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Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
29 Jan 2007 /  #1
A surprising number of Polish immigrants are packing up, closing their bank accounts, and leaving the United States, reports Polish Daily Nowy Dziennik. Banks such as Pekao U.S. Money Express in New York City are seeing a growing trend of Poles withdrawing hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings to take with them as they look for opportunity elsewhere. Reasons for the departure include frustrations with the process to become legal immigrants, disillusionment with American materialism and a lack of promising employment or financial prospects. However, they are not necessarily returning to Poland, but seeking work in other European countries like Ireland, the United Kingdom, or Sweden. According to the report, the destination of these Polish immigrants indicates a delayed demographic impact of Poland's admission into the European Union.

krysia  23 | 3058  
29 Jan 2007 /  #2
and because the value of US dollar is dropping?????
Kamyk  2 | 61  
29 Jan 2007 /  #3
... and it's so much closer to Poland .. cheaper to travel to visits old friends and family. Europe is probably less materialistically oriented than Americans too .. as Grzegorz stated previously. I think I noticed that in Canada as well. Some immigrants are tired of a constant money rush and come back with savings to Europe or even Poland.
Mark N  - | 16  
1 Feb 2007 /  #4
I heard the same thing. Polish people are moving out of the USA and coming back to Poland.
Kowalski  7 | 621  
1 Feb 2007 /  #5
...cough... cough ...I am a living proof. I Left US several years ago and have never regreted the move.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
1 Feb 2007 /  #6
I heard the same thing. Polish people are moving out of the USA and coming back to Poland.

It's too expensive in the US, especially for people who are at retirement age.
krysia  23 | 3058  
1 Feb 2007 /  #7
It's those taxes. 1/3 of what you make goes for taxes, and that does not include property taxes ( average around$4.000-$5.000 year depending where you live and the value of your house), school taxes, taxes on everything you buy (except certain foods), taxes on everthing you sell, taxes on your savings, taxes on your phone bill, TV bill, anywhere they can, they tax you. And instead of having a flat tax so everybody pays the same, they go on your income. If you earn more, you pay more. You can never get ahead.
Kowalski  7 | 621  
2 Feb 2007 /  #8
What I didn't like in US was HOUSING. I always had a choice to live in a rat hole and still pay 1/3 of my income for it or spend half of my monthly money for more decent conditions (not to mention humiliating and never working roommate situations) ....
2 Feb 2007 /  #9
Hey hey,

I am a Polish guy living in the US. I finished engineering undergrad and am now finishing law school...

Trust me, I would love to move away from the US and move to Poland or Europe. I love the culture there and I love all the beautiful girls haha...

But lets face it, America is still the place where you can make it from the bottom to the top. My father came to the US with $100, 20 years ago. Now, his son (me) will be working at a top law firm in the country.

If you are a lawyer, doctor, or banker, I still think this is the best place to be. I would never be able to be a lawyer in England or Poland unless I had connections. Those polish people are leaving because they do not have the motivation to become a proffesional. If you are a lawyer, you can still make way more money here in the US then in Europe.

If any of you know a law firm in Europe where I can start at 6 figures... message me back and I will be there tommorrow.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
2 Feb 2007 /  #10
If you are a lawyer, doctor, or banker, I still think this is the best place to be


Ive not heard of people leaving, maybe that was their plans in the first place?
3 Feb 2007 /  #11
This is sad. We are losing Polish people yet being invaded with Aztec Mexicans. I am so disgusted at what this country is becoming with all the non-European immigrants I just might pack my bags and move to Europe (and I am not even European, but an American of Polish descent). This country is turning into a 3rd world multicultural nightmere. We need to find a way to get these Poles or any other Europeans we can back. We need more people to compete with the 3rd world over breeders that are invading us.
3 Feb 2007 /  #12
TooBad, actually despite the high number of poles coming England has a much worse immigration problem with 3rd world occupants.

Interest rates rose twice in 6 months and the government is proposing greatly increasing road tax to conpensate for the huge welfare bill the UK spends on 3rd world immigrants claiming unemployment and housing benefit.

Our NHS system is also on the drink of collapse, situations have gotten so bad that Tony blair has actually resigned as prime minister.

If your coming to Europe looking for a better life, I strongly advise you to stay clear of the UK. Unless of course your coming here to work, but even then I can't promise you a quality of life you currently get in america. Most people cant afford to buy houses here, things are becoming more expensive by the day as the government keeps upping the taxes to cope with housing and feeding the 3rd world immigrants.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
3 Feb 2007 /  #13
I am so disgusted at what this country is becoming with all the non-European immigrants

This is exactly what the Native Americans said about the Europeans. I guess the land is never going to remain the property of just one race. First it was the Natives, then the Europeans, now the Mexicans. Some other race will probably come along someday and take over the Mexicans.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
3 Feb 2007 /  #14
housing and feeding the 3rd world immigrants.

who are the 3rd world Immigrants?
ROZ  2 | 93  
4 Feb 2007 /  #15
First it was the Natives, then the Europeans, now the Mexicans

That depends on what part of the country you're speaking about... Native Americans around my area may as well have been Mexican...proximity to the border...
4 Feb 2007 /  #16
who are the 3rd world Immigrants?

In the United Kingdom: Africans, Asians, Pakistanis and others
Eurola  4 | 1898  
4 Feb 2007 /  #17
Those polish people are leaving because they do not have the motivation to become a proffesional.

The ones who are, or are working at it to become professional, they would never leave.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
4 Feb 2007 /  #18
That depends on what part of the country you're speaking about... Native Americans around my area may as well have been Mexican...proximity to the border...

What do you mean?
5 Feb 2007 /  #19
Populations of Indians and Mexicans could have intermixed if they were close to each others borders

edit: although at the time I think the were still Aztecs and not Mexicans, not sure haven't studied that part of history
Epicurus  - | 30  
5 Feb 2007 /  #20
...cough... cough ...I am a living proof. I Left US several years ago and have never regreted the move.

I am headed in this direction. I have two more years left to finish my college degree and I will seek employment in Poland. The only problem will be paying of some of my school debts on Polish income. How have you fared on the income situation ?
shewolf  5 | 1077  
5 Feb 2007 /  #21
Populations of Indians and Mexicans could have intermixed if they were close to each others borders

Yes, they definitely did mix. It's a known fact. But I don't get what he meant in relation to my comment. Mexican Indians are considered Native Americans. The Mexican immigrants that are coming over these days are mixed with European now.

My guess is that people don't realize that Mexican Indians were Native Americans. The term "Native American" applies to all indigenous people in all Latin American countries.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
5 Feb 2007 /  #22
I would never be able to be a lawyer in England or Poland unless I had connections.

LOL you dont need connections just good qualifications in English law, I dont know where you got that idea from...
iwona  12 | 542  
5 Feb 2007 /  #23
In England to be lawyer you have to be quite good.I think that it is big competition in this profession but....I am not surprised llooking at their income.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
5 Feb 2007 /  #24
If you have a law degree and get into a good practice for your training, then it's all down to how well you do as to where you end up...Yes their income is good but when they're trainees they only earn about £15,000 for 12 months....and its hard work my friend is a Corporate Solicitor (not a trainee) and some times she doesnt get out of work until mid night..works 7 days a week...so she deserves the money she earns..
ROZ  2 | 93  
5 Feb 2007 /  #25
My guess is that people don't realize that Mexican Indians were Native Americans. The term "Native American" applies to all indigenous people in all Latin American countries.

I thought Native American is the "race" allocated to those who are indigenous to North America.... Meaning above Central America to Alaska...

I hope you all don't start a genetic drift debate :)

Yes, they definitely did mix. It's a known fact. But I don't get what he meant in relation to my comment.

That is what I meant by your comment.... I guess I should have just said it...
shewolf  5 | 1077  
5 Feb 2007 /  #26
I thought Native American is the "race" allocated to those who are indigenous to North America.... Meaning above Central America to Alaska...

I've seen it on DNA test websites, the ones that reveal ancestry. They're the ones who call them all Native Americans because they were on the American continent first.

I took the DNA test myself and got matched with Suwalki Poland, Podlasie Poland, Northern Poland, Belarus, Austria and Germany. It was actually Bavarian German.
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
5 Feb 2007 /  #27
I thought Native American is the "race" allocated to those who are indigenous to North America.... Meaning above Central America to Alaska...

A simple search on the internet would have solved this ages ago

Natvie American defined as:
A person who is an American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut or Native Hawaiian, and regarded as such by the community of which the person claims to be a part. Native Americans must be documented members of a North American tribe, band or otherwise organized group of native people who are indigenous to the continental United States and proof can be provided through a Native American Blood Degree Certificate (ie, tribal registry letter, tribal roll register number).
Varsovian  91 | 634  
19 Feb 2007 /  #28
They don't have DNA results like that - it's a wind-up!
What v. which - the old correctness v. common usage problem again.
Here, I would tend to say that "which" would be generally seen as an affectation, as it would denote the choice of one of a generally known number of DNA tests, whereas I understood it more along the lines of "what sort of, and please give me the name while you're at it?"

And as for what you must be thinking at the moment - you're right! It's a slow day at the office!!
[I must get out more.]
19 Feb 2007 /  #29
After 10 years in U.S of A. I live in Polad now! And I love it! I have got new apartment, new car, and work as architect. It is unbelievable how much this country has change. And something interesting has happend: thousands of Russians and Ukrainians try to enter Poland looking for work on black market. They like to get salaries in polish zlotys because this currency is extremely strong.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
19 Feb 2007 /  #30
TooBad, actually despite the high number of poles coming England has a much worse immigration problem with 3rd world occupants.

Every word is of that is rubbish.

Interest rates rose to curb inflation, immigrants help to curb inflation by working for less pay. So immigration kept those rates down.

Road taxes are not to finance welfare, they are to prevent gridlock, partly caused by a booming economy. Again, something the 600K new Polish immigrants are helping to fuel.

The NHS is doing better than ever before due to increased spending - its at less than half of the US's GDP %age but for the price the NHS is a bargain to the UK.

Tony Blair has NOT resigned, he's promised to retire. Not because of the 'situation' but because his own party (and the country) hate him for invading Iraq.

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