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Heil-Hitlering Korwin-Mikke in European Parliament

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Jul 2015 /  #1
Crackpot fringer Janusz Korwin-Mikke pulled another one of his publicity stunts in the European Parliament when he stood up, gave the Heil Hitler salute and parodied the Nazi slogan: "Ein Reich, ein Volk, ein Ticket". He was expresing his oppositon to unified ticketing in the EU.

In your view. do crackpots such as Korwin, Palikot, the nationalists (in the past the Beer Lovers' Party) add a touch of colour to the poltical scene, do they make their country look foolish or are they downright harmful to the body politic?

Kolejny wyskok Janusza Korwin-Mikkego w Parlamencie Europejskim. Podczas sesji plenarnej postanowił przeciwstawić się ujednolicaniu systemów biletowych w Europie. "Ein Reich, ein Volk, ein Ticket" - pokrzykiwał.
jon357  72 | 23712  
8 Jul 2015 /  #2
do crackpots such as Korwin, Palikot, the nationalists (in the past the Beer Lovers' Party) add a touch of colour to the poltical scene, do they make their country look foolish or are they downright harmful to the body politic?

All three. The Polish conservative ultra-nationalists are a disgrace - Maciej Giertych & Son, Macierewicz, Ziobro, Kaczor. Even worse when it spills beyond the borders and the press pick it up.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Jul 2015 /  #3
He was expresing his oppositon to unified ticketing in the EU.

Unified ticketing for what?

If it's for train tickets, well... Korwin is an even bigger idiot than I thought.
jon357  72 | 23712  
8 Jul 2015 /  #4
If anyone wants to see the tawdry display, here it is: welt.de/politik/ausland/article143712210/Polnischer-EU-Abgeordneter-loest-mit-Hitler-Gruss-Eklat-aus.html

Every bit as tacky as when Macierewicz, the well-know and notorious Smolenskist and PiS flapper chained himself to the speaker's chair in parliament (and also chained himself to his desk). At least that didn't get picked up outside the country and bring Poland into disrepute as Lech Kaczynski's unwanted VIP flight to an international summit to disrupt the Polish (elected) delegate did.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
8 Jul 2015 /  #5
@Polonius: if you put Korwin-Mikke and Palikot on the same line, you don't know Poland.

JKM is sick and a fascist whereas J. Palikot is intelligent and a democrat.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
8 Jul 2015 /  #6
JKM is sick and a fascist whereas J. Palikot is intelligent and a democrat

Right in every word.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
8 Jul 2015 /  #7
Polsyr! ;)

As a matter of fact, I have met the latter and I have seen the former.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Jul 2015 /  #8
Palikot is intelligent

Palikot is a sensation-monger and publicity seeker who will do anything (like doda coming in a super-miniskirt and making sure the paraparazzi saw she had no knickers on) to feed the tabloids. Like appearing on TV with a handgun and rubber phallus, quaffing vodka and puffing grass in public, being a poor man's Martin Luther and tacking a Declaration of Apostasy on the door of a £ódź church (but making sure ahead of time that reporters and camera crews were alerted).

He has about as much in common with democracy as Kaganovich or Minnie Mouse! In fact. Palikot is a 100% Marxist: 10% Karl (that's the Church-bashing part) and 90% Groucho!
Polsyr  6 | 758  
8 Jul 2015 /  #9
100% Marxist

Not correct, but Pan Kaczyński is 100% Marxist in terms of his illogical economic math.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Jul 2015 /  #10
publicity seeker

Upon closer inspection it turns out that Palikot's madcap antics may only appear to be publicity seeking. They are probably an attempt to divert attention from his illegal doings. He was investigated by the National Prosrecutor over illegal campaign funds. Dariusz Piątek of the Lublin PO office said Palikot's campaign was "illegally financed", but the case was never highlighted due to Palikot's influence. (Who paysy the piper calls the tune!)

The Central Anticorruption Bureau suspected him of tampering with property statements and reporting lower wealth than he actually possessed by millions of zlotys and transferring untaxed profits to the Netherlands Antilles, a tax haven.

In addition, Palikot owes large sums of money to different companies, institutions and people. Among others, he owes 40,000 zlotys to a private contractor, Andrzej Kwapis, who renovated his office, but was never paid for the work. Palikot did not pay the money to a company that maintained his webpage, nor did he pay Piotr Tymochowicz, a public relations specialist, who helped with creating his image. In October 2011, the Electoral Committee of the Palikot Movement lost a court case against Pawel Tanajna, who had stated in Wprost weekly, that Palikot and his party act "like a mafia", paying people who service them only "50 percent or nothing". Justice Tomasz Wojciechowski said that refusing to pay bills was not "accidental, but rather a frequent practice". All in all, a rather shady and unsavoury character but at least now the publicity stunts -- a classic red herring -- make more sense.
jon357  72 | 23712  
8 Jul 2015 /  #11
if you put Korwin-Mikke and Palikot on the same line, you don't know Poland.


I have seen the former.

You know that JK-M he turned up in the middle of that football riot against the Russians on Poniatowski Bridge in Euro 2008?

Not correct, but Pan Kaczyński is 100% Marxist in terms of his illogical economic math.

Spot on. At least he wasn't doing Hitler salutes in the European parliament. I did like those posters during the failed Kaczynski(ch) regime "Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Zwei Kaczory!".
InPolska  9 | 1796  
8 Jul 2015 /  #12
@Polonius: do you have reliable sources or your sources are of the same style as those which claim the Rainbow in Warsaw needs to be police dog protected 24/7 and which claim that there are "anal orgies in the middle of the street in front of churches"? As you most probably know accusing people of wrongdoing without any concrete proof is punished. Even when representing 11% of the voters, J. Palikot could not have made justice and media shut up. I have met the man and have respect for him. What else do you have against him and his movement?

@Jon : I did not know but nothing about surprises me. I've seen him a few months ago and he corresponds to my opinion ;)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Jul 2015 /  #13
Korwin-Mikke and Palikot

Both are creeps except that Palikot is stupid....like a fox! I had thought anyone who come to a TV show with a butchered pig's head or a dildo, regardless of the ostensible point he was trying to make, is a publicity seeker. In view of Palikot's various suspect activities I am now inclined to believe the nonsense was designed to divert opinion from what he is really all about. He knows the tabloids will pounce on anything weird or outrageous and what better way to cloud the issue. Besides, how can one take a foaming-at-the-mouth Christophobe seriously? Especially a hypocrite who once launched a conservative Catholic news magazine called "Ozon". Maybe because he failed at the venture he is taking his frustation out on Catholics.
jon357  72 | 23712  
8 Jul 2015 /  #14
Palikot is stupid....like a fox!

A strange metaphor, "stupid like a fox". Contrary.

One good think about Korwin Mikke, Macierewicz, the Giertychs, Kaczynski, Ziobro, is that the more they make tasteless fools of themselves as Korwin Mikke has done in the European parliament (and not for the first time) and the older Giertych before him, the more the voters can see the true colours of the Polish right-wing.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
8 Jul 2015 /  #15
Everybody with the sane mind knows that Palikot is a clown. Korwin can often talk good things until he says something that blows everybody's mind and that's the problem with him. He wasn't like that 15 years ago.
jon357  72 | 23712  
8 Jul 2015 /  #16
He wasn't like that 15 years ago

No, he was just a minor clown with silly ideas that didn't spill out abroad back then. Perhaps it's time now for him to be put out to grass. Or to sleep.

  • korwingta.jpg
8 Jul 2015 /  #17
"J. Palikot is intelligent and a democrat."

Are you joking, right????

Palikot is by far the worst disgrace of Polish Politics. He is the PERFECT Anti-Pole. If he could, he would stab EVERY traditional heterossexual catholic polish by his back and turn the knife in circles to cause excruciating pain, and at the end this same Palikot would burn the body and throw in the river Wisla, without any guilty.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
8 Jul 2015 /  #18
@Polonius: "stupid like a fox"? I thought foxes were clever.
Yes, Palikot seeks publicity but this does not make him dishonest. A lot of politicians and famous people like to have the media around whenever they do anything. You are not able to prove any wrongdoings
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Jul 2015 /  #19
Oh Korwin... no matter what you do, there's a reason why you remain stubbornly unelectable in Poland.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Jul 2015 /  #20
does not make him dishonest

Read up, dig around and you'll find the guy is a crook.

"stupid like a fox"

Of course foxes are clever, crafty and sly. That's an American joke which you apparently did not get.
Crow  155 | 9736  
8 Jul 2015 /  #21
Korwin is great. His irony is original. Great truth in it.
DominicB  - | 2706  
10 Jul 2015 /  #22
Korwin is great. His irony is original.

I've met and talked to him many times at bridge tournaments (he's one of the best bridge players in Poland). He absolutely is not being ironic, and never has been. He doesn't have a gram of irony in his whole body. He's totally serious about everything he says.
jon357  72 | 23712  
10 Jul 2015 /  #23
(he's one of the best bridge players in Poland)

Yes, JKM used to show up sometimes at the open table at the Bristol on Monday nights. That bloody version of Italian Blue Club that they like instead of Acol :-(

He absolutely is not being ironic, and never has been. He doesn't have a gram of irony in his whole body. He's totally serious about everything he says.

And this is the sad part. He absolutely believes all that stuff and as he gets older we can expect more and more intemperate comments.
10 Jul 2015 /  #24
I believe the guy has a point. His salute maybe in bad taste but his words about the " one " are very true. Maggie always said, never let east and west unify because trouble will start, and look at the mess of everything EU now.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
10 Jul 2015 /  #25
Can you perhaps outline the disadvantages of a common ticketing system?

JKM is the worst sort of populist - he's even worse than Kaczyński for doing stupid stuff to make the headlines!
jon357  72 | 23712  
10 Jul 2015 /  #26
His salute maybe in bad taste but his words about the " one " are very true

One type of train ticket is a much better idea than the present mess, where if you're in Warsaw you can't online book a ticket through to Prague because the systems are different!

When Korwin-Muck starts doing Hitler salutes in parliament because of sorting out problems with rail tickets, it does show what a clown, oaf, booby, jerk etc he is.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
10 Jul 2015 /  #27
clown, oaf, booby, jerk etc he is

Do you think someone pays him to be so?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
10 Jul 2015 /  #28
One type of train ticket is a much better idea than the present mess, where if you're in Warsaw you can't online book a ticket through to Prague because the systems are different!

Yep, I wouldn't argue at all. The systems are getting there, but it still needs a kick so that there's one single common European booking system.

By the way, it's a bit more expensive, but polrail.com are very good for train bookings if you need something and can't get to the station to get it. They charge a mark-up (of course), but they're able to book a lot of interesting things in Europe.

Do you think someone pays him to be so?

Wouldn't be terribly shocked if he had some dodgy links to dodgy countries, to be honest.
jon357  72 | 23712  
10 Jul 2015 /  #29
Do you think someone pays him to be so?

If yes, then they're certainly getting value for money!

The systems are getting there, but it still needs a kick so that there's one single common European booking system.

Yes. Once, long long ago, the UK didn't have single ticketing and people used to have to buy a new ticket whenever they changed trains onto a different company's tracks. It isn't unreasonable to be able to do this across Europe, especially now we've got shot of most of the borders...

Good that they've apologised for him. Poland doesn't do that very often:

The Associated Press reported that Foreign Minister Grzegorz Schetyna apologized for Korwin-Mikke's "performance," saying, "we all are ashamed of such behavior."

The Polish website Inside Poland also criticized the lawmaker: "It could be argued that this is the kind of behavior one might expect from a hooligan. ... Korwin-Mikke's behavior shows him to be a man without a shred of dignity or respect for his country, and a politician whose thirst for publicity far outweighs any sense of patriotism that he claims to feel for Poland."


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