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Polish families are urged to establish themselves in Norway : Taking children away?

eddyjacobsen  1 | 1  
23 Dec 2012 /  #1
New catholic action between Poland and Norway next year...
The initiative has been taken for the fact that present government is islamisations Norway in huge and speedy frequency, that will destroy the Christian tradition and culture of Norway, that is very much similar to the Polish culture and tradition, and Poles have always been welcome to Norway

Now we are setting up an "action process" to stop present government, the Stolenberg-govenment, from continue the de-Christianising of the country, by urging Poles families and Catholics as such, to establish themselves in Norway, in masses

Check it out and think about it
PS.: The situation of the split-ups of families by present government is of such terrible destruction, that parents now apply to the few Catholic schools there are in Norway, for their children, so the siblings are not separated from each-other, as is the devious common place now, under this government, that is truly an anti-family government

Google polestonorwayaction - or youtube
Bieganski  17 | 888  
23 Dec 2012 /  #2
Just like Britain has the Church of England so too does Norway have its own state religion in yet another Protestant strand of Christianity - the Church of Norway.

I really don't see how Poles settling in Norway will turn any tide of growing followers of Islam there. Some native Norwegians may actually resent the growth of both Roman Catholicism and Islam in equal measures.

The best way to protect the rights of citizens in any nation is for their respective governments and institutions to be solidly secular and enshrined that way in law. Otherwise you end up with fascist theocratic entities such as the "Jewish State of Israel" and the "Islamic Republic of Iran."
Ant63  13 | 410  
23 Dec 2012 /  #3
Now we are setting up an "action process" to stop present government, the Stolenberg-govenment, from continue the de-Christianising of the country, by urging Poles families and Catholics as such, to establish themselves in Norway, in masses

Are you the Benjamin Netanyahu of the catholic faith?

What a load of rubbish. As if you would gain support for that :) :)

anti-family government

It appears that some Polish families have not quite come up to the expected standard for caring for thier children in Norway. It could be considered anti-family to remove these children but Norway considers children as people in their own right with rights that must be protected. They are not possesions.
jon357  72 | 23490  
23 Dec 2012 /  #4
It appears that some Polish families have not quite come up to the expected standard for caring for thier children in Norway. It could be considered anti-family to remove these children but Norway considers children as people in their own right with rights that must be protected. They are not possesions.

Exactly. This Norwegian group should be careful of what they wish for. There are plenty of people from Poland living and working in Norway. If people want to go, they can already. People likely to take advantage of this offer are not exactly the cream of society.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
23 Dec 2012 /  #5
will destroy the Christian tradition and culture of Norway,

Huh, what happened to Odin and Loki et al?
OP eddyjacobsen  1 | 1  
25 Dec 2012 /  #6
You do not really comprehend what a situation Norway today is in, by the de-christianizing of the country by present government, more preoccupied with homosexuals than families and children's welfare....

Here is a link for you, if you are interested in investigate the facts, - author Hanna Nabintu Herland, is deeply worried what is going on of the amoral and deterioration of ethics, and so is your own country-woman Nina Witoszek, professor at the Oslo univeristy, who also has written loads of articles on this issue...

By the way, Poles are the most common immigrates from Europe to Norway, and have always been a huge labour resource for Norway; as I write there is estimated 130 000 Poles in Norway...

And as I wrote; the attacks on traditional Norwegian culture is so bad by this government that Norwegian natives no apply to catholic schools for their children, that is because the state schools not only split up sibling but impose on them that homosexuality is normal and has to know about it.

Accordingly in Denmark - when this year the so-called gay marriage became legal in state churches in Denmark, radio Denmark recently reported that there is a "mass flight form the church now by Christians", in protest against such ani-Christ law.

Since links cannot be posted, you may look for those two women on google or youtube, where are lots of posts from them
Cali  - | 56  
25 Dec 2012 /  #7
fascist theocratic entities such as the "Jewish State of Israel" and the "Islamic Republic of Iran."

Hey bieg,

easy cowboy, a stmnt like that borders on a line of anti-semi n might open a can of worms (Polish anti-semitism). Dunno where you get your info, but fyi the state of Isreal is the ONLY demo state in that crazy region! And comparing it to Iran is insane n shows your lack of geo-political knowledge or simply put it, ignorance. (I hope itis the former.)
Ant63  13 | 410  
26 Dec 2012 /  #8
You do not really comprehend what a situation Norway today is in, by the de-christianizing of the country by present government, more preoccupied with homosexuals than families and children's welfare...

Norway is consistently criticized for being over zealous regarding children's welfare.

Another way of looking at this is the church is screwing itself over. Society has moved on but the church is digging its heels on many matters. By being actively homophobic, not only is it driving out homosexuals, it is not appealing to the liberals. It is a fight you cannot win. Simply the tide has turned.
legend  3 | 658  
26 Dec 2012 /  #9
Well in general the EU is a pseudo Marxist organization.
The political correctness, the open borders, "we are all equal" nonsense...
Its a left wingers dream but a right wingers nightmare.

New catholic action between Poland and Norway next year...
The initiative has been taken for the fact that present government is islamisations Norway in huge and speedy frequency, that will destroy the Christian tradition and culture of Norway, that is very much similar to the Polish culture and tradition, and Poles have always been welcome to Norway

If you want to fix things... go to the streets in mass numbers, make some type of movements, etc.
I know some people in Sweden are setting up militias because Sweden has a Muslim problem too.

The Scandinavian countries much like the rest of Europe cant become Islamic Republics.

Poland like much of Europe is having population problems/birth rates problems.

Demand the government to close the borders, increase the birthrates.

These imo are two keys things to stop the Muslimification (and the destruction) of Europe.
ufo973  10 | 88  
26 Dec 2012 /  #10
I remember reading a an article about NAZI policies a few days back urging german families for giving birth to more children and killing or deporting jews.

Is this something you are wanting for Norway too? get a life you sick little kid.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
26 Dec 2012 /  #11
By being actively homophobic, not only is it driving out homosexuals, it is not appealing to the liberals. It is a fight you cannot win. Simply the tide has turned.

you cannot appeal to all
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
26 Dec 2012 /  #12
the state of Isreal is the ONLY demo state in that crazy region!

The state of Israel is an ethnocracy not a democracy. Gentiles are treated like second-class citizens in the state of Israel, if they have Israeli citizenship, and Israel has ruled millions of other Gentiles for over 45 years without granting them citizenship or even the most basic human rights. Israel is a racist state. Putting this foreign colony in the region was crazy. Fighting it is not.
Cali  - | 56  
26 Dec 2012 /  #13
Israel is a racist state

Man, dunno your ethnic background, or whatchya smoking in the morning, but, hey, you need some schooling, bro!
Sofflock  - | 5  
26 Dec 2012 /  #14
As a person from Sweden I know very well the problems we are facing all over Scandinavia with the islamisations of the country's.

The problem is not just Islam it's religion as a whole. What needs to be done is stop religion to poison the minds of our young people not only Islam.

If you want to talk about tradition and culture we are vikings and we did not pray to Jesus until the missionaries came and did what Islam is now repeating. The biggest problem with Islam is that it's also used for politics just as Christianity once was.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
26 Dec 2012 /  #15
The best way to protect the rights of citizens in any nation is for their respective governments and institutions to be solidly secularr

not that this would stop Islam from spreading around the country.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
27 Dec 2012 /  #16
If individuals find they have a personal need to belong to a particular religion then they should be free to do so but not when it interferes with the rights and well being of others.

No society is truly homogenous or monolithic anyway. There are always minorities to be found. Sects and other splinter groups always form because of disillusionment with the original delusion known as religion or simply out of pure greed since a lot of money exchanges hands when it comes to practicing one's faith.

That is why the state must remain secular so that no one religious group and any derivation of it can dominate and dictate to others.

Religion is a personal matter and therefore should be kept private - as in behind closed doors.

Governments have a responsibility to ensure that their citizens are not prevented from worshipping peacefully as they desire. They should not be disturbed during their religious ceremonies nor should they disturb others in society.

Those who administer religions also have a responsibility to all members of the communities they reside in and to the governments who represent them. Not only should religions be excluded from shaping laws in society they must also respect and be made to adhere to all laws enacted by the state. Religions must not be allowed to endorse any politicians nor lobby them on issues that would ultimately infringe on the rights of others in society. Charitable acts performed by religious groups should be permitted but not if they exclude anyone or are used to proselytize.

Governments can easily curtail any religious fanatics through taxation and building regulations as well as equality and hate crime legislation. And if a politician should begin to speak and act more in regard to their personal faith or only on behalf of members of their faith rather than all members of society then it is matter for voters, political peers, the judiciary, or (as in Turkey) even the military to have them removed from office immediately.

When the Government is secular and takes active steps to keep it that way through checks and balances it sets a good example because it makes everyone known that they all hold an equal stake in society. When people understand that their religious beliefs are irrelevant in the public sphere then the best and brightest will always be more willing to contribute their personal talents for the greater good.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
27 Dec 2012 /  #17
The best way to protect the rights of citizens in any nation is for their respective governments and institutions to be solidly secular

And if a politician should begin to speak and act more in regard to their personal faith or only on behalf of members of their faith rather than all members of society then it is matter for voters, political peers, the judiciary, or (as in Turkey)even the military to have them removed from office immediately.

All this stuff is so sophomoric.

The reason it causes me to wince so is that it reminds me of things I once said and believed in. For example, it seems like many centuries ago, I used to be consider myself an atheist.

Like so many things, a lot of these ideas are just old clothes I outgrew. I put away that juvenalia, that academic disdain of religion, that feeble air of vanity that makes people pretend to find what they claim to be "errors in logic."

Who believes man is a logical creature or would say such vain things?

Angry young teenage fools.

I grew up. I became a man. I developed perspective. All these things fell away from me as the vain delusions of when I was a young boy.

Secular systems of thought revolve around the notions of man's better angels. The truth is that man has no better angels and any idiot who puts his trust in such things is bound to come to a bad end. It could be in a market in the village of Turin. Or you could kneel in the desert like Madalyn Murray O'Hair. Or you could waste away in some nihilist sump of purposelessness, dying the worst death of all which is ennui.

Secular people come to a bad end, no matter what happens. Even if God didn't exist, I suspect they would still come to a bad end. Ultimately, their lives always seem to be the cosmic joke pulled on them.

Nietszche is only one of thousands of examples I could come up with. The entire French Revolution.

It would appear the universe is hardwired to backfire on such people. It sometimes only becomes obvious when the whole spectrum of their lives is available for review.

Of course, most "Christians" come to a bad end as well. Sometimes a very bad end, like smoothie guzzlers Jim Bakker and Ted Haggard. One could say that the closet secularist comes to the worst end of all- which is exactly what Jim Bakker and Ted Haggard were, certainly. Closeted atheists.

Their lives and words are in vain.
18 Sep 2015 /  #18
Merged: Polish children taken away from parents in Norway - social experiment?

There is an institution on Norway called "Barnevernet" which claims to support children and do things for the well-being of these children. There are many known cases of immigrants in Norway (many of them from eastern europe, Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Russia) from which the Barnevernet takes the children away from their parents and gives them to other families , homosexual adoptive "parents" or they keep the children under "Barnevernet" custody (see links below).

How is Norway allowed to take away foreign children from foreign parents? and it seems that governments from where those children are citizen do not care.

There are cases where Barnevernet allows the parents to see their children once in 6 months and does not allow the parents to speak their native tongue with them, only Norwegian. This goes for long time, until the children lose any emotional connection to their biological parents.

The children are taken away from their biological parents due to nonsense excuses, such as "the parents sleep with their children" (which is tabu in Norway), "the family is too traditionalist" (meaning the family does not give the change to their child to grow up with gender-thinking). Or even a neighbor who does not like you, can call Barneveret on a false allegation that the parents are "mistreating" their children without any proof and hesitation, Barneveret will take the children immediately away from their parents.

Honestly, I think this is some kind of social experiment they are doing, they take the children away from their parents and these are turned into "norwegians" (it means, gender-aware, emotionless, with no empathy, cold-faced like a zombie who will protect above all the so called. "welfare state")

There are cases like that in countries like Germany as well where the jugendamt takes away children from their parents., but in Germany such a thing is not as radical as in Norway, or not yet. I recently heard, something like that is also starting in Poland. What happens in Norway, is it social experiment which is being prepared for all Europe? In which children can be taken away easily from their parents, if the parents are in "non-compliance" with the state and the system.



19 Sep 2015 /  #19
It is nothing new, this kind of thing happens all over the world and has happened for decades, in some cases so paedophiles can have the child they wanted.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
19 Sep 2015 /  #20
the problem might be cultural rather than some sinister plot to remove children from immigrants.
For example it is totally illegal to hit a child in Norway. whereas parents from the Baltic states might think a slap is OK...
So misunderstandings will occur.

Also your statement of

" How is Norway allowed to take away foreign children from foreign parents? "

is just silly. so are you saying that unless a child has Norwegian parents, they are not entitled to state protection from violent alcoholic parents?
19 Sep 2015 /  #21
Most of the cases are the children are taken away form good parents. However on the norwegian point of view, they are "too traditionalist" or it is claimed that they were "mistreated" on false allegations.

Take a look to the videos I posted.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Sep 2015 /  #22
Most of the cases are the children are taken away form good parents. However on the norwegian point of view, they are "too traditionalist" or it is claimed that they were "mistreated" on false allegations.

Or more accurately, they have no political correctness and will take away a child in danger. If people are too stupid to understand that Norway has zero tolerance towards "pathology" at home, then they deserve all they get.

Having said that, curiously, Norway isn't a signatory of the Hague Convention.
beaware2  2 | 9  
19 Sep 2015 /  #23
People like you are the ones to blame for a system like that.

The idea is to take away the children from the parents and break any emotional bounds with them and get them programmed by the state. By this way, they will have docile servants which will continue with the nonsense.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Sep 2015 /  #25
The idea is to take away the children from the parents and break any emotional bounds with them and get them programmed by the state. By this way, they will have docile servants which will continue with the nonsense.

I've got a tinfoil hat here. Only used by a few PF posters, and only comes in a (very) small size.

What usually happens in Norway is that the parents claim one thing, but the relevant agency is prohibited by law from sharing details of what actually happened. So the usual story - poor "Eastern" European parents claim that they did nothing wrong, but everyone knows that they were beating the child or worse.
beaware2  2 | 9  
19 Sep 2015 /  #26

Assuming that is truth, which I doubt, the children should be given to the relatives of the parents and not to homosexual adoptive "parents". The children are citizen of a foreign country, Norway has no right whatsoever to do what they please

There was one case of a child who told to her teacher in school that her mother "took away" from her one of her teeth. When the mother wanted to pick up her child, barnevernet already took away the child from the mother and until now, the mother has not gotten the custody back.

Moreover there are the testimonies of those children one they grow up and accuse barnevernet of their kidnap from their parents.

There is a case of a polish "kidnapper" to takes away children from barnevernet and brings them back to their biological parents. A real hero.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Sep 2015 /  #27
Assuming that is truth, which I doubt, the children should be given to the relatives of the parents and not to homosexual adoptive "parents".

What, and put them at further risk of harm?

and not to homosexual adoptive "parents".

So it's an issue of homophobia, then.

The children are citizen of a foreign country, Norway has no right whatsoever to do what they please

Bwahahaa. When has that ever stopped Poland from turning a blind eye to the kidnapping of foreign children?

There was one case of a child who told to her teacher in school that her mother "took away" from her one of her teeth. When the mother wanted to pick up her child, barnevernet already took away the child from the mother and until now, the mother has not gotten the custody back.

That's what the mother claimed. What was the real story? No-one is ever going to say "oh yeah, I beat the crap out of my child and knocked one of her teeth out", are they?

Moreover there are the testimonies of those children one they grow up and accuse barnevernet of their kidnap from their parents.

Of course they do. Haven't you heard of Stockholm Syndrome?

There is a case of a polish "kidnapper" to takes away children from barnevernet and brings them back to their biological parents. A real hero.

What kind of hero subjects a child to immense trauma?

A real hero would stay in Poland and work to stop child abuse here.
Ironside  50 | 12951  
19 Sep 2015 /  #28
Norway authorities have a history of abducting children from their parents. In the 50' they used to take children from Gypsies, about 70% of girls taken from their parents have been sterilized.

This country doesn't strike me as a very tolerant place.

is just silly. so are you saying that unless a child has Norwegian parents, they are not entitled to state protection from violent alcoholic parents?

Sure roz, move to Norway and **** off a neighbor and see how fast your children are gone based on one phone call with false allegations.

I think atmosphere in Norway would improve if a few hundred thoued of refugees from Muslim countries moved there, they would see how taking children off parents end up with few heads chopped off, bureaucratic heads.

So the usual story - poor "Eastern" European parents claim that they did nothing wrong, but everyone knows that they were beating the child or worse.

Mentality of a "western" European knave has spoken - authorities are always right! They have to have a good reason for their actions.

taking children form their parents is a radical measure not to be taken lightly, seems in Norway it is a standard, everyday response.
beaware2  2 | 9  
19 Sep 2015 /  #29
What, and put them at further risk of harm?

They were never at risk.

Anyway, let's stop arguing , you will only continue to defend what is wrong and trying to give arguments to justify that.

oh vey, we both know why you do that.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Sep 2015 /  #30
Norway authorities have a history of abducting children from their parents. In the 50' they used to take children from Gypsies, about 70% of girls taken from their parents have been sterilized.

Wasn't that common all over? I seem to recall reading about the Czechoslovaks doing the same thing.

This country doesn't strike me as a very tolerant place.

No, it isn't. Norway is seen as very much "our way, or get lost". A bit like Poland, really.

Sure roz, move to Norway and **** off a neighbor and see how fast your children are gone based on one phone call with false allegations.
I think atmosphere in Norway would improve if a few hundred thoued of refugees from Muslim countries moved there, they would see how taking children off parents end up with few heads chopped off, bureaucratic heads.

Oh IS... you really believe that these poor psychotic Polish parents didn't do anything?

Mentality of a "western" European knave has spoken - authorities are always right! They have to have a good reason for their actions.

I rather trust Norwegians in their own country over some frankly demented foreigners. Haven't you noticed that almost all of these "victims" look exactly like a stereotypical child abuser?

taking children form their parents is a radical measure not to be taken lightly, seems in Norway it is a standard, everyday response.

They are heavy handed, and I don't think anyone can deny that. I'd personally prefer that they go to the parents and invite them to leave the country - it's a far cleaner way of doing things. A simple explanation that their values (beating children) isn't compatible with Norwegian values and hence they're no longer welcome would do the trick.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Polish families are urged to establish themselves in Norway : Taking children away?Archived