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13 Jul 2009 /  #511
Crow - that's for you...

...with best wishes from Poland :)
Crow  154 | 9209  
13 Jul 2009 /  #512
Crow - that's for you...

thank you brate

Pan Tadeusz was good
13 Jul 2009 /  #513
you maybe suggests that after all there is no need that Polish history and nation even exist??

I am stating very plainly that if Poland wants to have any say in the naming of a program, Poland should contribute to the funding of the program.

Although I will also say that there is no need for you to even exist.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
13 Jul 2009 /  #514
Nah...it's enough if they can throw a tantrum against some Germans.
What do they need more? That and some vodka it is...
What would they do without the Germans? :):):)
13 Jul 2009 /  #515
What would they do without the Germans? :)

What would we do without Germans?

We wouldn't have our country partitioned (Prussia was the main driving
force behind partitions), we wouldn't have 6 million of our citizens
slaughtered by nazi animals - couple of things spring to mind.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
13 Jul 2009 /  #516
Yeah...you would find someone else to blame for all your warts!
Man, I so feel with Nathan now!

With Poland unable to effectively defend itself, and with foreign troops already inside the country, the Polish parliament (Sejm) ratified the partition in 1773 during the Partition Sejm convened by the three powers.


...The second partition occurred in the aftermath of the War in Defense of the Constitution and the Targowica Confederation of 1792 and was carried out by the Russian Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia. It was ratified by the Polish parliament (Sejm) in 1793 (see the Grodno Sejm).


...The partitioning powers, seeing the increasing unrest in the remaining Commonwealth, decided to solve the problem by erasing any independent Polish state from the map. On 24 October 1795 their representatives signed a treaty, dividing the remaining territories of the Commonwealth between their three countries.

Where was Prussia "the driving force"???
And you yourself ratified that...

Oh and you yourself said the Habsburg Empire wasn't that bad.
Well...it was the war they lost what made Poland independent again and what heaped Hitler to power in the end.
Nothing to do with Poland and the border conflicts of course (sarcasm).
13 Jul 2009 /  #517
Yeah...you would find someone else to blame for all your warts!

See - you're talking about something that would happen maybe but didn't actually
happen and I don't know if it would happen or wouldn't happen. Would, would, would.

You're talking about "woulds" and I'm talking about concrete, substantial facts
from history: 123 years of partitions, 6 million citizens murdered, cities razed
to the ground etc. etc. What the f*uck do you expect for that? A medal?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
13 Jul 2009 /  #518
Would, would, would.

No..I see that since I came to PF...it's never the saintly Poles who could do something wrong. You are always brave and of course always right.

It's always the b*astards around the poor, holy Poles who do everything wrong....(or they are far away countries)

That is no "would", but a fact.
You really should take a deep, long look at your own history again.
But maybe it is to much asked...

123 years of partitions, 6 million citizens murdered, cities razed
to the ground etc. etc. What the f*uck do you expect for that? A medal?

You know...if you would had stayed partitioned Europe would had been much better off, no war, no Hitler!
Nobody would had missed you!

Oh and for your "eternal friendship"...without your serbian "brothers" and their sparking of WW1 (from which the Poles profited so much) Hungary too would still held all his former territories and not grieve about lost lands.

So much for your "friendship". Alone this thought is mindboggling!
13 Jul 2009 /  #519
You really should take a deep, long look at your own history again.


I don't feel like going through all this sh*it all over again.

However, I would like to point out that whatever crimes Poles might have commited
in the past (and I know we did) they are dwarfed by the monstrosity of German
atrocities and that, my friend, is a fact.

if you would had stayed partitioned Europe would had
been much better off, no war, no Hitler! Nobody would had missed you!

I hope it stays here for everyone to read. For a long time...
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
13 Jul 2009 /  #520
I don't feel like going through all this sh*it all over again.

Yeah...that's the reason I'm leaving PF.
Poles hate it if foreigners tell them the truth and dare to destroy all their nice little stories they tell themselves to make themselves look so nice and shiny....

One can throw facts and links and everything...it's to though...they just don't have the guts to admit anything!

Be glad the Germans exist so you always have a convenient enemy you can blame for all what ever will befall you! (Us or the Russians...or both)

I would like to point out that whatever crimes Poles might have commited
in the past (and I know we did) they are dwarfed by the monstrosity of German
atrocities and that, my friend, is a fact.

Poland IS dwarfed by Germany, period!

I hope it stays here for everyone to read. For a long time...

Yeah....about time one speaks out what so many non-Poles think!


PS: But please stop wondering why Europe or anybody else doesn't quite share this wonderful image Poles have from themselves...
13 Jul 2009 /  #521
that's the reason I'm leaving PF

I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.


Bye, bye.

ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
13 Jul 2009 /  #522
I am stating very plainly that if Poland wants to have any say in the naming of a program, Poland should contribute to the funding of the program.

Surprise, surprise, what do you know? When there's no other argument to be made it's somehow always about money. You're Jewish after all and can't help yourself, it suits you fine as long it's against Poles or Poland. Hypocrites and vengeful people never seize to amaze me.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
13 Jul 2009 /  #523
I hope it stays here for everyone to read. For a long time...

PS: It would had been better for your "eternal friend" Hungary too...
No WWI, no Treaty, no destruction of the prussian and austrian Empires, no Poland, no losses for Hungary...
Another vodka for your serbian brothers?

One for the way!
"Eternal friendship" my ass..
13 Jul 2009 /  #524
No Treaty, no Poland, no losses for Hungary...

I thought you said you were leaving?

Don't embarass yourself further...
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
13 Jul 2009 /  #525
Don't embarass yourself further...

Why don't you just hold your ears and trample with your feet?
A well used strategy for Poles if they don't like what they hear...

No wonder Hungary allied itself again and again with Germany....and they will do so again. We share the same fate!

Better drink another one with the crazy Crow...you fit well with each other!
13 Jul 2009 /  #526

This is getting really embarassing...
13 Jul 2009 /  #527
Surprise, surprise, what do you know? When there's no other argument to be made it's somehow always about money.

Perhaps you could explain why Poland should have any say in the naming of a program to which it contributes no funding at all?

You're Jewish after all and can't help yourself, it suits you fine as long it's against Poles or Poland.

Interesting that you think anybody who says anything about Poland which is not 100% positive must be Jewish.

Hypocrites and vengeful people never seize to amaze me.

You really are a complete moron, aren't you?
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
13 Jul 2009 /  #528
Bratwurst Boy

Funny, you described your own behavior on this forum to a tee in your last couple of replies.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
13 Jul 2009 /  #529
Interesting that you think anybody who says anything about Poland which is not 100% positive must be Jewish.

Or German....or Russian....or Ukrainian...or...

Funny, you described your own behavior on this forum to a tee in your last couple of replies.

Oh really? Do we know each other? Did we share a beer already? Who are you? Just another polish arsehole?
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
13 Jul 2009 /  #530
Did we share a beer already

No but I'll buy you one in virtual bar if you're thirsty?
13 Jul 2009 /  #531
Not a good idea. He's already had one too many today by the look of things.
His last posts are probably just beer talking - don't hold it against him, he's
usually a decent fellow.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
13 Jul 2009 /  #532

German communications satellite Kopernikus:
(Once the Poles have one too they can call it what they want)



don't hold it against him, he's
usually a decent fellow.

Yes, I am and I better leave now...
But sometimes you Poles are so frustrating!

*goes for beer*
13 Jul 2009 /  #533
Once the Poles have one too they can call it what they want

Oh, we would have had one long time ago if we had invaded and plundered half
of Europe and after the war as a reward received huge American fundings to rebuild
our economy.

No worries, we'll get some and when we do I think we should call them: Israel, Polonia,
Rossija to honour all those nations that Germans tried to exterminate or enslave.

*goes for beer*

I would advise against that!

It's enough to post on a Polish forum to turn into an alcoholic ;)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
13 Jul 2009 /  #534
Oh, we would have one long time ago if we invaded and plundered half of Europe
and after the war as a reward received huge American fundings to rebuild our

Well...at least the Germans (those who received funds) build up a friendship with Americans (the anti-amis lefties don't count).
Poland will get more support from Germany than Germany ever received from the US but it doesn't stop Poles from shooting against Germany whenever it is convenient.

You will call a polish satellite Russia??? Now that I want to see...

Oh and yesterday I read Israel will buy again lots of
new german weapon systems.
It seems without german help their existence would be much more endangered now than it is anyhow..

And for Polonia:


...The second largest Polonia in the world, and the largest in Europe, is the Polish German community. As many as three million people living in Germany may be of Polish descent, although the vast majority of these identify themselves as Germans. The main Polonia organization is Kongres Polonii Niemieckiej / Polnischer Kongress in Deutschland. Polish surnames are very common in Germany...

Not so successfull this extermination...


You seem to like it here nonetheless!
13 Jul 2009 /  #535
the anti-amis lefties don't count

Why? Are they not German?

Poland will get more support from Germany than
Germany ever received from the US

Highly debatable to say the least...

You will call a polish satellite Russia??? Now that I want to see...

We will - just to prove you wrong, BB :)

Anyway - don't drink any more beer today - you don't have the head for it, mate ;)

You seem to like it here nonetheless!

I've never been to Germany - cross my heart, but I've heard that Polish minority
doesn't have its representation in German parliament (and much smaller German
minority in Poland does have its representation in Polish parliament guaranteed).
Ironside  50 | 12314  
13 Jul 2009 /  #536
Yeah...that's the reason I'm leaving PF.

Hey stay ......don't be a babe, you made some pretty provocative stuff and you shouldn't be surprised by the responses:)

You know...if you would had stayed partitioned Europe would had been much better off, no war, no Hitler!

Well, as a matter of fact it united German state started both world wars :)
Don't think you mistake cause and effect ?Aufwachen BB!!!

Poles hate it if foreigners tell them the truth and dare to destroy all their nice little stories they tell themselves to make themselves look so nice and shiny....

lets talk about those stories then BB bring it on .....
I think that Poles are the last prone to make those stories as every country have them .....and Germans only after last war stopped force feeding German people with rubbish stories made up by bureaucrats and university dreamers about greatness destiny and German race(utter rubbish) Blut und die Nation....

And now you have other fetish how you are good at economy, building things and how you are liberal and peaceful.
So, maybe BB every nation need some "stories" to feel good about common national psyche - to point out a finger at one is a very humane and a very wrong at the same time!

It make you BB either a simpleton, hypocrite or a lier about your true identity :)
You can choose which but don't please stay on PF your contribution is quite often the most entertaining :)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
13 Jul 2009 /  #537
Why? Are they not German?


Highly debatable to say the least...


Germany got 1448 Mill Dollars

...The transfer framework for the largest support ever from EU Funds to member states is being finalized this fall. More than € 347 billion will soon be available to the least developed EU member states for 2007-2013.

Poland alone will receive € 67 billion.

That's a tiny, easy bit more, don't you think...

Well, as a matter of fact it united German state started both world wars :)
Don't think you mistake cause and effect ?Aufwachen BB!!!

WWI was started by a serbian who decided to kill the austrian archduke.
Germany honored an alliance with Austria.
It was a war all empires were geared up for, since the political landscape in Europe waited to be shaped anew.

You see what I mean with writing a history either black or white?
You can pin every polish wart on a German if you want to...but it just wouldn't be right.

I've never been to Germany - cross my heart, but I've heard that Polish minority
doesn't have its representation in German parliament (and much smaller German
minority in Poland does have its representation in Polish parliament guaranteed).

But we have lot's of -ski's everywhere in every position! :)
Doesn't that count for nothing???
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2115  
13 Jul 2009 /  #538
Germany honored an alliance with Austria.

I would rather say allmost forced Austria-Hungary to declare war the Kaizer Wilhelm II put some pressure you know
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
13 Jul 2009 /  #539
Oh pleeaaaase...now Germany forced Austria???

The immediate or proximate cause of war was the assassination on 28 June 1914 of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian nationalist.

Yes, Germany could have said no to the alliance...retract...betray an ally...we chose not to.
Not much good did it bring us!

So, maybe BB every nation need some "stories" to feel good about common national psyche - to point out a finger at one is a very humane and a very wrong at the same time!

Yeah..maybe you are right....but if it is constantly used to shoot against Germans and Germany I as a German feel p*issed off...slowly but surely...

Defining a nation through an enemy is always a recipe for desaster...
13 Jul 2009 /  #540
That's a tiny, easy bit more, don't you think...

Well, it is a lot of money - I'm not complaining but you have to look at things
in a right perspective. That 1.5 billion you got after the war was worth much
more then than it is today and that 67 billion euro that Poland will receive in
a space of 7 years is only about 10% of our annual GDP.

So every year until 2013 EU will increase our GDP by 1.4% which is OK, and
we're grateful for that, but let's not overestimate that money either. Especially,
that cost of high taxes (like VAT limits imposed on us by EU) and adjustment to
European laws and regulations might as well cost us more than that 1.4%

But we have lot's of -ski's everywhere in every position! :)

You mention football again and we're not pals anymore! :)