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Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Nov 2018 /  #331
Just to make it clear: this is who you'd be associating yourself with:

Ah yes. The type of people who simply don't want foreigners in their country, and that includes you.

I'm sure Grandma would love to see such gothic writing being paraded around outside her window. I'm sure it wouldn't remind her at all of the damage and chaos that the Germans inflicted on her country.

Oh look, here's another example where they talk about pure blood. Did Grandma support the idea of pure blood along with other Nazi ideals, or did she join the resistance to fight against such hateful things?
cms neuf  2 | 1810  
6 Nov 2018 /  #332
It is the literal opposite of civic minded since it forces many of the citizens to avoid their own city and none of the citizens representatives wants to be associated with it.
OP Spike31  3 | 1485  
6 Nov 2018 /  #333
Cultural integrity - what is that in practical terms?

Ask Sweden, a rape capital of the Europe, which has already multiple no-go zones in the country and a city of Malmo is practically being controlled by muslim gangs


Ask Britain where a group of children were run over with a van by terrorists on Westminster bridge


and blown up on some celebrity concert in Manchester


Ask Germany which has already tasted 'cultural enrichment' with sexual assaults done by "refugees"


As a side note: is it practical for Germany to spend billions of Euro on muslims migrants which will never repay even 5% of that cost to German economy? [99% of them are still unemployed 2 years after arrival]


Just because those pictures became normal in Western Europe doesn't mean that is this is normal, because it's not.

"Sadiq Khan: London mayor says being prepared for terror attacks 'part and parcel' of living in a major city"


Cultural integrity means not living your life in constant fear and uncertainty. So both safety and cultural integrity are a very practical things and two sides of the same coin.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
6 Nov 2018 /  #334
I'm sure Grandma would love to see such gothic writing being paraded around outside her window.

That picture above (one in the middle) is perhaps essential for explaining why President Duda did not want to take part in the March once his condition that the colours during the March should be only red and white could not be met. On the photo you can see a lot of dark green colour which seems to be the colour of the ONR (nationalist movement). On top of that this sign:


which clearly reminds people of some other one that brought Europe to ruins was lavishly displayed during the March.

It is worth noting that no member of the Polish government decided to participate in the March this year. They all say they are busy being engaged somewhere else and usually outside the capital. Even the PiS government has decided that flirting with the nationalist movement can be quite embarrasing as they are hardly popular among Polish people at all.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
6 Nov 2018 /  #335
no member of the Polish government decided to participate in the March this year

Yes, what people who don't actually live in the country don't realize is that there's no broad enthusiasm for that particular March (even if some sections of it aren't as bad as the worst). Those who really like it tend to be non-Poles, armchair Poles abroad and people that most Polish people try no to make eye contact with.

If it had broad support then politicians would be falling over themselves to attend instead of carefully avoiding it.
OP Spike31  3 | 1485  
6 Nov 2018 /  #336
Poles on Independence March 2017

Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
6 Nov 2018 /  #337
Very nice Spike. It's a pity some of those people don't take the same community spirit into doing something practical, such as picking up all the litter in the fields and forests next to their homes - except they wont do that - for they are the very people who dropped it in the first place.

If there were group action we could really celebrate something. A lesniak tried to fine me for camping in the krajobrazowy last week, until I showed him the three bags of rubbish I'd collected, litter dropped by his village living mushroom collecting "friends".

A little bit of the Independence March "community spirit" directed into real community action would go a long way. Instead - it's all hot air. Nice in parts, I will admit - however, although I'm proud to be British, and sometimes watch town processions go by, I wouldn't turn up for a St Georges' Day parade. Hijacked by UKIP buffoons like Aaron Banks.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Nov 2018 /  #338
A little bit of the Independence March "community spirit" directed into real community action would go a long way.

I've always thought that Poles are very quick to embrace token things like that, but not very quick at all to actually do hard work for their communities.

You'd think a "clean Poland for independence day" action would be a no-brainer, but so many people don't see anything wrong with vandalising and destroying their homeland despite claiming to love it.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
6 Nov 2018 /  #339
for explaining why President Duda did not want to take part in the March

He doesn't want to take part cause he is a wuss. Like all the previous so called politicians who are scared of what progressives will say or lie about them - phew.

They all are afraid of the populace - cowards. Only state should organize people according to their left philosophy.

which clearly reminds people of some other one that brought Europe to ruins was lavishly displayed during the March.

What nonsense are you spewing you stupid ignorant commie.

spirit into doing something practical,

You do it? Do you even pick up after your dog? Telling other what to do - commie totalitarian mentality meh!
OP Spike31  3 | 1485  
6 Nov 2018 /  #340
people don't take the same community spirit into doing something practical

How about changing the results of 2015 elections and thus stopping illegal muslim immigration ie. cultural disintegration of Poland. Isn't that practical enough for you?

I'm beginning to see that you don't understand the gravity of changes that took place in Poland. March is just one of the most visible effects of those changes which encompasses the whole country not only in an ideological but also in a very practical way.

such as picking up all the litter in the fields (...) except they wont do that - for they are the very people who dropped it in the first place

Come to Poland a take a walk in a city of Warsaw, Kracow, Gdansk, Poznan and then come back to London and compare the cleanliness of the streets in Poland with the UK. The streets of London looks like a pigpen when compared to Poland.

I've always thought that Poles are very quick to embrace token things like that

So great that Poland has you, @delphiandomine. The country would lost its moral compass without you :-)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Nov 2018 /  #341
cultural disintegration of Poland

Such drama. Polish culture must be pretty weak and unstable if they can't handle a couple of thousand immigrants.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
6 Nov 2018 /  #342
That have no intentions of acclimating to Polish culture.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
6 Nov 2018 /  #343
Like all the previous so called politicians who are scared of what progressives will say or lie about them - phew.

Exactly. Fear is why they don't show up. In Poland, WE, and "America".

"Polish culture must be pretty weak and unstable if they can't handle a couple of thousand immigrants...."
How many immigrants are in your kitchen? You must be pretty weak and unstable if you can't tolerate a couple.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Nov 2018 /  #344
That have no intentions of acclimating to Polish culture.

And you think that Bangladeshis will? Hahaha.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
6 Nov 2018 /  #345
if they can't handle a couple of thousand immigrants.

Polish culture can handle lots of immigrants who want to assimilate and can and will work in Polish conditions, it can't afford to turn a few thousand non-assimilating immigrants into welfare pets as happens in much of Western Europe.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Nov 2018 /  #346
Didn't we do just that with significantly more people with 500+?

I still don't understand why all the drama about it. Take them in, give them free public transport passes and a map showing how to take the first train directly to Germany and turn a blind eye to what happens next.

Estonia did exactly that - they were all "oops, we don't know what happened" and "oh dear, we seem to have lost track of them, wherever could they be?" with a straight face.

But yes, financial reasons are valid. Claiming that they're a threat to Polish culture is hardly a valid reason, though anything that threatens the idea of culture as imposed by the PZPR doesn't bother me.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
6 Nov 2018 /  #347
Perhaps you should consider what she would think of her grandson supporting a movement that supports racism and hatred

She'd be proud. Most grannies dont want a bunch of muslims and africans in poland either.

Claiming that they're a threat to Polish culture is hardly a valid reason

Majority of polish citizens desire less mosques, not more. Polez rather keep our perfect zero islamic terror

At the end of tbe day its a decision up to polish people, 3/4 of whom dont want muslim or african migrants in their midst. If you respect democracy you'll respect the majoritys wishes.
OP Spike31  3 | 1485  
6 Nov 2018 /  #348
Polish culture can handle lots of immigrants who want to assimilate and can and will work in Polish conditions,

True. Poland took in over 2 millions economic immigrants on work visas from Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

Overall more than 50% of new economic immigrants who came to the EU [to work - not for handouts] are now working in Poland
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Nov 2018 /  #349
She'd be proud. Most grannies dont want a bunch of muslims and africans in poland either.

I doubt that anyone that cared enough to join the Nazi resistance would tolerate hatred towards others. Veterans of the Warsaw Uprising were vocal in their opposition to nationalists in Poland, too.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
6 Nov 2018 /  #350
If poland isnt supposed to be for poles, than who exactly is it suppose to be for? Most poles dont want to share their country - 50% are even against ukranians, 3/4 against muslims and africans. Im guessing you dont criticize jews who desire a jewish homeland or the fact saudis wont even allow now muslims to set foot into mecca.

True. Poland took in over 2 millions economic immigrants on work visas from Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

Yeah and they actually work. Not blow sh1t up, demand sharia and halal, groom kids and rape scores of women on top of sitting at home and collecting benefits. It is fact that 3/4 of migrants in germany are unemployed and expected to be for 5+ years, among asylum seekers its 99% (german labor bureau)

I doubt that anyone that cared enough to join the Nazi resistance would tolerate hatred towards others.

Just because they were against the Nazi occupation doesnt mean they now want an occupation of muslims and africans. Facts are facts - majority of poles, 3/4 of poles according to cbos, dont want muslims or african migrants. that is the majority wish of poland and if you respect democracy you'll respect the majority of polish citizens wishes
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
6 Nov 2018 /  #351
Claiming that they're a threat to Polish culture is hardly a valid reason,

That's exactly what we said when the first fag with AIDS came to the US. Now we know what happened next.

Veterans of the Warsaw Uprising were vocal in their opposition to nationalists in Poland, too.

And what exactly made them a point of reference and reverence? The Warsaw Uprising was the stupidest act ever, unless the objective was to destroy Warsaw.

What's wrong with nationalism? Do you prefer globalism? Is "Poland First" racist? If not first, where on the list is it?
mafketis  38 | 11127  
6 Nov 2018 /  #352
Meanwhile, back in Poland the mayor of Wrocław has outlawed a march there


And Warsaw mayor is threatening to call off the march if flares are used...

Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
6 Nov 2018 /  #353
He doesn't want to take part cause he is a wuss. Like all the previous so called politicians who are scared of what progressives will say

What nonsense are you spewing you stupid ignorant commie.

The Polish government knows perfectly well what they are doing and would not listen to a stupid facist loony like yourself claiming to be a true Polish patriot who has spent over 20 years outside Poland paying taxes to foreign governments.

back in Poland the mayor of Wrocław has outlawed a march there

It was precisely in Wrocław where another facist loony burnt the effigy of a Jew during one of the previous marches.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Nov 2018 /  #354
And Warsaw mayor is threatening to call off the march if flares are used...

I think there's slightly more to these two stories. There's mass sick leave in the police - 30,000 (!!!) are off on sick leave today, and the government is offering police 1000zł to work on November 11th. Opposition groups are planning to block the march in Warsaw - and if the police can't separate them/control the situation, it has the potential to turn very, very nasty.

I've read one report that a police station in Poznań (Grunwald) has been left with only one police officer today. If the situation is really that bad, I suspect the police themselves won't mind if the marches get banned.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
6 Nov 2018 /  #355
Opposition groups are planning to block the march

That would be fun to watch, you going?, I'm booked Wroclaw, I think the mayor banned it?, but sounds like people are going to march anyway.

Lol new leftist mayors in the cities trying to ban marches (like the commies did), the news on Monday should be interesting...

Don't think it will be as dangerous as London who had six stabbings this week.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Nov 2018 /  #356
I'm booked Wroclaw, I think the mayor banned it?, but sounds like people are going to march anyway.

The mayor in cooperation with the police have banned it. The police are under the control of the Ministry of the Interior, so it's effectively a joint local-national government decision. As for the march in Warsaw, I'll be busy going to the parade in Poznań like always.

like the commies did


Mayor Lech Kaczynski, favourite to win October's presidential vote, had banned the parade for a second year running.

Commies, you say? Well...
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
6 Nov 2018 /  #357

I suppose Waltz is just blowing hot air when she says she will not tolerate a repeat of last years' racism, and there is doubt that the police will actually do anything at all to halt the repeat of last years' disgusting scenes. Poland is full of populists, and nobody actually takes a stand.

The British police would break it up, and be within their legal jurisdiction to do so, but the Polish authorities are bound by the communist past to let this nationalist mob rampage through the capital city and embarrass the nation again.

Such a shame when the whole 3 days could (and should) be a mass of street celebrations aka fun, tented events and exhibitions. Instead we get politics rammed down our throats.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
6 Nov 2018 /  #358
Commies, you say? Well..

That was a gay parade, and that's not the topic of this thread, gay parades have no place in Poland, but gays have always been tolerated but not promoted, men in leather chaps snogging with their bare bottoms hanging out have a place in France,Germany,UK but not Poland, Sorry that's the way it is.
OP Spike31  3 | 1485  
6 Nov 2018 /  #359
Don't think it will be as dangerous as London who had six stabbings this week.

London is, for the very first time in the history, more dangerous than New York.


Facts are facts - majority of poles, 3/4 of poles according to cbos, dont want muslims or african migrants

And rightfully so.

I'm living in a quite good neighbourhood in East End London but few steps away the 3rd World starts already. The streets of Aldgate [which lies in a city centre] up to Whitechapel look like a long stretch of smelly south asian street markets, and when they are closed, all the rubbish is left behind on a pavement. And the smell of rotting fish is almost unbearable, especially in the summer.

Funny thing is that all those "progressive" people that I know from work live mostly in white neighbourhoods and have mostly white "progressive" friends. I'm yet to hear about any of them moving to muslim/african area to fully enjoy multiculturalism.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
6 Nov 2018 /  #360
Opposition groups are planning to block the march in Warsaw

All two two dozen antifa pencilnecks gonna sit in the marchers way? Omg how will tens of thousands of people cope? $20 says theyll be hog tied and thrown face first onto the floor of a van, just like last year, the year before that, the year before that, etc.

And if you read the onet article they're not banning the march per se, theyre banning the narodowcy. Except some libtard mayor wont stop them. Just like always the liberals get their panties in a bunch and complain about racism just bc poles dont want muslim or african hordes and voice their opinion, and just like always the marches will continue, copious amounts of alcohol will be consumed, sexy chicks will talk about how they dont want ro be raped by muslims, priests and patriotic group leaders will leach chants of evangelia, a nie koran along with bog honor ojczyzna, cops and hools will crack antifa faces and the eurocrats will whine like women about 60k neo nazis marching in europe waaaaahhh...

Man am i glad to be Polish and not from one of the cucked culturally enriched w european nations... enjoy your terrorists refugees and mosques, well take our right wing marches, churches and perfect record of 0 islamic terror

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet?Archived