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Sokrates  8 | 3335  
14 Jul 2009 /  #571
Johann Haller established a printing press in the city[16] after Kasper Straube had printed the Calendarium Cracoviense, the first work printed in Poland, in 1473.[17][18]

Kudos to them, Germans are clever people which is why we invited them but what does it have to do with there being a "lot" of Germans? Like i said Kraków was at the time the heart of central and eastern Europe, people went there to realise there "American dream" so to speak so you'll find many German, Dutch, French, Russian etc ventures there, thats not an indication of anything but how wealthy and attractive the city was at the time.

THAT is a killer argument

Not really no, as far as i know Watzenrode oversaw everything associated with his enrollment details (since he paid for it all) and since Koperniks uncle was German he signed in young Kopernik as German, hardly an argument.

PS: A German brings printing to Poland...any comments on that? :):):)

Its not like we couldnt just buy the press so again kudos to him but its no Prometheus bringing fire, no one denies Gerries were a clever bunch and when not busy beating the shite of each other we made good music together but Kopernik specifically deserves being defended as a Pole.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
14 Jul 2009 /  #572
Kudos to them, Germans are clever people which i

Dang! I prepared already for another nationalist-fight about him too...

but Kopernik specifically deserves being defended as a Pole.

Well...it reminds be about Don Quichotte but don't let it stop you!

Its not like we couldnt just buy the press so again kudos to him but its no Prometheus bringing fire.

Well...in a way it was.

It was Johannes Gutenberg (no...not another Silesian) who developed the printing press in 1439.
Without his invention there wouldn't had been the possibility to just "buy a press"....

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
14 Jul 2009 /  #573
Well...it reminds be about Don Quichotte but don't let it stop you!

Given that so many important dictonaries and encyclopedias list him as a Pole, Don Quichotte owns those windmills pretty badly.

It was Johannes Gutenberg (no...not another Silesian) who developed the printing press.
Without his work there wouldn't had been the possibility to just "buy a press"....

The idea of a press was around for quite some time, Guttenberg was the first to perfect it and commercialize it but the technology was hovering around for quite some time and since the books and documents were in increased demand there's a pretty safe bet that if he did not someone would still come up with it in that period.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
14 Jul 2009 /  #574
Yeah...Sokrates...probably some Pole would had done it (or was about to do it)!
14 Jul 2009 /  #575
his family resided in Kraków for at least 3 generations

Got any sources to back that claim? I very very much doubt you have, so you'll just ignore this post.

he spoke and wrote Polish

A claim you can support only saying he wrote Polish names....

Germans at their peak made up 6% of the population, thats not a "lot".

No, it isn't. However, the peak German population of Krakow was actually 36%

You are applying 21st century code to the 16th century. Too much sun?

Nope, just too much laughter at Poles desperately trying to claim a person as one of their own when they wouldn't give him a passport if he were born today. Copernicus was a European!
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
14 Jul 2009 /  #576
Yeah...Sokrates...probably some Pole would had done it (or was about to do it)!

Actually some Danish and Belgian printers were about to do it, the idea was pretty advanced in France too, there's enough German inventions that you can lean on but the press was just about perfecting and commercializing existing technologies.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
14 Jul 2009 /  #577
there's enough German inventions that you can lean on but the press was just about perfecting and commercializing existing technologies.

You know...I will take the encyclopedias praising the german Gutenberg as inventor of european printing press, thank you very much! :)

PS: Just for interest, who else was about to develop a printing press besides Gutenberg?
Nathan  18 | 1349  
14 Jul 2009 /  #578
...In 1497 Nicolaus was enrolled in the University of Bologna as of German nationality and a student in canon law
THAT is a killer argument

It definately is. He considered himself as such then he must be regarded as such. Nice coup de grace in Sokrates' crimpled body giving off the last breath in this argument :) His spirit will still be able to fight in the world of internet, though, supplying more unbased arguments ;(
14 Jul 2009 /  #579
Anyway, that Rychlik fellow, who started this discussion should get a reward
for naming the thread...


...I don't know if you agree, but for me it's a feckin legend of a thread name LOL

was enrolled in the University of Bologna as of German nationality


He enrolled as a German-speakingstudent, because there weren't
any Polish speaking group available to join.

"Like other German-speaking Polish students of law in Bologna Copernicus (...)"
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
14 Jul 2009 /  #580
I would expect nothing less from gutsy Sokrates! He will fight on! Hey Torqi...*waves*...I will hang around a bit longer...
14 Jul 2009 /  #581
I will hang around a bit longer...

By all means do hang around for as long as you want, BB
(just take it easy with posting after drinking too much beer ;)).
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
14 Jul 2009 /  #582

Your link proves me right (didn't you read it):

"Eligibility for admission to this German Nation was based on language not geography. In other words a potential member's home did not have to lie within the boundaries of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation but German had to be his Muttersprache! (Mother tongue)"

all those whose native language is German even if
they may live elsewhere....shall be deemed and understood to be the Association of the GERMAN NATION!(emphasis mine)

As was the case with the Koppernighs!
Hence Kopernikus enlisted as of german nationality!

Thank you very much! :)
14 Jul 2009 /  #583
Your link proves me right:

Not really. It only says that it was his first language, to which
there seems to be enough evidence.

Poland had citizens who were German-speaking, Polish-speaking,
Russian-speaking and speakers of many other languages. Ours
was a great kingdom and the subjects of our king praised him
in many languages - also German.

Kopernik is one of the most famous German-speaking Poles - that's true.

all those whose native language is German even if
they may live elsewhere....shall me deemed and understood of the GERMAN NATION!

Oh, come on. Don't be ridiculous. "German nation" was the name for
the group of German-speaking students and you know that. *rolls eyes*
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
14 Jul 2009 /  #584
Not really. It only says that it was his first language, to which
there seems to be enough evidence.

What is your mother tongue Torqi? English or Polish?
Everybody knows the difference, don't play the fool here...

Kopernik is one of the most famous German-speaking Poles - that's true.

I told you we should share him...it's Poles who don't like to!

Oh, come on. Don't be ridiculous. "German nation" was the name for
the group of German-speaking students and you know that. *rolls eyes*

Well...it knocks down the polish-heritage-Kopernik myth quite well!
Why should a proud Pole enlist in the german nation even only in a university???:)

On the other hand it's proof that there was nothing to "germanize" about Kopernikus, he was a German!
On the other hand some Poles wish so hard to "polonize" him, it's scary...
14 Jul 2009 /  #585
Why should a proud Pole enlist in the german nation even only in a university???:)

It's a question nearly as baffling as this one: why do Poles think that they have any say in the naming of a project which they aren't paying so much as a single grosze towards?!
14 Jul 2009 /  #586
Why should a proud Pole enlist in the german nation???:)

Because there wasn't a Polish nation at that University, so he couldn't join it.
In such case, he chose to join the German nation as he was German-speaking.

Did you really miss that part?

Like other German-speaking Polish students of law in Bologna Copernicus

What is your mother tongue Torqi? English or Polish?

Ponglish ;)

Everybody knows the difference, don't play the fool here...

The difference between what? As I said...

Poland had citizens who were German-speaking, Polish-speaking,
Russian-speaking and speakers of many other languages. Ours
was a great kingdom and the subjects of our king praised him
in many languages - also German.

I told you we should share him...it's Poles who don't like to!

I see no reason why we shouldn't share him and I said that in many of my
previous posts which weren't the answer to your attempts to forcibly prove
that he was a German.

If you want to argue if we should share him or not, you have to find someone
else to argue about it, because I agree with you.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
14 Jul 2009 /  #587
Because there wasn't a Polish nation at that University, so he couldn't join it.

There was nothing else he could have joined? :)
Where were all those bright, polish heads???

He surely wasn't "forced" to join a university in Italy as a German...now you are getting ridiculous! :(

Curie for example spoke surely russian and french...should we call her now Russian?
Does her mother tongue and her heritage count for nothing too?

What about Chopin? Half french, who worked and lived for a big part of his live in Paris and spoke french!
Shouldn't you better scratch him from your polish list too once his heritage and mother tongue doesn't count for anything?

If you want to argue if we should share him or not, you have to find someone
else to argue about it, because I agree with you.

I'm doing exactly that...be it with 1Jola, PlasticPole or Sokrates, all Poles who hate the idea of Kopernikus being a treasure of both our nations...better stay out of these discussions if you don't like what you read!
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
14 Jul 2009 /  #588
Bratwurst Boy:
"all those whose native language is German even if
they may live elsewhere....shall me deemed and understood of the GERMAN NATION!"

Didn't someone in the Third Reich say the same thing sometime in the 1930's?

Allright, I'll split Copernicus up He was 3/4 Polish and 1/4 Prussian.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
14 Jul 2009 /  #589
Allright, I'll split Copernicus up He was 3/4 Polish and 1/4 Prussian.

Where come the 3/4 polish from?

I would agree to a 50/50 chance for his father having some polish connection if I'm generous and only because there is no definite proof for either side, but that's about it!

Make it 3/4 German and I could agree...:)
14 Jul 2009 /  #590
I would agree to a 50/50 (...)but that's about it!

YES! Finally!

Finally the agreement was reached and both sides were happy to sign the historical
document that could only be compared to the not-yet-reached Israeli-Palestinian

This is truly a historical moment!

*Torq takes the pen and signs the agreement for the Polish side waiting for other members
of Polish delegation to put their signatures under it and passing the pen to BB to sign it
for the German side and finally, officially, put an end to this terrible conflict*

Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
14 Jul 2009 /  #591
*BB cleares his throat and with a shaking hand he takes the pen from his polish counterpart and after reading the treaty again with a frown he nods determined to himself and with a suddenly strong and quiet hand sets his name under the agreement which will open a bright and peaceful future for all threads (and their children) on PF*

Where is the pub?
Piorun  - | 655  
14 Jul 2009 /  #592
Do you have any proof at all that Copernicus could speak Polish?

Yes as a matter of fact there was a document that did just that and well documented, taken out of Poland during the Deluge and kept in the archives of Sweden. It was a correspondence by Kopernik to Crocows governing council about financial con perpetrated by Hohenzollers (Germans and Jews) which mysteriously disappeared during the nineteenth century while in Prussian possession .

The con I'm speaking of was the counterfeiting of Polish currency by the Germans and put into circulation by the Jews, which over the years have undermined the value of the currency and deeply affected the trade especially on the Vistula river between the inland trading posts and Baltic sea port. Because of this con it was necessary to reform Polish currency. It was Kopernik that championed this cause when he wrote “ Fałszywy Pieniądz Wypiera Prawdziwy z Obiegu”. Finally this task was assigned to, devised by, planed and implemented by Kopernik. Another pioneering work done by Kopernik before the birth of Thomas Gresham, who is known for raising the value of the pound sterling in Britain and credited with many of the modern economic theories but whose work is all based on Koperniks pioneering work which was published in the book “ Monetae cudende ratio,” in 1526. (Oh No! It's in Latin, Kopernik must have been Roman.) So here, once again we deal with British taking credit for something they did not come up on their own, just like braking of the enigma code for which you've been taking credit for so many years ah Harry. Hell based on that you might as well call him British or perhaps even Jewish since he dealt with finances and as we all know banking institutions are all in Jewish hands.

BTW: History repeats itself yet again, this time on PF. Another con perpetrated by Bratwurst Boy and Harry (German and a Jew).
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
14 Jul 2009 /  #593
*takes new treaty and slaps Piorun with it over his head*
14 Jul 2009 /  #594
*Torq takes the pen and signs the agreement for the Polish side waiting for other members
of Polish delegation to put their signatures under it and passing the pen to BB to sign it
for the German side and finally, officially, put an end to this terrible conflict*

*BB cleares his throat and with a shaking hand he takes the pen and after reading the treaty again he nods to himself and with a suddenly strong and quiet hand sets his name under the agreement which will open a bright and peaceful future for all threads (and their children) on PF*

Gentlemen, we're waiting for your signatures.

When you're finished with signing the agreement you can join BB and me in the pub.

*takes new treaty and slaps Piorun with it over his head*

LOL :)))
1jola  14 | 1875  
14 Jul 2009 /  #595
Well...we have Euros now and I think you will lose his banknote too once you join the Euro....

It's a phased out note which I regret.

This one I don't: Much better this way:


PS: A German brings printing to Poland...any comments on that?

Thank you, although there is some doubt about Guttenbergski also :)
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
14 Jul 2009 /  #596
just like braking of the enigma code for which you've been taking credit for so many years ah Harry

Enigma wouldnt have been broken without Polish mathematicians that is true ( sorry I dont know their names), equally wouldn't have been broken without the British Navy diver (sorry dont know name either!) who dived down and retrieved codepapers from sunken German ship. Equally wouldnt have been broken without ppl working at Bletchley Park.

I think it's called teamwork?
I haven't seen the movie Enigma, apparently in this movie, history has been rewritten once more, and it was an AMERICAN who broke enigma.!!!

So no surprises there...:)

Sorry was this off topic?
I think it's established that Copernicus was Polish.....
14 Jul 2009 /  #597
there was a document that did just that and well documented

Or so you claim. As the document conveniently no longer exists, you can make any claim about it which you want!

as we all know banking institutions are all in Jewish hands.

Another problem with declaring Copernicus Polish: if he was Polish, there would be a 99.9887% chance that he would be anti-semitic (as posters here prove). But there is no proof that he was anti-semitic.

When you're finished with signing the agreement you can join BB and me in the pub.

I've signed. Make mine a real beer (i.e. one with only four ingredients!)
1jola  14 | 1875  
14 Jul 2009 /  #598
Another problem with declaring Copernicus Polish: if he was Polish, there would be a 99.9887% chance that he would be anti-semitic (as posters here prove). But there is no proof that he was anti-semitic.

Like the logic. To suggest Germans ever being anti-Semitic is propostrous. lol
14 Jul 2009 /  #599
And now we get to the real logic. Copernicus was involved with coin-reform. As we all know financial institutions are all in Jewish hands and there's no way that they'd let a gentile get involved. So clearly Copernicus must have been a Jew. There was a document that did just that and well documented, taken out of Poland during the Deluge and kept in the archives of Sweden. It was a correspondence by Copernicus to his rabbi about financial con perpetrated by Hohenzollers (Germans and Jews) which mysteriously disappeared during the nineteenth century while in Prussian possession .
Piorun  - | 655  
14 Jul 2009 /  #600
you can make any claim about it which you want!

As you do, but in this case you can verify it by doing little research on your own.

Another problem with declaring Copernicus Polish: if he was Polish, there would be a 99.9887% chance that he would be anti-semitic (as posters here prove). But there is no proof that he was anti-semitic.

He claimed it was Jewish traders that put counterfeit currency into circulation. According to you anything said that negatively reflects upon Jews is anti-semitic, so there.