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Warsaw8  4 | 126  
11 Sep 2008 /  #571
Well I supposed that people may do things differently from a distance of thousands of miles away. But as for you, you hardly make the team for even arguable leftist, below the lame catagory, trying to create an argument on how I spell a word, over how you think it should be spelled. Kind of a P****y bash if you ask me, so on that note, yes, you have won. How does it feel, to be P****y of the year harry? I can see it now while your on stage...LOL
Hueg  - | 319  
11 Sep 2008 /  #572
trying to create an argument on how I spell a word, over how you think it should be spelled.Kind of a P****y

Doctor Johnson I presume? :)
11 Sep 2008 /  #573
Actually English is the same language the world over. Words are spelt the same all over the world. When some words are spelt in a different way, they become different words. "Your" is a different word to "You're" and that is why it is not spelt the same way as "You're". The same is true for "There" and "Their".

It's not about how I think words are spelt, it is about how they actually are spelt. But I suppose that you are just too dumb to see the difference. Mainly because you are too stupid to even be a good bigot.

Keep thinking you're a member of the master-race moron (although you no doubt think that your a member of the master-race....)
Warsaw8  4 | 126  
11 Sep 2008 /  #574
I know the difference between each word. And I just choose to say your over you're.

Keep thinking you're a member of the master-race moron (although you no doubt think that your a member of the master-race....)

Well, Jealousy gets you no where dude! Decifering the diff. between a few words doesint make you a proud white man. You must be some sort of "half breed" with resentment problems.....
11 Sep 2008 /  #575
I know the difference between each word.

Yes of course you do.

And I just choose to say your over you're.

And you do that because you are a moron. The kind of moron who has so little that he has to feel pride over the colour of his skin. You are so pathetic that the thing in life which you are most proud of is an accident of birth. You have achieved nothing since you were born and never will. How could I resent somebody who has nothing and will never have anything, who is nothing and never will be anything. Boy you are too dumb to even be a bigot.
Dekameron  1 | 146  
11 Sep 2008 /  #576
he has to feel pride over the colour of his skin.

I'm proud that i'm white since 90% of significant discoveries were made by white people, whats wrong with that ?
11 Sep 2008 /  #577
How did you choose the colour of your skin? Oh, sorry, I forgot, you didn't choose it: it is just an accident of birth.

Are you really so pathetic that you have to take pride in something which you have no control over whatsoever?
Dekameron  1 | 146  
11 Sep 2008 /  #578
I'm also proud that i'm 6.5 feet tall a fact that i had no control over whatsoever, it was just an accident of birth.

You can be proud of something that is your feature just because it 'is' your feature and because others with that feature achieved great things and you're part of that group at large.

You mistake pride in achievement and pride in a positive feature, in my view being white is 100% positive as is living in the civilized part of Europe, as for being pathetic, you seem like a smart lad i've read your posts so please refrain from personal assault unless my lack of inteligence or the amount of ******** i post warrants such behaviour.

Currently it does not :)
11 Sep 2008 /  #579
You can be proud of something that is your feature just because it 'is' your feature and because others with that feature achieved great things and you're part of that group at large.

Are you proud of the fact that you are from the same group as 100% of paedophiles and mass murderers?
shopgirl  6 | 928  
11 Sep 2008 /  #580
Where are you getting your information?
Pulled it out of your butt, did you?
Statistics to back up your post would be appreciated!
Dekameron  1 | 146  
11 Sep 2008 /  #581
Are you proud of the fact that you are from the same group as 100% of paedophiles and mass murderers?

Are you implying that most pedophiles and mass murderers were white ?

Approximately 60% of all sexual based crimes in the state of Washington for the years 2006-2008 were commited by "colored minorities" according to Crimelibrary whereas approximately 70% all all sexual related crimes in US the last decade have been commited by chiefly blacks and hispanics, they do get less press coverage because the places where such activies occure are regarded to have such occurences as parts of every day life.

As for mass murderers, lets see, Mao Tse Tung - not white, Polpot - not white, Atylla the Hun - not white, i can also get into the Chineese Emperors, the Asyrians, the Moslem. all with historical sources.

Not only are white people not prime mass murderers but we're also a lot less creative about that then other races.

You are apparently biased towards whites but thats ok, we can keep going since apparently there's little knowledge behind that opinion of yours :)
11 Sep 2008 /  #582
Are you implying that most pedophiles and mass murderers were white ?

Not at all. I'm stating that they were all humans and I assume that you are also human. Therefore you are from the same group as them. Feeling proud of that?
Dekameron  1 | 146  
11 Sep 2008 /  #583
Humans are divided into different groups, whether you sort them by religion, their place in the society or race, i indentify myself with some of these groups and usually though not always with pride.

You called me pathetic because i stated that i'm proud of being white, i retorted proving that being white is a reason for pride that is all.
Warsaw8  4 | 126  
12 Sep 2008 /  #584
You called me pathetic because i stated that i'm proud of being white, i retorted proving that being white is a reason for pride that is all.

Like I said, HARRY, must have some sort of resentment Towards Himself or depressment problems. Ive said it before, those who frown on pride when they see it in others, usually do so because they lack it themselves.......
12 Sep 2008 /  #585
Ive said it before, those who frown on pride when they see it in others, usually do so because they lack it themselves.......

Ever heard that pride comes before a fall? The white race is certainly on the way down right now!

As I've said before, those who take pride in their skin colour usually do so because they lack intelligence. You're perfect proof of that.
Warsaw8  4 | 126  
12 Sep 2008 /  #586
Ever heard that pride comes before a fall? The white race is certainly on the way down right now!

Yea we have Been on the decline for a few decades now. Im sure we can thank anti white people like yourself. I dont call people names normally, but man, you really are a sh*t brick, some kind of mixed half breed, homosexual, computor nerd with too much time on your hands....I mean wow, just when I thought you couldint say anything else to make yourself look stupid..you just kept talking...
Kilkline  1 | 682  
12 Sep 2008 /  #587
I dont understand how someone can take pride in the achievements of others. In doing so you're taking pride in something that you played no part in.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
13 Sep 2008 /  #588
Buddy I started a thread on this a loooong time ago. People may as well start being proud of their eye colour or some sh*t their neighbors did when they were 10.

I got your back on this one though.

It's really shows a lack of critical thinking imo, coupled with the constant appetite of the ego. People are willing to feed their egos anything and are generally conditioned to feed it things like: ethnic pride, victories of our ancestors, the accomplishments of athletes we identify with, wash, rinse, repeat. Either that or they can't figure out the difference between being proud, admiring something or someone, or just being glad about something....:/
JonMystic  - | 7  
1 Jul 2010 /  #589
Wow.. THis thread is old.. I guess I am bringing back to life. . I am an American Jew and I will tell you not many Jews want to live in an Jew-hating, cold, snowy and not so well-to-do place like Poland. I believe that the Jews you claim who want to steal your land would probably not even want to spend more than a week in your land. It's all about the big EU passport, my friends! :D

I thought Poles were supposedly very friendly to the Jews, but after read the numerous anti-Jewish posts here I can see you have a vile hatred for the Jews. I really think probably most Poles were pleased with Hitler making Poland, "Judenfrei".

Another thing that amazes me is how pro-Islamic and pro-Arabic many Poles are. Actually, this is probably a good thing, because your Palestinian and Arabian friends are starting to outnumber you guys in Europe. Probably in 50 years, with Poland's (and rest of EU's) low birth rate and large Islamic/Arab immigration, you guys will eventually be under Islamic leadership. Us Jews will be laughing at you when the day comes and it really is coming! SO, please keep insulting JEws and cheering on your arab friends.. While you're at it start studying Koran and Arabic language, since you will probably need to when the Muslims take over your country. I am sure this will somehow be the Jews fault too, since blaming a Jew is as second nature as drinking vodka.

FYI. Jews fought for the land of Israel and defeated a larger number of Arab invaders who were heavily armed with Russian weapons versus the home-made and outdated WWII weapons the Jews had possession at the time. The 1,000,000 arabs living in Israel (excluding the ones in Gaza/West Bank) live much better and freer than JEws do in Poland. If Jews lived as freely in Poland as Arabs do in Israel, I would say Poland is a great country. The Jews have had the longest presence in that country since the Canaanites. And, the land had almost no arabs living there, except in some squalor villages until the Jews started building it the land with its kibbutzim (farming communities) and renovating what was a malarial-infested wasteland.

Jews almost always outnumbered Arabs in Jeruslaem. Even, The PRophet Mohammad said that Jerusalem is and always will be a Jewish city. Jews saved the lives of millions of Lebanese CHristians when the Palestinians (PLO) and Hizbullah were going on a rampage genociding them in their village. Sadly, the Christians decided to do the same things to the muslims. Of course, the world blamed the Jews once again! Thankfully, the Maronite Catholics had more remorse than their muslim enemies. Also, most arabs aligned themselves with the nazis and swore allegiance to Adolf Hitler. The Mufti who ruled Jerusalem would round up Jews and have them executed on their way to the Western Wall for prayer. The fact that the Mufti of Jerusalem was mass murdering Jews (Many of middle eastern origin, e.g. Mizrachi, Yemeni), alone is justification for taking control of the land.

Remember, how Hitler said you Poles were abusing German villagers as justification for invading Poland? Perhaps you should give back to Germans land you stole, LOL.. This is using your own false justification. Most Palestinains are Egyptians, Hashemites, Saudis, Bedouins who were squatters and never owned any land. Yassir Arafat is from Egypt, and yet he claims to be the leader of the Palestinains. How idiotic is that!

I do respect the suffering and struggles the Poles had to go through by the nazis and then communism. Of course, bieng the Jew hating nation you are, you will say Communism was all about Zionism. I guess that is why Communists sent millions of JEws to gulags in siberia, had rabbis murdered, killed people for speaking Hebrew and destroyed synaogogues. That is all apart of the Zionist conspiracy. Sadly enough, about over 90-99% of the communists were Chrsitians, just like yourselves. Look at Stalin, he grew up in the Georgian Orthodox Church. He was a good Christian boy. Of course, somehow he was a Jew, I know that you Poles will just have to say he is!!!

They say that Poles teach their children at the breast, "better behave or the Jew will take you away and mix you with his matza." Welcome to the 21st century, Polish friends. Maybe you can finally break your Jew paranoia and Jew hating traditions.

As for those 10,000 Jews who want to go to Poland, either they are stupid, or smart, "EU citizenship."

Any Pole girl want to marry me? I wouldn't mind having an EU passport in addition to my American one. I promise not to steal your grandfather's cabin in some poor village that is covered in 500 feet of snow. HAHAHA..

Salam Aleykum Polish Friends..
Matowy  - | 293  
1 Jul 2010 /  #590
Communism was oppressive for every religion, since it was an ideaology of Atheism. Stalin studied to be a priest when young, but obviously that didn't happen. He was also not a Christian, any proclamation of that would have been political suicide. Trotsky, however, was a Jew.
JonMystic  - | 7  
1 Jul 2010 /  #591
HAAHA! Oh what a double standard the goyim have against the Yehud. Sure, if a Christian becomes a communist, he is not a Christian, despite the fact that he studied to be a priest!! However, if a Jew becomes a communist, he is still a Jew!! Of course, Trotsky, never studied to be a rabbi and himself, denounced all religion as evil, including Judaism! But, since he is a Jewish Communist he is a Jew! But, Stalin, no not he! You see, its this type of reasoning we Jews have been faced with over the years. This is why there was a holocaust, pogroms and oppression. Jews are always wrong, no matter what we do. Any mistake made by a gentile is forgiven. But if a Jewish person makes a mistake he is cursed 100 times!

Poles have more love for Germans, who devastated their land and masscared their people than for Jews. Why? Because, their priest tells them to hate Jews, so does their grandmother!!
Matowy  - | 293  
1 Jul 2010 /  #592
Don't blame me for what is clearly a linguistic limitation. There are no words in English to distinguish an ethnic Jew from a religious Jew from a cultural Jew. Trotsky was ethnically Jewish. And didn't you say yourself that Jews are a race?
JonMystic  - | 7  
1 Jul 2010 /  #593
WHat you said previously was 100% Correct.. Truth hurts doesn't it? No, Israelites are a race, Judaism is our religion. We are Israelites. There are many converts to Judaism.

As far as I know, Trotsky despised Jews and was 100% Ukrainian/Russian. I don't care what the DNA samples tell me. It's a man's heart, not his DNA that makes him what he is. Trotsky's family refused to speak Yiddish in thier home and would only speak Ukrainian and Russian. Also, Trotsky hated religions, especially Judaism. FYI, there are many people in Poland who have Jewish roots who are now Catholic. So, I guess they are always going to be Jews too?

But, if you want to take DNA samples to defend your argument, about 99% of communsits were Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Romanian, Bulgarian, Moldovian, Georgian, Chinese, etc. Maybe less than 0.5% or so were Jewish. As far as Russian and Ukraine is concerned, about 90-99% of communists were Gentiles, 1% were Israelite descended people who hated Judaism and Jewish people.

Sad to say, it seems like the goyim have the monopoly when it comes to communism. But, remember if it looks to awkward to blame yourselves, just blame a Jew. The leftist and nazi medias and islamic world will believe you!
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
1 Jul 2010 /  #594
Israelites are a race,

I would say we are a family, not a race. Claiming Jews are a race is a thought that goes back to Hitler. Sure, we share genetical traits and such, but remember there are also converts and would they be part of that race? The strongest bond is religion and culture.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
1 Jul 2010 /  #595
Poles have more love for Germans, who devastated their land and masscared their people than for Jews. Why? Because, their priest tells them to hate Jews, so does their grandmother!!

How twisted is your reasoning, actually it’s the statements like the one I quoted that don’t win you any friends. Constant whining how mistreated you as a people were yet don’t want to own up to the misdeeds your brethren have caused in the name of communism. Perhaps it’s time for us to demand compensation from the Jews for the Holocaust they have caused, for the property lost, for the lands lost, for the murder of millions, for the torture of countless more and for the suffering of three generations of entire peoples in various countries that had to endure the hell that was imposed on them. Perhaps it’s time for you to fess up to all instead of running smear campaign against Poland in order to get compensation. The old stereotype of Jewish greed seems to hold true.

PS. You see it’s the primitive reasoning like blaming the priests and grandmothers that shows us how much love, tolerance of other religions and respect Jews themselves have for others.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
1 Jul 2010 /  #596
Perhaps it’s time for us to demand compensation from the Jews for the Holocaust they have caused,

Maybe you just want to take that back? Apologize for that remark?


M-G (hurry up)
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
1 Jul 2010 /  #597
M-G, are you denying Jewish involvement in communist movement? Perhaps it’s your brethren that should apologize for the remark he has made, don’t you think?
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
1 Jul 2010 /  #598
lol @ The idiots saying communism was a Jewish thing.

Because yeah, one of them was born a Jew (though he wasn't a true believer) then all Jews are to blame for communism?

Funny how people say Jews are greedy but then claim Jews are communists.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
1 Jul 2010 /  #599
I don't care what the DNA samples tell me. It's a man's heart, not his DNA that makes him what he is.

OMG a soul mate!!! :O

I am an American Jew and I will tell you not many Jews want to live in an Jew-hating, cold, snowy and not so well-to-do place like Poland.

Oh sorry I have must have been wrong

Another thing that amazes me is how pro-Islamic and pro-Arabic many Poles are.

Buahahhah ahahha hahahah hahah hahah hahah hahahhahaaha
That made my day, Poles pro-Islam LOL
You must have mistaken Poles with the Norwegian SV party? :D

If Jews lived as freely in Poland as Arabs do in Israel, I would say Poland is a great country

Today or how many years back?
Because Ive heard there are some thousands of Jews living in Poland today

Perhaps you should give back to Germans land you stole, LOL..

I think I remember an German politician signing an treaty with Poland (commie by then I think) that Schleisen should be given to Poland as recompensation, hmm I must clearly be mistaken :)

I do respect the suffering and struggles the Poles had to go through by the nazis and then communism.

No you do not!
Instead of spitting on Poles you could have narrowed it to Volksdeutsche or the trash that excist in any country, but noooo....
The same as Harry I presume

They say that Poles teach their children at the breast, "better behave or the Jew will take you away and mix you with his matza." Welcome to the 21st century, Polish friends. Maybe you can finally break your Jew paranoia and Jew hating traditions.

Who's talking about paranoia... Poles in general don't give a crap about Jews today...

Maybe less than 0.5% or so were Jewish

In Soviet Union perhaps but Poles looked at the Jews that acted like they acted when Krasna Armijaa entered Poland in 1920 and 1939, also the commie party in Poland had a strange high percentage of Jews in it :)

Although one must remember that there was a lot of Jews in Poland back then and that most were neutral or happy that Hitlers Wehrmacht (or more accurate Einzatztruppen) didn't reach them.

But don't you tell me that Jews in eastern Poland were Polish patriots because they weren't!

The strongest bond is religion and culture.

Fully agree on that (I am not Jewish mind you and I am catholic so that there are no misunderstandings here)

Salam Aleykum Polish Friends..

Shalom? Now I am really confused, is he a troll?

PS. You see it’s the primitive reasoning like blaming the priests and grandmothers that shows us how much love and respect Jews themselves have for others

Don't get into it I guess he is an anti-Jew making us hate em! He can't be a Jew! Take Yehudi for instance he doesn't act like that at all! I smell something fishy!
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
1 Jul 2010 /  #600
M-G, are you denying Jewish involvement in communist movement? Perhaps it’s your brethren that should apologize for the remark he has made, don’t you think?

I asked you to apologize for it. I'm getting fed up with all those accusations addressed to a minority that were part of a dreadful organisation. If you want to blame some group, blame the Russians, your Slavic brothers as they formed by far the biggest group of communists.

Edit: after you guys in 1968 and the Russians a little later, kicked out most of the Jews, Communism still went on. How do you explain that if it was a Jewish thing? If it was, wouldn't it cease to exist as soon as the guys who kept it alive were gone?


M-G (haec hactenus)