eddyjacobsen 1 | 1
23 Dec 2012 / #1
New catholic action between Poland and Norway next year...
The initiative has been taken for the fact that present government is islamisations Norway in huge and speedy frequency, that will destroy the Christian tradition and culture of Norway, that is very much similar to the Polish culture and tradition, and Poles have always been welcome to Norway
Now we are setting up an "action process" to stop present government, the Stolenberg-govenment, from continue the de-Christianising of the country, by urging Poles families and Catholics as such, to establish themselves in Norway, in masses
Check it out and think about it
PS.: The situation of the split-ups of families by present government is of such terrible destruction, that parents now apply to the few Catholic schools there are in Norway, for their children, so the siblings are not separated from each-other, as is the devious common place now, under this government, that is truly an anti-family government
Google polestonorwayaction - or youtube
The initiative has been taken for the fact that present government is islamisations Norway in huge and speedy frequency, that will destroy the Christian tradition and culture of Norway, that is very much similar to the Polish culture and tradition, and Poles have always been welcome to Norway
Now we are setting up an "action process" to stop present government, the Stolenberg-govenment, from continue the de-Christianising of the country, by urging Poles families and Catholics as such, to establish themselves in Norway, in masses
Check it out and think about it
PS.: The situation of the split-ups of families by present government is of such terrible destruction, that parents now apply to the few Catholic schools there are in Norway, for their children, so the siblings are not separated from each-other, as is the devious common place now, under this government, that is truly an anti-family government
Google polestonorwayaction - or youtube