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Crow  154 | 9209  
15 Jul 2009 /  #631

But, what does it matter when it comes to his name?

you can like me or not but, to be civil, you have to respect my name

This is unbeatable logic.

and so, let us in advance annul his Polish ethnicity. To prevent evil


that Harryman realy hate Poles
15 Jul 2009 /  #632
What does it matter if Tesla was born in Austrian Empire?? Austro-Hungaria was ethnic mix

Tesla`s mother and father were ethnic Serbs. His father was Serbian Orthodox priest from long line of priests in family. Tesla was baptized under name Nikola Tesla. Tesla considered himself Serb.

What does it matter if Copernicus was born in Polish Empire?? Poland was ethnic mix.

Tesla`s mother and father were ethnic Germans. His uncle was a German Prince-Bishop from long line of Germans. Copernicus was baptized under name Nicolaus Copernicus. Copernicu considered himself German (based on the choice he made while studying at university).
scrappleton  - | 829  
15 Jul 2009 /  #633

Well, at least you didn't say some joke like "living in America he'd have no choice but to work around fat people".. or some snide bullsh.t I usually get on this site. Mostly from that pissbrain Torq.
southern  73 | 7059  
15 Jul 2009 /  #634
Copernicu considered himself German

How do you know?Did you ask him?
Crow  154 | 9209  
15 Jul 2009 /  #635
"living in America he'd have no choice but to work around fat people"..

i don`t have time to that type of jokes

my mind functioning on different scale, eventualy
scrappleton  - | 829  
15 Jul 2009 /  #636
my mind functioning on different scale

I hear ya man.
Crow  154 | 9209  
15 Jul 2009 /  #637
people, stop investigate and found name under which he was baptized. Consult Catholic Church data in place where he was born

then, if answer is Kopernik and if he during his life didn`t refuse to be Polish Kopernik and didn`t become something else, he must stay Kopernik. It even isn`t for discussion
15 Jul 2009 /  #638
then, if answer is Kopernik and if he during his life didn`t refuse to be Polish Kopernik and didn`t become something else, he must stay Kopernik.

He signed his name Coppernic. Copernicus is the Latinized version of the name.

i concluded that Harry has some complex. Probably his girl or wife cheated him with some boy/man of Slavic background

Fortunately my girlfriend has never been raped.
Crow  154 | 9209  
15 Jul 2009 /  #639
He signed his name Coppernic. Copernicus is the Latinized version of the name.

first- Coppernic is different from Copernicus.

Then, our signature telling not only how we want to write and pronounce our name but also, how we understand that it is most convinient for our name to be written, how would other people easiest understand our name.


i using Latin and Cirilic alphabet, as all Balkan Serbs. If i travel to Poland i using my Latin version of signature. In Russia, i using Cirilic version. I personaly feel same pasion for my Latin and Cirilic versions of signatures. Most convinient for me is to use some simbols of my family clan for my signature but use of simbols isn`t that usual in signatures.

Now, can you judge about my ethnicity on the base of my signature? I can understand Kopernik if he used Coppernic for signature.

Fortunately my girlfriend has never been raped.

stop watch BBC and CNN, while it isn`t too late. It can damage your brain
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Jul 2009 /  #640
Not with me, no. Gay bars and practices are not my scene :) Was Copernicus gay? ;)

Harry, you had it coming. You can't talk so loosely about raping and pillaging.
Crow  154 | 9209  
15 Jul 2009 /  #641
You can't talk so loosely about raping and pillaging

it was BBC`s and CNN`s echoes in his head

just one more victim of EU and NATO that harryman, poor creature
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
16 Jul 2009 /  #642
first- Coppernic is different from Copernicus.

Thats the same really, Coppernic has a Silesian etymology, later he changed it to Copernicus as did virtually all academics back then.

Now, can you judge about my ethnicity on the base of my signature? I can understand Kopernik if he used Coppernic for signature.

Crow there's nothing to judge, Kopernik had a German mother and a Polish father, the point of fact is however that he studied in a Polish university, got into astronomy because of his Polish professors and fought against Germany for the Polish king.

Personally i'd be satisfied with defining Kopernik as a Polish-German subject of the Polish king (a very loyal one to boot) but i dont trust Germans not to try and fully Germanize him like they did to so many Polish facts and locations, old Polish cities of Gdańsk and Poznań suddenly magically changed into Posen or Danzig so i prefer to stick to the slightly inacurate claim that he was Polish by simple fact that he himself chose the side of Poland when he lived.
Bialynia  - | 2  
16 Jul 2009 /  #643
about someone`s name. All is already said, written and decided

That's ridiculous, everyone was baptized in Latin during those years, so under your theory every person from that era should go by the Latin name.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
16 Jul 2009 /  #644
Can anyone, please, give me a list of things person got to have to belong to one or the other nationality? Greatly appreciated.
Crow  154 | 9209  
16 Jul 2009 /  #645
That's ridiculous, everyone was baptized in Latin during those years, so under your theory every person from that era should go by the Latin name.

during those years? Now you telling me that

this topic starting to upset me

Listen people. Kopernik was Polish and that`s how it is
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
16 Jul 2009 /  #646
Can anyone, please, give me a list of things person got to have to belong to one or the other nationality? Greatly appreciated

Just one thing; the person who chooses to fight for one country while opposing another belongs to the former.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
16 Jul 2009 /  #647
Just one thing; the person who chooses to fight for one country while opposing another belongs to the former.

Which is why the only succesfull Ukrainian commander in history - Chmielnicki (probably an ethnic Pole) is considered Ukrainian today regardless of his ethnicity :))))

(Dont be bitter Nathan)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
19 Jul 2009 /  #648
Erm...adhering to the Treaty I'm not commenting anything...just posting a link!


...Copernicus' haplotype places him almost certainly in haplogroup R1b. While this haplogroup has a very wide distribution, it is the case that it is one of the haplogroups which differentiate Germans from Poles.
So, while this is insufficient to ascertain the ethnic origin of Copernicus' patrilineage, it certainly suggests a higher probability for it being of ethnic German rather than Polish origin....

....still not saying anything!

...Analysis of the SNP position located in the HERC2 revealed the homozygous C/C genotype, which is the predominant genotype among blue or gray-eyed humans (≈80%).
This genotype is rare among people with dark iris coloration (8, 20, 21). The result indicates that Copernicus might have had light iris color, a finding that is rather unexpected given that he is usually shown in portraits with dark eyes.

Piorun  - | 655  
19 Jul 2009 /  #649
Although I have not signed that treaty I will also adhere to it. All I have to say is selective reading on your part BB.

"Although these results points towards the materials being from the same individual, there is a probability of random match", says Marie Allen.
The DNA material in this case was limited and also degraded. Therefore, a so called mitochondrial DNA test was performed, which yields a relatively low evidentiary value. This test is commonly used in criminal investigations, but as circumstantial evidence to strengthen the case.
"The DNA results should be looked at and evaluated in the light of, and together with the information from other disciplines as the archaeological, anthropological and facial reconstruction data", says Marie Allen.

Nathan  18 | 1349  
19 Jul 2009 /  #650
Just one thing; the person who chooses to fight for one country while opposing another belongs to the former.

Do you think that support of one nation against the other gives you an ethnicity? What about mercenaries or people having kids and themselves living in a foreign country, probably working and doing well, who fight to protect their kids and own well-being? Let say I live in Taiwan and fight China trying to suppress freedom of "my island". Does it make me Taiwanese? Because this is how you are called if you considered of that ethnicity. Of course, not. Ethnicity is much deeper than that, something you cannot choose. What about the Habsburg empire and many nations fighting on its side against other empires? Does it make everyone "habsburgian" or "austro-hungarian"?

Again my question remains open: "What makes you to be of a certain nationality?"
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
19 Jul 2009 /  #651
Do you think that support of one nation against the other gives you an ethnicity?

No but it sure as hell indicates your sympathies, at best Kopernik was part Polish at worst a polonized German loyal to Poland, for political reasons we should officially stick to him being fully Polish and ignore his mother and uncle but in all honesty his ethnicity will always be arguable.
southern  73 | 7059  
19 Jul 2009 /  #652

At least they don't want to polonize Hitler.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
20 Jul 2009 /  #653
Where is this Rychlik guy anyhow?

At least they don't want to polonize Hitler.

Wrong direction as Hitler wasn't an Ossi like Coppi but an Austrian....the Hungarians could have a go this time!

Ironside  50 | 12312  
20 Jul 2009 /  #654
Where is this Rychlik guy anyhow?

In Berlin ?
Nathan  18 | 1349  
20 Jul 2009 /  #655
at best Kopernik was part Polish

for political reasons we should officially stick to him being fully Polish and ignore his mother and uncle

shopgirl  6 | 928  
20 Jul 2009 /  #656
Copernicus was an ethnic German with Polish loyalties.
Why not be HAPPY about that?

I don't get why all the fuss.
Get a life people.
Crow  154 | 9209  
20 Jul 2009 /  #657
its clear

Germans as ethos are in general germanized Slavs. Somebody should tell to Germans that there is sense to claim that Kopernik was a German. Absolutely idiotic
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
20 Jul 2009 /  #658
Germans as ethos are in general germanized Slavs

Hmmm....how come the different haplogroups then?

And who did all this "germanizing" then in the first place if there weren't any Germans to begin with? :)
Daisy  3 | 1211  
20 Jul 2009 /  #659
And who did all this "germanizing" then in the first place if there weren't any Germans to begin with? :)

I was wondering that. If Germans aren't Germans, who Germanized them? If they were Germans, then they must have been Slavs, so why are Slavs Germanizing themselves? Or if it was someone else and they are Germans and not germanised slavs, they can't be Germans, because if they were they would be Slavs not Germans, if so what are they now if they are not Germans anymore and who deGermanised them?

*I'm off to take a long lie down*
20 Jul 2009 /  #660
at best Kopernik was part Polish

Not at all! Kopernik was 100% Polish.

Unfortunately, we are talking about a man named Nicolaus Copernic who later started to use the name Copernicus. Whoever Mikołaj Kopernik was, he was not the first astronomer to formulate a comprehensive heliocentric cosmology.

Germans as ethos are in general germanized Slavs. Somebody should tell to Germans that there is sense to claim that Kopernik was a German.

No, you mean that Germans are humanised proto-Slavs. Proto-slavs are commonly referred to as Neanderthal man. Germans are descended from the successful interbreeding of Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens (i.e. Homo Sapiens Sapiens). The unsuccessful

offspring of the breedins still exist today: they are called Serbs.