Care to provide a credible link (as I did) to back up this wild claim?
No, I don't care. Educating you is not my priority.
Well, actually sun shine, as a professional driver with 26 years experience, I'm afraid I do know what I'm talking about.
And you never complained about Polish roads for all those 26 years. You drive a forklift, or what?
It never occurred to you to clear the sand yourself?
No, I happened to have left the broom at home this time, exceptionally. The car was a wreck, I didn't care to carry the broom 3 kilometers to do somebody else's job. Just like I didn't care to remove that ice with a toothpick.
Further more, I reckon
Furthermore, you have no idea what the situation was, so try to avoid suggesting that I am lying.
Black ice wasn't a factor in the 90 deaths over the weekend,
Right. Let it be noted that I never said that.
alcohol was.
Oh really. And you base your claim on what, exactly?
and you should adjust your driving accordingly
So what speed would you advise then?
So it was BS after all?
No, hairball, all is true. I drive while drunk, I carry a Beretta and a Glock, and I have a shotgun on the back seat. Do be a good citizen, you know the number.
Did he ride on the back of a great big pink elephant?
He was an authority, Taylor. By the name of Religa. And I happened to meet him, so 'knowing' was not much of a stretch, actually.