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Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe

Eurola  4 | 1898  
9 Mar 2008 /  #151
Right on jones101. Most of the America bashers abroad know it only from the movies or their media, the home grown ones quickly get cured, when they stick their nose outside of the country. This country owes you nothing and gives you nothing, what it gives you however is opportunity. It's up to you what you want to do with it. Then, if you're smart - you can have anything and everything. I am an immigrant and came here with a suitcase in my hand. There is no other place where I would want to be.
shopgirl  6 | 928  
9 Mar 2008 /  #152

To give you the back story

Thanks for that. I wish others had the same wealth of experience that you do. :)

I have a standing bet with my fiancee that if it takes less than 10 minutes for someone new to start in on me about how bad the US education system is she has to cook dinner.

I had to chuckle at that...even though it shouldn't be funny! But I know what you meant....

I understand if people are leaving the US for cultural reasons (parts of the US would drive me nuts enough to leave)

And its a BIG country....lots of parts, like lots of little countries rolled into one land mass!

If people want to make the world a better place they need to get out there and repair and redirect it

Absolutely! :)

Good post....thanks for the input.
Mali  - | 300  
9 Mar 2008 /  #153
Its very difficult to be successful at anything if you can't even communicate. As you said, its a competitive place and you need to be able to beat the next guy. People often look at learning English as a 'betrayal' of their mother tongue instead of as a power tool that they can master for their own advancement. Learning to speak another language (especially in the country you're living in!) can only be beneficial.

Re: Manual labour
I guess it depends on the kind you're talking about but in Canada there is a HUGE industry in construction and home renovations. If you're good at it and can set up a business (which requires being able to speak some English!), you can make yourself a very decent living. One of my parent's good friends (yes he's Polish) owns and runs a mid-sized company in this industry and is bringing in millions annually. He speaks English with an accent, but he's very good at getting his message across and he also has a very acute sense of business. None of these skills would be useful if he can't talk to other business owners.
Dice  15 | 452  
9 Mar 2008 /  #154
Aren't they leaving because of the vicious Polonophobia that is rampant in the US, including Canada?

No it's because they were here illegally, or have never learned English, or have never got a college degree.
And most of all, the majority Poles I know that had to leave the US to start all over somewhere else had to do that because of a drinking problem; but that's another story.

USA is exceptionally open and tolerant to other cultures. If you feel "oppressed" here you should had never left your home village.

in the US, including Canada

Hey, don't you know that Canada is not a part of the US? Jeez, these people don't even know basic geography! LOL

Besides, scores of people throughout the world seem to feel that the days of US power are numbered and something terrible - some horrific catastrophy - is going to happen soon in that part of the world.

That is a wishful thinking on your part, especially disturbing because of that smiling face at the end of this quite. You are truly a sick man, Puzzler.
Mali  - | 300  
9 Mar 2008 /  #155
Besides, scores of people throughout the world seem to feel that the days of US power are numbered and something terrible -.

Like having to pay China back the money they owe? That would be catastrophic!


I'm sick to death of this word. Sure there are some people that specifically don't like Polish people but generally speaking, this 'polonophobia' is in the minds of some Polish people that like to play victim. Far worse racism and prejudice is aimed at Muslims, Blacks, Asians, Hispanics on a regular basis that to hear someone complaining that a few people don't like us Polaks is being plain whiny, in my opinion. Build a bridge and get over it.
outintheyard  27 | 517  
10 Mar 2008 /  #156
MAli have you been to Niagra falls. All of this gets a new perspective when you see places like that.
moksha  - | 18  
10 Mar 2008 /  #157
the media spews nonsense all the time and people buy it because they WANT to hate America and blame us for their problems. It took me being away from home and being immersed in other cultures to get that.

... i do not think people really want to hate US(specifically) and blame for all the problems...maybe in purely political sense?..ALL politicians (all over the world) always look for scapegoats...nothing unique or new here...but you are forgetting that for a very long time, lots of people-nationalities (NOT including politicians) envied and were jealous of US - not in a malicious way (i am talking pre-1990's)....so perhaps there is a reason why that perception has changed???

the media spews nonsense all the time and people buy it

same here, in the US...every day, all day...non-stop marathon of spewing non-sense..it is so pathetic...it is hard to find a channel to get a descent honest, un-biased, accurate news...

look, maybe we should try to understand why is there so many angry people ALL OVER THE WORLD spitting and hating each other and looking for trouble...?????? (and not only religious fundamentalists)...? everywhere you look, there is conflict, blood, hatred, pain and prejudice....shell we still argue about the US??

It took me being away from home and being immersed in other cultures to get that.

on the other hand...the US is the perfect "melting pot"...if you really want to, (although not exactly the same, but -) you don't have to travel too far to get "cultured"...just enough to talk or make friends with your neighbors...get involved in different communities,etc...good way to learn about another culture....right in front of your nose....i am not trying to be spiteful...just digressing...i know that "seeing is believing" for some...and i believe that traveling is very educational, by ALL means....but lots of people don't even make the effort "locally"...so i am very glad you had the chance to travel!! and too bad you are probably one of not too many to extend yourself that far! :) all the best!

Also in order to make it good in america ur gonna have to be competetive with them in the job market! If u can barely speak English u just won't cut it! The best u can really expect is a manual labor job which won't pay u that much! U also need a Valid college degree because its getting more and more competetive for jobs currently.

with who? the experts "imported" from abroad (who can be barely understood) due to shortage of "home grown ones" ? and why are there prompts in spanish in almost every (large) company you try to call?? is that how we encourage people to learn english by introducing "Spanish as a choice language" in business? i know quite few people, who are either immigrants with some education here and terrible english!! but successful in business due to their hard diligent work, or some who were born here but have no education (not even high school) and are business owners, doing well also...

Sure there are some people that specifically don't like Polish people but generally speaking, this 'polonophobia' is in the minds of some Polish people that like to play victim.

i agree!
Dice  15 | 452  
10 Mar 2008 /  #158
"Polonophobia" is not even a word. It's just a product of imagination of some Poles with a chip on their shoulder frequenting these Forums. Try to find “Polonophobia” in eny English dictionary, I dare you.
moksha  - | 18  
10 Mar 2008 /  #159
It is forum about Poland and Polish history traditions not about "Why USA is better than Poland" "Why Poland will never be better than USA"

oh really?...lol...i thought this forum was entitled "Polish Immigrants leave America for Europe"....?

Is that what you mean? I'm just being sarcastic.

The World according to Americans

...lol...too funny...thanks!
JacekinLAnNY  - | 24  
14 Mar 2008 /  #160
on the other hand...the US is the perfect "melting pot"...

Sorry but the above is completely wrong. The US may be a melting pot but it is a bastardization of nationalities and there is little if any culture here. Going to a Polish or Italian neighborhood in the US is NOTHING like being in Poland or in Italy. Not even close. The people and experience is completely different and so are peoples behavior.

Sounds like you have not traveled much.
RockyMason  19 | 250  
14 Mar 2008 /  #161
with who? the experts "imported" from abroad..

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Okay so ur telling me that there are many executives in the USA and important business ppl who don't know english? HA Im not talking about external trading for goods i am talking about living and working in the US. Ur english is terrible i don't think ur quite understanding my post. If u mean experts yes we import a few PHDs im sure to work on very special projects. By a few i mean like less than .05% of the population.

Yes there are a few that did well... however how are u supposed to make business deals with people and fully understand the terms without knowing english? Hard work is nice but honestly there are much more important things than hard work! So gee wat sort of business were these people in... let me take a guess construction or something simple like operating a convenience store?

There are very few people in the USA who would have use for a Lawyer, CPA, PHD, MD, CEO, or just about any other highly esteemed profession without a good comprehension of the english language! =D It doesn't matter how much u know if u can't communicate it to the people who pay u for your advice or expertise! =)

There most certainly is no shortage of trained professionals in the US! Except in the medical field. There is an excess of people with Ba degrees now so the job market is more competetive than ever! Some foreigner who doesn't know english and doesn't have any sort of formal education or US employment history just can't compete with that!
14 Mar 2008 /  #162
bastardization of nationalities and there is little if any culture here

The same stupid bastards and clowns that invented the airplane, lightbulb, motion picture industry, insulin, the computer, THIS THING YOU'RE TYPING ON .. THE INTERNET??? And shared it with the world , free of charge.

What has Europe given the world of late? The 35 hour work week? Yes, we know about how "cultured" you are. So much better than the fat bastards across the sea. You are the cultured ones who start the World Wars right? Put people in ovens.. dig out the gold in their teeth. Still you can't decide if you like the Nazis or the Russians.. still to this day you will lean either way, whatever the wind blows. Hypocritcal, spineless pigs you are. You are so far more evolved than us. It's very obvious. All you know is hate.

When you leave the US for these greener pastures.. you leave for good. Is that a deal? Please.. our good friends, who teach us so much, the mighty European.. can we shake on it? I'll even wash my feking "bastard" hand.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
14 Mar 2008 /  #163
americans can generally be counted on to take this attempt at what they probably think is reasoning. Inventions and discoveries are the work of individuals. Not countries or continents. The same morons say they are fighting "terrorists" while their arse is parked firmly on the sofa.

still to this day you will lean either way, whatever the wind blows.

this is true but is being flexible any worse than being stubborn or pig-headed?

Now if i were you, i'd worry less about the poles leaving and their opinion (everyone has one so what's the big deal anyways) of you and more about the mexicans that your government has allowed in, the number of which greatly exceeds the small trickle of poles into uk. I don't envy you guys that predicament cause i see no way you're ever going to get even a third of them back across the border and they keep coming.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
14 Mar 2008 /  #164
North Americans are Polish, Irish, Spanish etc...
Our American cousins want to come home, great!
Before in Ireland,North America had the idea of the land of milk and honey (I assume communist Poland had the same idea?), where a poor man could be sucessful with the right idea. Lately however it has all gone belly up, for many reasons and Europe has (hopefully) shifted from petty disputes about lines drawn in the dirt to something a little more progressive, we have miles to go yet but North America is on the way down and The United states of Europe on the way up.

U.S.A bashing is a pass time I find most Europeans love, But you know what your man said, there is only one thing worse than being talked about, that is not being talked about.
moksha  - | 18  
14 Mar 2008 /  #165
Hypocritcal, spineless pigs you are. You are so far more evolved than us. It's very obvious. All you know is hate.

shut ya'all arrogant mouths and stop spitting at each other.....as i wrote earlier "why is there so much hate in the world???" WORLD = meaning everywhere!....and who is starting the war here, ha? when you so passionately argue to prove you are better then another, you are no less different (and only a step away) from being like Nazis...or anyone else spewing racist and supremacist slur.... think about it for a minute please, K?

so ur telling me that there are many executives in the USA and important business ppl who don't know english?

that is not what i said. ya, it must be my "terrible english" why you cannot understand. or is it?

There most certainly is no shortage of trained professionals in the US! Except in the medical field. There is an excess of people with Ba degrees now so the job market is more competetive than ever!

RockyMason....is that why US imported so many foreigners to work the IT field few years back? that's only one example....
and just because someone holds a BA degree it does not make them "an expert" or "competitive" in their field. it is a good start, but not all....com'on, i think you are smarter then to make such statements!!!

all the best!
outintheyard  27 | 517  
14 Mar 2008 /  #166
None of the pest engineers I work with are native US . One of the best is a palestinian. Now that is a country that has truly lost some good people as well as many other Mid east countries. Poland at least can keep some of the best at home.
moksha  - | 18  
14 Mar 2008 /  #167
Going to a Polish or Italian neighborhood in the US is NOTHING like being in Poland or in Italy.

maybe you need to do more traveling yourself. funny, how every time i decide to visit the "polish section" in my city, i immediately get the feeling of being back home....the same attitude of the sales people....the same pubs full of drunks at noon hour...etc, etc...hm. i wonder why?

and please read what i actually wrote (although not exactly the same, but...)
z_darius  14 | 3960  
14 Mar 2008 /  #168
If u mean experts yes we import a few PHDs im sure to work on very special projects. By a few i mean like less than .05% of the population.

Wow! Then the majority of people with advanced degrees in the US are foreigners.
The total number of graduate degree holder in the US is over 16 million (2000). That is roughly 0.05333.. % of the population. So, according to your statement, foreigners account of over 93% of graduate degree holders in the US.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
14 Mar 2008 /  #169
The same stupid bastards and clowns that invented the airplane, lightbulb, motion picture industry, insulin, the computer, THIS THING YOU'RE TYPING ON .. THE INTERNET???

I'd just like to say that the internet was invented by an Englishman and you cant invent insulin as it is produced naturally by the body.

Americans have invented lots of other stuff though.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
14 Mar 2008 /  #170
The same stupid bastards and clowns that invented the airplane, lightbulb, motion picture industry, insulin, the computer, THIS THING YOU'RE TYPING ON .. THE INTERNET??? And shared it with the world , free of charge.

airplane - first successful flights in Europe in mid 19th century

lightbulb - many models existed before Edison, who btw. purchased a patent of a modified bulb from a Canadian inventor.

motion picture industry - how is selling of something an invention?

insulin - was first discovered by a German, Paul Langerhans

the computer - In 1623, Wilhelm Schickard built the first digital mechanical calculator and thus became the father of the computing era. Ada Byron (British) is consideredc the first computer programmer.

the internet - started with the creation of ARPA where Lawrence Roberts started working on the implementation of the network. He based his work on publications by Paul Baran on packet switching. Paul Baran was born in Grodno, Poland.
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
14 Mar 2008 /  #171
Have all of you really turned this into a pissing contest? Just about very nation is responsible for inventing something wonderful/not so wonderful in this world. We also all work together to perfect this product so it benefits everyone.

Why must you all argue over who's better?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
14 Mar 2008 /  #172
Why must you all argue over who's better?

Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
14 Mar 2008 /  #173
I'd like to see what you've posted, but I have a firewall at work blocking you tube...or whatever it is you posted.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
14 Mar 2008 /  #174
the internet - started with the creation of ARPA where Lawrence Roberts started working on the implementation of the network. He based his work on publications by Paul Baran on packet switching. Paul Baran was born in Grodno, Poland.

It is difficult to narrow the inventor of the internet down to one person or invention but Tim Berners Lee is widely accepted as the inventor of the internet as he was the creator of embedded hyperlinking between web pages. Without this the internet is just a big network of unrelated data. This is what has made the internet possible more than any other single creation.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
14 Mar 2008 /  #175
I think most people that scream and yell about how imperialist or violent the US is would not last a day in the cultures they are 'championing'.

Being opposed to imperialist activities and championing warlords in the middle of Congo are not inclusive to eachother. You should realize being against intervention is simply that. and being against intervening politics doesn't mean someone would want to live in timbhuktu, it just means they believe the place and people should be left to their own way.

it simply wants everyone to have the FREEDOM to choose their lifestyle and culture and not have control, violence and suffering visited upon them.

Yet guys like Sudharto, Hussein and many others were all orginally backed by U.s. foreign policy-wtf? They were heralded as allies (while laying waste to their counties and people) then denounced as bad guys after they served their purpose.

U.S. policy has been completely about ensuring other countries accept american intervention and influence through the pen or the sword but it always comes at a cost to the country that gets your version of "freedom."

Your inability to recognize that the disastrous situations many countries end up in is often caused by American interests is sad considering your eloquence. Then they need "rescuing" and that's when decent americans come on board, and yes there are millions of them.
RockyMason  19 | 250  
14 Mar 2008 /  #176
Wow! Then the majority of people with advanced degrees in the US are foreigners.


Ur a moron LOL. So less than .05% means .05% noooooooo! I was merely trying to communicate the concept of a tiny percent of the population being experts from foreign countries. less than .05% could mean .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% or it could mean .049%. Take a logic class before you try to interpret statements so u don't make yourself look like a fool. Under ur system of logic i could say less than 10 people played a game and u would assume it was 10 ppl when in reality it was 1 person. Plz explain to me how u got .05% from <.05%?

Okay so ur telling me that there are many executives in the USA and important business ppl who don't know english?

z_darius  14 | 3960  
14 Mar 2008 /  #177

We need to start with you understanding what you write first.
Posing as a smart guy, more and more you are showing how dad's money is being wasted on a hopeless case. How about taking some remedial math and English?
RockyMason  19 | 250  
14 Mar 2008 /  #178

Oh when u test over a 550 on every category of the SAT in California u don't have to take remedial classes. I got a 2020 ( 710 math 610 english and 700 writing) so that would imply I did not have to take any remedial classes. U ARE A MORON! =) No it isn't all of dad's $ almost all of my tuition is from scholarships! Cash scholarships 2 i could have used for any school i wanted to go to.

After this semester i will have taken all of the classes i need for my lower division except calculus!
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
14 Mar 2008 /  #179
Yeah, and I hear the PL are leaving America for Europe.......
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
14 Mar 2008 /  #180
yeah, lol, and no guesses for which country their landing in :) all i'll say is that there is over 1 million of them in this specific country, lol :)

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