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Jarosław Kaczyński is Economic Forum's "Man of the Year"

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Sep 2015 /  #1
To the obvious chagrin of PF's many (paid and unpaid) K-bashers, the Krynica Economic Forum has named Jarosław Kaczyński its Man of the Year.

Upon accepting the statuette, the PiS leader said: "I hope this award is symptomatic and a prediction of change that something bad in our public life is ending, that we are returning to normality."

The award was presented by Michał Machlejd (probably originally from Scottish Macleod) of the Economic Forum's Programme Council.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
9 Sep 2015 /  #2
What a guy! If PiS win the next election, it will be interesting to keep an eye on the career development of those involved in the selection of the prizewinner.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Sep 2015 /  #3
those involved

Such is life. Until recently all the toadies were brown-nosing the Tusks, Komorowksis and Kopaczes of this world.
But it does indicate one thing: PiS is set to win and the Platfus gang is headed for the rubbish bin of history. And none too soon!!!!!
jon357  72 | 23712  
9 Sep 2015 /  #4
What a joke. That's their reputation and credibility sunk overnight.
G (undercover)  
9 Sep 2015 /  #5
"That's their reputation and credibility sunk overnight."

Among the irrelevant rainbow crowd :))))
jon357  72 | 23712  
9 Sep 2015 /  #6

Well, Grzegorz, he has a poor reputation all round, doesn't he. Very few politicians who are considered unfit to be the candidate for the party they themselves lead.

A list of all the many reasons why he is considered a clown would be appropriate here, just to remind those of us who vote.
G (undercover)  
9 Sep 2015 /  #7
"he is considered a clown"

No, he isn't :)))))))
jon357  72 | 23712  
9 Sep 2015 /  #8
No, he isn't :)))))))

Oh yes he is :)))))))

And plenty of examples to follow :))))))) :))))))) :)))))))
G (undercover)  
9 Sep 2015 /  #9
"Oh yes he is :)))))))"

He has just become Man of the Year of the most prestigious Economic forum in this part of Europe, no matter how loud you bark :)))
9 Sep 2015 /  #10
pis very much on the up

that's why jon is down

poor jon, but jon will think of something, he always does ! (great imagination that boy)
jon357  72 | 23712  
9 Sep 2015 /  #11
Hard to know how that inarticulate bit of drivel adds to a discussion about a prize given to Jaro - presumably they'd handed it out to everyone else in years past and Kukiz would have been a step too far even for them.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Sep 2015 /  #12
he has a poor reputation

Only amongst rainbow-worshippers, lefty whackos and well-to-do snob circles, and those don't really count anyway.
jon357  72 | 23712  
9 Sep 2015 /  #13
A bit wider than that - the guy is a national disgrace.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Sep 2015 /  #14
national disgrace

Wrong! The national disgrace high-tailed it off to Brussels when the getting was good!
But eventually they'll catch onto him there too.
jon357  72 | 23712  
9 Sep 2015 /  #15
The national disgrace high-tailed it off to Brussels

Is that a Euphemism for "his plane crashed and his cronies loudly pretended there was a conspiracy"?

Very ironic that an economic forum should give him an award, albeit a worthless one, when economists and the markets simply don't trust his party:


Economy is showing signs of slowing after several quarters of surprising on the upside.

G (undercover)  
9 Sep 2015 /  #16
"the guy is a national disgrace."

Give him a break, he's all in bul after the elections...

jon357  72 | 23712  
9 Sep 2015 /  #17
he's all in bul

That or his sock puppet Szydło. Who'll resign in high dudgeon or be kicked out on a pretext in about a year and bingo, the return of Cat Hair Man to the hottest. For a while...
G (undercover)  
9 Sep 2015 /  #18
Thank God we've got the "President of Europe" :)))))))

jon357  72 | 23712  
9 Sep 2015 /  #19
President of Europe

Well, the President of the European Council is a. Polish and b. a success. That's going off topic though since the clown Jaro will never hold that post.

As a PiS supporter (and on past form) nobody would expect you to appreciate the subtle difference between someone who holds a post and who doesn't.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
9 Sep 2015 /  #20
Who were the other contestants? Kukiz, Liroy and Rafalala?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Sep 2015 /  #21
sock puppet

What about Kopacz, the sock puppet of shifty-eyed Donny Boy?
G (undercover)  
9 Sep 2015 /  #22
"Donny Boy?"

The chief servant of Europe, come on pay some respect...
jon357  72 | 23712  
9 Sep 2015 /  #23
Who were the other contestants? Kukiz, Liroy and Rafalala?

Probably Kukiz, Mandarynka and Abp Wesolowski. Mandarynka should have won.
smurf  38 | 1940  
9 Sep 2015 /  #24
Krynica Economic Forum

is a nothing event attended by nobodies from loser countries.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Sep 2015 /  #25
should have won

Better choices are: Niesiołowski, Kopacz, Macierewicz, Biedroń, Kalisz, Sikorski, Pawłowicz, jon357 (why not include a legal alien or two?!) and Korwin-Mikke!
jon357  72 | 23712  
9 Sep 2015 /  #26
Some very good names in there Po3, in and among some unsuitable ones, however people like Macierewicz are best left to fade away. No reason that there shouldn't be a 'legal alien' as you quaintly call it - though you did mention that you're one yourself so could be in the running one day - I don't now count as one ;-) - winning the Man of the Year either.

I think Biedron who is a huge success as President of Slupsk could be an excellent contender. Tusk, no - he's won already. The President of Warsaw, though not a man (nor is the award 'Man of the Year' - it's actually 'Person of the Year, Człowiek Roku) has also survived and had her term of office confirmed despite a sustained political attack.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Sep 2015 /  #27

Thanks for Gronkowiec (slipped my mind). Biedroń, Gorbkoweic, Korwin, Niesiołowski, Pawłowicz and Macierewicz all have a following and all are deeply flawed in ther own way. But I don't feel like elaborating. If you don't know why they're flawed, you never will!
jon357  72 | 23712  
9 Sep 2015 /  #28
All politicians (like everyone else) is flawed - JK more than most in political life at that level. Bedroom would be a far better contender for Person of the Year, though knowing him, he'd probably turn it down.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Sep 2015 /  #29
Person of the Year

But one assumes he would gladly compete and probably win the Perv of the Year title.
jon357  72 | 23712  
9 Sep 2015 /  #30
I doubt that very much.

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