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Filios1  8 | 1336  
15 Oct 2008 /  #61
Guys, I think we've awakened a sleeping German. Not good by any means.
Julekcg  1 | 35  
15 Oct 2008 /  #62
And still he wrote this under every of his famous books (for Poles to find):

Do you know that Poland in middle ages has been considered (wrongly) by many people Germanic country. Wends ... Vandals ... Vinland ... Poland etc.

Later it has changed but in middle ages there were different interpretations. Not only those presented by hitler and later by communists in movies about bad Germans and good Slavs.
shopgirl  6 | 928  
15 Oct 2008 /  #63
Maybe we can dig up what's left of the old chap and do a DNA test? would that make everyone happy? :)
15 Oct 2008 /  #64
i think that discussion is pointless here, because there is not a Pole who would agree with BB that Kopernik was German...
OP rychlik  41 | 372  
15 Oct 2008 /  #65
And we don't have to change our history books as our children know already that he was German.

And the rest of the world knows he's Polish.
Just save your breath.
Julekcg  1 | 35  
15 Oct 2008 /  #66
Maybe we can dig up what's left of the old chap and do a DNA test? would that make everyone happy? :)

Which DNA is German ?
shopgirl  6 | 928  
15 Oct 2008 /  #67
which would you prefer? :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
15 Oct 2008 /  #68
i think that discussion is pointless here, because there is not a Pole who would agree with BB that Kopernik was German...

The same as you will find Germans very surprised about this polish claim to german Kopernikus!

Maybe our two countries are just not "relaxed" enough yet to share him!

And the rest of the world knows he's Polish.
Just save your breath

Yup, that's why this uproar about the name of the space program, right? :):):)
Filios1  8 | 1336  
15 Oct 2008 /  #69
Interesting, because in 2005 they found a body which they believe is Copernicus' in the basement of a POLISH church. They are now trying to find some other deceased relatives of Copernicus to make sure that it is him, and then they can do a DNA test. Until then, neither Poles or Germans will give in.
shopgirl  6 | 928  
15 Oct 2008 /  #70
I think there are two sets of values here.

One is place of birth.

Two is family lineage.

For those who find place of birth to be the most important...he would be Polish.

For those who find lineage (ancestry) most important, he would be German.

Us poor Ammies.....that just leaves us with lineage!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
15 Oct 2008 /  #71
Interesting, because they recently found a body which they believe is Copernicus'. They are now trying to find some other deceased relatives of Copernicus to make sure that it is him, and then they can do a DNA test. Until then, neither Poles or Germans will give in.

No children!

But they could reconstruct his face (looks mightily german to me):


Does so not look slavic:

Julekcg  1 | 35  
15 Oct 2008 /  #72
Oh yes Soldier in Polish army fighting against Germans ...

But they could reconstruct his face (looks mightily German to me):

He has Polish nose.
15 Oct 2008 /  #73
For those who find place of birth to be the most important...he would be Polish.

For those who find lineage (ancestry) most important, he would be German.

do you mean that most of americans should call them selves Irish, scottish, german, polish etc? no, they are americans, they were born in the us... we are not talking about ancestry, but about one person, born in Poland and called a Pole...

his face (looks mightily german to me):

oh, cmon....
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
15 Oct 2008 /  #74
Oh yes Soldier in Polish army fighting against Germans ...

The Copernicus manuscript book states : [...] Nicolaus Copernicus Canon [in] Warmia, in Prussia Germaniae mathematician...(Nicolai Copernick Canonici Varmiensis, in Borussia Germaniae mathematici)

We can do this as often as you want....:)

oh, cmon....

No really....ur-germanic features!!!
Filios1  8 | 1336  
15 Oct 2008 /  #75
(looks mightily German to me):

You can do better than that can't you BB? After all your arguing, you leave it down to some facial reconstruction, which in any event, doesn't look entirely Germanic to me either. DNA will solve it.
shopgirl  6 | 928  
15 Oct 2008 /  #76
do you mean that most of Americans should call them selves Irish, Scottish, German, Polish etc?

We say "Irish-American", "German-American", "African-American"...etc.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
15 Oct 2008 /  #77
You can do better than that can't you BB? After all your arguing, you leave it down to some facial reconstruction, which in any event, doesn't look entirely Germanic to me either. DNA will solve it.

You should start to read better fili....no DNA testings to compare...he had no kids!

PS: And arguing makes not much sense anyway, it goes like that:

His mom was a german, Barbara Watzenrode....he is still polish

The town where he was born was german till shortly before his birth...See? Full blooded Pole!

His father was probably german too....hence the original name Kopperlingk....he is still polish

He visited german schools and wrote only in latin and german ...bah, still polish

He had a sig in every manuscript which proves his nationality...quack, he supported Poland against the T.O., that shows clearly he was Polish, basta!

There is no real discussion when all arguments are ignored!
shopgirl  6 | 928  
15 Oct 2008 /  #78
DNA will solve it.

Nah....everyone will still argue about the percentages in the "pie chart"! Mark my words! :)
15 Oct 2008 /  #79
We say "Irish-American", "German-American", "African-American"...etc.

hmmm... that's also interesting, because most of americans are not sure about their own ancestry...they have an idea, but it's not enough...
shopgirl  6 | 928  
15 Oct 2008 /  #80
I know my ancestry. We can trace my grandfather seven generations to Ulster, Ireland. :)
Filios1  8 | 1336  
15 Oct 2008 /  #81
he had no kids!

? But he certainly must have deceased relatives laying about somewhere, most likely in POLAND.
Julekcg  1 | 35  
15 Oct 2008 /  #82
BB look on his nose. Very Polish nose. Germans always point on Polish noses and say that we look like goose.

Look on Kopernik

He is very Polish.
15 Oct 2008 /  #83

Filios, you've got Polish ancestors, right? so do you consider yourself Polish or Greek?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
15 Oct 2008 /  #84
There is proof Copernicus was NOT German. He did not unconditionally obey, follow orders or march to the tune ordered by the supreme authorities - the Roman Catholic Church. That's what Germans do best. Well organized machines.

Copernicus called the Church's bluff and told them like it was with the Sun and Earth and things. In short, he rebelled, therefore he must have been Polish.
OP rychlik  41 | 372  
15 Oct 2008 /  #85
Yup, that's why this uproar about the name of the space program, right? :):):)

You're a little b**ch you know that? You say that we should share Kopernik. So why did the krauts have to Germanize it totally? I guess you can buy anything in politics. You guys always had more people in Germany to influence Europe. The Polish politicians wanted to keep it in the Latin name Copernicus so it'd be more international. But it was Germanized. This is why Poland will never be real friends with the krauts. There's no point. At least the rest of the world agrees with us. At least the history books won't be changed.

Does anyone know if this name has been officially changed or is the debate still ongoing??
shopgirl  6 | 928  
15 Oct 2008 /  #86
In short, he rebelled, therefore he must have been Polish.

That's really funny, ZD.
And I thought you were the god of facts.
*shakes head*
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
15 Oct 2008 /  #87
He is very Polish.

Nah...Slavs have roundish heads...not so long, quadratic skulls like germanics!

There is proof Copernicus was NOT German. He did not unconditionally obey, follow orders or march to the tune ordered by the supreme authorities - the Roman Catholic Church. That's what Germans do best. Well organized machines.

There is proof he WAS German: Exceptionally smart with scientific talent and precision skills...:)

(And I bet he was good at football too)
shopgirl  6 | 928  
15 Oct 2008 /  #88
quadratic skulls like germanics!

BB? Do you have a square head? :)
Filios1  8 | 1336  
15 Oct 2008 /  #89
He is very Polish

This indeed, does not really matter though, bracie. This area between Poland and Germany is so grey that a lot of interbreeding must have occured throughout the centuries. What would help would be a DNA test to test the percentages and find what shows up the most.

Filios, you've got Polish ancestors, right? so do you consider yourself Polish or Greek?

My father is Polish, my mother is Greek. I am proud of my Greek heritage, but I was born in Poland and was raised a Pole. So I consider myself Polish.

And I bet he was good at football too

This is a low blow. But what can you expect from a German?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
15 Oct 2008 /  #90
At least not Slavic, roundish! :)

At least the rest of the world agrees with us.

Which one?

This is a low blow. But what can you expect from a German?

Heeeey....what did I say??? :)