But the truly remarkeable thing about the Greeks
What Greeks? They were state-cities with different gods, civilization and cultures, the only thing they had in common was language, myths about Hellenic desist to be a chosen people surrounded by barbarians.
Philosophy was just a by product of Athens? Despised by Spartan and Thebans.
Greeks never had been a nation, never formed a one country, that idea has been imposed on the by their Romans conquerors. In the end they have been assimilated by the Roman empire and believed themselves Romans until Turks subdue them for 600 years. In 19th century they raised as a new nation that claimed to be successors of the ancient Greeks.
Believing is half of a success, but they have nothing or very little in common with ancient Greeks.
a deep impact on the philosophical stage.
Germens had plethora of philosophers and somehow that didn't help them to understand what is right and what is wrong. A Major fail.
Anyway , there is no Slavic world. There is Poland and Russia and some insigficnat other countries of Slavic origin.
Russia is not Europe adeoan't even belong to European civilization. Poland is a branch of the western civilization whereas Germany is more akin to byzantine culture than to anything else.