katyn.
Pibwl  - | 49  
14 Apr 2010 /  #92
There are at least 4 wives of kings (plus 2 kids) buried there plus one king's brother.

There's the key!... A brother! Seems, that Jarosław is plotting to make a family grave!... ;->
Havok  10 | 902  
14 Apr 2010 /  #93
Almost every person I knew thought he was the joke of Polish politics.

I agree.

I've looked him up on Wiki and i can't find anything impressive about him. Although I did like one thing he said:

"purging various pathologies from our life, most prominently including crime (...), particularly criminal corruption – that entire, great rush to obtain unjust enrichment, a rush that is poisoning society,"

Since his election did you guys noticed any improvement with the wide spread corruption in Poland?

Well, I can actually see a reason for it as he served his country with his death probably better than he ever did alive.

IMO, the plane crash was embarrassing…

I'm reading some news reports "floating" around the net. Is this true?

"President Lech Kaczynski, who used lurid images of gay marriage to illustrate the “threat” to the Polish nation he claims the Lisbon treaty poses." lol
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Apr 2010 /  #94
If Kaczynski gets buried in Wawel,Tusk will try to kill himself.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
14 Apr 2010 /  #95
Pick the odd one out.

The question is, as you are looking at this as a 3rd party observer at the moment, will there still be as much conflicting ideas on whether Kaczynski was worthy of being buried at the Wawel, in say, 50-100 years? I'm not saying he was, but many of the men buried at the Wawel also had their critics while they were still alive, and opposition. And now? They are all national heros. Kaczynski was interned during Solidarnosc movement, he did a lot during Round Table talks. Many would agree with me to say that 1989 is truly a monumental year in Polish history. Most of us are from that generation, so we may not truly appreciate it, like the next several generations after us. Was Kaczynski then a hero in his own right? I'd say he is.

Lukasz, on the other hand, wouldn't think so, and would declare Lech unworthy if put pressure on the pilots (which isn't even known or may never be known for sure)

So just because of a tragic mistake at the very end, he should be despised?
14 Apr 2010 /  #96
This is ridiculous, Kaczynski and his wife don't deserve to be buried at Wawel!! The people who came up with this idea are a bunch of ignorant, selfish idiots!!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Apr 2010 /  #97
Wasn't it his brother's wish?
Filios1  8 | 1336  
14 Apr 2010 /  #98
don't deserve to be buried at Wawel

Who are you to say that he doesn't deserve to be buried there, laywoman? You are nothing in this world. Kaczynski was someone.

I still think Warsaw would be more appropriate for burial... but I laugh at all these nobodies in the world coming on here to voice their outrage. They simply have some kind of complex, and jealousy that they will be buried in some average, old cemetary.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Apr 2010 /  #99
He soured relations with Russia, Filios. Did 'milly' do that?
Filios1  8 | 1336  
14 Apr 2010 /  #100
He soured relations with Russia, Filios

He also warmed relations with the Baltic States, Ukraine and Georgia.

And actually, there was a lot of talk of President Kaczynski trying to warm relations with Russia, especially at this years ceremony. Crow had a link up... Unfortunately, we will never know what he would have done or said...

Did 'milly' do that?

Milly has done nothing in her life to even warrant being put in the same light as Pan President. Just another mediocre.
plk123  8 | 4119  
14 Apr 2010 /  #101
That would be supremely tasteless.

no.. what is tasteless is that kaczka and his wife (who has even less of a standing then him) are going to be entombed at Wawel along some of the greatest Poles ever. this is an honour neither of these two people deserves.. this is so wrong on so many levels that it's hard to even express.. there should be massive protest and blockades of the castle in krakow so this lunacy doesn't happen.. it is just not right.

Striving to preserve the dignity and gravity of the Wawel is "supremely tasteless"? What if the analysis of the Black Boxes reveals that Kaczynski ordered the landing against all expert opinion? What if his documented recklessness caused all those deaths? What then, when he's already buried in Poland's most sacred place?

right on.. i'm afraid of what will come from those black boxes.. i sure hope kaczka didn't contribute to this tragedy..

Another good point.

yes, great point.. if that was the case kaczka would be burried at the Warsaw cemetery..

I just think that it's highly unlikely that the pilot would have been pressured to put the plane down on the first approach.

one would think so but like lukasz said, there is a bit of a precedent of pressure by the ex-prez..

Kosciuszko, Sobieski, Jadwiga, Kaczynski, Sikorski, Poniatowski...

kaczka, definitely.. :D

When Lech Walesa will die, where do you think he would/should be buried ?

I'd be ok with him at Wawel or Warsaw Cathedral unless he specifies some other place.. His ship yard may not be a bad place either..

At least he was not buried in a mass grave in Katyn.

well... actually he kind of is there still.. or at least parts of him anyway..

Pan President. Just another mediocre.

that is the only thing i agree with you.. not the whole thing... just what i quoted. :)
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
14 Apr 2010 /  #102
If I die;) I want to be buried in the Wawel or the pyramids in Egypt.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122  
14 Apr 2010 /  #103
sure, sure.. lol

need to find my family herald?
I can remember it have a knight helmet and a moon laying under the helmet

I am not aristocrat but I am a poor noble that's for sure mate
Although I don't have any special privilege since 1918 there was concluded that there are no social divisions in the Polish state like - Aristocracy - priesthood - peasants etc

We are all Poles

Yes you are right, the presidents death seems to be overshadowing the deaths of some
great brave people on that flight including the Commander of the Special Forces, who I know people of Krakow adored. These should be the ones that are burried in the Wawel.

I personally wouldn't think of Wawel but I won't protest as he really deserves it as one of few politicians to be human-like and prioritized patriotic acts and creating museums then populist stuff
plk123  8 | 4119  
14 Apr 2010 /  #104
We are all Poles

Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
14 Apr 2010 /  #105
Filios1  8 | 1336  
14 Apr 2010 /  #106
I'd be ok with him at Wawel


So you're o.k with Lech Walesa, the sell-out, being buried at Wawel, but no to the honest Kaczynski? hahaha.. maybe the commie bodyguards he hired after he became President should also be buried at the Wawel. Man you guys are absoulately delluded. See my point above, no one has yet adressed it, or made a counter point.

the whole thing... just what i quoted

Again, please argue against the point I made. EVERYTHING, is relative people. In 100 years when we are dead and gone, people will realize how critical 1989 was, and the heros that took part in Solidarnosc (who didn't sell out) will be accordingly praised.

Some of the Kings who are buried in Wawel are no more worthy of being buried there than a President. Same thing, head of state. And in all actuality, you could probably make the argument that Kings had much less to say than Presidents today. Nobility consisted of 10% of Polish society in medieval age, they had WAY bigger say of what happened in the sejm and little sejm than a King. Far more influence. So maybe all those nobles should have been buried at the Wawel too? It is only righteous.

I expect someone will at least make a feeble reply to this...

We are all Poles

Sure we are, genetically. But some better than others.

Again, trying to level everything down to mediocrity... I wish Nietszche was here to back me up.
Crow  154 | 9260  
14 Apr 2010 /  #107
We are all Poles

i like to admit that i`m Polish because Poles admits that they are Sarmatians. No complexes among us. We are ok


just for the record, that `Lech` (in Serbian- `Ledjani`) ancient name of yours is more cool. It refers on `ice/people from ice, north` while name of Poles (in Serbian- `Poljaci`) refers to ``field/people dependent on agriculture, peasants``
TIT  5 | 208  
14 Apr 2010 /  #108
If I die;) I want to be buried in the Wawel or the pyramids in Egypt.

just wonder do you have a such place in Ireland?
convex  20 | 3928  
14 Apr 2010 /  #109
In 50 years Kaczynski will be remembered as the president that died in a plane crash. That will be his legacy.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
14 Apr 2010 /  #110
That will be his legacy.

And you will rot in some cemetary full of other mediocres. Whats your point?

You aren't Polish, and you have ZERO right to play down what he has contributed to Poland.
TIT  5 | 208  
14 Apr 2010 /  #111
You aren't Polish, and you have ZERO right to play down what he has contributed to Poland.

good question, who is he? why he landed here?
Filios1  8 | 1336  
14 Apr 2010 /  #112
This forum is full of twats that have escaped their previous crap lives in other countries, to come to Poland. And now, they insult our President, and claim to have a full grasp of Poles, Polish mentality and our history. It's actually quite amusing...
14 Apr 2010 /  #113
he doesn't belong in krakow.
Crow  154 | 9260  
14 Apr 2010 /  #114
i am biggest Poljak here.
TIT  5 | 208  
14 Apr 2010 /  #115
yes but strange is he came form US, what mindset he brought here and where he get that from?
Filios1  8 | 1336  
14 Apr 2010 /  #116
i am biggest Poljak here.

I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.
convex  20 | 3928  
14 Apr 2010 /  #117
And you will rot in some cemetary full of other mediocres. Whats your point?

You aren't Polish, and you have ZERO right to play down what he has contributed to Poland.

I will indeed, what's your point? Why are you so defensive? Prove me wrong instead of resorting to name calling.

Aren't you half Polish?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
14 Apr 2010 /  #118
And you will rot in some cemetary

Just a technical note:
after 50 years in a standard grave (6 feet, coffin etc) there isn't anything to rot anymore. Except perhaps in the case of ardent fans of MacDonald's, in which case some of their body parts will be pickled for a little longer.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122  
14 Apr 2010 /  #119
Serbian- `Poljaci`) refers to ``field/people dependent on agriculture, peasants``

Or as recent historians have found out maybe it comes from the word "plemiÄ™"?
Poland was uniting many tribes in it's time when she was created
Filios1  8 | 1336  
14 Apr 2010 /  #120
Prove me wrong instead of resorting to name calling.

Unfortunately, AS I'VE ALREADY WRITTEN SEVERAL TIMES, his legacy as the first President with non-communist ties and legacy of being one of the top people in Solidarnosc will be proven in decades. Many heroes buried at Wawel had their number of critics and opponents at the time of their burial. And look at them now?

Seriously, is it that hard for you to take that Poles actually think of Kaczynski as a hero, in more ways than one? You should really stick to aviation, because reasoning is obviously not your thing...

Aren't you half Polish?

Yup, born and raised in Poland.

And you, Yank-off?

what's your point?

My point is that you won't even be remembered in 60+ years when you are dead. Kaczynski will be. (for numerous achievements) Maybe, just maybe if you become someone of standing, you will be able to pass criticism. As of right now, you are just some nameless, delluded net entity... One of many millions.

Except perhaps in the case of ardent fans of MacDonald's, in which case some of their body parts will be pickled for a little longer.

Remind me to start eating a lot of McDonalds then. Maybe they can do studies on my body in a few hundred years on diet.

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