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Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet?

Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
11 Nov 2018 /  #571
A meaningless statement unless you define the terms

Of course. but the angry spirit was there:) I suggested a definition in a previous post. Patriotism wins, but then, some of my pals aren't patriotic in the slightest, and always moan when they come back from their business trips/hols how backward Poland. That does annoy.
Crow  154 | 9525  
11 Nov 2018 /  #572
"Patriotism is the opposite of nationalism."

But, who are those to say when we see `patriotism` and when we see `nationalism`.

No, don`t tell me. Its western Europe. When they define some behavior, as it suit to their political aims, they say `its opinion of international community`.

Western Europeans are primitives, savages and beasts.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
11 Nov 2018 /  #573
200k !!! And it's a just bare estimation. We ARE UNITED!!! It's LEFTARDS who try to divide us! You have a proof right here.

Verhofstadt, Macaron and Juncker disslike. It doesn't work in favor of US of Europe project.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
11 Nov 2018 /  #574
Nationalism = patriotism
Globalism = totalitarianism
Easy choice.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
11 Nov 2018 /  #575
Most in Polish history
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Nov 2018 /  #576
Hahaha, got to love these numbers, because it's an obvious and ridiculous exaggeration.

Same kind of weakling that would "try" to sue a bank because they wouldn't hold the door open for him with a baby stroller. lol

Let's be honest Jimmy, it's only when you get nervous that you attack other posters. I wonder why you're so nervous, are you concerned that you can be easily traced through your contacts with "Deep", who isn't anonymous? I wonder how quickly he would squeal on you...
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
11 Nov 2018 /  #577
"NIE MA RADOSCI BEZ NIEPODLEGLOSCI." - Seen on a banner in front of a Polish-American school in Greenpoint, Bklyn.
Slavictor  6 | 193  
11 Nov 2018 /  #578
Patriotism and Nationalism are synonymous. Patriots are defined by love of Nation (theirs). Nationalism can't exist without them.

  • Polish_Fascists.jpg

  • Polish_Fascists_iii..jpg

  • Sure, I'll hold your flag. Now, where da white womenz at!?

  • Polish_Fascists_v.jp.jpg
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
11 Nov 2018 /  #579
250k! Quarter of a MILION!!! Marched in the Independence March!
It has nothing with political insight! We ARE POLES!!! Regardless of our INSIGHT! Shame fuc+tards from the left tried to (again) divide us
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
11 Nov 2018 /  #580
Poles have much to proud of on the day of their independence! STO LAT, I say!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
11 Nov 2018 /  #581
Patriotism and Nationalism are synonymous. Patriots are defined by love of Nation (theirs). Nationalism can't exist without them.

Nope! The definition and the difference is quite easy:

Patriots = Love their country and want what's best for it.

Nationalists = Hate other countries and wish them the worst.

You can easily define who is what just by listening to them! A patriot does not feel the need to downtalk other countries to make his own country look better. He doesn't see enemies to fight against everwhere etc. etc. etc....Nationalists NEED the fight/dislike/hate against other countries! Patriots rather want peace and cooperation, because that's what is the best!
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
11 Nov 2018 /  #582
Often a double-edged sword though.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
11 Nov 2018 /  #583
A majority of people living in Poland don't like or support the Warsaw 11/11

A majority of people living in Poland do not care much about anything else but their own quiet lives. They do not vote and are ignorant of anything political.

To use it as if that fact would indicate that the march is popular only with a fringe of society is misleading to say the least.

I would say that a large chunk of those who bother to vote or are interest in politicks are supportive of the march in a one form or the other. Much more have nothing against it.

Sure, those who actively participate in organizing of the march as well as those who just vote on organization and societies that are behind that march are not that numerous by any stretch of imagination. They constitute about 2% of the whole. However those who support them less directly or have nothing against the march are much more numerous - I would say about 30-40%.

Also I don't see 2% as something insigficant, after all those who started the American Revolution weren't that numerus and had not enjoyed a popular support from the very beginning.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
11 Nov 2018 /  #584
You don't get it Ironside. Or refuse to.
In the poll that Maf quotes, 78 percent were against the march.
What you and me think are statistically irrelevant, especially in a democracy.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
11 Nov 2018 /  #585
In the poll that Maf quotes, 78 percent were against the march.

You don't get it. Those polls in Poland are not reliable. Too often in the past they were tailored to suit particular needs or expectations of those who paid for them to be a source a one can build assumption upon.
Crow  154 | 9525  
11 Nov 2018 /  #586
Serbian media rapports that Poles today on march burned EU flag.

I am happy. I love Poles and I deserve to be happy.

By the God, Velika je Poljska and would be only bigger.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
11 Nov 2018 /  #587
Generally a very tedious day. One day, Poles will celebrate their Independence Day with joy and love - not this desperation to be acknowledged.
Crow  154 | 9525  
11 Nov 2018 /  #588
RiP to Gavrilo, to Serbian student that made Polish independence possible. Not some French, English or German student. I hope that Duda mentioned this fact.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
11 Nov 2018 /  #589
Right.....I find that hard to believe. If Polish polling was false, even though it is taken as an indicator in elections, then it would have been flagged.

The same polling is obviously used here. Going by your theories, referendums mean nothing.
In the case of the UK and Brexit, I wish they weren't.
I suggest you learn some respect Crow. You are a ******* nutcase.
Crow  154 | 9525  
11 Nov 2018 /  #590
How I read Serbian media, Duda was barely heard during march, nor he was seen in moments because of pyrotechnics.

I suggest you learn some respect Crow. You are a ******* nutcase.

said English. Now I know for sure I am normal. Not that I`m not surprised.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
11 Nov 2018 /  #591
You have NOTHING to do with Poland Crow. Please see a doctor.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
11 Nov 2018 /  #592
It was a huge march, flags everywhere I walked
Crow  154 | 9525  
11 Nov 2018 /  #593
You have NOTHING to do with Poland Crow. Please see a doctor.

Poles and Serbs are one people.

Poland goes with Serbia and Hungary, with Czech Republic and Slovakia, etc. We won`t leave Poland to madness such are France, Britain and Germany.

And, Dougpol1, your provocations are very primitive. I am surprised.

It was a huge march, flags everywhere I walked

God bless you.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
11 Nov 2018 /  #594
It was a huge march, flags everywhere I walked

And the hate slogans Mr Grunwald? And the racist banners? And the flares? Listening to more Chopin. His music is proud - the marches are xen ophobic and lame.

And, Dougpol1, your provocations are very primitive. I am surprised.

Look Crow. I know something of Serbia. I went out with a girl from Belgrade once upon a time and I loved her like I was going insane.. You guys are nationalistic, and crazy:) Poles are different, more of a mix . Sorry to break the obvious to you.
Crow  154 | 9525  
11 Nov 2018 /  #595
I don`t know what is with these English. What they expect. They think Poles are naive?

You guys are nationalistic, and crazy:) Poles are different, more of a mix . Sorry to break the obvious to you.

What you tries to say? Poles aren`t pussies.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
11 Nov 2018 /  #596
1. I didn't see any rascist banners
2. There were slogans like "na drzewach nie będzie liści, bo będą wisieć komuniści" ;)
3. There were flares&fireworks

I don't know what you expect but, there are few ways to celebrate independence by non-state organisations in Poland cause of PRL. Now it's a time to celebrate it without having to think about politics. The more the media tries to politicize it, makes only people mad. Please don't fall in to that trap
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
11 Nov 2018 /  #597
Poles aren`t pussies.

It's as Maf says. They look after their own. Which is why they love Margaret Thatcher so much. No real sense of community, because it was beaten out of them, but in the future young Poles will learn to CELEBRATE their Independence Day. It needs this communist and old generation to die out for people to start having fun again.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
11 Nov 2018 /  #598
the marches are xen ophobic and lame.

How many foreigners live personally with you?
How many foreigners in Poland would be too many?
How many blacks from Africa would be too many?
I know. Numbers are mean and xenophobic. And racist.
And you will never provide them. Only an evasion or a personal insult.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
11 Nov 2018 /  #599
Now it's a time to celebrate it without having to think about politics

Thank you for your report Mr G. Poles politicise it. The media reports. It should be one big party, but you are determined to be serious and miserable. Because "It's our tradition!"

(Head banging smiley) Poland can be so ******* depressing to live in, even after 27 years.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
11 Nov 2018 /  #600
How many

Are you feeling alright Vladimir? Wot are you on about? Racist banners as they were paraded last year are illegal under race discrimination laws, and you know it.

In the US, such banners start a riot. In Western Europe they don't exist. Or would start mass riots. You don't live here, and you think this sort of behaviour should be tolerated? It's none of your business.

Now go down to the Moscow river and raise one finger.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet?Archived