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Giant Jesus Rising in Świebodzin ( Tallest in world )

20 Oct 2010 /  #91
Of course, the ''you will'' part being presented as some kind of absolute certainty.

Well, I guess I should have written: "I believe that you will."


how you and some other people here constantly insult non-believers or non-religious people

Only in response to attacks on our faith and religion. It was a perfectly decent thread
about a statue of Jesus being built, before people started their moaning about hungry
kids and making lame jokes about "big statue of Lucifer". We responded accordingly.

We will not be quiet and sit idly when our religion is being insulted and mocked. We are Polish,
the Royal Tribe of Piast, our country has been the Antemurale of Christianity for centuries,
Saint Virgin Mary is our Queen and we will always stand up for our faith (even though it is
so unmodern and not politically correct - we don't give a toss really.)

Poland isn't as overwhelmingly Catholic as you make it out to be either, and you'll find that Poland will become less and less Catholic over time.

Wanna bet? I say that in about 60-70 years time, when most western countries turn into
emirates, Poland will still remain a country with a healthy Catholic majority and our unique
Slavonic/Latin civilization intact.

It's not about the number of people who follow something

Oh, yes it is. It is all about an overwhelming majority of people, being fully entitled
to build a statue on their own land, with their own money. Simple as that, and if some
tiny minority is not happy with it... oh, well - there are many other countries in the world
if they find Poland so "oppressive".

if I erected a statue of Lucifer in some village in Poland, someone would have my head for it.

I don't think you know a lot about Poles, AJ. People would, of course, feel sorry for
your mental health and I'm afraid the Lucifer statue would have to go, but your head would
remain in its place.

Do you know what a Pharisee is, Torq? A Pharisee is someone like Benedict. Jesus had problems with establishment and organized religion. Ironically, it was this organized religion which persecuted him, twisted his words, changed history and turned the real teachings of Jesus into a total mockery with their version of the truth.

I am not interested AT ALL in your heretical views on Jesus, the Pope and the Catholic Church
(as I said before, I've heard it ALL countless times and simply couldn't be arsed arguing about
it for a 100th time, sorry.)


It's a good thing that you put this smiley at the end of your post (not that I would treat
it seriously, if you didn't, but... ;))
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
20 Oct 2010 /  #92
I'm convinced

one last post

key word, thats what you believe

so should we knock that down? you think that will stop a person from walking
into your home right now and shooting?


everything we do boils down to personal choice.

you make the path , where it leads you is your choice, good road or bad road.

religion is the scapegoat.. plenty of good religious people and a score of bad.
but its the choices they made aside from their religions.
George8600  10 | 630  
20 Oct 2010 /  #93
True, but I'm convinced that once we'll get rid of all these superstitions, stigmas and lies which tend to cause quite a few problems between people, that there will be less bloodshed eventually.

Is that TRULY what's causing all the bloodshed and problems in the world today? @_@

I believe your mentality of getting rid of "superstitions" for a better society is the same as Stalin's whose also failed...
A J  4 | 1075  
20 Oct 2010 /  #94
I believe your mentality of getting rid of "superstitions" for a better society is the same as Stalin's whose also failed...

That comparison just isn't going to fly, because I'm not Stalin. I don't plan to kill or oppress people I disagree with. And why compare me to Stalin? I mean, look at the founding fathers of America. They made sure the Church wouldn't be able to oppress and terrorize people in America like they were doing in Europe. Were they like Stalin?

I'm all about dialogue. I will always accept the fact that there are people who want to go to Church, but I will want to speak my mind about that very same Church and its teachings when I honestly believe it doesn't spread any kind of truth whatsoever, without having to worry about some lying fraud who's screaming and yelling about blasphemy. So who wants to fine me for my opinions? Who wants to sentence me to prison for something I believe in? Am I calling for such laws? Hey, you can deny it until you're blue in the face, but that *is* oppressive and it *is* a fascist thing to uphold such laws. You're basically prohibiting people to question your so-called truth, while you have no evidence whatsoever to prove that it is, indeed, the truth.

So keep your Stalin comparisons to yourself please. I'm not comparing you to Hitler either. I'm criticizing the institute and certain laws. Not you, nor your faith. I hope you can see the huge difference there.

Is that TRULY what's causing all the bloodshed and problems in the world today?

So all these people aren't blowing themselves up in the name of some God? They aren't trying to conquer Europe in the name of some God? Interesting. I could swear they were doing just that. You could say it's not the same. You could. But they believe in something, and look at what it does to them. I mean, you wouldn't blow yourself up for your God if you didn't believe in him now, would you? That's what religion is capable of. It's a destructive tool for those who want power, to use people.

so should we knock that down?

Like it or not, but the majority of religious people are doing just that. (Check their blasphemy laws for example.)

I am not interested AT ALL in your heretical views on Jesus

Those are not my vieuws though. Those are the vieuws of the people who have followed the teachings of Jesus from the very first moment he taught them. To call those people Heretics just proves how genuinely interested you are in history, or even your own religion.


It's convenient to dodge questions which might prove troublesome for you to answer, isn't it?


Let's just leave it at that for today.
BLS  65 | 188  
20 Oct 2010 /  #95
Three thoughts:

1. Religion is a highly personal issue and should remain private - a 35-meter statue of Jesus is NOT private. In fact, it smacks of overcompensation - 'small penis syndrome' comes to mind.

2. My girlfriend is devoutly religious...but when she heard about this statue, she said, "I'm embarrassed to be a Catholic today."

3. I have always admired the Poles for not wearing their religion on their sleeves like we do in the States...but now, that admiration is waning.
20 Oct 2010 /  #96
Let's just leave it at that for today.

Let's just leave it.
A J  4 | 1075  
20 Oct 2010 /  #97
That's cool. Just know I didn't start this thread, had no intention whatsoever to start one, but you know how I feel about people who make all sorts of bold claims about what they call the minority. For what it's worth: I don't hate you.

Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
20 Oct 2010 /  #98
Jesus or this: wroclawdailyphoto.blogspot.com

scroll down for wroclaw's Train to Heaven The biggest heap of junk i've ever seen.

A question arises: should jesus be wearing a crown of thorns ? with the statue the way it depicts christ i think the thorns are out of context.
convex  20 | 3928  
20 Oct 2010 /  #99
scroll down for wroclaw's Train to Heaven The biggest heap of junk i've ever seen.

I like the train! Dunno, a bit more thought provoking for me than a copy of a symbol that we see every other day.
20 Oct 2010 /  #100
A question arises: should jesus be wearing a crown of thorns ? with the statue the way it depicts christ i think the thorns are out of context.

You are not a Catholic so why do you care?

And that's Christ and Jesus btw.
20 Oct 2010 /  #101
For what it's worth: I don't hate you.

Why, that's mighty nice of you! :)

I don't hate you either, AJ, but you have to give up all that heresy spreading and stuff.
Otherwise, I believe that... *see post no. 28* :)
welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
20 Oct 2010 /  #102
[/quote]Torq:It is a statue of Jesus Christ. Now, please, tell us all about the countless crimes against humanity that Jesus commited.[/quote]

The acts were commited in the name of this man so the statue therefore becomes a symbol of the acts.

When a Muslim blows himself and other ppl up in the name of Allah, it is natural to thinlk of this Allah as being a bad man although he did not do anything bad himself.

Im sure u would have a lot to say if a Muslim exploded all over a Polish city centre. You'd be on that bandwagon straight away
George8600  10 | 630  
20 Oct 2010 /  #103
I will always accept the fact that there are people who want to go to Church, but I will want to speak my mind about that very same Church and its teachings when I honestly believe it doesn't spread any kind of truth

No truth what so ever? So religion has never done and true good or taught it? All those morals and ideals of good are false? Sure religion has false aspects to it, but one cannot deny there are also valid and good ones. To say those teachings have no truth whatsoever is just as wrong a generalization as me calling you Stalin...so.

So who wants to fine me for my opinions?

No one wants to, I believe in coexistence. But the more extremists and fanatics you have on either side, the lesser that will be achieved. Also it's not my truth, stop assuming and generalizing. It's my BELIEF, and I am educated in the sciences mind you. Also when did I prohibit you? Get real, it's criticism in dialogue. I spoke of coexistence, your the one who wished to eradicate an ideal by your wish to "get rid of it"

You honestly think all the problems in the world are because of Islam? Also do you honestly think that this whole 9/11, terrorism, and issue in the Middle east is because of religion alone? Because it wasn't always happening in the history of Islam....

I believe capitalism is a bigger issue in modern day, sure religion might have been the world evil during the Crusades, but in modern day more people die of preventable diseases and lack of resources daily than have ever perished in the Crusades or Inquisitions alone
A J  4 | 1075  
20 Oct 2010 /  #104
I don't hate you either, AJ, but you have to give up all that heresy spreading and stuff. Otherwise, I believe that... *see post no. 28* :)

You call it heresy, but there's plenty of historical evidence, documents, traditions and scriptures to be found which suggest otherwise. And you may believe that, but I have plenty of reasons to believe otherwise.

No truth what so ever?

Nope. Not from where I'm standing. Sorry.

So religion has never done and true good or taught it?


All those morals and ideals of good are false?

Morals are as false or as true as you believe them to be, since morals are taught.

Sure religion has false aspects to it, but one cannot deny there are also valid and good ones.

The negative seems to outweigh the positive in your religion.

To say those teachings have no truth whatsoever is just as wrong a generalization as me calling you Stalin...so.

Something that's true has to be proven without leaving a shadow of a doubt. Morals aren't the truth. Morals are a part of the truth. Like: You shall not kill. Okay. Sounds good. But what if someone tries to kill me? I should just let that person kill me and turn the other cheek because a book says so? No, I should protect myself by any means necessary since I didn't do anything to harm that person. See, that's the truth.

It's my BELIEF, and I am educated in the sciences mind you. Also when did I prohibit you?

You didn't personally, but some religious ******* have implemented laws which prohibit people to oppose, question or debate religion, even in a European country like Ireland. (Are we living in 2010 or what?)

Get real, it's criticism in dialogue. I spoke of coexistence, your the one who wished to eradicate an ideal by your wish to "get rid of it"

If celebrating death and demonizing human nature is an ideal then I would very much like to get rid of that, yes. Not by force, not by violence, but by logic and reasoning.

You honestly think all the problems in the world are because of Islam?

No, but most of the bloodshed has been caused by these mainstream religions, and there's no denying that.

Also do you honestly think that this whole 9/11, terrorism, and issue in the Middle east is because of religion alone? Because it wasn't always happening in the history of Islam....

Read the Qu'ran. Muhammed carved himself a bloody path through the Middle East, killing all who disagreed with his truth. (And I say his, because I'm pretty sure no God ever told him to plunder and rape.)

I believe capitalism is a bigger issue in modern day, sure religion might have been the world evil during the Crusades, but in modern day more people die of preventable diseases and lack of resources daily than have ever perished in the Crusades or Inquisitions alone

Can you back this up with factual information? Because I'm pretty damn sure the average age of people has increased, that people live longer lives and are generally healthier than they were a few centuries ago. Oh, and about some of these preventable diseases: Isn't Benedict telling everyone not to use condoms?

convex  20 | 3928  
21 Oct 2010 /  #105
There was talk earlier about donations, here's a chance for all you good hearted Catholics and enlightened Atheists to put your money where your mouth is:


He's up and waving by the way...
Maybe  12 | 409  
9 Nov 2010 /  #106
Giant Jesus Rising in Świebodzin ( Tallest in world )

Bravo! Poland.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
9 Nov 2010 /  #107
F*ck you pg, Poland needs an epic Jesus statue!
Maybe  12 | 409  
9 Nov 2010 /  #108
Yeah Epic statues ROCK!

Moscow had Stalin, Iraq had Hussian now we got Jesus, hoo haa Marine.
Bolle  1 | 144  
9 Nov 2010 /  #109
He's up and waving by the way..

Haha sounds like a great idea:)

Here's a video of the action:
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
9 Nov 2010 /  #110
He's up and waving by the way...

Demoty ******* rock :))))
Maybe  12 | 409  
9 Nov 2010 /  #111
Only a rabid Jesus-hater could find it offensive.

You rang mi lord.
jonni  16 | 2475  
9 Nov 2010 /  #112
Only a rabid Jesus-hater could find it offensive.

Jesus Himself probably wouldn't be best pleased...

They should build Him a giant pet llama next to Him! :D

Aren't they supposed to be doing that anyway?
asik  2 | 220  
9 Nov 2010 /  #113
Now everyone in the world started to notice Poland!! Now, I can see more news coming about Poland, here in Australia where mostly England counts as Europe only.

Earlier in every newspaper, tv & radio news and on the internet around the world, everyone was talking about this statue - what a great achievement!!

Swiebodzin is now home to the tallest statue of Christ, named "Christ the King" (that's why he wears the gold crown) and people are planning to go over there to see it wioth their own eyes.

Is something wrong with it??? Who are the unhappy people here because of this statue??? Get a life morons!!!
A J  4 | 1075  
9 Nov 2010 /  #114
I don't see any problem with it. Only a rabid Jesus-hater could find it offensive.

It's not about the statue being offensive, and it's not about hatred either, so if you care to read this little message, then maybe then you'd atleast understand where people like me are coming from. (You don't have to agree or believe me, just try to understand the fact someone else may not see it your way.)

I myself honestly don't believe Jesus has ever existed, because the figure of Jesus seems to be an exact copy of various other mythical and religious figures before him, if you look at ancient Egyptian religion, Persian religion, Indian religion.. Etc! Have you ever taken a good look at the Celtic cross for example? It existed *long* before Christianity, and it doesn't symbolize what most Christians think it symbolizes. If you keep this in mind, then how can I hate someone I don't believe existed?

Now, I've given some of you guys a hypothetical scenario about the possibility of a statue which symbolizes someone else's religion. Judging from the replies I've read here, I can safely state that some people who claim to be Christian said that they wouldn't ever tolerate someone else's religious symbols in the form of such a statue of epic proportions, which is exactly why they shouldn't expect me to cheer their symbols.

So that's why I feel it's just another sign of trying to dominate someone else and forcing your vieuws on someone else. (Because you wouldn't accept a pagan statue there, would you?) I'm aware of the fact that some of you may not see it that way, but please try to understand I don't see it your way. (I'm not a pagan either by the way.)

Of course, Poland is Poland, and if people in Poland think this is the way to go then this is the way to go for them. I'm just merely giving *my* opinion about it on the internet, and the last time I've checked we still had freedom of speech.

So get it straight Trener. I don't hate Jesus. Why would I? (I don't have problems with that statue either, but I have a problem with the fact it's the only symbol some people are willing to tolerate.)
smurf  38 | 1940  
9 Nov 2010 /  #115
I think it's beyond dumb
some egomaniac country priest desperately trying to get some headlines for himself.

why didn't he do the decent thing & instead raise money for the homeless or battered wives or drug addicts, jesus, even dog shelters are more needed in Poland than a statue of him...a man who had two dads (why wouldn't gay marriage work???) and thought his mother was a virgin.

Then again maybe it's just a way to make a few extra bob for himself and if he's doing that by tricking christians into handing over cash then fair play to him.

Also wouldn't it have looked far better if Jesus was wearing a crown of thorns instead of that ghastly gold thing on his head

Didn't some of the builders say that it'll fall over in a few years too?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Nov 2010 /  #116
Some may think the Jesus statue is dumb, some that it is a sign of stupidity to crudely hurt the religious feelings of others. Whatever the case, the structure has all the makings of a major tourist attraction, and tourism means investments, revenues, jobs and general development.

BTW, how much do you, Smuf, regularly donate to homeless and/or animal shelters or other charitable causes?
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Nov 2010 /  #117
It was built privately. I don't understand the outrage...
Olaf  6 | 955  
9 Nov 2010 /  #118
But instead of Stalin they put Jesus.

- So basically nothing changed except the first a guy was in uniform and with a stache, and now this guy is with full beard and in a robe.

This statue is actually a huge mechanical robot that will wreak havoc in downtown Tokyo but first Świebodzin.
The second coming is here and he's gonna kick arse!

Jesus is showing everyone with his left hand which way to drive to Gorzow Wielkopolski and where Swiebodzin is with his right. It's a reakin' huge road sign.

  • Is that what you meant, SeanBM?

  • Jesuszilla!
Ironside  50 | 12811  
9 Nov 2010 /  #119
So basically nothing changed except the first a guy was in uniform and with a stache, and now this guy is with full beard and in a robe.

If you don't understand the difference that you are truly an idiot!
Olaf  6 | 955  
9 Nov 2010 /  #120
No, no, no, I see the difference now!
That's why I put for you two real-life photos of Jesus in the act [above].
I shamely admit my mistake that Jesus H Christ looks nothing like Stalin. I glanced from afar. I hope you are satisfied now.



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