Even in Europe any particular germanic Scandinavian country has a bigger cultural footprint than Germany, a former cultural colossus.
Depends on your view point...I gather you don't speak German, so you don't watch german TV nor see german movies, nor listen to german music.
For you that "cultural collossus" only makes itself known when it gets translated into English! :)
It's the same with China...I don't speak Mandarin (nor do I plan to) so I don't know sh't about their pop stars and their chart breaker...but that doesn't mean they don't exists and have more fans and followers than anything you could come up with.
Just an example..did you ever hear of Helene Fischer? I doubt you have, but she is a big superstar in all of german speaking Europe (and more Europeans speak german as their native language than english)...in the latest Forbes ranking she earned more than most of the super stars of then english speaking world...but you most probably never heard a song of her.
The same with polish art and culture. Do you really think the Poles have nothing of value to show to the world just because you don't know any of it because it's in polish?
What does that all mean? Nothing at all! :)
Only a mutual economical benefits unite us.
Well, that's already alot...and quite important. I wouldn't downtalk it.
And for the rest the old saying held still true: Nations have no friends, only common interests! That's how it always was, is and will be...