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Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe

jones101  1 | 349  
7 Mar 2008 /  #121
Poland need to jump on this idea and start mass producing a cheap fuel efficient car of very high quality

Poland does not have the same work ethic and high quality control as Japan so this won't be practical.

Unless you offer people A LOT of money you will have trouble getting workers to come here en masse. Poland just not offer as high a quality of life as some other countries.
outintheyard  27 | 517  
7 Mar 2008 /  #122
Never to late to get your but moving Poland
jones101  1 | 349  
7 Mar 2008 /  #123
I dont think people OR cultures can change that dramatically. At least not quickly.

Hell there is no way I would want to live the lifestyle of a Japanese worker. I'd have a stroke.
moksha  - | 18  
7 Mar 2008 /  #124
Keep taking the tablets...As for the US owes Europe nothing - its all tit for tat mate, you want to build bases in Europe you have to give a little, you want the backing of Europe when you want to invade a country..you have to give a little..you want business in europe..you have to give a little......all one big happy family..

i'll drink to that!! anytime...
it's about time that Poland changes its "work ethics".....a lot of great people there, if they are all as ambitious, intelligent and clever as they present themselves to be on web-forums, i don't see why the heck that country should have as many problems as they do...what's wrong with that picture??
Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
8 Mar 2008 /  #126
As much as I hate immigration, until the borders close completely to non-eu countries I welcome the Polish with open arms. Give me 100 Poles to 1 Asian anyday.
Lady in red  
8 Mar 2008 /  #127
Give me 100 Poles to 1 Asian anyday.

AH ha ! Here it comes out. A racist :(
Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
8 Mar 2008 /  #128
A racist? Not really. It comes to a clash of cultures. Multiculturalism does not work.
RockyMason  19 | 250  
8 Mar 2008 /  #129
As much as I hate immigration, until the borders close completely to non-eu countries I welcome the Polish with open arms. Give me 100 Poles to 1 Asian anyday.

oh hell no! Don't start on asians buddy im asian ur just jealous because our test scores are higher than yours are! Also japan is by far one of the gr8test countries in this world with almost no crime rate and an amazing education system!
osiol  55 | 3921  
8 Mar 2008 /  #130
Asia does not exist.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
8 Mar 2008 /  #131
Asia does exist, in fact, I know many Asia's
Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
8 Mar 2008 /  #132
oh hell no! Don't start on asians buddy im asian ur just jealous because our test scores are higher than yours are! Also japan is by far one of the gr8test countries in this world with almost no crime rate and an amazing education system!

I should have been a bit more specific. What I meant to say was South/South West Asia ie Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran etc.
osiol  55 | 3921  
8 Mar 2008 /  #133
Chukchi? Filipinos? Palestinians? Perhaps Russians from just over the other side of the Urals?
PeterCpt  2 | 37  
8 Mar 2008 /  #134
It's those taxes. 1/3 of what you make goes for taxes, and

In South Africa the income tax rate is 40%. There is VAT of 14% on virtually everything,
there is also property tax way above the $4000 you quote, plus surcharge on petrol,
tight customs rules, tax on TV, tax on booze, cigarettes etc. Oh yeah, you need
medical insurance too, for one person that amounts to $300 per month easily.

1/3 in tax is a bonus to me.

As for Japan, the glory days are over. I constanly hear complaints from friends
about the standards declining, more people not going to university, and so
on. They have serious issues with low birth rates over there, a system of
social security which is falling apart and an ageing population, hence the
investment in robotics.
Dice  15 | 452  
8 Mar 2008 /  #135
As much as I hate immigration, until the borders close completely to non-eu countries I welcome the Polish with open arms. Give me 100 Poles to 1 Asian anyday.

oh hell no! Don't start on asians buddy im asian ur just jealous because our test scores are higher than yours are! Also japan is by far one of the gr8test countries in this world with almost no crime rate and an amazing education system!

It must be one of those funny differences between British English and American English. Here in the U.S. when we say "Asians" we mean Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese etc. I understand that in the UK Asian means Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi. Am I right?
Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
8 Mar 2008 /  #136
I understand that in the UK Asian means Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi. Am I right?

moksha  - | 18  
9 Mar 2008 /  #137
It must be one of those funny differences between British English and American English.

i hate to say it, but i don't think it has anything to do with "funny differences between Brit and Amer. English"...lol....it might, though, have something to do with lack of geography knowledge...i know a lot of people in us have no idea about the continental divisions...(what country belongs to what continent).....

check this out:nytimes.com/2008/02/14/books/14dumb.html
although she calls herself a "cultural conservationist" NOT a conservative, she seem to be quite conservative at times...
Eurola  4 | 1898  
9 Mar 2008 /  #138
i know a lot of people in us have no idea about the continental divisions...(what country belongs to what continent).....

Is that what you mean? I'm just being sarcastic.

  • The World according to Americans
jones101  1 | 349  
9 Mar 2008 /  #139
I get a bit tired of non Americans always going on as if they are perfect and their S@#T does not stink. The idea that if they ran the world everything would be great. Being non-American, wearing a shemagh as a scarf, being in uni and drinking expensive coffee in a cafe does not make you enlightened.

When I left the US for the long term I was critical of many US policies and attitudes...but after having been all over the world and spent years living in many different cultures I have changed my opinions.

Poland may seem like a fantasy land for people who who have never been, left as children, or are sick of being poor in the US because they cant get a good job....but with the exception of maybe having family around them in Poland there is nothing that is going to be better than in the States. But then it is cooler to bash America now isn't it ;)
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
9 Mar 2008 /  #140
Poland may seem like a fantasy land for people who who have never been, left as children, or are sick of being poor in the US because they cant get a good job....but with the exception of maybe having family around them in Poland there is nothing that is going to be better than in the States. But then it is cooler to bash America now isn't it ;)

I have strong felling that some Americans have some problems. Why you started to underline your strengt and power and that you are nr1 ;) Few years ago there wasn't discussions like that. We believe you are still number one.

lets move forward Poland isn't USA. Poland has some achievements and every year looks more and more impresive. That is all.

Some Poles in USA noticed this fact and decided to move to Poland ...

It is forum about Poland and Polish history traditions not about "Why USA is better than Poland" "Why Poland will never be better than USA"

Maybe we are naive but we believe in our succes ;-)

btw you have so many enemies that you shouldn't show your weakness on your allies forum ....
jones101  1 | 349  
9 Mar 2008 /  #141
I am not showing any weakness regardless of how you interpret my words....I am simply stating how I feel about the situation..and it is not about being "Number 1" it is about reality. If Poland was the world's richest and most powerful nation stating that would not make Poles weak or arrogant....it would just be a fact. I feel fortunate that I was born in a country that people want to live in so badly they immigrate there legally and illegally in huge numbers.
RockyMason  19 | 250  
9 Mar 2008 /  #142
Yah u can't even begin to say things are better in poland just look at rankings by GDP! Poland is a speck of crap on the underpants of the world!!
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
9 Mar 2008 /  #143
Rocky you are not partner for me in discussion. You should be happy that only one way of communication we have is Internet.

For me it seems that country of your origin is underpants of world ...

... as to USA after some nervous reactions I see here I think my short possitions on DJ are going to give me more money in long term ...
Filios1  8 | 1336  
9 Mar 2008 /  #144
Yah u can't even begin to say things are better in poland just look at rankings by GDP!

GDP, GDP, GDP.. all I ever hear from your fecal infested mouth is GDP, or "Why is America so much richer than Poland?"

Just please, go take a long walk off a short pier, and hopefully you don't know how to swim.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
9 Mar 2008 /  #145
GDP, GDP, GDP.. all I ever hear from your fecal infested mouth is GDP,

our GDP looks better and better so don't worry Filios ;-)

For me it is strange that so many Americans come here and tell us. "We have biger GDP" ;-)
Filios1  8 | 1336  
9 Mar 2008 /  #146
For me it is strange

For me its strange and a wonder of God that this guy exists and can actually manage to feed himself, and dress himself every morning, and go on living.
shopgirl  6 | 928  
9 Mar 2008 /  #147
When I left the US for the long term I was critical of many US policies and attitudes...but after having been all over the world and spent years living in many different cultures I have changed my opinions.

I would really like to hear some examples...to get some perspective.
We hear plenty on the forum about what is wrong with the US, I haven't ever heard of anyone changing their mind about their perceptions. What do you understand now, from being in other cultures, that you didn't understand then? :)
jones101  1 | 349  
9 Mar 2008 /  #148

To give you the back story I was the guy that always argued with my and "conservative" friends and colleagues (and in my line of work then and now there were a majority of 'conservative' minded people) about how all people are basically the same inside and we should respect all religions, cultures etc etc. While I was all for protecting the free world etc I really had no idea how much truly needed protecting. They all called me a 'hippy' :)

Fast forward 15-20 years and a few wars and aid trips later and my perspective has changed in many ways. People are NOT the same all over. Some people and religions do not want peace and coexistence they want domination and control. I am not just talking the extremists I am talking about normal, everyday citizens. And don't think I am just talking about Taliban etc...Africa...South America...Asia...there are cultures in all of these places that would make you ill if you knew what things were really like.

All cultures have bad people...but some just cannot grasp respect, peace and caring. Criticize the US as much as you like...argue about members of the military that did bad things (minority) or rednecks that beat their wives (minority) but the reality is American culture as a whole is a caring culture that wants to make the world better for everyone (even if we do fall short at times).

Most of the things people complain about the US is just flat wrong...Americans are not less intelligent or world-wise than anyone else. There are plenty of Poles or Germans or French that cannot speak another language or show you Chile on a map...there is just as many drunks, adulterers and drug addicts in China or Peru or Spain as the US...the media spews nonsense all the time and people buy it because they WANT to hate America and blame us for their problems. It took me being away from home and being immersed in other cultures to get that.

I am still not religious...I will never tattoo an American flag on my arm with some patriotic slogan. But now I am much more appreciative of how kind and respectful MOST Americans really are and I understand more why we do the things we do in the world.

I think most people that scream and yell about how imperialist or violent the US is would not last a day in the cultures they are 'championing'. They truly cannot see that they are free to be such mouthy gits because they ARE Americans or Poles or any other number of free people. 99% of the time they really don't have the first clue as to what they are talking about.

Despite what so many people try and say the US does not want to impose it's culture on anyone...it simply wants everyone to have the FREEDOM to choose their lifestyle and culture and not have control, violence and suffering visited upon them.

I am to the point where I don't enjoy meeting new people here in Poland because the conversation inevitably turns to them interrogating me about why the US is so this and why Americans are so that...even if they listen to my explanations they generally seem to not be willing to accept them as it is much easier to imagine us as a bunch of uneducated, spoiled children. It makes them feel superior. I have a standing bet with my fiancee that if it takes less than 10 minutes for someone new to start in on me about how bad the US education system is she has to cook dinner. People I have just met always criticize the US as if I am responsible for all it's faults...and they normally seem to get upset if I don't reinforce their stereotype.

Somebody is bound to pick out quotes and argue but I truly don't care...this is how I see it and how my experience (which is vast...not being arrogant just truthful) has changed my vision.

If people want to make the world a better place they need to get out there and repair and redirect it rather than do self serving pointless work like selling Ferraris, giving boob jobs or writing opinion articles. OR if they want to complain and tell everyone else how smart they are I guess they are FREE to do that....whether that makes them a good person or not.
Mali  - | 300  
9 Mar 2008 /  #149
I haven't read the entire thread so I apologize in advance if I come off as repetitive.

I understand if people are leaving the US for cultural reasons (parts of the US would drive me nuts enough to leave) but I really don't understand why people would be leaving because America isn't the gold mine they expected it to be. No matter where you go, no one is going to throw money at you. Opportunity is what you make of it. There are people that do next to nothing and then go around complaining that they're poor and want to go somewhere else. Thats pure BS, in my opinion. For those that are willing to work hard (not just doing physical work but also learning the language) success will follow. This isn't just about Polish people because I know lots of other people of all kinds of nationalities that stick to their own little area, are limited to crappy jobs because they can't communicate and then complain about the glory days of whichever country they're from. My friend's parents came from Portugal over 30 years ago and can't say "Hi, how are you?" without a thick accent. They stick to their small community and insist that their daughter marry a Portuguese guy because they won't be able to communicate otherwise. In order to be 'successful', I truly do believe that learning the language should be a top priority. Anyone can make a few bucks in Canada and the US but it will be a huge struggle unless you learn the language.
RockyMason  19 | 250  
9 Mar 2008 /  #150
Exactly Mali! Also in order to make it good in america ur gonna have to be competetive with them in the job market! If u can barely speak English u just won't cut it! The best u can really expect is a manual labor job which won't pay u that much! U also need a Valid college degree because its getting more and more competetive for jobs currently.

Without a college degree and a good grasp of the english language its very hard to do well in america. U need accomplishments that set u apart from the competetion! Any able bodied person could work at a mcdonalds or do manual labor which is the kind of jobs immigrants who hardly speak english would b going for!

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