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Polish journalist punched on Russian TV

jon357  72 | 23516  
24 Nov 2016 /  #1
Quite dramatic. I must say that I agree with Tomasz Maciejczuk here.

Polish journalist is PUNCHED in the face during Russian TV show after telling debate panel 'Ukrainians want to live like normal people, not in s*** like Russians'

smurf  38 | 1940  
24 Nov 2016 /  #2
Yea, but ya can't be going on Russian TV and saying stuff like that, like if some English lad came on Irish tele and said something we'd be lining up to punch him in the street, pretty sh!tty thing to say when you're a guest in a foreign country.

But....on the other hand I read some stuff last night that it was staged, I dunno, with political TV these days you can never tell the truth from the bullsh!t
Wulkan  - | 3136  
24 Nov 2016 /  #3
on the other hand I read some stuff last night that it was staged, I dunno, with political TV these days you can never tell the truth from the bullsh!t

At least there is a bit of common sense in you.
24 Nov 2016 /  #4
The guy who through the punch was a Ukrainian, according to your previous posts the Daily mail is Alt - right trash. Why would a good socialist like you be reading this fiction ?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
24 Nov 2016 /  #5
that got my attention too
OP jon357  72 | 23516  
24 Nov 2016 /  #6
a Ukrainian,

A former politician and supporter of Russia. Maybe staged though, in order to humiliate the Pole publicly. With Russia anything is possible.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
24 Nov 2016 /  #7
Russia TV didn't broadcast it.

I think they are more embarassed that he pointed out how dirt poor Russia is.

He stood up to several men threatening him, brave guy.
Crow  154 | 9556  
24 Nov 2016 /  #8
Opinion of a Pole, means them something. If Anglo, Franco or Germanic said something like that they wouldn`t care much. See, its that competition among Slavs. Which is more important center
Wulkan  - | 3136  
24 Nov 2016 /  #9
With Russia anything is possible.

Anything is possible, period.
OP jon357  72 | 23516  
24 Nov 2016 /  #10
No Wulky, unless you've tried to strike a match on a wet bar of soap. In public life and politics too, some things just aren't possible.

With Russia, however, anything is possible and we here in Poland can expect interesting times ahead. A weak government here, a devious populist in Moscow and several nearby countries further into chaos.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
25 Nov 2016 /  #11
With Russia, however, anything is possible

Looks like you are brainwashed by Gazeta Wyborcza, just stop reading it and your obsessive russophobia will be gone in no time. Don't waste your life living in fear, open your mind and smile.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
25 Nov 2016 /  #12
obsessive russophobia

If you are not deeply suspicous and untrusting of Russia you are not Polish, probably Russian.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
25 Nov 2016 /  #13
If you are not deeply suspicous and untrusting of Russia you are not Polish

Or I simply stay away from mainstream media?
Marsupial  - | 871  
25 Nov 2016 /  #14
Well russia is a poor ugly hole. The truth often hurts.
Crow  154 | 9556  
25 Nov 2016 /  #15
No, its not that poor. Believe me. Somewhat behind. But, what would you expect from wild Scythians (nomadic Sarmats ie Slavs)? They actually achieved a lot of in short period of time. They achieved wonders after pushed hard.

You can`t even imagine what Serbian business these days doing in Russia. Amount of opportunities? Unlimited. Amount of resources? Unlimited. Market for our products? Unlimited. Scientific potential? Unlimited.

See, but to be a non-Russian and to come this close to Russia`s potentials, as Serbians come, you must show some understanding.

As I already said on this forum, you Poles are lucky to have us Serbians.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
25 Nov 2016 /  #16

An interesting interview with Tomasz Maciejczuk in which he explains what he was punched in the face for. The Moscow Echo daily asked its readers later on if Maciejczuk was right saying that the Russian people live in ****. 79% of them said 'yes' and only 11% said 'no'.

At least there is a bit of common sense in you [Smurf].

Crow  154 | 9556  
25 Nov 2016 /  #17
In some better world Poland would lead Russia. But in this our reality, Poland must (!) play role of eternal fu***r of Russia. No, not that is Russia perfect but I here and now talk about Poland.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
26 Nov 2016 /  #18
Or I simply stay away from mainstream media?

Ignorant of Polands history and Russian reality, yes.
Ironside  50 | 13034  
26 Nov 2016 /  #19
If you are not deeply suspicous and untrusting of Russia you are not Polish, probably Russian.

Oh really? That what some people would like to have. So they flame those resentments between Russia and Poland to milk it for their own reasons. Not factual at all.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
27 Nov 2016 /  #20
Ignorant of Polands history

Are you?

Russian reality

Much better reality then most countries in the world.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
27 Nov 2016 /  #21
Much better reality then most countries in the world.

The mere fact that you use the Russsian propagander term 'russophobia' shows you have no clue.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
27 Nov 2016 /  #22
I really would like to be able to feel sorry for people like you who are brainwashed by mainstream media but I'm not. I bet you almost cried when Hillary lost election.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
27 Nov 2016 /  #23
Why the **** would I care about an American election? its irrelevant.

And what has that go to do with Poland and Russia? mainstream media, W.T.F. ?????
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
27 Nov 2016 /  #24
Why the **** would I care about an American election? its irrelevant.

Unless you are a country that is seen by the new American government as a target for regime change then all hell breaks loose.

Oh Sh$t Russia is the current target Oh Sh$t who is stuck in the middle again Oh Sh$t that will be Poland.
Crow  154 | 9556  
27 Nov 2016 /  #25
Exactly and its not good for business. Oh, no, no
Wulkan  - | 3136  
27 Nov 2016 /  #26
Why the **** would I care about an American election?

If you paid attention you'd know that the election outcome in the most powerful country in the world has significant impact on the world's economy.

And what has that go to do with Poland and Russia?

Since mainstream media is controlled by the same kind of people in both: Poland and USA it makes no difference edited

mainstream media, W.T.F. ?????

I know, "W.T.F" is very comment and healthy reaction on many mainstream media news, looks like you're not completely lost after all.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 Nov 2016 /  #27
If you paid attention you'd know that the election outcome in the most powerful country in the world has significant impact on the world's economy.

What, you mean if I 'paid attension' to 'mainstream media'? well.. I don't and I don't give two ***** who idiotic Ameicans 'elect' as President. Economically USA is no longer particulary important and who ever is President is not going to make any difference to that. It will have minor a affect on Europe.

I my only knowledge about Trump is that he promised to cancel the F-35, praised Putin, supports the annexation of Crimea and has undermined NATO. His son in law also published articles about Trump being Russian plant.Trump has a reputation as a loudmouth prick.

We will see if any of these promises turn into action, but I doubt it. American Presidents never do anything, Obama installed ObamaCare (whatever that is) and Bush invaded Iraq, other than that neither had the slightest affect on anything.

Obama had the option to provide anti-tank missiles to Ukaraine but didn't, lets see whether Trump is sucking Putins cock rather being a effeminate wuss.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
28 Nov 2016 /  #28
What, you mean if I 'paid attension' to 'mainstream media'? well..

Well yes, looks like you did as demonstrated here:

His son in law also published articles about Trump being Russian plant.Trump has a reputation as a loudmouth prick.

And below is a beautiful demonstration how you know nothing. Seriously, average primary school kid in Britain knows more on that matter but why brag about it?

American Presidents never do anything, Obama installed ObamaCare (whatever that is) and Bush invaded Iraq, other than that neither had the slightest affect on anything.

Crow  154 | 9556  
28 Nov 2016 /  #29
People, it was brotherly punch. More like a spank
peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 Nov 2016 /  #30
Well yes, looks like you did as demonstrated here:

This is mainstream media? what are you smoking?


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