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Europe: Influence of Warsaw would rise, while influence of Brussels must drop?

Crow  154 | 9260  
19 Jan 2011 /  #1
Influence of Warsaw in Europe would rise, while influence of Brussels must drop. i am absolutely convinced that situation in Europe moving in this direction.

Why? Its simple. Brussels (or even any major city situated in what is geographical Western Europe) would always represent interests of solely Western Europe, while Warsaw of Poland may be understand as Western, Eastern and Central European symbol. Furthermore, Poland is eventually major Slavic power in Europe and as we all know Slavs represent most numerous ethnicity in Europe. Not to mention natural resources concentrated under control of governments in Slavic countries. So, Slavs would seek for satisfaction of their unique interests and Warsaw is here only solution if we want to see Europe united in common economic interests.

All in all, day would come for Warsaw to become crucial center of EU business and politics. i look forward to that day with great hope
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
19 Jan 2011 /  #2
Bring Warsaw pakt back, but as an economy pakt rather than weapon pakt. When it is economy, Crow, utopic things such as ethnicity, religion, etc lose their values. Poland already experienced in capitalism like many other countries for centuries as well as some little experience about social economy badly handled by Russian Soviets, it won't be surprise if Warsaw pakt can do better than Europe today and than former Soviets. Real sector of Poland is already in better stiuation than the rest of West.
Stu  12 | 515  
19 Jan 2011 /  #3
Real sector of Poland is already in better stiuation than the rest of West

You conveniently forget to mention that this is due to the fact that Poland is the number 1 recipient of EU-grants.
OP Crow  154 | 9260  
19 Jan 2011 /  #4
When it is economy,

we speak of fact that all Europeans have right to satisfy their economic interests. That include Western, Southern, Eastern and Northern Europeans. That include all particular interests. i just said that Warsaw symbolize those interests better then Brussels.
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
19 Jan 2011 /  #5
EU gave grants for free? EU gave grants and they got some real products in return.
Lets say they gave it for free. If so, then, EU can join Warsaw pakt then considering grants were investment on social economy. Poland have been working.
Stu  12 | 515  
19 Jan 2011 /  #6
and they got some real products in return

Such as ... ?! Motorways in Poland, other infrastructural building works, school exchanges, ..., ... ? Really helps the rest of Europe, I'm sure ... :S.
sascha  1 | 824  
19 Jan 2011 /  #7
Actually a good idea. It would be decentralizing the EU Schaltzentrale in Brussels and faster access for everyone who needs.

Balance is always a good thing. :-)
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
19 Jan 2011 /  #8
Stu, you are from another EU country? I guess, you live in Poland already. So, you are already utilizing those motorways etc.
Stu  12 | 515  
19 Jan 2011 /  #9
Before you ask stupid questions, NomadatNet, just have a look at my profile, okay ... it's all there for everybody to see.
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
19 Jan 2011 /  #10
It is not my habit to look at profiles when talking people. So, you are from NL and live in Wroclaw? This can be a stupid question if I ask you if you are getting double salary.
Stu  12 | 515  
19 Jan 2011 /  #11

It's rather impossible to live in WRO when I am an officer in the Dutch armed forces, now isn't it? How about I live in the Netherlands and have an apartment in WRO together with my wife and I go there every so often. Therefore, there is no question of a double salary either.
OP Crow  154 | 9260  
20 Jan 2011 /  #12
most powerfull alliance in the whole world (which actually didn't have balls to put any ground forces on Serbian soil.)

when you mentioned.

There was on Serbian TV few days ago,... talk of some political/military experts in case with NATO attack on Yugoslavia/Serbia in 1999. Somebody mentioned that in case of ground invasion on Serbia NATO expected some 2000 NATO solders dead (!) every day (!) (nobody said anything about predicted losses on Serbian side). That is main reason why USA convinced Britain to abandon idea of ground invasion. i wasn`t surprised when heard that actually Britain was `first hawk` that desired ground invasion on Serbia. It reminded me on English schemes with Turks in time when Poles and Russians pledge to support our liberation. English (and French!) elite wanted prolonged occupation of Serbia by Turks while Poles and Russians wanted to see free and strong Serbia.
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
20 Jan 2011 /  #13
It's rather impossible to live in WRO when I am an officer in the Dutch armed forces, now isn't it? How about I live in the Netherlands and have an apartment in WRO together with my wife and I go there every so often. Therefore, there is no question of a double salary either.

Then, you make money in the Netherlands and spend it in Poland. So, your home is Poland then. So, it is normal to spend money for environment such as motorways, etc in your home, that I called renewed Warsaw pakt, with social economy rather than weapon economy that was the case like in Soviets.
OP Crow  154 | 9260  
24 Mar 2011 /  #14
Poles and Serbians singing Polish anthem in Belgrade

Serbia - Polska 21.11.07 - Hymn Polski

as i said, as we Serbians hope, influence of Poland rising

Visegrad: A New European Military Force


On May 12, the Visegrad Group announced the formation of a "battle group" under the command of Poland. The battle group would be in place by 2016 as an independent force and would not be part of NATO command.

sascha  1 | 824  
17 May 2011 /  #15
Visegrad: A New European Military Force
May 17, 2011

If this project succeeds it's probable that maybe some other countries might wanna join in order to have their voice, rather than if being member in nato to be just used.

Interesting is the geographic formation. Looks like a small belt, almost like a buffer zone... ;)
OP Crow  154 | 9260  
17 May 2011 /  #16
If this project succeeds it's probable that maybe some other countries might wanna join in order to have their voice, rather than if being member in nato to be just used.

exactly. Serbian parliament already declared its military neutrality on global military alliances. But, Visegrad isn`t global alliance. Its has rather regional character and sound very interesting to Serbians

Interesting is the geographic formation. Looks like a small belt, almost like a buffer zone... ;)

Visegrad Group (actually Centroslavia) would be with time seen, by powers of western Europe, Russia and USA, as nice compromise, civilization (group) that emerging as tampon zone between antagonized civilizations of Russia and so called west.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 May 2011 /  #17
Crow, it's highly wishful thinking to assume for a moment that the EU will throttle back. It's like an overgrown octopus whose tentacles spread everywhere. From seminal court cases to downright belligerence, they have pushed the profile of Brussels right up. Warsaw is full of panderers, Crow. They bow to Brussels. Kowtowing galore!
17 May 2011 /  #18
I was told by a Polish interpreter living in Brussels that there have already been feasibility studies on such a proposal of a future move, and whether it is bullpoo or not, it is not the first time I have heard this from Brussels.

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