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Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe

Philips1  2 | 38  
4 Mar 2008 /  #61
You use another country for money while slagging it off.

Correct statement

i am not sure what you are talking about?....cheers

There's only 2 ways why you don't understand him, either you're not capable to understand it or you're not even trying to do so.
RockyMason  19 | 250  
4 Mar 2008 /  #62
Yah the US dollar is going down right now but give it a decade and it will go back up. The US dollar is very resilient. The US will stay the world's most powerful country at least another 100 years. Poland just doesn't have the resources the USA does and neither does europe.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
4 Mar 2008 /  #63
Poland just doesn't have the resources the USA does and neither does europe.

Rocky have you been to Europe....???
RockyMason  19 | 250  
4 Mar 2008 /  #64
Yep ive been to... london, brussels, lucerne, zermatt, munich, rotenburg, amsterdam, paris, and austria. If italy and the mediterranian count ive been to alot more! Its true though europe lacks natural resources and it also has an aging population. Much older than the US. Some parts of europe have negative population growth.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
4 Mar 2008 /  #65
Shrinking populations are the way to go for all people on the Earth.

The Earth can't bear much more people (or we should invest much more into space travel to settle other planets).
Also in highly industrialised (wealthy) countries more and more machines take over the jobs which earlier humans did.
So the need for human menial labor shrinks too.

It's the same like if wealthy families have mostly much fewer kids they cherish and advance and care for more than the mass breeding in poor countries where the children are the only way for the parents got get cared for later.

So a shrinking population is nothing to fear or something negative - an unhealthy balance between the old and young instead is, that must be worked on.

Natural resources are still a cause to go to war over but also that will change. The Earth just hasn't the resources to "feed" so many humans alot longer.

Alternatives are needed and WILL be found, starting with oil
and oil products. Oil becoming scarce and rare in the next century already....I'm fairly sure scienists are working hard to get independent.

So...the fate of a future super power will be indepedent from population count and natural resources.
The deciding factor will be the human brain and his achievements and maybe the military! No reason why Europe shouldn't be leading...
outintheyard  27 | 517  
4 Mar 2008 /  #66
I am thinking of becoming the astronaught farmer. Then i can go to the moon and farm there first
Dice  15 | 452  
4 Mar 2008 /  #67
Honestly, if I was a Polish living here illigaly, I would have left the U.S. to work somewere in Europe too. How can you compete with Mexicans in the illigal job market? You can't. There is so many of them here, even employees and managemant speek some Spanish now. I had to take some Spanish classes too, and learned even more at work. I used to run a couple of restaurants and the dishwashing crew and half the kitchen was always Mexican (or South American). They work for a minimum wage and they're the best workers you could ask for. So if they give you a fake SS#, so what? Whithout them half of the dinning industry would've gone under. And they're genualy good people too.

BTW, when working legally in Europe you get a health insurance, unemployment, retirement etc. Why would anybody consider working and living somewhere else illegally? That makes no sense.
KasiaG  - | 44  
4 Mar 2008 /  #68
My cousin is coming back from US.. and my aunt & uncle are only staying till they retire..
People are mostly tired with working your ass off, paying all the taxes, but at the same time, not being treated well.. and they have always missed their families and friends.

In the past, they could at least cheat themselves by saying they're just earning much more than they would ever do in Poland. Right now, this is becoming more and more comparable. And if you can work almost anywhere in Europe legally.. I can see loooots of Poles coming back..
outintheyard  27 | 517  
4 Mar 2008 /  #69
Too bad . The US needs the cultural influence to keep the Poles here. The Us needs to encourage poles to stay. They are a great benefit to the society.
Dice  15 | 452  
4 Mar 2008 /  #70
Me personally, I would never leave the U.S. to work and live in Poland or anywhere else. First of all my wife and kids don't speak Polish, we would miss our friends and family, we could never (I don't think) get our carriers going somewhere else, I don’t know if my college degree is worth anything over there, it would be such a culture shock for my wife and kids, but also for me. I was born in Poland and I speak Polish, but I've spend most of my live here in the USA; so a move like that would be extremely difficult for me and near imposible for my family.
moksha  - | 18  
4 Mar 2008 /  #71
jones101 wrote:
You use another country for money while slagging it off.

Correct statement
moksha wrote:
i am not sure what you are talking about?....cheers

There's only 2 ways why you don't understand him, either you're not capable to understand it or you're not even trying to do so.

you are arrogant Philips1 - no comment...
Philips1  2 | 38  
4 Mar 2008 /  #72
with pleasure.....toward ignorants like you
moksha  - | 18  
4 Mar 2008 /  #73
and kindly don't a answer question which was not posted for you....thanks.
Dice  15 | 452  
4 Mar 2008 /  #74
Another reason I would not want to move out from the States to any other country is the standard of living. I don't think it would be possible for me and my family to achieve an equal lifestyle and wealth if we were living anywhere in Europe, being just a part of the Middle Class.

IMO it is much better to work and live in the Western Europe if you are a single mother, or you do not have an education, or you're sick and requaire a social assistance, or don't speak the language. Most European Countries have much wider and more elaborate social net. But they do pay a price for it, and that is taxes on the Middle Class.

On the other hand if you are an educated professional and a part of the Middle Class in the USA you can afford a lifestyle reserved only for the rich class in Europe.
outintheyard  27 | 517  
5 Mar 2008 /  #75
Dice , would you consider farmeres poor or middle class or rich in Poland? In the USa Farmers are considered rich or upper middle class.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
5 Mar 2008 /  #76
I know this is for Dice but I dont think farmers are considered rich or middle class in Poland.
sledz  23 | 2247  
5 Mar 2008 /  #77
USa Farmers are considered rich or upper middle class.

Why are they always crying that thier so poor then?

I`m glad I didnt go to that Farm Aid concert:)
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
5 Mar 2008 /  #78
Why are they always crying that thier so poor then?

They do that in England and then you seem them on the pages of Cheshire Life at the famers ball and the wife is wearing a gown that cost £3,000...
outintheyard  27 | 517  
5 Mar 2008 /  #79
I do not know a neighboring farmer of mine that is not a millionaire.
sledz  23 | 2247  
5 Mar 2008 /  #80
No wonder why they have all those ( Tresspassers will be shot) signs
Thier barns are filled with the free money they scam off the goverment.lol
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
5 Mar 2008 /  #81
the free money they scam off the goverment.lol

Careful... I might start thinking about the EU Common Agricultural Policy and do myself an injury
sledz  23 | 2247  
5 Mar 2008 /  #82
EU Common Agricultural Policy

Now you have me wondering what that is???
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
5 Mar 2008 /  #83
Careful... I might start thinking about the EU Common Agricultural Policy and do myself an injury

Think about the Fisheries one instead and then you might want to kill someone ...
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
5 Mar 2008 /  #84
Now you have me wondering what that is???

In a nutshell - subsidise the least efficient farming practices at the expense of the efficient ones, pay farmers vast sums of money for producing crops that nobody wants that can either rot or be given away to the third world and generally screw the free market. Originally it was designed to protect the interests of French peasant (small) farmers but tends to keep all small inefficient farmers very happy nowadays
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
5 Mar 2008 /  #85

Have a read of this it gives you a broad understanding of the diff policies.
sledz  23 | 2247  
5 Mar 2008 /  #86
the least efficient farming practices at the expense of the efficient ones,

Wow..They subsidise and give big tax breaks to the farmers in the US but I `ve never
heard of that before...ridiculous
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
5 Mar 2008 /  #87

It's improved some over the early days (You know I like to exagerrate a bit) and the cash is doled out on projects improving the environment etc but many farmers still milk it (groan) for all its worth. Last time I looked the CAP accouinted for about 40% of the total EU budget so megaeuros involved.
sledz  23 | 2247  
5 Mar 2008 /  #88
These politicians waste money over here on thier special progects like building
a 400 Million dollar bridge that nobody uses.
I dont think the farmers are that bad off here especially when corn is in such
high demand for the ethanol.
outintheyard  27 | 517  
5 Mar 2008 /  #89
I get $ 120 per acre subsidy And the crop is all profit from then on. Now you know who one of the most powerful lobbying groups is .
jones101  1 | 349  
5 Mar 2008 /  #90
In the USa Farmers are considered rich or upper middle class.

I do not know a neighboring farmer of mine that is not a millionaire

Yet there are loads of farmers in the US who have lost their farms to the banks or can barely afford to eat.

Just because your experience is one way doesn't make it true for all or even most.

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