Sorry to interrupt your mud slinging, but apparently the fake KOD facebook page has been set up by the Zmiana party. The openly pro-Putin party with stars like Mateusz Piskorski, who advocate joining the Eurasian Union.
One of admins of the fake KOD fpage is £ukasz Gajewski, a member of Zmiana council. Here's what he says about Polish media:
Na szczęście na Białorusi w przeciwieństwie do Polski są jeszcze wolne media.
Another admin is Tomasz Jankowski, a secretary in Zmiana. There are also Tomasza Trump , Jarosław Augustyniak etc.
A bunch of other people who are clearly pro-Putin but not directly tied to Zmiana: Mariusz Lorbiecki and Kamil £ugowski.
The bottom line is they claim to be THE real Komitet Obrony Demokracji, report the original KOD as impostors, etc. Facebook doesn't do anything about it. Those Russian trolls say what right-winged media want to hear, so right-winged media report it.