Nobody KNOWS what happens after we die. There is a fine line between knowledge and faith (that's probably why we have two separate words for them.)
That's what I mean, you use your faith as an excuse to tell other people what you don't even know yourself. It would be smarter (And wiser.) if you didn't.
I wouldn't call it "a claim". I simply expressed a prediction based on my faith (not "knowledge", as you were smart enough to notice.)
Well, I certainly hope you're smart enough to notice your own words then:
I merely stated that if you really want to see Lucifer, then eventually you will.
Of course, the ''you will'' part being presented as some kind of absolute certainty.
Yes, with idiotic jokes like...
Again, it is a lame joke, but it's also serious. I just mean to say that if you know everything about what happens after we die, then you should be able to tell me something about it, which you can't, which means you don't know anything I don't, which means you should keep your own insults to yourself aswell. I think you're smart enough to notice how you and some other people here constantly insult non-believers or non-religious people with the things being said, yet you guys act all surprised and semi-shocked when you get what you give.
It's your problem, not mine. Poland is an overwhelmingly Catholic country, and if Catholics in Poland want to build a huge statue of Jesus, on their own land, with their own money, then it's nothing to you.
Yes, and what I think about it will have to be your problem. Poland isn't as overwhelmingly Catholic as you make it out to be either, and you'll find that Poland will become less and less Catholic over time.
It is a statue of Jesus Christ. Now, please, tell us all about the countless crimes against humanity that Jesus commited.
You simply can't deny that this is your religious symbol. You can't deny that countless of crimes against humanity have been committed by the Catholic church either. So this statue, being your religious symbol definitely represents the hold that Catholicism still seems to have over Polish society, which I vieuw as a backwards, oppressive and fascist ideology. So that'll have to be your problem then, since I'm not the one who's erecting statues of Humanitarians everywhere.
I really couldn't be arsed answering for the hundreth time to the same old, primitive liberal propaganda about the Holy Inquisition, the terrible oppressive church etc. etc.
It's just too boring.
I find your Pope and his lecturing boring. Same old bullshit about how terrible all those non-believers are for not listening to him. Same old bullshit about how evil and wrong a society will become without their guidance. And you don't think that's belittling and insulting to adult people who can think for themselves?
Well, if 95% of people in my town were satanists and they were paying for it with their own money, then, although I wouldn't like it, I would accept it without moaning like
a b*itch.
I'm not talking about a majority here. It's not about the number of people who follow something, it's about the principle. I'm willing to bet that if I erected a statue of Lucifer in some village in Poland, someone would have my head for it. Yet such people are expecting others to accept everything they impose on everyone.
*of course, I would never live in such town, but I assume it was a purely hypothetical question :)*
Yes, it was hypothetical. It could've been a statue of Lenin aswell, or even some Pagan Goddess. It's about the principle of acceptance here.
You see - that's what I'm talking about. Primitive remarks like that, would certainly keep Catholics, who are less patient than I am, from talking to you in a civil manner :)
That's pretty hypocrite, because as you can see his remarks were equally primitive, and equally insulting, I just worded it stronger. But of course you've missed all of that, since he's telling you what you like to hear, and I'm not. (How convenient.)
There are those who try to offset their anti-Judaeo-Chrisitian animosity by invoking some of that hippy-exotic guru-maharajah-nirvana-karma BS which they tend to idealise.
See what I mean, Torq?
Well, in a sense he is, but let's not forget that he was also able to be harsh and austere to pharisees, for example, or merchants and money changers when he cleaned the Temple of them.
Do you know what a Pharisee is, Torq? A Pharisee is someone like Benedict. Jesus had problems with establishment and organized religion. Ironically, it was this organized religion which persecuted him, twisted his words, changed history and turned the real teachings of Jesus into a total mockery with their version of the truth.
You all seem to forget that he is also A GOD and a King of all creation, and no
matter how big a statue we build, it will never reflect the fullness of his glory.
Oh really? Then why did Jesus tell his own followers and his own disciples that he wasn't divine, and that no one should worship him or even kneel before him? He was a Rabbi, a teacher, a healer and a mysticist. Ask the Ebionites, or the Ebionim. They know best. Jesus was the leader of the Ebionim, and his brother took it upon himself to continue his teachings after he was crucified. (In secret, because the Church of Rome was persecuting the real Christians and murdering them for their beliefs.)
I am quite sure that God is pleased with their effort - just as I am pleased with my little daughter's effort when she draws a picture of me on a piece of paper and gives the drawing to me, because it means that she loves her daddy :)
Can you show me where Jesus has ever told anyone that he was King over all creation, or where he said that he was God? Jesus was a mortal man who died 2010 years ago, he wasn't crucified to save you or anyone else, he was crucified because he opposed the establishment of his time, and its organized religion. (Which transformed into the Vatican.)