Precisely! It's part of the 'we know you and we'll get you' culture that's regrettably becoming more pervasive. The powers that be would do well to remember that they created enemies and not the people. In an age of openness and transparency, they cannot exempt themselves. Politicians are and should be subject to subpoenas.
Polish Foreign Ministry 'prepared' for new Wikileaks material
Politicians are and should be subject to subpoenas.
..perhaps the rope!
In an age of openness and transparency
Don't you believe it....
Well, if they want to be treated like kings ;) ;)
I see all too clearly how they created thinly-veiled smokescreens which they teach even at postgrad level. I learned all about those international conventions designed to increase openness and clear decision making. The lack of democracy these days speaks volumes. Bilderberg and Von Rompuy are the icing on the cake there. Too many people with too much to hide.
I see all too clearly how they created thinly-veiled smokescreens which they teach even at postgrad level. I learned all about those international conventions designed to increase openness and clear decision making. The lack of democracy these days speaks volumes. Bilderberg and Von Rompuy are the icing on the cake there. Too many people with too much to hide.
At last a politician has the balls to point the finger of blame for the release of the cables. At the Americans
They gave 2.5 million US citizens full access and the ability to download the entire diplomatic cable history. As would be expected, one of them, a US army officer with psycological issues, leaked them.
They gave 2.5 million US citizens full access and the ability to download the entire diplomatic cable history. As would be expected, one of them, a US army officer with psycological issues, leaked them.
I'm beginning to like Mr.Assange.
His heart was in the right place but I can never get away from the fact that he is just another opportunistic businessman looking for a quick buck.
dtaylor5632 18 | 1998
8 Dec 2010 / #97
If it takes someone to make a quick buck from showing the truth, then well done :)
Exactly my thoughts. I mean, doesn't the government teaches its people to be honest in school?
So it's obvous therre have been abuses even in America's most idealistic and well-meaning freedom operations world-wide.
I have to admit I am seriously disappointed with your naive view of the US policies around the world. They are the biggest arms dealer, the most powerful thug and not even a democracy. They kill and assassinate on a regular basis. They may not be doing it using their own ground forces but they are surely are doing it using various pawns around the world. Just a small example of East Timor where about 1/3 of the population was exterminated as recently as the end of the last century. The USA did not officially participate in the genocide.. until you start taking a closer look. We could go on and on.
Open your eyes. Americans have been colonizing the planet for the last 100 years. They allow various nations to fly their own flags, but so did the USSR.
Your abysmal misunderstanding and lack of knowledge of American policies matches only the abysmal arrogance of Americans.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11809
11 Dec 2010 / #100
A wikileaks wallpaper: