The Polish government is attempting to overturn the Constitutional Court's ruling banning ritual slaughter in Poland:
Polish government to allow kosher and halal methods of animal slaughter
banned in December 2012 by Poland's Constitutional Court following a campaign led by animal rights groups.
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So ifor bach, are you against it because of the change to the constitution or because of animal rights?
Personally I think people should go to slaughter houses and kill an animal themselves at least once, so they know what it actually is they are a part of, (ritual slaughter or otherwise).
25 Apr 2013 / #3
Not this again. As was pointed out the last times this topic was discussed, Poland can do whatever it wants here, EU law sets specific rules about kosher and halal methods of animal slaughter and if Poland tries to enforce any other law, the European court will force it to stick to those Community-wide standards.
5 May 2013 / #4
All halal should be banned especially in England as all the Vets want! It is suffering of an animal and when did God want his animals to suffer?
6 May 2013 / #5
as far as i know ritual butchery of animals and therefore producing halal meat is illegal in Poland, since it's regarded as cruel (the normal killing isn't cruel at all apparently). Poland had it all agreed on EU level, and a country had to inform the Brussels what it had decided some time
Merged: Worst Polish-Jewish ties since 1989
Poland's Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich said after a meeting with government officials that the ban on kosher slaughtering was bad news for Polish-Jewish relations in fact, in his view,it has caused 'most difficult Polish-Jewish relations since fall of communism'. Tomasz Miśkiewicz said that the shock that Muslim and Jewish communities greeted the news of the ban was equivalent to 'Polish Catholics being told they could not eat carp at Christmas'.
Minister Boni said that the government aimed to send the issue back to the Constitutional Court, which ruled last year that kosher and halal slaughter was incompatible with Poland's animal rights legislation.
Poland's Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich said after a meeting with government officials that the ban on kosher slaughtering was bad news for Polish-Jewish relations in fact, in his view,it has caused 'most difficult Polish-Jewish relations since fall of communism'. Tomasz Miśkiewicz said that the shock that Muslim and Jewish communities greeted the news of the ban was equivalent to 'Polish Catholics being told they could not eat carp at Christmas'.
Minister Boni said that the government aimed to send the issue back to the Constitutional Court, which ruled last year that kosher and halal slaughter was incompatible with Poland's animal rights legislation.
Since the ban on kosher and halal meat was repealed, it looks like production is really taking off, including exports (which is always a good thing).
Chief Rabbi of Poland Michael Schudrich has said that exports of kosher food from Poland are taking off.
"Ten years ago, there were hardly any Polish firms that were producing such food," Rabbi Schudrich told the Gazeta Wyborcza daily. "Now, more and more are asking me for a kosher certificate," he added. "The market is growing every year," he underlined.
"Ten years ago, there were hardly any Polish firms that were producing such food," Rabbi Schudrich told the Gazeta Wyborcza daily. "Now, more and more are asking me for a kosher certificate," he added. "The market is growing every year," he underlined.
moved from
Why you need to eat this halal meat .You can eat any meat from any restaurant just no pork
Why you need to eat this halal meat .You can eat any meat from any restaurant just no pork
No, they eat only meat slaughtered by their islamic rite (by blade, a punch direct on the neck of the animal, for example).
Wroclaw1010 3 | 90
20 Dec 2015 / #10
they eat only meat slaughtered by their islamic rite
You seem to be filled with hatred for Islam. Have you ever seen the way smalls are killed in your abattoirs? Please try and visit one, i'm sure you'll reconsider your thoughts when it comes to halal or non halal. Yes we slaughter animals with "blades" but not by punching.
Indeed not by punching, they kill them by slicing the throat and letting animal to bleed to death, I can't imagine more gruesome way of killing animal.
Just like on the video below.
Just like on the video below.
halal and kosher slaughter probably at one time represented improvements in humane treatment and hygene, but.... we have science now. Just as we can now use cars, trains and airplanes rather than horses and camels, we can use technology to improve the treatment of animals raised for food.
By far the most humane techniques for the treatment of animals before and during slaughter are those worked out by Temple Grandin. The arguments for humane treatment and improved hygene for ritual slaughter just do not pass muster next to hers.
Give up the superstition and embrace science! Temple Grandin for the win!
By far the most humane techniques for the treatment of animals before and during slaughter are those worked out by Temple Grandin. The arguments for humane treatment and improved hygene for ritual slaughter just do not pass muster next to hers.
Give up the superstition and embrace science! Temple Grandin for the win!
I eat meat from any place her in Poland. just i don't eat pork
Because Poland is a catholic country and Muslims can eat them food
PS: I'm a Muslim
Because Poland is a catholic country and Muslims can eat them food
PS: I'm a Muslim
22 Dec 2015 / #14
I can't imagine more gruesome way of killing animal.
How do you think male chicks from egg-laying breeds are killed? I'll give you a clue: it often involves a wood-chipper.
Wroclaw1010 3 | 90
22 Dec 2015 / #15
I'm a Muslim
The name of Islam has been soiled due to ignorant Muslims like your kind. I know Muslims can eat meat from animals(provided we are allowed to eat that animal) killed by Christians and Jews but not the way they are being killed in the Polish abattoirs.
P.S: Hellooo, If you are a Muslim then I urge you to learn about the deen and don't speak about something until you know the in and out of it.
How do you think male chicks from egg-laying breeds are killed?
Unlike you I have watched "Earthlings" (you'd faint half way of the film) from the beginning to the end so I know how are male chicks being killed and no it doesn't beat the cruelty of halal slaughter houses.
and no it doesn't beat the cruelty of halal slaughter houses.
Doesn't seem so objective to me. How do you know? I have watched the movie Earthlings too, and numerous other movies and books on the matter. The way 'we' treat and kill animals is terrible. I would not say 'our' way is better. As long as we're comparing halal slaughter houses and 'our' industrial 'farms' and slaughter houses.
It's Christmas time. One of the best moments of the year for many people, one of the worst for animals. Clearly. Halal or not.
Doesn't seem so objective to me. How do you know?
Because I have seen and also spoke to people working in this industry?
22 Dec 2015 / #19
Unlike you I have watched "Earthlings" (you'd faint half way of the film) from the beginning to the end
You watched a film?! Well done you! Personally I spent years working in agricultural engineering, so my experience is a little bit more hand-on than just watching a film.
no it doesn't beat the cruelty of halal slaughter houses.
You may say that, but that may just be bigotry speaking; most people seem to disagree with your, given the number of people who commit suicide by slitting their throat or wrists as compared to the number of people who feed themselves into a wood-chipper feet first.
but that may just be bigotry speaking
That's your speciality.
I spent years working in agricultural engineering
Oh! you agricultural engineer you :-)))
given the number of people who commit suicide by slitting their throat or wrists as compared to the number of people who feed themselves into a wood-chipper feet first.
You what? :-)
Back to the topic please
Doesn't seem so objective to me. How do you know?
Really? You are asking which one makes an animal suffer more: Make him bleed to death (Halal) or kill him with modern methods in milisseconds?
Admin: Be aware (and use common sense) that my comment above (and any comment regarding the cruelty of Halar Slaughter) is not off-topic.
Wroclaw1010 3 | 90
22 Dec 2015 / #22
Scientifically, when you slaughter an animal by cutting through the veins and the arteries, it stops blood flow to the heart hence depriving the brain of blood and oxygen. At this point the animal no longer feels any pain despite the fact that the heart of the animal still beats. The reflexes which guts people is just due to the normal functioning of the spinal cord.
Halal way of slaughtering animals is way better than electrocuting them. I'll agree with you if you suggest we should all go vegan but not to tell me there is a way better than the Halal way. If you have a better argument, I would be glad to set the ball rolling.
There are a bunch of lazy guys on here who don't dig deep before making their assertions.
Halal way of slaughtering animals is way better than electrocuting them. I'll agree with you if you suggest we should all go vegan but not to tell me there is a way better than the Halal way. If you have a better argument, I would be glad to set the ball rolling.
There are a bunch of lazy guys on here who don't dig deep before making their assertions.
Halal way of slaughtering animals is way better than electrocuting them.
Check out Temple Grandin's protocals for the treatment and slaughter of food animals, cows slaughtered in this way undergo no stress before simply losing consciousness.
We, as human beings, have a lot more access to how animals feel and respons than did the people that wrote middle eastern holy books hundreds or thousands of years ago.
Make him bleed to death (Halal) or kill him with modern methods in milisseconds?
'Modern' methods are not always used. And slaughter house workers are rarely fully trained for that task (stunning (in theory) and killing animals). Plus, when you have to kill like 50-100 animals an hour, how can you expect animals to be treated 'decently'? Animals are nothing but objects/consumer goods from birth to death.
As Wroclaw1010 said, there is no good or better way to slaugther. It's all about murdering in the end. Halal is just another way to achieve the same bloody goal.
Halal is just another way to achieve the same bloody goal.
And work on daddy issues.
Wroclaw1010 3 | 90
22 Dec 2015 / #26
Check out Temple Grandin's protocals for the treatment and slaughter of food animals
According to what I have read and seen until now, there is theoretically no difference between stopping the brain with the "gun" and slaughtering by cutting off the veins and arteries that makes the brain functional. The brain is the major part of the animal(including human beings) that receives the stimulus response to pain so when it is stopped, no pain will be felt. The kicking of the animals which many consider barbaric has been explained in the 8th minutes of the video in the link below.
However, her systematic treatment of the animals before they are being killed is commendable. I will dig deeper into the information I've gathered so far. Thanks for passing on the info :)
If you are a Muslim then I urge you to learn about the deen and don't speak about something until you know the in and out of it.
As Wroclaw1010 said, there is no good or better way to slaugther.
Bollocks! Of course there is!!!!
Kill an animal after being stunned is WAY differently than let it bleed while agonizing during 10 minutes like Halal does!
To say that, or you are just plainly lying or never had been at the Eid (Sacrifice) festival where we see and HEAR all those goats agonizing during minutes.
Nickidewbear 23 | 609
27 Dec 2015 / #29
You're not going to convince a hard-hearted person like Polson, though. Then again, diagrams might work: