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Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar

Marino_Kat  1 | 113  
4 Mar 2018 /  #361

No, they tried settle in northern greece and emperor Maurikios removed their existance.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
4 Mar 2018 /  #362
Wow you have your own Stalin/Hitler, do you have a special day to celebrate this.

Can you get back to the topic.

Sorry mod im done with this idiot, he's boring me now.
Crow  154 | 9482  
4 Mar 2018 /  #363
Its Poland thats so scared of Russia that it should consider its behavior.

Still joking with Poles, I see.

You Greeks wouldn`t even exist today if Slavs didn`t save you from Turks. Serbians, Poles and Russians.

What you think what are chance that these days, after Greek molesting of tiny Slavic state of Macedonia, Slavs move a finger when Turks move against you. Not a chance man. Let them eat you. You are all the same and you deserve each others
Marino_Kat  1 | 113  
4 Mar 2018 /  #364
Maurikios defended our land against invaders. It were different times then.
Crow  154 | 9482  
4 Mar 2018 /  #365
Then you Greeks, same as Italians, Germans and other western Europeans and Albanians (Shquiptars), deny Slavic European antique past and contribution to global heritage. You all justifies reduction of Slavs. Roots of anti-Slavic fascism and Nazism are truly deep.

Interesting that Jews admits our antiquity. Not only them.

Maurikios defended our land against invaders. It were different times then.

Considering that Slavs were/are natives of Europe, it would mean that Greeks and later Romans too, and some others, committed genocide on Slavs.

That`s how we coming to the topic of this thread. How to reconcile in a lie? Let Germans first admit Slavic antiquity and apologize for previous genocide.
Marino_Kat  1 | 113  
5 Mar 2018 /  #366
Ha ha what is Slavic antiquity?

Do you admit german antiquity? Greek antiquity and iberian antiquity as well?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
5 Mar 2018 /  #367
And this obsession of antiquity comes out of what in you?

I should remind you that Greek antiquity comprised the Spartans who were famous for throwing newly-born babies judged unfit for fighting as adults off the rocks into the sea. Ha ha ha, that was your Greek antiquity!
mafketis  38 | 11020  
5 Mar 2018 /  #368
Spartans who were famous for

sodomy, dont' forget the sodomy

old joke: How do separate the men from the boys in Greece?

answer: With a crowbar!
Tacitus  2 | 1270  
5 Mar 2018 /  #369
You'll find that all people practiced customs that we know think of as deplorable back then. But the truly remarkeable thing about the Greeks is that they were regardless able to pass on their profound philosophical teachings to posterity, a truly impressive achievement.

If their is one obvious failing in the Slavic world, it is that they never left a deep impact on the philosophical stage.
Crow  154 | 9482  
5 Mar 2018 /  #370
I should remind you that Greek antiquity comprised the Spartans who were

One correction here. Spartans were not Greeks. Exposed to Hellenism as cultural movement but, not ethnic Greeks. They more often conflicted with Greeks then cooperated. Still, for being in conflict with Athens, they very early become target of propaganda in a same way as Celts and Carthaginians were target of Roman propaganda. Take records on Spartans with doze of reserve. History yet to give its answers here.

So, Spartans aren`t good example in this context. Not for few reasons.

Anyway, by etymology of Spartan name linguistic connects them with Sarmatian name. Plus, they were very involved with Thracians. So, speaking of Spartans we could very possible speaking of old Slavs.
Marino_Kat  1 | 113  
5 Mar 2018 /  #371

And? Whats your problem with that? Why should a society waste rescources to raise a kid unfit to benefit the society?

Spartans were Greeks. You talk bullshit again. Im from the sparta region. Im greek. Spartans spoke greek, followed greek religion and philosophy

Greeks were many city states and small kingdoms. All rivals to each other.

Sparta, Thebes. Macedonia, Athens, Troy justbto name a few. The constant rivalities only were halted during the olympic games.
Crow  154 | 9482  
5 Mar 2018 /  #372
Spartans were Greeks. You talk bullshit again. Im from the sparta region. Im greek. Spartans spoke greek, followed greek religion and philosophy

I respect your choice to be Greek. I believe you are Greek now. Assimilation is now complete.

I spoke of Spartan origin and Spartans of antiquity. You are correct to say that they were Hellenic in sense they were Hellenized in some extent, exposed to Hellenism as cultural movement but, you falsify history if claim they were ethnic Greeks. They were not ethnic Greeks. Part of Hellenic world isn`t being ethnic Greek. Not to mention that ethnic Greeks- back then Athenians came to existence as mix of different ethoses, cultures and linguistic.
mafketis  38 | 11020  
5 Mar 2018 /  #373
obvious failing in the Slavic world, it is that they never left a deep impact on

young mens' rear ends? ka.....BOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!
Marino_Kat  1 | 113  
5 Mar 2018 /  #374
You talk about pope john paul II?
Tacitus  2 | 1270  
5 Mar 2018 /  #375
young mens' rear ends? ka.....BOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!

No doubt they did, and worse, but since they were still savages they left no written records behind.

@Crow: You do know that your precious Sarmatians owed every bit of civilization to the Greeks and Romans right?
kaprys  3 | 2076  
5 Mar 2018 /  #376
Where is NoToForeigners when you need him?

It's not worth it.
Ironside  50 | 12698  
5 Mar 2018 /  #377
But the truly remarkeable thing about the Greeks

What Greeks? They were state-cities with different gods, civilization and cultures, the only thing they had in common was language, myths about Hellenic desist to be a chosen people surrounded by barbarians.

Philosophy was just a by product of Athens? Despised by Spartan and Thebans.
Greeks never had been a nation, never formed a one country, that idea has been imposed on the by their Romans conquerors. In the end they have been assimilated by the Roman empire and believed themselves Romans until Turks subdue them for 600 years. In 19th century they raised as a new nation that claimed to be successors of the ancient Greeks.

Believing is half of a success, but they have nothing or very little in common with ancient Greeks.

a deep impact on the philosophical stage.

Germens had plethora of philosophers and somehow that didn't help them to understand what is right and what is wrong. A Major fail.
Anyway , there is no Slavic world. There is Poland and Russia and some insigficnat other countries of Slavic origin.
Russia is not Europe adeoan't even belong to European civilization. Poland is a branch of the western civilization whereas Germany is more akin to byzantine culture than to anything else.
mafketis  38 | 11020  
5 Mar 2018 /  #378
You talk about pope....?

sorry I don't have his number, you'll have to set up a date on your own
Marino_Kat  1 | 113  
5 Mar 2018 /  #379
We had all the same gods. All greek city states followed same religion. Athena, Hera, Zeus, Ares, Hades just to name a few.

Today Greeks have evrythingin common with our ancestors.
1. Our DNA is identical to back then.
2. Our religion can be connected back to old times. Why do you think we have shrines for virgin mary exactly at sites where temples of Athena or Arthemis once were placed?

3. We formed nations several times. Infact one time it was larger than Rome and Persia combined


We were aleways way ahead of others. We have respect for cultures we see as equal. Just look how Alexander behaved in Egypt. He greated the great Apis bull in the temple of Ptah


As for Germany, you say they did not know whats right or wrong? A mayor fail?

There is no right or wrong. If they would have won it would have been right. Just as Stalins or Maos enormous crimes are seen as right now.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
5 Mar 2018 /  #380
Big deal, Christian churches were often built where the ancient rites had been held. Pagan rites were incorporated in Christian customs. Same here, pfff.
But pagan idols here were destroyed as part of christianisation.
Crow's an expert on Slavic deities. Crow, teach the Greek. ;)

Please back on topic everyone
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Mar 2018 /  #381
We can reconcile with the Germans once they give us some 800 bil Euros and do everything possible to prevent further illegal immigration into Europe. If they want to ruin their country and redistribute the wealth of generations to people that aren't even German let alone European, fine, that's their business. But we're not interested and we just want our borders secure and the money we're owed for bombing our country, killing millions, and establishing concentration camps on our soil.
Marino_Kat  1 | 113  
6 Mar 2018 /  #382
Germany ignores this rubbish. There is no legal base to it. Even polish foreign office says there is zero legal base. Germany ows Poland Zero.

As for secure borders, Poland should stop to be Americas poodle and not help in illegal wars there.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
6 Mar 2018 /  #383
We can reconcile with the Germans once they give us some 800 bil Euros

Where did you get that figure from? The Greeks want Germany to pay 270 billion euros according to TVP Info. Could our Greek friend whom not a single woman will resist please confirm this?

That could annul almost the entire Greek debt which is 320 billion euros


Marino_Kat  1 | 113  
6 Mar 2018 /  #384
We want nothing. Our dumb communists brought this Up. There is Zero legal base.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
6 Mar 2018 /  #385
The link says Greek PM Aleksis Tsipras is determined to get this money from Germany. So are you a new Prime Minister to say 'We want nothing' now?
Marino_Kat  1 | 113  
6 Mar 2018 /  #386
Im intelligent. Tsipras is not. There is No legal base for it. He uses it for internal politics and nothing else. He doesnt even open anything and just pulls it to get some idiots votes. Same as in Poland.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
6 Mar 2018 /  #387
Where did you get that figure from?

Perhaps it should be more - I don't know what the going rate for restitution for establishing death camps and killing millions is exactly.

That was a recent number cited by Poland - who indeed deserves money for WW2 restitution. The Molotov Ribbentrop pact split up Poland and helped establish the Soviet government for the next 50 years - some of whom are still in power today. So the excuse that Poland annulled German debt only applied to E. Germany first off. Second, all satellite nations were FORBIDDEN to take any funds from the Marshall Plan per Stalin's orders. When the Czechs tried to they were crushed and made as an example to anyone who wanted to do the same - especially Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, etc.

And FYI - ancient Slavs/Poles are Sarmatians who were a part of Scythia and even Greek and Roman historians write about them
Marino_Kat  1 | 113  
6 Mar 2018 /  #388
Lol, Germany has to pay zero and will ignore it. You know that, right? We live in 2018.
Lyzko  42 | 9658  
6 Mar 2018 /  #389
Germany aka Chancellor Merkel, apropos another unrelated matter, namely, the Holocaust Victims Compensation Fund from the last council of Child Survivors, has flatly stated that her country matter of factly cannot afford being further strapped in compensating each and every victim group who suffered under Nazi oppression.

The lady's not being anti-Semitic, heaven knows, or unsympathetic, but rather economically realistic!!
mafketis  38 | 11020  
7 Mar 2018 /  #390
her country matter of factly cannot afford being further strapped in compensating each and every victim group who suffered under Nazi oppression

yeah, she needs to money for her 2015 welfare pets

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Polish-German Reconcilliation SeminarArchived