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Polish Foreign Ministry 'prepared' for new Wikileaks material

cheehaw  2 | 263  
2 Dec 2010 /  #61
conspiracy nuts.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
2 Dec 2010 /  #62
Maybe:This whole wikileaks, U.S leak is a blind. Me thinks they all protest too much..

I could not say it better, George Orwell would be proud.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
5 Dec 2010 /  #64
Did you notice when wikileaks said that they are going to release documents on banks and their fraud the **** hit the fan.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Dec 2010 /  #65
I don't think Assange was so prepared for the next leak. Namely, that he has a warrant for his arrest and that they plan to take him down for rape and shady dealings!
Marek11111  9 | 807  
6 Dec 2010 /  #66
The rape charge was dropped but not molestation and that is why they issue the warrant
I am convinced that cia is involved in this leaks, the leaks has no new information it seems like they want to isolate few leaders of state

And try to break few alliance, the leaks do not have any damage information against U.S. or England, I think this is miss information play while they are busy to do other dirty business.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
7 Dec 2010 /  #67
US, Polish, German and British troops identified for combat operations

· Leaked diplomatic cables reveal Russia strategy
· Washington offers to beef up Polish security

"This is the first step in a multi-stage process to develop a complete set of appropriate contingency plans for the full range of possible threats - both regional and functional - as soon as possible," said the secret cable.

The policy shift represents a sea change in Nato defence planning and in assessments of the threat posed by what a Polish official calls "a resurgent Russia."

skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
7 Dec 2010 /  #68
Why is that so secret? LOL Defending other member states from an outside aggression is the whole premise of NATO.

The shocking part is how German politicians seemed to be terrified of upsetting the Russians... I guess blitzkrieg has been replaced with pansy-krieg.

The German oil dependency on Russia is becoming more and more obvious...

"...Attempts by Stavridis's predecessor, General John Craddock, to push through defence planning for the Baltic were stymied by German-led opposition in western Europe, anxious to avoid upsetting the Kremlin..."

Maybe Germany wants a similar approach to NATO as it has to the €uro? You know, NATO-zone (the countries that will definitely be helped if attacked), and the second-tier NATO (Poland and the Baltic states) that will be helped ...BUT only if it doesn't upsets the Russians?! (a GIGANTIC sarcasm smiley if PF would grant me one)
Czarnkow1940  5 | 94  
7 Dec 2010 /  #69
this not a surprise the is the main reason for having Nato
peterweg  37 | 2305  
7 Dec 2010 /  #70
The shocking part is how German politicians seemed to be terrified of upsetting the Russians

They were.

That is now is the past, its no longer true, things have changed. Its history.

Now Russia is a considered a potential military threat, being nice is no longer an option.

Odd that the UK is supplying combat divisions, however I suspect its becuase they switched over to being air mobile rapid response a few years ago... they are now capable of getting to the baltics quickly. Bring on the A400M.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
7 Dec 2010 /  #71
They were.

Hope you are right but reading the cable it sounds like those politicians were simply overruled...

In a way this cable will embarrass some of the western European countries and hopefully more emphasis will be given to the "new" members...

This summarizes it pretty well:

"...The Poles and the Baltic states have long argued that rhetorical declarations of commitment to article 5 are meaningless without concrete defence planning to back them up.

The Baltic demands for hard security guarantees became much more desperate in the past three years.
A cyber-attack on Estonia in 2007 was believed to have originated in Russia, and the Kremlin invaded Georgia a year later.
Nerves were further set on edge last year when the Russians staged exercises simulating an invasion of the Baltic states and a nuclear attack on Poland.

The eastern European calls for hard security guarantees, however, were stymied by western Europe, led by Germany, which did not want to antagonise Russia.
"We've found the way forward with Russia. The Baltic states have received strategic reassurance," said a well-placed source. "That's backed up with contingency planning that did not exist before. It's done now. We told them we'll give you your reassurance if you agree to the reset with Russia. That made it easier for the Germans."During intense – if discreet – diplomacy last year, the resistance was overcome by the Americans, and the new policy was tabled as a joint US-German move..."

Shame on you Germany and the other western European pansies (politicians, not the people)


-> NOT Russian oil for some and no one for all! :( <-
peterweg  37 | 2305  
7 Dec 2010 /  #72
Hope you are right but reading the cable it sounds like those politicians were simply overruled..

What sort of world do you think we live in? Politicians decide the policy and the military fufil it. The West had a policy of engaging and trading Russia (as does Ploand now, it would seem), but they have come to the conclusion that they need to be military strong with Russia as its the only thing that they understand. Thats what the cable say.

Shame on you Germany and the other western European pansies (politicians, not the people)

For what? agreeing to defend the Baltics with their citizens lives?

The west has nothing to be 'ashamed' of, its policies have worked fine so far and Germany has been following this for twenty year. Acutally invading Russia has been tried before and it does work, what does work in Europe is economic integration, so they don't want to forgo it

If Russia is real existential threat, and a known one, to Poland then that will damage its economic prospects. Do companies like Dell want to invest I a Eastern European war zone or a secure and stable West?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Dec 2010 /  #73
WikiLeaks was a fraud from the outset designed by a bored prick to stir up unnecessary conflict. What, Poland has to fear Kalingrad? They'd be creamed were they to attack Poland.

Of course it is, Marek. Leaks slip out but this stuff didn't. You can't predict a leak like that. I think Assange should go on to form PantieLeaks next as he'll be doing some of that when he is up for trial.

Take that man down. Geez, when I read the news it is purely/solely for info and not for any kind of profit. People who try to maximise their bank balances through the dissemination of info need their heads examined.
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Dec 2010 /  #74
The eastern European calls for hard security guarantees, however, were stymied by western Europe, led by Germany, which did not want to antagonise Russia.

Wait, so Germany didn't want to ratchet up tensions, which makes them pansies? Is there any reason to poke Russia with a stick? What exactly are you trying to achieve with Russia? To provoke it, or to work closely together as normal people do? How does provoking a country which Poland is building tighter and tighter personal, cultural, and business relationships with every year help the security situation here?

For what? agreeing to defend the Baltics with their citizens lives?

Absolutely. Seems a ridiculous thing to be ashamed of, defending your allies.

WikiLeaks was a fraud from the outset designed by a bored prick to stir up unnecessary conflict. What, Poland has to fear Kalingrad? They'd be creamed were they to attack Poland.

Because that's what our tax money is spent on. Preventing said attack. I think it's good to explain to us why we need to sacrifice roads, health care, schools, and pensions to support a large military.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Dec 2010 /  #75
Because a few young schoolboys can't stop playing their megalomaniac games? Come off it! I want drainage, roads, education and all the rest for the people. I want citizens to be able to walk the streets without sinking into a puddle as I saw today. That money you referred to is for the majority and not for scaremongering based on people that always shake hands anyway. Russia has its hands full with Chechnya, or will anyway. Russia is smarter than to attack Poland or the other Baltic states.
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Dec 2010 /  #76
You didn't get the point, I'm saying that the people that spend that money should be held accountable and should openly explain to us, the taxpayers, what the threat is that they are spending so much money on. It should be much more transparent so that we can decide if we want to vote people into power based on how they spend our money.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Dec 2010 /  #77
Aha, I detected a hint of sarcasm in your post and felt that you might have intended to say that. Taxpayers have had enough of reading about bailouts, rising inflation and cuts on public services. You want to know the problem? The politicians say these things as a matter of stats and they don't feel what they are saying at all. They use them as slogans as opposed to practicalities that need more then rhetoric.

I wish such people would section themselves off and stand in line to be shot. They are nothing but troublemakers that need to drive our planet forwards and not backwards through business concerns.
jwojcie  2 | 762  
7 Dec 2010 /  #78
Wait, so Germany didn't want to ratchet up tensions, which makes them pansies? Is there any reason to poke Russia with a stick? What exactly are you trying to achieve with Russia? To provoke it, or to work closely together as normal people do? How does provoking a country which Poland is building tighter and tighter personal, cultural, and business relationships with every year help the security situation here?

How having a contingency plan in case of unthinkable is provoking? We are paying hard earned money to be part of that NATO aliance. If they are not up to their job WHICH IS among other things making military plans in case of even unthinkable crisis then what is the point to be in such an aliance?

I'm very much in favour of cooperation with Russia, but it doesn't mean we just put blind eye on supposedly Russian cyber-attack on Estonia in 2007 or last year joint military exercise of Russia and Belarus where unthinkable scenario was Polish minority upheaval which ended with nuclear attack on Poland. Very f...king nice on their side.. So, they have their unthinkable scenarios and we should have ours. As simple as that. I don't think it is unreasonable. Unreasonable would be to not have them. After all there are countries, which confronted with overhelming nuclear force are just building their own nuclear bomb, ie. Iran. Compared to that Polish reaction seems to be very mild...
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Dec 2010 /  #79
How having a contingency plan in case of unthinkable is provoking? We are paying hard earned money to be part of that NATO aliance. If they are not up to their job WHICH IS among other things making military plans in case of even unthinkable crisis then what is the point to be in such an aliance?

Because there was already a plan to defend Poland. This is stepping it up. Regarding NATO membership, there is no requirement for one nation to commit combat troops before an incident occurs. Poland is paying all that hard earned money for allies who are bound to the charter, not an augmented military.

And lets be honest, what would happen in the case of an attack? The only thing that this would achieve would be to cause the Russians to come back with something after finding out how much attention is being focused on the Baltics...like maybe staging a training exercise simulating an invasion...

After all there are countries, which confronted with overhelming nuclear force are just building their own nuclear bomb, ie. Iran. Compared to that Polish reaction seems to be very mild...

It's a tradeoff, I think that the bomb would be a much better and cheaper deterrent than NATO membership.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
7 Dec 2010 /  #80
Russia is smarter than to attack Poland or the other Baltic states.

They are smart enough to think about it.

Didnt you read the article? Last year they ran an exercise to plan for an invasion of the Baltics and a nuclear attack on Poland.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Dec 2010 /  #81
I also read the Viz from time to time ;)

Place any weight on what they say and spread the word and you are merely contributing to the mass hysteria. Many articles say many things, peterweg. The key is to brush them off as just sth designed to make people money.
Crow  154 | 9489  
7 Dec 2010 /  #82
Polish Foreign Ministry ‘prepared’ for new Wikileaks material

no, Polish Foreign Ministry isn`t prepared for new Wikileaks material. Wikileaks material act in Poland as if Lech Kaczynski himself arises from his grave
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Dec 2010 /  #83
Thankfully, no more lies or malicious gossip will be spread around. People buy into that crap too much and it harms international relations. Poland deserves some peace and quiet on the foreign affairs front.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Dec 2010 /  #84
They are smart enough to think about it.

As they should. I'm sure there's plans out there for the invasion of Russia if needs be - and I wouldn't be surprised if some unofficial plans exist between Russia and NATO for the invasion of China.

Last year they ran an exercise to plan for an invasion of the Baltics and a nuclear attack on Poland.

Didn't NATO run an exercise about the successful repelling of forces through Belarus?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Dec 2010 /  #85
Fanciful thinking! China's ground forces would resist with relative ease and cause immense damage. Poland would do itself a major favour by steering clear of that nonsense.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Dec 2010 /  #86
China's ground forces would resist with relative ease and cause immense damage.

It's a good hypothetical question - they have superiority in numbers, but how many of them (especially with China opening up more and more) would actually support the regime?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Dec 2010 /  #87
Opening up to what? They swear allegiance to the regime and the great majority would blindly follow it. They do what they are told over there. No messing!

Poland doesn't have to worry about PantieLeaks releasing any more nonsense as the twat was arrested today. Let's see how much he can leak from behind bars :)
peterweg  37 | 2305  
7 Dec 2010 /  #88
Place any weight on what they say and spread the word and you are merely contributing to the mass hysteria. Many articles say many things, peterweg. The key is to brush them off as just sth designed to make people money.

Its a point of fact that Russia ran a military exercise at that time, it was well reported. If you want to live in a fantasy world and believe in faries, please be my guest.

Opening up to what? They swear allegiance to the regime and the great majority would blindly follow it. They do what they are told over there. No messing!

Actualy the Chinese to a vey large extent have a gret apriotic belief in theri country and support it through choice.

Poland doesn't have to worry about PantieLeaks releasing any more nonsense as the twat was arrested today. Let's see how much he can leak from behind bars :)

What sort of idiot are you? Jailing him will have no effect on the leaks or wikipedia whatsoever. Well, maybe one, currently the newspapers are editing and screening the information. If, as expected. Assange is murdered or prosecuted they wil release the unlock key for the entire cables to anyone who has downloaded the encrypted file.

So basicaly the entire store of all cables will be released to the world with no filtering whatsoever. Because the US decided to prosecute one man out of pure spite, with fabricated charges.

Note that he has done nothing illegal, the newspapers have done the same thing - publish the cables - they did not steal them.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
8 Dec 2010 /  #89
Geez, never heard of a set-up? NORAD, Korea, need I go on?

There is that element too, yes.

Well, we'll see what the powers that be have to say about that, now won't we? This is not Liberal Central we live in anymore. This is Spy Central and controlled dissemination.
Maybe  12 | 409  
8 Dec 2010 /  #90
This is Spy Central and controlled dissemination.

Listen polish forum is monitored to some degree internally or externally. Just like facebook and other social sites. I remember being shown around the offices of a household name search engine's HQ in a European city and they had an office set aside within the company for a government security agency. (wow, that was vague.)

it isn't just about information but rather disinformation and gathering information. Smoke and mirrors, folks, smoke and mirrors...

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