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German legal discrimination against Polish speakers

Trevek  25 | 1699  
8 Jan 2010 /  #31
However, if parents are foreigners - they CAN give their kid a name from their
native language (even if there is a Polish equivalent).

A brit friend of mine is married to a Pole and they called their kid Max. The registrar even asked which spelling they'd prefer.
1jola  14 | 1875  
8 Jan 2010 /  #32
But how about Peter, is that not a real name to the Polish?

A good name at that. These rules might be old and I was surprised to see my friend's kid's name spelled Maks. I just assumed it would be Max, but I am not typical.

There should be something to prevent retarded parents from naming their kids silly names though. In the US there are kids named Dwarf, Chaos, or Virgin. Come on.

The name Lauren is very nice also, and I am surprised the guy Harry mentioned had difficulties. We got Doda though for Dorota. Some Dorotas use Dorka till they learn some English. :)

I believe that both parents are having a fight at the expense of their children, and the father is trying to succeed by pulling the racism card.

The story seems illogical. We don't have the background story to make a call. We like to rank on gerries just for sport anyway. Where is that racist bastard Bratwurst Boy?
8 Jan 2010 /  #33
So if I'm Polish and I have kids, I cannot name my boy "Peter" because the Polish equivalent is Piotr?

That is correct.

What if I don't like the name Piotr and want to call my son Peter?

It's your problem. You might as well don't like the word "niebieskie" and instead
of that want to use the English word "blue" but still in your ID it will be written
"niebieskie". Also, your address would be ulica PiƂsudskiego and not "Pilsudski street".

The reason for that is the fact that English is not an official language in Poland.

Do I get a fine for disobeying the law or do I go to prison or sth?

No. You simply won't be able to register the name of your child as "Peter"
(I remind you - that's only the case when you're Polish, a foreigner can
name his child "Peter").

Maybe the kids don't even want this heritage (...)
they are so young that they don't understand what that actually means?

We don't know this and in any case, he should not be forbidden to speak
Polish to them, because "maybe they don't want this heritage" (especially
if they don't understand what it means and are simply sad that they
have to speak only in German now and can't even use the beautiful
"polszczyzna" with their father :)).

A brit friend of mine is married to a Pole and they called their kid Max. The registrar even asked which spelling they'd prefer.

Proper order. That's the law.
1jola  14 | 1875  
8 Jan 2010 /  #34
I want to name my kid Przemyk just so he has an easier time later when he studies abroad. Always thinking ahead :)
f stop  24 | 2493  
8 Jan 2010 /  #35
the article is about supervised visits between parent and child, in Germany. Obviously, if court granted him supervised visits only, it means they need to monitor what's going on, i.e. what is he telling them as well. Makes sense they want him to speak the language the supervisor can understand. Don't make more out of it than it is.

and instead of fighting in the media about what language to speak and traumatizing his children, he should be proving to courts that he is not a low life, high risk a$$hole and that he should be granted UNsupervised visits.
1jola  14 | 1875  
8 Jan 2010 /  #36
the article is about supervised visits between parent and child, in Germany.

The article is about discrimination against foreigners, ie. forcing parents to use German with their children.

Obviously, if court granted him supervised visits only, it means they need to monitor what's going on, i.e. what is he telling them as well.

The court did not impose that he communicate with his daughters in German. I hope you understand so far. The Jedentamd took upon themselves to impose this restriction. There are over 200 other similar cases from Belgian, British, American, Polish, French persons. The court now is affraid this case will swamp them with these cases and is siding with the government . You, being an unfortunate resident of Hicksville, Brevard County, should understand the caliber of people who work in these social services. Supervised visits do not mean that they must monitor the conversations between parents and children. Will they also tap his and their phone to make sure they use German only? Will they read his letters and destroy the ones not in German? His and their computer must be monitored also, right?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
8 Jan 2010 /  #37
The article is about discrimination against foreigners

... printed in a Polish magazine to boost sales. And didn't you say "we like to rank on gerries just for sport anyway"? ;)
marekmroz  - | 6  
8 Jan 2010 /  #38
the strange think ist, here in germany the polish community (2 million polish live in germany) is angry of the british people, because they discriminate the polish community in UK.

I was born in germany, because my parents went here 1988. i never heard polish discrimination in germany, i always heard only of polish discrimination in ireland and UK.
f stop  24 | 2493  
8 Jan 2010 /  #39
What I suggested is that there usually is a reason for visits being supervised, and although that might not include listening to every word, it may very well be in children's best interest to monitor the gist of the crap the parent needing supervision might be feeding them. It's best to take it on case by case bases, and err on the side of caution.

So maybe, just maybe, this guy might not be a best choice for poster boy for discrimination against foreigners.
As for the caliber of people working in social services, I have not had the pleasure, so I'll defer that wisdom to you.
1jola  14 | 1875  
8 Jan 2010 /  #40
I was born in germany, because my parents went here 1988. i never heard polish discrimination in germany

Then as you are a teenager, you probably haven't heard of a lot of things yet, but since you are interested, read the related stories in the link the OP posted and tell what they are all about. I assume you read Polish.

What I suggested is that there usually is a reason for visits being supervised

The word you used was "obviously" which is hardly a suggestion.

it may very well be in children's best interest to monitor the gist of the crap the parent needing supervision might be feeding them.

Then you agree that all their communication should be monitored by the state. Even if you are that brainwashed to believe that, they have Polish speaking workers there and the court didn't impose this restriction, only supervised visits. Most often these are imposed on the basis of the woman lying that he will flee with the children or some other sinister lies. In fact, in this case, she left to live in Austria with the girls and if I may suggest something now, she obviously is a class A bi*ch.

This volksdeutch should have married a Polish woman and then there are good chances he would have only had a mother-in-law for a bit*h. :)

As for the caliber of people working in social services, I have not had the pleasure, so I'll defer that wisdom to you.

I happened to be very familiar with the county you live in and I just thought you might be familiar of the horror storries that social services produce there. But as you will agree, they are products of quality institutions like BCC and are only slightly dumber than the rest of the local population.

Sadly, in Poland, the number one college direction is psychology so we are trying to produce "educated" dumbos too. I see you chose a real education and that is commendable.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
9 Jan 2010 /  #41
read the related stories in the link the OP posted

Don't believe everything you read or get told without knowing the details.

f stop  24 | 2493  
9 Jan 2010 /  #42
I happened to be very familiar with the county you live in .... see you chose a real education ....

Sorry you have not had much of a good time here, that's for you to analyze. I have not found a better place to live and work yet, and I have been looking very hard. But, enough of that, your interest in my personal life is a bit creepy. Stalk much?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Jan 2010 /  #43
Sadly, in Poland, the number one college direction is psychology so we are trying to produce "educated" dumbos too. I see you chose a real education and that is commendable.

The problem in Poland is the free education of absolutely pointless things - does UAM really need to produce 120 biology graduates a year, for instance?

The amount of psychologists, filologists and many other -ists produced in Poland is far, far too high for the amount of jobs that there are in the sector.
Ogien  5 | 237  
9 Jan 2010 /  #44
We had a German racist girl in my college. This girl was absolutely nuts. She was preaching about how German people are a beautiful pure race and that they shouldn't mix with disgusting blacks, Jews, and POLES. I don't know what the **** her problem was but she seemed to be influenced by Hitler's ideology that Slavs are an impure race.

The funny thing is that when I saw her two months later she was dating a black man LOL! I guess her views changed quickly.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
9 Jan 2010 /  #45
disgusting blacks, Jews, and POLES

While I reject racism to any ppl to the core, I am just wondering why you put the word "Poles" in capitals? Is that because you think it's worse to be racist against Poles than to any other type of ppl? I guess so as a little bit further you go on that this deranged girl apparently adopted Hitler's view concerning the Slavs.

My question to you would be: do you find racism against Poles worse than to black ppl and Jewish ppl? In my book it's equally disgusting, but from what you write it seems that you think it's worse to discriminate against Poles than to any of those other two types of ppls. I may be wrong, but I would like you to enlighten on this as you are giving by this statement the very racist signal that it's ok to be racist against blacks and Jews, but not ok to be racist against Poles. Thanks.


M-G (it wouldn't surprise me, heard many Poles talk like that)
Ogien  5 | 237  
9 Jan 2010 /  #46

I don't know how you got that idea but the reason why I capitalized Poles was because it was extremely surprising since Poles are clearly white people. Although still to this day a lot of morons from western Europe think they're a pure race. It always puts a smile on my face whenever an "Aryan" girl is dating a black guy or an Arab.

I guess I should've capitalized Jews as well since I view white Jews as white as any other Europeans.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
9 Jan 2010 /  #47
In the US there are kids named Dwarf, Chaos, or Virgin.

Yeah, it's not my cup of tea as well. I've known an American girl once who was named April May June (!)

Actually, I made a mistake in my previous post, the Dutch version of Dorota would not be "Dorotha" but "Dorothea". Mea Culpa.

Edit: Ogien, ok, because it was not quite clear so far. There are too many morons out there indeed. Racism is a cancer in society and we can only cure this cancer by education. Because a lot of racism is born out of ignorance and if the ppl don't know about it, we much teach them.


M-G (thinks Brian de Bruin is a ridiculous name, but that's just personal)
1jola  14 | 1875  
9 Jan 2010 /  #48
But, enough of that, your interest in my personal life is a bit creepy. Stalk much?

You are a ninny, after all. My interest in you is zilch. It is you who advertizes what you do and where you live. I happened to work in that area for many years and I did have a good time there, but I was talking about the social services in Brevard County in some relation to this topic. Stalking you? Since you just joined this forum, you don't know that I live in Poland and you live in Florida. See the poster above your post, he is your speed.

You didn't address anything I said relating to the thread, because your argument fell apart, and you have no experience with spouces nor children, not to mention any social services.

I have not found a better place to live and work yet, and I have been looking very hard.

I'm sure living among transient rednecks is appealing to some and shopping at Wal-Mart is considered a cultural event.

So, should the Polish father's telephone conversations with his daughters be monitored by the German government and cut off if not conducted in German? Read this question outloud a few times if it helps you to understand the issue.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
9 Jan 2010 /  #49
How on earth does any German government epresentative think this is remotely legal?

Yawn, more moaning again!
1jola  14 | 1875  
9 Jan 2010 /  #50
You're yawning and moaning? Isn't that a bit rude?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
9 Jan 2010 /  #51
She was preaching about how German people are a beautiful pure race and that they shouldn't mix with disgusting blacks, Jews, and POLES.

You made that up, kid. I've never seen anybody behave like this - neither in Germany, nor here in the US. Even our American white supremacists aren't so stupid to spread their hate speech openly in a college.

See the poster above your post, he is your speed.

I realize that you only see what you want to see.
jonni  16 | 2475  
9 Jan 2010 /  #52
We had a German racist girl in my college. This girl was absolutely nuts. She was preaching about how German people are a beautiful pure race and that they shouldn't mix with disgusting blacks, Jews, and POLES. I don't know what the **** her problem was but she seemed to be influenced by Hitler's ideology that Slavs are an impure race.

I share your disgust.

There is one race, the HUMAN race.
1jola  14 | 1875  
9 Jan 2010 /  #53
I realize that you only see what you want to see.

No, I saw the site you linked to which claimed there is a problem with parents and children in Poland and Germany. He only focused on Poland though since it affected him personally. Your reply was unconnected with this discussion so I ignored it. He wanted me to sign a petition to President...Bush.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
9 Jan 2010 /  #54

Have you read what I wrote above the link I provided? Obviously not. The story about the Hamburg Jugendamt has to be taken with a grain of salt (actually, make it a big sack of salt) because we don't know any of the background details. Same is true for the claim of kidnapped children in Poland and the behaviour of the Polish authorities. That's all I wanted to show you. So let me try again: don't believe everything you read or hear.
1jola  14 | 1875  
9 Jan 2010 /  #55
There is one race, the HUMAN race.

Yet you moved to Poland and not Nigeria.
Ogien  5 | 237  
9 Jan 2010 /  #56
You made that up, kid. I've never seen anybody behave like this - neither in Germany, nor here in the US. Even our American white supremacists aren't so stupid to spread their hate speech openly in a college.

Don't call me kid. It makes you sound like a real douchebag online.

I don't care if you've never seen anyone behave like this. That doesn't disprove the possibility of what I said. You lack the ability to think logically "kid".

I'm sorry, but American white supremacists are stupid period. They will do anything openly and they have in the past. If you have never heard of white supremacist groups shouting in public streets their propaganda then you need to read up more on what's actually happening in America.

Also, it's not like the German girl said that in front of a class. I didn't say that. Me and my buddy were talking to her and that's what she mentioned to us.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
9 Jan 2010 /  #57
We had a German racist girl in my college. This girl was absolutely nuts. She was preaching about how German people are a beautiful pure race

That sounds so made up it's really funny!

I'm sorry, but American white supremacists are stupid period.

Also, it's not like the German girl said that in front of a class. I didn't say that

Okaaay...seemingly you can't differentiate between german and american white supremacists and then you backpedaled already (because mentioning something in a talk is not the same as "preaching" obviously)...who knows what this mysterious german/american girl really said? Probably only that she is proud of her german heritage...

And if that means "bad white supremacy" to you then you have a problem not her!
1jola  14 | 1875  
9 Jan 2010 /  #58
That's all I wanted to show you.

Maybe this story will continue and we will have more info. I don't speak German so I can't search what German papers said about it. It appears that they want to control what he talks about with his kids though, and that's what I would object to. He works with children, I think, so it can't be that he is a deviant. He might be using the Polish angle for a different issue involved. However, there are other nationals with the same problem, so maybe it is the social services are throwing their weight around in an illegal manner.

Supervised visits are demening and often result of the woman's lies. This is common in all countries.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
9 Jan 2010 /  #59
It appears that they want to control what he talks about with his kids though, and that's what I would object to.

Not if he plans a kidnapping or else....
Children of bi-national marriages seem more often to be in danger to get kidnapped by one parent and brought away out of the country. That needs planning.

Maybe the official guardians want really to control what he talks about with his children...honestly that is the only reason I can see here.

However, there are other nationals with the same problem, so maybe it is the social services are throwing their weight around in an illegal manner.

I don't think they are doing anything illegally though!

Supervised visits are demening and often result of the woman's lies. This is common in all countries.

It's a dirty war where all weapons are used...the victims are the children!

I share your disgust.

...probably only his stupidity!
1jola  14 | 1875  
9 Jan 2010 /  #60

If you read my previous posts, you will see this was mentioned. I pose a couple of questions about the control and no one answered. Can you google this guy in your press?


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